Everything Goes Wrong

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"There's someone outside. A priest."

"Stay here, Pol. Stay here. Don't do anything. Rioney, to the roof, go. If they kill me, kill them."

Quickly I went to the upper floor, hoping they had a balcony to go up with, but they hadn't and the stones of the walls of the building became slippery. Climbing to the top, I almost slipped myself and hoped I could pull myself right on time. I rushed to the other side of the building and watched Tommy standing by the car window.

"We have your son."


The next thing the priest had said I couldn't hear properly and Tommy had continued the demanded conversation in the priest's car. I somehow was afraid of losing Tommy as well and no matter what kept him in my sight. The priest had drove off with Tommy stepping devastated out of his black car. I could see the defeat from above in his eyes and I immediately went down when he asked me to come inside again, saying the guards would watch out. I had made it safely to the ground and had walked in, spotting my mother, Ada and Tommy discussing.

"Where's Linda?"

"With Esme." Arthur stated and I waved at him, I hadn't noticed him in here a few second ago. Tommy meanwhile was soaking wet and dripped all over the floor because of the rain and John stepped foot inside.

"Esme's waters broke. I was just with her, running around fucking broke her waters."

"Where's Finn?"

"Out with the young'uns looking for the Riley. We couldn't reach him."

"I need to know who spoke. Our enemies know everything. Everything. I need to know who spoke about business outside of the family. I need to know who spoke and who they spoke to. Now."

"Tommy..." Suddenly Arthur had cut him off and it made me wonder why he exactly acted so suspicious.

"Your wife, Arthur?"

"I'm gonna tell myself that you're not thinking straight. Your mind's not clear."

"Wait!" Out of nowhere everybody started to look at me in hate, thinking it was me and I just shook my head. "I'm an assassin, I swore to shut my mouth, can't be me or else he's aloud to kill me! The thing is... Tommy is right. We have to find everybody, everybody. Leaving no one behind and not only to find someone who is truly guilty, but also because we can't lose more men."

"Rioney is right! Esme getting cash for cocaine, John?" Tommy continued talking and I just rolled my eyes. This was going to be a long evening.


"All of a sudden, back in the family, Ada, eh? That's a surprise. Out of the blue. On whose orders?"

"Tommy, this is not helping find him." My mother disappointingly spoke up while Ada looked with hurt and disgust towards Tommy. I couldn't blame him, he had lost his only son, the only thing he truly loved more than anything else.

"And you and your painter? You said he knows you. Things developed. You talked. If anyone talked about the tunnel to anyone else, I need to know, and I need to know this second!"

"What about your clay kickers?" John asked stubbornly.

"Mmhuh." Arthur had John's back while John licked his lips, seeing if Tommy had the answer to that.

"Drunk in a pub."

"I trust those men with my life."

"And what about us?" I furrowed my eyebrows meanwhile pointing at him. "You don't trust us enough?"

"Yeah!" Tommy confirmed and Arthur patted me on the back, signing he trusted me and the rest. "As of an hour ago, yes."

"Where's Michael in this fucking line up anyway?"

"You leave Michael out of this."

"Oh, yeah?"

"He should be here, like his sister is."

"I fucking don't even know him. How long you fucking known him? Fucking three years?"

"No he's not gonna be your whipping boy."

"I don't even fucking know the boy." I loudly sighed, clearly done with all the arguing and false accusations of people of doing shit that they probably were to stupid to do. I didn't know these people that well, John was right, they didn't have to trust me and Michael or the other way around, but hell they could have a little bit of faith. I see them as my family and we should have stayed strong together like families should, helping each other instead of debating whether they did it or not. I swear if they keep going like this I would hunt that spy down myself without them even knowing I will.

"I never told Michael about the Lilies of the Valley. The only people I told about the Fabergé eggs are in this room." Suddenly my eyes shot up and my mind filled with thoughts.

"Tommy, I want you to know that I came back for love. And common sense." Ada quickly left the room and I couldn't believe my own head.

"And Esme's got no need for extra cash."

"You bring my wife into this. Means we speak when this business is done."

"Tommy can we talk?" I nervously lowered my head, not sure whether to tell him or not.

"Not now Rioney... John, Arthur, I need 50 sticks of BSA dynamite, 300 yards of cable and 6 detonators by midday tomorrow. This is evidence. I need you to scatter it. We're blowing up a train and people are going to die." Tommy pushed me aside like I was some sort of fucking annoying piece of paper that was left on the wrong desk and he instead talked with my mother about a subject I was to irritated to listen to. Then out of a sudden Finn walked in. My mind was in the clouds and I couldn't hear probably what he had said, the only thing I could think about was Alfie, who had screwed us over. Again.

"Put 4 cans of petrol in the boot of my car and bring it around. And put cigarettes and a lamp in the box. And fetch Michael. I need him." Tommy ordered and Finn left again with me already afraid of what Tommy knew had happened.

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