Once Upon A Time One shots On...

By PiperThorn

192K 2.7K 599


The Girl
♡Request page♡
Mommy part 2
Felix x Reader
Felix x Child reader
Child Reader x Lost Boys
Henry x Male! Reader
Henry x Male! Reader Part 2
Child Reader x Regina
Hook x Rachel
Killian/Hook x Pirate Reader!
Killan/ Hook x Pirate! Reader part 2
Henry x Blind! Reader (Colors)
Pan x Twin Male! Readers
Charming x Teen! Reader
I Want To Stay (Henry's sister)
OUAT& Descendants 2 Crossover
Snow and Charming x Teen Reader
Pan x Drawing!Female! Reader
Gold & Belle x Rebel Teenager!
Rumbelle x Rebal!Teen Part 2
PETER PAN X-Mas Special
Little Girl (Pan x Child Reader)
Little Girl Part 2
You don't scare me (Pan x Child! Reader)
You don't scare me Part 2
You don't scare me part 3
Please don't hurt him (Pans Sister)
Belonging Regina x Twins!
Request Regina x Daughter
Regina x Reader Part 2
Go with me (Henry x OC)
Pan x Ari Request
Pan x Sawyer Request
Sawyer part 2
Angelica x Killian Request!
I'm Sorry
Hook x Reader
Areils Twin sister
Hey Guys
Welp here we go
Mr. Hyde x Female Reader!
Dr. Whale x MALE! Request
Pans sister request
Killian Request
Pan x (Y/N) X Hades
Pan x (y/n) x Hades Part 2
Pan x OCD!Child!Reader
I was tagged
Henry x Reader Request
Young!Bealfire x Young!Fem!Reader
Hyde x Reginas Daughter! Reader! Request
Hercules x Reader Request!
CJ x Felix request!
Reader x Pan in Henrys body
Pan in Henrys body Part 2
Peter x Snows Daugher Request!
Rumplestiltskin x Odette
Male! Reader x Jack Sparrow
Pan x Reader
Belle's daughter x Rumple
Fly high Maddie
Henry x reader request
Henry and Pregnant! Violet
Henry x Violet part 2
Reader x Prince Charming Request!
Archie Soulmate AU
archie Soulmate AU Part 2
Felix x Insecure!Reader
Emma x Regina
Important update
Broken arm
Mr.Gold x Daughter!Reader
Killian x Dark Ones Daughter!
Killian x Dark One's Daughter Part 2

Felix x Alec Request!

419 5 3
By PiperThorn

Thank you for the request AlecNightmareBoi ! I hope that you like it! Also, thank you everyone that has made a request if it isn't up yet I'm trying to get everyone's done in a timely manner and I know that they take a while to write but thank you everyone who is being patient and has a request they are waiting on. Thank you!


Alec POV

Felix and I were walking in the woods when all of a sudden Felix turned to me causing me to stop walking. "We need to tell Pam about the two of them" I nodded at Felix and we started walking again. My mind started to wander to the events earlier that day.

'"Alec! I need you and Felix to lead some of the lost boys to go and get Henry from Greg and Tamara!" "Okay, Pan." I turned around to look at Felix ''You ready to go?" He gave me a smile before answering "'Always' ' we started walking to the meeting spot that we gave the two idiots that we hired who didn't like magic. If only they knew what the island is made of. When we made it to the spot they weren't here yet so we came up with a game plan. "Okay, Felix and I are going to stay on the ground and will greet them when they get here. The rest of you need to wait for the signal to show up. Am I clear?" Everyone nodded and we waited in the bushes for them to arrive while doing so I started to flirt with Felix cause for whatever reason the kid will occasionally flirt back. After a few minutes and terrible pickup lines, the two arrived and we went out to meet them. After killing them and getting the boy to go to Pan we started walking back to camp leading us to the current situation.'

When we got back to camp Pan was just arriving with the boy, causing me to smile a little bit. "Alec, Felix there you are!" We both nodded at Pan before he continued his game with Henry trying to gain his trust, Felix went to the tree where we had target practice and leaned against it while I went up to Pan and Henry. "Pan why don't you have him play a game?" Henry looked at me "What kind of game?" I motioned for him to get up while all the boys lined up by the tree Felix was at. "It's called target practice and it's simple really." I started "All you have to do is shoot the apple off of Felix's head and you can go home." Pan said, smiling like a maniac. Henry nodded and took the crossbow. "I can't, I don't want to." He said after getting the bow. "Go on shoot it." Pan pushed knowing the boy would more likely shoot at him and not the apple. And just as predicted Henry went to shoot Pan, after this the boys dispersed and Pan left with Henry in tow. So I went up and stole the apple from Felix and ran off with my prize.

Felix's POV

After Henry shot Pan I took the apple off my head and watched as the boys went different ways and Pan disappeared with Henry. So as I was about to take the opportunity to eat my apple Alec stole it from me and took off. I chuckled and shook my head 'that boy is going to be the death of me.' I sat on my log by the fire that one of the boys had started and stared into it thinking about Alec. My thoughts drifted to the first time that I met him. He was such a spitfire kid who wanted nothing more than to piss me off. I later figured out that the kid was flirting with me so as to entertain myself I started flirting back and along the way, I became 'overprotective' as Pan likes to put it. "Elix! FELIX!" I snapped out of my thoughts only to come face to face with a pissed off Pan. "Yes, Pan?" "Where's Alec?" That caught my attention really quickly. "What do you mean he was on his way to his hut last I saw." "He's missing and we can't find him I know he's on the island but not where." I quickly got up and started to help look for him. Knowing that being alone in the dark would be the last thing that Alec would do confuses me even more. "I got something!" I turned to Devon who was also looking for Alec. I ran over to where Devon is and saw that he had a note in his hands, "Read it, Devon." Pan says looking bored, "It says that Emma and the others are only going to give Alec back if we give them Henry." I looked at Pan. "We can't give them Henry Pan." "I know that Felix but we can't go and get Alec back right now, it's late and Alec can hold his own." I nodded not believing what I was hearing from Pan. As I was walking away from both of them I was making a plan of action knowing that Pan wasn't going to help me.

Alec POV

"You know that taking me was a bad idea right?" I asked Emma and the group. "Can it kid they'll come for you and when they do we'll be ready." "How so?" I asked knowing that it was pointless for them to even have a plan. "Not sharing kids with our luck you're close with Pan." I laughed "Something like that I suppose." They left me after I said that, 'They seriously just left a kid who knows Peter Pan and hates them all alone, with only a rope around my wrists and ankles to stop me?' i started looking around to see if I could make it out of here without being stopped or at least be able to send a message to Pan. "You know trying to escape won't work right?" I looked at Killian and rolled my eyes. "What do you want, Hook?" He winced "Let's not go by old names, it's just Killian now." I laughed "Why? Can't stand the memory that goes with the name or is it because your girl is watching us and you don't want her to know about all the bad things that you did while you were here?" He chuckled "How about you don't call me Hook and I won't call you little one?" my eyes widened "Alright Killian I'll play, so what do you want?" Killian chuckled "So Pan still doesn't know does he?"

Pan's POV

"So Pan still doesn't know does he?" I stopped in my tracks before teleporting to Felix "Found him." We teleported to the spot that Hook is at. "So you can find Hook but you can't find a group of people on the island?" Felix asked, looking quite mad. "I knew where the group was. I just needed to make sure that it wasn't the Indians or just a group of shadows on the island." He hummed in response while I turned my attention to Hook in front of me.

Narrators POV (Sorry for all the changes)

As Felix and Pan watched Killian and Alec, Emma and the group were also watching the scene that was happening. "What's it matter to you if he doesn't know, you aren't even supposed to know about that," Alec said hoping that Killian wasn't talking about what he thought that he was. While everyone else excluding Felix was confused about the sentence. Killian simply chuckled and looked at the 17-year-old. "So Felix and you are finally an item?" Hook asked while Alec shook his head 'no' "Again what's this got to do with anything Killian?" Alec said not wanting to talk to Killian about the topic. "That's a shame considering that you're the only person that I see that can make Felix happy. You know when I met the two of you I knew that there was something about the two of you that was special. Being in the real world during a time that two men being together is okay really changed my look at the two of you. I know now that you two aren't just flirting and I think that you know that as well. You should really just tell him how you feel before he just stops. I mean that's what the last one did, and you hated that." Alec nodded knowing that Killian was right, Pan however was confused as he should have known that the two weren't just flirting with each other. Regina, Snow, Emma. Charming and Gold and Neil were confused so they decided to make themselves known to the two. This made Felix want to go out in the field faster. Pan however stopped him allowing the group to approach the two others. "Kid what's he talking about and why hasn't anyone come for you?" Emma asked, not understanding what was being talked about. Alec rolled his eyes, "You know you really shouldn't expect a lot of people to come and get me really only Felix and Peter would come for me. As for the rest of the question if you need to know. I like Felix and it's just that simple however, he's a guy and doesn't realize that that's what's going on and if he does he's damn good at hiding it." Alec explained. "The nickname. You flinched at it. Why?" Gold said, making the boy flich again. "It's a name that Felix uses for the boy but having it come from anyone else makes him relive that day. And Gold before you ask I'll explain it two you. Once the two others stop hiding and come out of the woods. So Felix, Pan why don't you come out and join us?" Killian said knowing that the two were in the woods. Both boys came out of the wood, and once they joined the rest of the group Felix went and cut Alec free, pulling the younger into him he held him against his chest making the younger relax and everyone except Killian became even more confused. Including Pan. "Now as I was saying, the nickname was used against Alec when he was taken by some of my men. I didn't order them to but they kidnapped Alec and they called him pet names till he flinched at one, unfortunately, they used it while beating him, so now when it is said by others it sends him back to that day. However, the amount of trust that he has for Felix is so strong that it doesn't affect him the same way as everyone else saying it does." Everyone nodded before it finally came to the group that Pan and Felix had the only leverage that they had. "Before you try killing us," Pan said, waving his hand. Henry stepped out of the smoke confused before running to Emma and Regina. "I already got what I needed from him, I seriously only needed his belief." The trio disappeared leaving the group in the woods. When they appeared at camp Alec was still in Felix's arms. "Alright explain now." Pan demand. "We're together and simple as that," Felix said. He looked down at Alec. "How about we go to bed now?" Alec nodded and Felix picked him up and walked out heading to his treehouse. When Felix got there he put both Alec and himself into sleep clothes before laying Alec in the bed first, joining him shortly after. They both went to bed happy knowing that the light in their dark worlds was next to them. But not before Felix whispered "I love you, little one. I love you so much that thinking about you being hurt scares me so much that I don't even know how to explain it. Good night." "I love you too, Felix" 

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