Polaroid | ᴛᴏᴅᴏʀᴏᴋɪ sʜᴏᴛᴏ

By -aerinicolettepark

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Polaroid Todoroki Shoto x oc Kaneki has a camera, and she's capturing Hearts with it. Kaneki Akira a half Gh... More

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375 16 2
By -aerinicolettepark

She was surprised when she didn't see the two toned haired male anywhere when she arrived at the section where Class A sat. Akira, confusedly walked towards where Momo and Jiro sat.

Upon seeing the purple haired girl when she turned her head, Momo waved at Akira smiling slightly as she reached them.

"Yo" the gray eyed girl greeted. "Any seats taken?" She asked

Jiro shook her head "Unfortunately, but Todoroki reserved a seat for you," the short haired girl patted the two seats in front of them.

"He left to get a breather and prepare himself for the upcoming matches, he told us to save these seats for you and him."

Akira nodded in understanding, "I see, that's why he's nowhere to be seen" she plopped in one of the seats and leaned back to relax "thanks" she told the two girls as they watched the recreational activity commence.


A little while later, the hero Cementoss started to create the stage for the one on one battles.

"Almost finished." The hero's said.

"Thanks Cementoss!" Cheered Present Mic.

Akira felt some weight sit down beside her she tilted her head to glace at however it was only to sigh in relief seeing the familiar split hair color of Shoto.

"Hey," he greeted, she replied with a short hum, crossing her arms.

"Hey guys are you ready?!" Exclaimed the ever so loud voice hero. "You've been through hell to get here!! But now it's time for the one on one tournament!"

"Glad to see you out of that showy outfit." Shoto commented.

"It's not that showy, it's flexible." Akira shrugged. "But I'm glad to be back in my PE uniform, it's just as comfortable as my pyjamas." she remarked.

The corners of the stage in front blew out fire as the crowd goes wild cheering.

"Hey Everyone! The anticipated final event is finally about to begin!" Present Mic announced earning more cheers from the crowd.

"The first round. Making a weird face despite displaying an excellent performance! It's Midoriya Izuku from the Hero Course! Versus, I'm sorry but he hasn't done anything to stand out yet, from the General Studies department, Shinso Hitoshi!"

After introducing the first pair, Present Mic continued to explain how the battles will progress.

"The rule is simple! Win by knocking your opponent out of the ring, immobilizing them or making them give up! Bring the pain, we have Recovery Girl on standby! Fight dirty if you must, "ethics" have no meaning here!"

Akira shook her head and silently laughed "fight dirty you say? Levi is definitely going to dislike that"

"Do you have to reference everything with Attack on Titan?"

"Do you want me to reference in other anime series? I've got a lot in my sleeve"

"On second thought, no thanks, Attack on Titan is already a handful."


The fight had started and Shinso started talking.

Driven to a corner with a comment that irked him, Midoriya fell for the purple haired boy's trap, taking control of his actions and ordering him to walk out of bounds.

"I warned him!" standing abruptly Ojiro exclaimed.

Midoriya was closing on the edge when Shoto stood up from his seat.

"I need to go now."he told Akira "Do you want to come with me?" He asked.

The gray eyed beauty shook her head no and smiled "My match is after yours, so I'll follow after but right now, I want to watch how this plays on." She told him.

Todoroki nodded, turning back and walking towards the waiting room.

It was the last minute when the tables turned.

Using his finger, Midoriya broke free of Shinso's brainwashing or how the author likes to call it "mind control" since it's more fitting; and went back towards the male attacking him physically and avoiding to respond to his questions.

Eventually the greenette overpowered the purple haired male and flipped him out of bounds earning a win for Izuku.

Fortunately it wasn't a win-loose situation because after he the announcement of the victor, Shinso was praised by loads of pro heros he was also encouraged by his classmates.

Akira smiled, making a mental note congratulate the male when she sees him. She then stood up and dusted her lap sheepishly.

"I'm heading off to prep now." She told herself walking out the area and towards the waiting rooms.


The door to waiting room 2 snapped shut as distant footsteps echoed along the quiet halls.

Turning towards a corner, Shoto halted, seeing a familiar flaming figure.

"... You're in my way." He said.

"You disgrace me... Shoto." Said Endeavor his arms crossed and a cross expression in his face.

Seeing as the man was unmoving, the bi-colored haired male continued on his way ignoring the Flame Hero.

"You could've easily won the Cavalry battle and obstacle course if you used your left side. Grow up and stop this childish rebellion. Remember your duty to surpass All Might."

Each word coming from Endeavor's mouth only fuled the rage inside the heterochromatic boy.

"You are different than your siblings!" The flame hero insisted "You are my greatest creation!"

Shoto grits his teeth "That's all you've got to say?" He snarled "I'll win using only mother's power. I will never use your power in a fight."

"Even if that works now, you're still in school but nevertheless, If you failed I'll have your friend Akira and-----"

Shoto stopped in his tracks turning to face his father with a deathly glare.

"Don't you fucking dare drag her into this. Don't even try to get her and me into a Quirk Marriage only for her to be treated like mom. I have a tournament to win if you're here to discuss your shitty ambitions kindly fuck off and leave Akira out."


"The wait is over!! Moving on..." Present Mic announced.

Akira drank from her water bottle eyes on the small television inside the waiting room as Present Mic announced the next battle.

"He is capable, but why can't he get rid of his blandness?!" Present Mic exclaimed making the bluenette snort and almost spit out the water she was drinking.

"Sero Hanta from the Hero Course!"

The camera shifted from Sero who was stretching towards Shoto who was just... Standing there.

"Okay what happened when I'm gone?" Akira murmured as soon as she saw the look on his face.

"Versus! He's a real strong one! Too strong even! Not a surprise from a recommended student, also from the hero course, Todoroki Shoto!"



As soon as the match started, Sero immediately shooted tape towards the two toned haired male and dragged him across the stage like a lifeless doll.


As soon as he felt victorious, Todoroki had promptly placed his right foot into the ground sending a large wave of ice towards Sero at an alarming speed.

The pressure caused the ground to shake and Akira spit out her water as soon as she saw the huge ice spike that covered almost half of the entire arena.

The screen showed Todoroki exhale an icy breath, (it was not his most... attractive angle by the way) he broke free of the tape his right side almost completely engulfed in snow.

"This is a bit overkill..." Whimpered Sero.

"Sero..." Midnight deadpans half her body engulfed in ice. "Can you move?"

"Are you kidding right now?" The black haired boy said "ow-"

"Sero is immobilized, Todoroki moves on to the next round!"

A chorus of "good try," and "nice job" erupted in the crowd directing their pity to the tape quirked male, since he was matched up with an overpowered ice user.

"Sorry," the heterochromatic male apologized. "I was just... Angry."

He started to melt the ice using his left hand.

It was taking painfully long.

"Kaneki Akira, please come to the stadium and help with the ice, thank you." Mr. Aizawa's voice resonates from behind the screen.

Akira smiled weakly. "Right..."


She rubbed her hands together as she made her way towards Shoto and Sero who unfortunately was still stuck in the ice.

Akira approached the two giving them a smile and then placing both her palms on the huge ice spike.

Her hands erupted in flames as the ice started to melt, Akira then decided to merge her fire, water and wind so in a flash, the ice turned to water, but before it could splash on the audience, the water particles evaporated.

Sero looked at her gratefully before slightly limping his way out of the arena still freezing from the cold.

"Are you okay?" She approached Shoto, he grunted turning his back on her muttering. "I was just mad. Good luck on your match."

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