Myth | TaeKook/VKook - (Werew...

By Taekooktrash_tk

1M 50.9K 32.1K

"What are you doing here? Do I know you?", Jungkook rose a brow, sassing on his mate. Taehyung immediately h... More

Chapter # 1
Chapter # 2
Chapter # 3
Chapter # 4
Chapter # 5
Chapter # 6
Chapter # 7
Chapter # 8
Chapter # 9
Chapter # 10
Chapter # 11
Chapter # 12
Chapter # 13
Chapter # 14
Chapter # 15
Chapter # 16
Chapter # 17
Chapter # 18
Chapter # 19
Chapter # 20
Chapter # 21
Chapter # 22
Chapter # 23
Chapter # 24
Chapter # 25
Chapter # 26
Chapter # 27
Chapter # 28
Chapter #29
Chapter # 30
Chapter # 31
Chapter # 32
Chapter # 33
Chapter # 35
Important Note
Chapter # 36
Chapter # 37
Chapter # 38
Chapter # 39
Chapter # 40
Chapter # 41
Chapter # 42
Chapter # 43
Chapter # 44
New Books

Chapter # 34

14K 863 420
By Taekooktrash_tk

The Order, Oracion, Scarlet, and Caithyln were eyeing the boys.

"Don't be too feisty now. We'll see who become whose demise", Samuel snickered.

Suddenly all the five of Oracion scattered around the hall with Caithyln while Order members charged straight on the boys. The Scarlet's started to chanting again. Even though they were chanting something, none of them could hear a word or spell.

"Jungkook", Caithyln called and he eyed her but couldn't see her. "Do you really want to stay with him? The one who abandoned you, the one who tortured you physically and mentally and played with your emotions and feelings? Let us become the guardian of your baby. Let us help you protect your baby. Your mate isn't going to protect him. He will abandon this innocent baby. Don't be cruel like your mate", she said softly, hypnotizing him.

His lens turned blank, ear only catching her voice while she scratch open all his wounds, all the pain he once got through, all the old time he and his wolf suffered. She wasn't lying though. Taehyung never once talk to him properly. He never once clarify why he did all that? Why he hurt him purposely when he too love him?

Or maybe it wasn't love, it was just lust and sex— because Taehyung showed tantrum too when he found out that he was pregnant. So maybe he will abandoned the child and make him forget about the baby. He used the mind trick in the past too. So there's no guarantee that he will not use that in future too.

He didn't knew why but tear sting his eyes. He is giving his all to protect his baby. Actually their baby. He is suffering from pain again because carrying a baby inside his womb is no joke. Only he knows what kind of pain he feels everytime when his body started to turn pale because of his baby who consumes half of his body blood.

Only he knows how it feels to throw up again and again. Only he knows what kind of insomnia he had to go through. Only he knows the pain of bone crackling when he feels that his baby grew again inside of him a little faster than he should. Taehyung knows nothing about it. All they ever did was sex. Nothing more nothing less. They never even talked about future.

And he never said a word about their baby when they talk about future. Or did they?? So is he really going to abandon their child and rewrite his memories?? Noo.. he didn't want to forget about that. He doesn't want to forget the feeling when he found out that he was pregnant. He didn't want to forget when he felt his baby's first kick. He didn't want to forget when felt him moving inside. Just nooo....

He didn't want that... New sets of tear pour down from his eyes and roll down to his cheeks. "That's right Jungkook. Come to me and I'll set you free from the pain you're going through", she whispered.

"Kook don't listen to her she is bitching", Jimin growled. They were scanning the room but Caithyln was nowhere to be seen. She was like omni presence in the room. They could hear her voice but they can't see from where she is talking. "But she is right. Taehyung made out with everyone even when he knew that I was his mate. He hurt me on purpose. He—

"Kook it was us not Taehyung. He never made out with anyone. It was a mind trick. Don't you understand that. All the videos were in dark where his face was never clear. They assume it's him because they all saw him entering the janitor room. The time you thought you saw him making out, it was never him", Jin explained cutting him off.

Taehyung was hurt and angry. Hurt because these bastard made his mate believe that he will abandon their child and made him remember all the things he once suffered through. Angry because he can't find that bitch and he was itching to snap her neck into two.

"Koo.. Babe I only love you and you were my first kiss. I told you that I was the one in jungle who waited for you everyday to come. I have no desire to touch any bitch or hoe. I just want you. I need you Koo", Taehyung said softly.

"If you did love me then why you tormented me on purpose?", Jungkook sniff.

"I told you before Babe that I always believe that I'm a walking destruction. Anything that came in contact with me, perish or simply got hurt. You got hurt once because of me because these bastard attacked you to lure me in and you were on brink of death. I almost lost you once and I never wanted to suffer like that again. This is the reason why that I always came close to you in shadows. But I regret shutting you down.

You made me realize that I'm not a disgrace. That I'm not a monster. That I do deserves happiness and my happiness lies in you. I love you so much and I love our baby too. If I didn't love then why would I even come here in the first place?", Taehyung said softly.

His hyungs were busy fighting the order and Oracion Seis while Jihyun was killing the Scarlett to dull their spell. Jungkook was slowly coming back from this vague he was in. That woman was playing with his senses. Making him believe that his mate is a danger for his soon to be born child.

"He is lying Jungkook. He is here to see whether it's a girl or boy. So that he could decide whether he wants to keep it or throw this fetus away. He is here to see whether you could continue his bloodline or not. He is using you as a tool—

"YOU FUCKING BITCH STOPP", Taehyung howled angrily. Releasing his power aimlessly, making his hyungs to lay down on the ground while the enemies took the strikes. "Taehyung stop loosing control. That's what they want. You'll hurt us too like that", Namjoon said standing again to attack. He was taking deep breaths.

"Koo I will never ever throw away the souvenir of our love. Hell I could never even think about that. She is manipulating so that she could take our baby away from us", Taehyung was pleading his mate while Caithyln was keep whispering to make his senses go numb.

"What the fuck you're doing Tae. Go to his fucking side and Mark him, make him realize what you mean bitch", Jihyun shouted from the other side, angry. Blood dripping from his mouth, hands and clothes were stained with blood. More rogue wolves and vampires came to Jungkook side and eventually Jin and Jimin transformed to fight so that they could protect Jungkook.

Taehyung ran to his side but as he move forward, Jungkook moved backward on his own. Taehyung mumbled something and when he slammed his hand on the ground, a large circle of wind formed around them. Finally her voice stopped, as it couldn't pierced through his power. Outside of the circle, the heavy air gushing sound was deafening enemies ears. All they hear was storm while his hyungs was taking advantage of the situation and killed their enemies mercilessly.

Inside the circle, there was silence. The only sound they both could hear was their breathing. Taehyung lurched forward, taking Jungkook in his arms, his breath was heavy and uneven due to exhaustion. Taehyung hugged him, still careful not to hurt him.

"Jeon Jungkook how could you even imagine that I will abandon our child?", Taehyung whispered softly in his ear, pain evident in his raspy voice. "You never liked the idea of me being pregnant", Jungkook voice cracked as he answered, snuggling more in his mate's chest. No matter what, his mate is his safe heaven. Even after that torture, he feels so calm in his embrace.

"I never liked the idea of you being hurt or being in pain because of me. I wanted to become the reason of your happiness, your joy. I never wanted to become the reason of your pain and suffering. You wouldn't have got pregnant, if it wasn't me. You wouldn't have gone through that torturous knotting, you wouldn't be lying in hospital bed for weeks. Your body wouldn't turn pale and weak. It was all because of me. I was afraid of all this but all this still happened but you gave me courage and strength. And you made me a real man. And I swore to myself that I will protect you and our baby no matter what.

The only thing that I'm afraid of is you stop believing in me and you really giving up on our relationship and our baby. We are blood bonded love. If you'll stay with me, they won't be able to lay a single finger on you but if you let that bitch get the best of you then I'm afraid of the outcome because for me you matters the most. I will forget where I'm and I'll perish this place completely if that's how I can still keep you safe", Taehyung said clutching on him tightly.

Jungkook started sobbing again, "I'm sorry I was afraid that you don't want us and she was playing with my memories", he choked. "H-hyung I'm so tired. I feel dizzy... I wanted to go home.. I'm hungry... I want to sleep. Please let me sleep... My lower region is hurting", Jungkook whispered, voice so slow and shallow.

Taehyung licked a patch on his neck and dug his fangs in his flesh. Jungkook moaned, toe curl in bliss as he release a wet sigh. He licked his mark afterwards. Through the mark, Taehyung made his own emotions flow in younger's body. His pheromones ran in younger's body, making him realize that older loves him and him only. His pheromones calmed his body, assuring him that no matter what, he will protect him and his baby.

"I'll take my babe home soon. Give Hyung 15 minutes", he kissed his forehead and made him lay in mid-air, thanks to his power. He can't make his mate lay on a hard ground right? Jungkook hummed softly. When Taehyung came out from the circle, his eyes were blood red and he was fuming with anger. He linked his hyungs and Jin and Jimin ran with the circle in which Jungkook was in.

Taehyung transformed into his wolf form and without giving them a chance to think he slammed his hand on the ground, making it shake like an earthquake. The ground split into two, submerging his enemies. One by one, Order members were dying while Jihyun was torturing and killing the witches.

Jin and Jimin ran out of the palace, all the while attacking and killing anyone who came across their path. Hoseok, Yoongi, Namjoon and Bogum was busy killing the enemies outside while Taehyung was standing against 5 of them.

"Do you really want to die?", Jason mocked.

"The only one who is going to die today is you. I promise my mate that I'll take him home soon and you know he doesn't like waiting. He will sulk if I didn't took him back home in time", Taehyung drawled.

"Why you—" before Kaido or any of 5 could do anything, Taehyung howled, alarming his hyungs to step back. They all retreated and ran towards the exit.


Sasha was rescuing Taehyung's parents when she saw Mihyuk, "Oh the traitor is behind the cell too", she chuckled.

Mihyuk has his head low. "Guilty?", She rose his brow and he still stayed silent. She sighed, "You know I'm really itching to kill you because this whole shit drama started because of you but since you feel guilty for your actions, I'm giving you a chance. Go and help them", she snapped her fingers and the chain turn into dusk.

He bowed and ran out. Taehyung mother smiled. "Ahh don't look at me with this fondness. I really spare him because of you. If he was in a different cell then I would have killed him", she rolled her eyes and removed her mother's  shackles. She carried her out and after walking for a while, they stopped in front on another cell.

Taehyung father was inside. She removed his shackles and then Taehyung mom hugged his husband, "Our son is alive and he is here", she cried on his chest. "Really?", He asked astonished. And Sasha nodded this time, "We gotta move because I have a battle to participate in. Your baby son is weak and needs my help", she smiled mischievously.

They both smiled. She took them out of the castle and there Mr. Min was standing, waiting for them. "He will take you out from here Sir. I will— she stopped and they all eyed in Castle's direction when they heard Taehyung howling. Soon they saw Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, Bogum, Jin and Jimin running out with Jungkook.

Mr. Min eyes widened when he saw his son. Yoongi froze when his eyes met with his father and Jimin just melted at the view. He knows how good his mate is, in hiding his emotions. Jimin came to his side and nudge his mate to make him move. He bowed his father then and Jimin bowed too.

"Alright I'll join these sap emo moment later. I need to yeet right now. That fuck—" she stopped and changed it with eyeing all the elders around. " That sucker needs me in there", she winked and vanished in thin air making a wall to block all the enemies.


Taehyung was standing in front of them, snarling. "Did you take us as a joke?", Kaido growl and this time instead of answering, he growled, making his lion crest glow. The moment his voice echoed in the chamber, a bright light pierced the ceiling, making the stone crumbled and fall down on the ground.

When they look up, they saw the full moon, but instead of silver shining light, it was red like eclipse. That red light was matching with Taehyung's eyes perfectly. He nodded to Jihyun and before any of them could move, Jihyun trapped Kaido from behind and dug his fangs on his neck, he growled and tried to dig his nails in Jihyun's flesh but failed miserably.

All the other 4 looked at his mate with wide eyes while Taehyung blew wind like knives, shredding him like he was made of paper. Jason shouted angrily, "Where the fuck are you Cat? Help us you fucking bitch". But they received no response. She could sense their end and right now her own life matters to her the most. She tried to run away but before she could escape, a heavy storm like wind blew something off and when it stopped, Caithyln was on the ground, groaning.

"Why so feisty old hag. I want to have fun too", Sasha said coming inside the chamber, dusting her hand. "You fucking dildo", she eyed Jihyun, "You didn't left any bitch for me", she sulked.

"Stop whining you douche bag and finish her off already. My mate is waiting outside", Jihyun sighed, snapping his fingers making the other 4 freeze on their spot.

"Wow you found a penis bitch and you didn't told me. I'm hurt hoe", she fake pouted.

"Ewww that sounds gross. Just say cock or dick or B Jr. Or no wait that's only I could call but yeah after years, I found a manhole for my hole to cover", he flipped his nape hair.

Jason mumbled something and then something like needles flew in their direction, Jihyun dodged it but one touched his biceps, making a scratch. He groaned, "let's chat later. And finish them first", Jihyun glared. Both Sasha and  Taehyung nodded. Taehyung made a water circle while Jihyun pulled Jason in front, he suffocated him with water all the while dodging the other attacks.

Sasha chanted something and so did Caithyln and soon they both disappeared from their sight. Only spark and lights like fireworks lit the sky. It was the only proof that both are facing each other one on one. Meanwhile Taehyung and Jihyun teamed up together. Jihyun distracted them by changing into one of them, confusing them, making them attack each other.

Soon the blood smell polluted in the air. It was mixture of spoiled flesh, ashes and dirt. The palace was shaking because of the enormous power. Stone falling, ground splitting apart, glass shattering and constant screech deafening sound was all that was heard. Sasha halted in mid air and she smirked finally, making Caithyln confused.

But the moment she realized what she had done, it was already too late. She drew a magical circle in mid-air, trapping her and stopping her moves. Neither she could use any magic or defend nor she was able to move from her position.

"In circle of Purity, May all the Sinner be judge. May their souls be punish and perish from the ground"

Moment later Caithyln screamed as a light spark from the inside and like fire, it started burning her. She screamed and beg for mercy but Sasha just smirked, her eyes turned like bright green stone, "Did you showed mercy to my mother when I was inside of her. No you didn't", then she glared with loathed eyes, "I was waiting for this moment, to end you from my own hands".

Her eyes turned double the size, flesh started falling from her body like dead leaves from tree. Soon her body turned into nothing but dust. She went down and with another spell, she sealed 4 of their mouths, stopping them from casting any spell. Taehyung ran to their direction and bit Jason head off throwing it away from his body. He burned his torso and head afterwards.

Jihyun pierced his hand through Samuel chest, clutching his heart in his palm which was still beating in his palm and soon stopped. One after another, they killed them mercilessly and when they were done, Sasha casted the last spell, burning the whole chamber and submerging it into the graveyard. When the three of them came out, Sasha dealt with the remaining rogues.

She saw Mihyuk injured and she was about to burn him when Jihyun stopped him. She sighed and gestured him to join. All the others were waiting outside of the palace. Hoseok and Jimin were bickering with Jin. "Did they always roast each other like that?", Sasha questioned.

"You called this roasting? You gonna enjoy the stay trust me", Jihyun patted her shoulder.

"Finally we can be at peace now", Hoseok threw his fist in the air.

They all nodded, Taehyung immediately ran to Jungkook's side, taking him into his lap. He was slobbering and snoring softly. He smiled and kissed his forehead. Meanwhile Sasha, Bogum and Jihyun joined hands to completely eradicate the palace. They were chanting something together and soon a lime light circle surrounded the entire palace. Jimin, Jin and Hoseok was doing the "wow wow" shit again. Then suddenly Hoseok felt a sharp arrow launched at Jimin's direction, he called out his name but the moment he turned, Hoseok pushed him, resulting both of them to fall on the ground.

Hoseok cough blood. Every eye widened when they saw the arrow pierced through Hoseok chest. He hiss . Yoongi and Namjoon growled, running in the direction from where the arrow came. Jimin cried, "H-ho seok... Please be okay. W-we are going home. Stay a little longer", Jin was crying too. And Taehyung eyes turned red too.

Once again he covered younger with a circle and ran .. Moment later the whole west caught fire and one after another  spark lit the sky.


The mark on Halsey's neck started to hurt and she screamed when it started to burn. When a mate is dying, the mark give the same pain before completely vanishing from the neck. Her eyes brimmed with tears. No his Sunshine could never get dim like that....... "Hoseok please stay strong", she whispered in pain......


A/N: It's almost over. I updated fast again because you all were excited too 👀💜 if you like the chapter please vote and comment, I love you all 💜💜

Any thoughts?? What's going to happen next?? 👀👀

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