Arranged to the Mafia King

By YOLOwriting101

614K 25.1K 8.6K

"I do." Smiling the fake smile I've come to perfect in the last year, I nod as I take hold of the mans hands... More

1. Marrying the King
2. Annoying the King
3. Learning About the King
4. Tattoos with the King
5. Baby Fever for the King
6. Different Side of King
7. Kiss the King
8. Devil & the King
9. To Africa With the King
10. Petty Because of the King
11. Reset With the King
12. 𝖿𝖺𝖼𝗍𝗌 of the Kɪɴɢ
13. Embarrassing Moments with the King
14. Body Betrayal because of the King
15. Makeover For the King
16. Trying With the King
17. Japan With the King
18. Turn of Events With the King
19. Lessons With the King
20. Dreams Of the King
21. Too Much For the King
22. Mystery Of a King
23. Here Comes the King
24. 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘐𝘵 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝙈𝙮 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚
25. A Rat is Caught By the King
26. 𝘔𝘺 𝙑𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 𝘿𝙖𝙮 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝙈𝙮 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚
27. Truth Be Told to the King
28. Meeting the Parents With the King
29. Aide of the King
30. 𝙏𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝙈𝙮 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚
31. Our Titan King
32. Safe With the King
33. Trust From the King
34. Hurt Feelings of the King
35. King on Ice
36. Pain of the Truth for the King
37. 𝙁𝙪𝙧𝙮 𝘉𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝙈𝙮 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚
38. To the First of the Kings
39. Jun King
40. Pain of Me
41. The Making of Us, Two Kings
42. The Start for the Kings
43. If it Hurts You, it Hurts Me
44. Let Me Protect My King
45. King to King
😞 At a Loss Here 😞
46 | I am Titan
48 | Rules Make Friends
49. Trouble is Inevitable
50 | Inappropriate Behavior
51. I Blame You
52 | Understanding Is Key
53. How to Go On
54 | Confess Your Truths
55. Unavoidable Future
56 | Shōdai
57. Cries of Jun
58 | Confrontations of the Heart
59. Fourteen Hours
60 | Ta~shi
61 | Festival Troubles
62 | For the Best
63 | Troubles Here + There
64. Abrupt Actions
65 | Aid + Hurt in Big Ways
66. Who's the King?
67 | Take What's Yours
68 | Confessionals of the Heart
69 | Goodbye
70 | I Want You
71 | The New King
72 | Your Word
73 | A King Has Something to Say
74 | Two Confessions
75 | Opposition
76 | Truth Be Told
77 | Bullets Pierce
78 | Untamed, Vicious King
79 | DNA
80 | Thriller
81 | My Own Plan
82. "Oh...Lulu~"
83. Much To Unfold
84 | Zeus Pt. 1
85 | Zeus Pt. 2
86 | Coupling Too
87. Yes, to You
88 • Jun
89 • Chances

47. Nothing Changed After All

3K 166 88
By YOLOwriting101



"Isn't she pretty in blue Titan?"

I was crouched before the crib that Titan once laid in, seeing him squeeze himself inside with Nolan. His eyes on her, full of love as he stared into her eyes.

"She very pretty."

I look at Gideon, seeing him still crying as Kenji rubbed his back kindly. Trying to calm him down, I knew he wouldn't be calming down. He was too in love with this scene - as was I.

Though Kenji's twins, Hiroto and Sana tried rushing towards us. Alaric holding them back as they kept screeching to be able to see Nolan.

"Daddy down!" Sana screeched at him, and he ended up picking her up as he held a more calmer Hiroto by the hand. I felt bad for him almost because he looked like he wanted to collapse on the ground.

Kenji looked completely entertained by the sight, and I was thankful my kids were calm.

"Alaric it's okay, they can come see her." I tell him, and he shook his head.

"They don't know how to not touch." He groaned, Hiroto pouting as he looked upset by his words. "If I let you two go will you keep your hands to yourself?"

Hiroto and Sana nodded, and that's when he let them go. They ran right to the crib and looked inside, their eyes staring down now. I wasn't worried about them hurting Nolan, but at their age they don't know their strength.

Titan was three years old, Kenji and Alaric's twins were going on two. When I looked at Amor he grinned shyly at Nolan, his father - Henri gazing down at the two of them.

"Titan do you know that the onesie Nolan is wearing - you once wore?" I ask him, and he shook his head fast.

"How can it fit her?" He asked curiously, his hand beginning to caress her face slowly. "I once this tiny too?!"

"Oh, you were tinier." I hear Gideon say, him walking to me as he went on his knees before them. Sitting on his legs, he looked down at me with big smiles.

"Me tinier?" Titan sat up fast, and I became cautious as he rocked the crib a little.

"Yes. Now you are growing very well. Nolan is a little bigger than you, but not that much." Gideon told him, and that's when I guess Hiroto thought he wasn't getting enough attention.

Because he tried climbing into the crib and that upset Titan as he tried pushing him away. That upsetting Hiroto as he smacked Titan - who instantly went quiet when he got hit.

Out of nowhere we see Amor just smack Hiroto on the head, and he instantly screamed. Running away, Kenji looking in shock as Alaric chased after him. I wasn't surprised that he did that, but Titan was the one who really surprised him.

He barely had a reaction to being hit, he just looked surprised.

"Titan you okay?" Amor asked him fast, and Titan nodded. He ended up climbing out of the crib very fast, and we all watched as they just ran away. Sana still being good as she looked at Kenji.

"Ma can I?" She asked him, and he snickered.

"Sana of course you can go." He nodded, and she bolted off. Now we all were in the room, laughing at our kids. I was very happy, beyond happy - if there was the word I could find for that, I would use it.

The mere fact that we could see their personalities beginning to develop was fascinating. I still wondered about one thing...

"Where's Sorrel and Jun?" I ask Gideon, and he frowned. He looked around the room and began to see they weren't in the room. That's when he stood and I picked Nolan up.

"I was certain they'd have been here by now..." He mumbled, leaving Nolan's room as we ended up going down the hall. As we did so we could hear the kids downstairs - a very loud commotion going on. The TV blaring, and I look at him with a smirk.

When we go down we saw Sorrel playing with the kids. A large smile on his face as he played along with their games. Though I saw this Gideon was looking for someone else, Jun.

I tried helping, but didn't see him anywhere around.

"Sorrel where's Jun?" Gideon finally asked, and Sorrel looked at us with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't even get a hello?"

"Hello, Sorrel." Gideon growled at him, and his arms folded to his chest. "How are you?"

"I'm great. Jun is outside, he said it was too loud in here." He snickered because we all knew he was going on being a teenager. It's been four years since we've found him and now he's thirteen...he's acting thirteen too.

It's sad really because he seemed to be bothered by all the kids. Titan...not as much, but the rest - he won't bother interacting with them. He seemed to have growing resentment towards the kids and I felt like I knew why.

Gideon ended up rushing out to the back of the house, and I followed him. Kind of nervous when he opened the door - stopping in his tracks. As I get behind him I could see Jun with his long hair gone, completely cut - as if he has outgrown the Tarzan-look he had going on all this time. His hair still had curls, but his hair was pitch-black...when it was a nice brown before.

"Jun I was worried you didn't come." Gideon chuckled, us walking out as he went to him. Jun looked up at him and his expression didn't change. He was on his phone and had one AirPod in, entertaining me.

"Of course I came." He smiled, and Gideon smiled. "Of course I wanted to come and see you all play with your babies and dote - when I can't even recall ever experiencing that love. I truly wanted to see you love on them while I am this older kid that isn't worth the doting. Totally wanted to come."

Jun snorted, his sarcasm amazing as he glanced at me.

"Oh look, another baby. Congrats, looks like much more attention to be taken away from me. You all are amazing, really." He clapped his hands, only to roll his eyes as he stood up.

Gideon looked down at him in shock because Jun completely changed. It wasn't a goth phase...more like a jealous, envious teenager.

"Jun I'm confused, you already know the story...why are you being this way?" Gideon asked him brokenheartedly, and Jun sneered.

"Look, I get it - we were both lied to. My mom and you were told I was dead - I see; but I've been thinking. You just settled for that? You didn't try looking harder? Search for any answers? I now see what kind of jobs and how important you all are - you all have so much power. Yet you didn't put that power into searching for me. Like...what?" He shook his head in even more annoyance, and I felt bad for him.

He was a sweet and kind nine year old. Was he really sitting with these thoughts for all this time? Because it looks like it has and its festered up into this...anger.

"Jun that - that isn't fair. We were sixteen...still kids ourselves. We believed what we were told because you were weak as it was-."

"So since I'm weak at birth that dictates my ultimate death? Did you not have faith and hope in me as much as you had faith in Titan? He was way worse than me - I heard his story too, mom told me." He snapped, interrupting Gideon completely.

I had to give him props for how much he was testing Gideon's nerve. Knowing Gideon, he'll try his best not to go off on his own son. That'd kill him if he did so.

"Also, you were mean to my mom. I heard about what you've said about me." He points at me, and I felt my face turn red very fast. "Saying you'll have my dad's first son for him - when I was his first! Trying to be rude and say it only counts for him to have my dad's kid if they're alive? Are you insane?"

I didn't know what to say because that was a few years ago... I truly thought that was behind me. I thought Sorrel put it behind him too...but it seems that he made me out to be the bad guy in their son's eyes.

Now the guilt and regret was coming back, very fast. I still held Nolan and she looked up at me lovingly, not seeing me for what I did wrong. Just complete and utter love in her eyes.

"Okay, Jun - one, Sorrel had no right telling you that - he really didn't-."

"My mom can tell me whatever he wants. It's true though. Dami over here had your first son. I'm not your first - I lost that title when you thought I was dead." Jun shook his head again and saw him throw his phone into the pool.

Gideon glaring at him now for his actions. I had nothing to say because I felt like I was definitely in the limelight.

"Jun you are my first son-."

"No, I am not. If I was your first son, you'd treat me like it. I feel like the cast-aside child." Jun began to laugh as he went to the edge of the pool and looked inside for his phone. "Shouldn't father's teach their sons how to swim? Ride a bike? Do all that good stuff? I learned none of that. Aren't moms supposed to love you, show you how to have discipline, that having emotions as a boy can be okay?"

I saw his lips quiver a little, and he suddenly threw himself in the water. We watched him swim down to get his phone, coming back up with it in his hand, looking bored again.

When he sat himself at the edge of the pool he didn't say anything. Gideon on the other hand looked pissed off. I haven't seen him this mad in a while...


"Me sitting here and not looking at you guys is my way of telling you I want to be alone - thank you very much-."

Out of nowhere I see Gideon lift Jun up, throwing him over his shoulder. He walked inside the house and I was right behind him. Jun looked bored still as he continued to play on his phone as his father had him draped over in such a way.

It entertained me when we were finally inside and it quieted down. I looked at Kenji and nodded at him, making me him nod back.

"Hey! Do you guy want to play ninja?" He asked them wildly, and all the kids jumped up. Screaming 'ninja' as they ran behind him, Alaric right behind as he made sure all the kids were there. Now it was just...Gideon, Sorrel, Jun, and me. Nolan was just stating up at me so she was fine.

"Jun why are you wet?" Sorrel asked him curiously, causing him to grin.

"I threw my phone in the water and had to fetch it, that's why I'm wet." He told him calmly, and than he went back to looking bored.

"Gideon what is your problem? Why do you look so upset-?"

"Why would you tell our son what Damian said to you four years ago?" Gideon interrupted harshly, and I saw Jun looking up now. I could already tell he was making himself look like the bad guy here.

"I can tell my son whatever I want. He asked about Damien-."

"It's Damian. With an 'a'." I interrupt him in annoyance, causing him to roll his eyes.

"Don't interrupt my mom. He can say your name however he wants Dami." Jun snorted as he had no remorse. I don't expect him to. "Dad why are you defending Dami? He said things that were wrong."

"Yes, I know his words are wrong Jun - we all do! There comes a point where you have to be an adult and know what to tell your kids and what not to tell your kids-."

"How would you know this?! You never raised me and you just have me visit you instead of actually raising me. When I do visit you are too focused on Titan and Dami." Jun interrupted him now, and Gideon looked like he was about to blow a fuse.

"Stop calling me Dami." I mumble, and Jun rolls his eyes at me.

Sorrel looked completely entertained and when he made eye contact with me, he sneered... So he never forgave me after all.

"Titan is a toddler-."

"I was once a toddler too, but you didn't try looking for me. No one played me like you play with Titan when I was his age. When I was two I wasn't played with - when I was three I was not loved on. All I got was lessons after lessons after...lessons. Isolated from everyone and the only outsider I got was Evander. It's infuriating! I just feel like you should've looked harder for me - both of you! If you had, you both would be together and there wouldn't be anyone else. It's not fair how I don't feel like my own father really loves me, because you don't - not as much as Titan or Nolan!" Jun yelled at Gideon, and I felt Nolan flinch.

I looked down at her and saw her eyes begin to become somber. I saw her lips tremble and I began to walk away so that if she was to cry - she wouldn't interrupt anything.

Until I stopped.

"How dare you say that to me?! Sorrel and I almost died when we found out you were gone! I was crushed! I loved you, so much - I love you so much still! I was broken inside and I hated losing you so how can you say all of that to me?! How dare you tell me that I don't love you?" Gideon yelled now, and Jun just looked up at him in shock. "I want an answer! How can you say that to me when you are my first son, that's why your name is Jun! Means king because when you were born I knew you'd be my little king in the making. When I lost you...I lost some of my humanity too."

Gideon stopped, and I saw him wipe his face. Jun's face turning pink as he started to tremble slightly. I wondered if he was crying or if he was cold from his wet clothing. Though Gideon threw his hand aside, shaking his head.

"Go change your clothes." Gideon croaked, walking to the side as Jun bolted away from him. I saw Sorrel with folded arms and he looked angry, but at me.

I didn't say anything as Gideon looked at me now, and I grin at him.

"Are you okay?" I ask him softly, going to him as I caress his back. Though he was looking at Sorrel now, angrily.

"Does he look okay? That's a very dumb question to ask Damian." Sorrel snickered as he covered his mouth, as if he was trying to be formal.

"Sorrel how could you turn our own son against me-?"

"I didn't, I promise. I was trying to turn him against Damian, I won't lie... I didn't think he was...this smart and think so hard about this-."

"Of course he would. He's a teenager who is starting to take into account of things and you telling a thirteen year old things like that is reckless and dumb as hell!" Gideon yelled at him, wiping his eyes of anymore tears. "This was supposed to be a sweet day where we all bring our kids together. Not this...drama. I love Jun, Titan, and Nolan equally. Now...I have to fix this."

Gideon pulled away from me and I watch him walk away slowly. Once he was out of eyeshot and earshot I looked at Sorrel. He had a big smile for me as if I want to see that smile of his.

"You are wrong for this? He's your child-."

I know that. I just don't like my son seeing you as this great person for helping me, when you really aren't; so I needed to tell him some things. He also wanted to know about you and wondered why Gideon seemed to love you and your family instead of him. He just had simple questions...and I answered them with elaborate answers-."

"Like the sneaky bitch you are." I hiss at him, and he sneered. The both of us sneering at one another...

I should've known with him.

"Once a snake, always a motherfucking snake." I hiss in disgust, and Sorrel snorts.

"Who said I ever changed? Same goes for you. Once a bitch, always a bitch."

We both just looked at one another and I already knew these two weeks of him being here would be hell...and it barely started.


Miss them? 👀

They were never gone. 😌

I love them all and they are so's insane. 😂

Well, I'm writing their sequels in order of one another. 😉

So it'll be taking turns basically. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Hope you enjoyed - because I did. 🥴

Guess what...I'm back. 😏

Damian is back; but so is Sorrel. 😤

Of course causing trouble when you thought everything was fixed? 😲

No, my loves, nothing is ever truly fixed when it comes to the Kings. 🤭

Hah, I just made myself snort. 🤧😂

Okay, besides that - what'd you think? 🤔

I loved it, like I always do. 🥰

Again, I appreciate you and everyone else very much. Promise. 😘☺️

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