You Sunshine, You Temptress (...

By marceltookachonce

85.3K 3.7K 15.4K

UNFINISHED. I don't know if I'll ever finish it, but it's my baby and I couldn't possibly delete it. "You've... More

You Sunshine, You Temptress (l.s)
Blue Eyes And Duct Tape
Use your words
Burdens And Baked Goods
Love And Loss
My Favorite Word
Went About My Business Through The Warning Signs
Chocolate Croissants
Dripping Curls
Haunting Words
Mind Of Mine
Maybe I Miss You
Forest Green
Wet Eyelashes
Never Enough
Got Drunk On You
Gentle Touches
My Sleepy Princess
Sweet Like Honey
Everything I'll Ever Need
Forget The World With Me
Feeling The Pain Feeling The Pleasure
Hope That You Don't Run From Me
All I Ever Wanted Was The Truth
I Need You And I Hate It
We Don't Wanna Be Like Them
Test Of My Patience
Wherever You Are Is The Place I Belong
You're So Golden
I Want You Here With Me
Please don't leave
I Walk The Streets All Day
Lonely Shadow Dances
All That's Left Of Us
Forget What I Said
Barely Hanging On
Give Me Some Morphine
You Can't Blame Me, Darling


2.1K 94 316
By marceltookachonce


Only having one sibling comes with its perks. There's always enough hot water for a shower, I never had to fight and scratch just to get a serving of food, and everything was sort of calm. I never realized how hectic it'd be to have multiple siblings until I caught a glimpse of Louis' life. 

Monday morning consisted of screaming children, spilled milk, and hair-pulling. "For goodness sake, Lottie sit down and eat your food!" Jay yells as she fills the girl's thermoses with chicken noodle soup.

"What food? Louis ate the rest of the Cheerios" I look over to see Louis hastily shoveling spoonfuls of milk and cereal into his mouth, as if someone was going to take it away from him.

"Great job Lou, eat up all the food and leave your sister to be hungry" Jay sighs out, spilling some of the soup on the counter

"This is the only bowl of cheerios I've had. They shouldn't have eaten up all the granola bars" I use the sleeve of Louis' sweater to cover up the laugh that threatened to escape as Louis talked with his mouth full. 

"Oh goodness, Harry have you eaten? There might be some oatmeal in here." Jay rushes over to the pantry in search of some food to give me, and I can't help but feel bad for her. 

"No I'm okay, I'm not hungry," I say as I watch all 4 of the girls assemble into a line and begin to move their hands quickly, braiding each other's hair. 

The feeling of Louis's large hand gripping my thigh startles me, causing me to look over at him as his blue eyes stare into mine. "What do you mean you aren't hungry? You didn't eat dinner last night, you need to eat"

"I'm not a breakfast person. I'll eat at lunch, okay?" He stares at me for a moment longer, but finally nods and resumes his meal

"Mum if you haven't noticed, I still haven't eaten" Lottie steals a piece of toast from Daisy's plate, but Daisy is quick to react when she slaps Lottie's hand and takes the toast back.

"I'll make her some oatmeal," I say quickly before rising from my chair and walking to the pantry, retrieving the oatmeal once I get there. 

"Harry you don't have to worry about that, I'll handle it" Jay tries to grab the oatmeal from me, but I grab a hold of her hand to stop her. "You look like you could use a little bit of help, I can handle making some oatmeal" She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before pressing a hand to my cheek. "Thank you, angel," She whispers out before placing a kiss to my cheek. 

"Alright! Go put your coats, shoes, and schoolbags on" Jay orders out while pointing at the girls. "Lottie, Harry is making your oatmeal and you can eat it on the bus. Please don't make this morning difficult, girls." I watch in awe at how this family works. It has its quirks and it's the most hectic family I've ever seen, but they always seem to look out for one another.

I take the oatmeal from the microwave and begin to add in the sugar and cinnamon when I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Look at you, being all domestic" Louis whispers into my eat and places a warm kiss to my cheek.

"Shut up and hand me the honey" I feign annoyance, but can't fight the laugh that escapes me.

"As you wish, princess." He retrieves the honey from the cupboard and pours a decent amount into the steaming bowl. 

"You look absolutely beautiful this morning" His arms wrap around my waist once again and he leaves a trail of soft long kisses on the back of my neck. I feel goosebumps raising from my skin each time his warm lips connect to my cool skin.

"Is that because I'm wearing your clothes?" I look down at the baggy brown sweater and black jeans that I'm wearing. Louis said that these were his jeans when he was in year 9, so they fit me pretty well, but I made sure to grab the softest and biggest sweater I could find.

"Hmm, maybe" He whispers as he spins me around by my waist, his face appearing only a few inches from mine. "Or maybe it's these curls?" One of his hands leave my waist and runs through my messy hair. "It could be these freckles?" The air between us gets thinner as he places two quick kisses on the bridge of my nose. My cheeks heat up involuntarily, and my hands are quick to cover them up. 

"But I think it may be these lips of yours, yeah?" The pad of his thumb runs over my bottom lip, a shaky breath falling from my parted lips and fanning out over his thumb.

He inches in closer, but never close enough to make contact. I practically squirm in anticipation, desperate to taste him. "Always so needy," He says through a smirk. 

My body relaxes as his lips tangle themselves into mine. Our lips melt into one, He tastes of mint and honey and the mixture is intoxicating. His large hand travels from my chest and down my stomach almost torturously slow and a low moan escapes my lips as he grips the inner part of my thigh. 

"Ewwww!" A high voice exclaims from behind us. I pull away and look over his shoulder to see Lottie standing in the middle of the kitchen. "Can I just get my oatmeal?" She walks closer to the counter and waits for me to pour the oatmeal into a cup for her to take. 

"Sorry Lotts, couldn't help myself" Louis teases and pinches one of her cheeks while I pour the oatmeal into a cup and hand it to Lottie, along with a spoon. 

"Well start helping yourself, kissing is gross" She makes a look of disgust and Louis nudges her playfully "Oh shut it and get out of here" Louis takes the oatmeal from me and hands it to her. 

"Thanks Hazzie. Bye Louis" She places a kiss to both of our cheeks and rushes out of the kitchen. 

"Hazzie? Is that your new nickname?" Louis laughs and places the rest of the dishes in the sink. 

"Jealous that you didn't think of it first, hmm?" He scoffs and rolls his eyes before taking me into a warm embrace and nuzzling into my hair. 

"As long as I'm the only one who calls you Curly" 


"You gonna eat that?" Niall asks as he finishes his pudding cup and motions towards mine. 

"No, it's all yours" I slide the pudding cup over to him and he's quick to tear the top off and eat spoonful after spoonful.

"So how was your weekend?" He asks in between bites of pudding, a bit of chocolate sitting on the corner of his lips. I wonder if I should bring up what happened at the party with him and Zayn. I don't want to upset him, but I want to know.

"It was alright, spent it at Louis' house" I smile at the memories of the past few days. It's been emotional and hectic, but it's the most fun I've had in a long time. 

"Yeah? I saw that you guys left the party early. I was wondering why" I remember the events of that night, and I wish I didn't. 

"Just wanted to get out of there, I guess." He shrugs and finishes off his pudding cup. "Niall I have to tell you something," I muttered underneath my breath.

"What's up, Haz?" He turns all of his attention to me, and I feel more than thankful. 

"I saw Louis doing something at the party a-and I don't know if I should bring it up to him" I look down at my sweater paws and fidget with them. 

"What was he doing?" 

"He- He was...I don't think I can say it" I stutter out. I tried my hardest to block this out of my memory, but I just can't. 

"Drinking? Snogging? Drugs? What is it?" Niall comes and sits next to me, placing a hand on my shoulder and comforting me as I try and work up the courage to say it. 

"D-drugs" I whisper out for only him to hear.

"Okay, what kind of drugs?" He's trying to ease me into saying it, and I'm glad that he isn't forcing it out of me.

"His nose" I feel shame for even saying this, and I can't understand why. It's not like I'm the one who was doing drugs, but I feel shame for Louis. He should be better than that. 

"Coke? Was he doing coke?" I cringe at the word but nod anyways 

"Shit, I don't know Haz. I would say talk to him about it, but that may not be a good idea. Maybe just don't say anything about it yet, and if it happens again then you could bring it up. You don't wanna upset him, you know?" Part of me knows that this is for the best, but I also know that it isn't fair. 

"He's doing drugs, Niall. I can't just keep t-that to myself. If it were me, he'd be quick to call me out on it. I didn't do that for him, and I should've" I try to fight back the tears that are forming, but a few spill out anyways.

"It sounds to me that you're more worried about your conscience than Louis' well-being" I look up at him in disbelief. Am I hearing this correctly?

"That's not true! I'm worried that he's just going to keep going and end up an addict! What if he's already addicted? What if he's been doing it for a long time? I don't want him on drugs, Ni, and it's not about my conscience, it's about the fact that I don't want to lose him!" I'm full-on crying at this point and I'd usually be embarrassed, but I don't care right now.

"You can't think like that, Haz. If you're worried about losing him, then talk to him about it. I get that you're emotional, but it's not going to fix anything." He uses the sleeve of his jumper to wipe the tears from my cheeks. 

"Look, I've warned you from the very beginning. I told you from the very first time that you hung out with him, to be careful. I don't know what's going on between you guys, but it's not going to end well Harry."

"But-" I blurt out. "Let me finish" he interrupts.

"Louis has a good heart, and once upon a time, he was different. We were great friends at one point, but he's not that same guy anymore. You are going to end up hurt. I don't want to get a call at 2 in the morning from you saying that you need me to pick you up because Louis hurt you." Where is all of this coming from? I don't understand what could possibly be so bad about him. 

"You're wrong. Whoever he used to be, he isn't like that anymore. You don't see it, Ni. He's different." I defend.

"Alright, Haz. Just be careful, okay? I just don't want to see you get hurt." I don't bother arguing back. I could say that Louis promised he wouldn't hurt me, and that he's better than what people say. Instead, I just nod. 

I opened my mouth to ask him about Zayn, but the familiar scent of Vanilla and faint cigarette smoke coming from beside me distracts me.

"Hey, Curly-boy" Louis plops down next to me and ruffles my hair. I look up to see Zayn taking his seat next to Niall, placing a kiss to his cheek. For the first time, Niall doesn't flinch away from him. I can't help but smile at them, but they don't seem to notice. Maybe Niall is finally becoming comfortable with himself.

"Hi, Lou" I make a kissy face to him, poking my lips out and waiting for him to place a kiss on them. He looks at me for a moment, but directs his attention to the food in front of him, leaving me hanging. 

What the hell?

"Lou? Kissy?" I tug on his shirt and poke my lips back out, but he looks between me and Zayn before chuckling dryly and ignoring my request.

"Why won't you kiss me?" I ask quietly for only him to hear, not that it'd matter anyway because Zayn and Ni seem to be in their own little world. 

"Come on, just eat your food" He squeezes my thigh and nods toward my lunch tray, but I push his hand off and stand up. 

"I've lost my appetite" I grab my tray and walk over to the trash-can to throw it away, Louis following quickly behind me.

"Why are you acting like this?" He whispers into my ear through his clenched jaw as I toss my tray. I ignore him and walk back to the table, grabbing my school bag and sliding it onto my shoulders. 

"Ni? You think you could give me a ride to work after-school?" I feel Louis' eyes tracking each move I make, but I don't care.

"Sure, just meet me in the student parking zone, yeah?" I nod and give him a thankful smile "Bye Zayn, bye Ni" Both of them say a quick bye and I turn on my heel, walking toward the cafeteria exit, ignoring Louis' calling out from behind me. 


"And here's your change, have a good rest of your day" I smile enthusiastically to the mother and her two kids once I hand them their cakes.

"Look at you, being all charming" Ed teases as he restocks the rolls behind me.

"Shut up, Ed," I say through a giggle and take off my apron. It's been pretty slow today, probably due to the rain, but I'm not complaining. That just means less work for me. 

I hop up and sit on the counter, making room for a grumpy Liam to sweep the floorboards as he grumbles to himself about people not cleaning up after themselves.

"Liam, don't you think it's time for our little Harry to get himself a girlfriend? Or boyfriend, I don't judge" Ed claps a hand on Liam's shoulder, but Liam just grumbles some more and continues to sweep.

"So come on, Harry. You're funny, you're sweet to the point it'd make someone's teeth rot, and you're clearly adorable. Why hasn't anyone scooped you up yet?

"I wish I knew the answer to that" I joke, causing Ed to laugh. I know the joke wasn't really funny, but I still like that I made him laugh. 

"Well if you ever wanna hang out sometime, just shoot me a text, yeah?" I smile at him and give him a nod. He smiles to himself and walks to the back of the bakery, probably to talk to Barbara about something. 

The bell above the door chimes and I roll my eyes at the thought of another customer "We're closed!" I yell out, hanging up my apron on the hook in the employee coat closet

"I can't get any bread, Curly?" Louis asks, walking into the closet

"I couldn't get a kiss earlier, so no" I roll my eyes and grab my sweater from the hook, sliding it on over my head. 

"Don't be mad at me" He walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, his warm breath fanning out over my neck. 

"Too late" His hands grip my waist and he spins me around quickly before pushing me, my back hitting the wall. 

"What the fuck?" He walks closer to me and places his hands on both sides of my head, his head lowering so he's only a few inches away from my face.

"I'm sorry I made you feel bad earlier, let me make you feel good, yeah?" His lips travel down my jaw, stopping at my earlobe and biting softly. My head lolls to the side and my eyes flutter shut as wet kisses trail down my cold neck. A raspy moan falls from my lips as he kisses across my collarbone, licking up the base of my neck before sucking on the skin there. His lips suck on another part of my neck, biting softly but quickly soothing it by placing another warm kiss over it. His hands travel up my leg, gripping my inner thigh as he kisses over my collarbone once again. 

"My pretty baby" He whispers out huskily, pinning my hands above my head before connecting our lips, his tongue instantly pushing through and playing with mine. He tastes of alcohol and I feel as though I'm getting drunk on him. He bites my bottom lip and tugs on it softly before pulling away and staring deeply into my eyes. His eyes are nearly black from how dilated his pupils are. 

"Let's get out of here" He grabs a hold of my hand and leads me out of the bakery, and who am I to say no?


"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Louis asks as he parks his car in front of my mum's house. 

"I have to go home at some point, Lou. I'll be ok"  He thinks about it for a while before nodding and unlocking the door for me. 

I grab my schoolbag from the car floor, but a small bag filled with white powder in the center console catches my eye. I really hope it isn't what I think it is. 

Before I even have the opportunity to question him about it, I grab my bag and reach for the door handle to leave. 

"Wait" He grabs my hand, causing me to look at him. He's quiet for a second, but he finally speaks. 

"Why don't we do something this weekend, Just you and me. We could go to dinner or something? My head tilts in confusion, we've been alone this whole weekend. 

"You mean like hanging out? That's what we've been doing" He sighs and runs his hand through his hair. 

"No I mean like you get dressed up, and I get dressed up, and I come to pick you up and open doors for you and pay for your food and shit like that. My mom told me about it" He looks as confused as he sounds and it's adorable that he doesn't know what he's implying. 

A big goofy grin breaks out over my face "You mean like a date?" He creases his eyebrows together and looks utterly confused before saying "Is that what that is?" I can't help but laugh and nod at this adorable boy in front of me. 

"Then yeah I-I guess that's what I'm saying. Is that something you'd like?" He asks shyly while he fidgets with the rips in his jeans

I place my hands on both sides of his cheeks and pull him closer to me, crashing our lips together and savoring every second of it. He smiles through the kiss and pulls away before placing another tiny one on the tip of my nose. 

"I'll see you tomorrow princess" He caresses my cheek and I giggle while grabbing my bag and climbing out of the car. His car doesn't leave the driveway until I enter the house. 

My mum emerges from the hallway and stops dead in her tracks once she sees me. We stare at each other for a while, neither of us knowing what to say. Suddenly, she drops the basket of clothes and rushes over to me, wrapping me into a tight hug and crying into my shoulder. 

"I'm so sorry, hun. I shouldn't have done what I did, I should've never hit you. I'm so sorry" I don't feel what I thought I would feel. I don't feel anything. She isn't sorry for the constant belittling and the continuous hurtful words she throws toward me. She's sorry for that one instance, but not for all of it. I can't forgive someone who doesn't see the bigger picture of it all and only sees what they want to see. 

"Harry? Harry, please say something." She pulls away and wipes her eyes with her sleeve, standing awkwardly in front of me and looking down at her feet. 

"I will sleep here. I will eat here, and I will shower here. My clothes will remain here, and the rest of my belongings will remain here as well. Unless it's something important with Gemma, work, or school, we have nothing to talk about." I grab my bag from the floor and begin to walk toward my room. 

"Harry please" She cries out

"G'night mum" I close my bedroom door behind me and plop down on my bed. I've only been here a month and this house already holds so many bad memories for me. 

And while usually I'd spend this time crying and hurting myself, I can't. My face breaks out into a big goofy grin and I giggle stupidly at the thought of my date with Louis this weekend. 

Maybe things aren't amazing right now, and maybe they never will be. But when I think of Louis and how happy he makes me, I can't help but think

This is as good as it gets, and I'm more than okay with that.


A/N (3560)

Hi my beautiful babies

I know It's been over a week since my last update, and I'm sorry about that. I used to update like every other day and so I know it's probably weird that I only update twice a week now, but I like this schedule better. 


Also, what's up with Louis? Why was he acting all weird at lunch? 

We're getting some Ziall as well and I love it, cute little babies.

As usual, let me know what you think :)

Chappie 24 coming soon. Please vote

I love you pumpkin- A

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