Arranged to the Mafia King

By YOLOwriting101

616K 25.2K 8.6K

"I do." Smiling the fake smile I've come to perfect in the last year, I nod as I take hold of the mans hands... More

1. Marrying the King
2. Annoying the King
3. Learning About the King
4. Tattoos with the King
5. Baby Fever for the King
6. Different Side of King
7. Kiss the King
8. Devil & the King
9. To Africa With the King
10. Petty Because of the King
11. Reset With the King
12. 𝖿𝖺𝖼𝗍𝗌 of the Kɪɴɢ
13. Embarrassing Moments with the King
14. Body Betrayal because of the King
15. Makeover For the King
16. Trying With the King
17. Japan With the King
18. Turn of Events With the King
19. Lessons With the King
20. Dreams Of the King
21. Too Much For the King
22. Mystery Of a King
23. Here Comes the King
24. 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘐𝘵 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝙈𝙮 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚
25. A Rat is Caught By the King
26. 𝘔𝘺 𝙑𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 𝘿𝙖𝙮 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝙈𝙮 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚
27. Truth Be Told to the King
28. Meeting the Parents With the King
29. Aide of the King
30. 𝙏𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝙈𝙮 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚
31. Our Titan King
32. Safe With the King
33. Trust From the King
34. Hurt Feelings of the King
35. King on Ice
36. Pain of the Truth for the King
37. 𝙁𝙪𝙧𝙮 𝘉𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝙈𝙮 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚
38. To the First of the Kings
39. Jun King
40. Pain of Me
41. The Making of Us, Two Kings
43. If it Hurts You, it Hurts Me
44. Let Me Protect My King
45. King to King
😞 At a Loss Here 😞
46 | I am Titan
47. Nothing Changed After All
48 | Rules Make Friends
49. Trouble is Inevitable
50 | Inappropriate Behavior
51. I Blame You
52 | Understanding Is Key
53. How to Go On
54 | Confess Your Truths
55. Unavoidable Future
56 | Shōdai
57. Cries of Jun
58 | Confrontations of the Heart
59. Fourteen Hours
60 | Ta~shi
61 | Festival Troubles
62 | For the Best
63 | Troubles Here + There
64. Abrupt Actions
65 | Aid + Hurt in Big Ways
66. Who's the King?
67 | Take What's Yours
68 | Confessionals of the Heart
69 | Goodbye
70 | I Want You
71 | The New King
72 | Your Word
73 | A King Has Something to Say
74 | Two Confessions
75 | Opposition
76 | Truth Be Told
77 | Bullets Pierce
78 | Untamed, Vicious King
79 | DNA
80 | Thriller
81 | My Own Plan
82. "Oh...Lulu~"
83. Much To Unfold
84 | Zeus Pt. 1
85 | Zeus Pt. 2
86 | Coupling Too
87. Yes, to You
88 • Jun
89 • Chances

42. The Start for the Kings

4.6K 219 73
By YOLOwriting101

Gideon and I walked into the cathedral side-by-side, him pushing Titan's stroller. My eyes focused on the blond head that prayed before the cross.

I nod at Gideon, and he nods back. Seeing him signal off the others as they got the cue. I walked forward, going on my knees beside the man.

Clasping my hands together, I saw a rosary dangling from his. I sigh, closing my eyes.

"What are you praying about?" I ask him, and I heard him shuffle. I open my eyes and saw one of his eyes open.

"Is that any of your business?" He retorted back angrily, and I grin.

"I mean, I suppose not. I see you're Catholic, I'm not - I'm Christian."

"Aren't those the same thing?" He interrupted me with annoyance, and I smile.

"Only ignorant people would ask such a silly question." I answer for him, and now both his eyes were open.

I saw him finally realize who he was talking to and he flinched, looking around me. I already knew he was looking at Gideon, and he met my eyes again.

"I hope you're praying that all things go well. Just work with us about Zeus - that's all-."

I saw his hand rest on his pocket, and I click my tongue.

"We are in the church. A nice one at that. Don't ruin such a nice, calming atmosphere. You pull that on me, I think my husband would love to meet you." I say happily, and he glared at me.

He ended up calming down, and he faced forward. Eyes becoming downcast as he realized he was trapped.

"What do you want to know?"

"I know you're related to Zeus, but remind me in what way-."

"Cousins. Why is that important?"

"Because it tells me how loyal you are to him or not." I snap, and he chuckles. "You think that is funny?"

"Yeah, I do. There is no loyalty from me, he has done nothing for me but be a pain. Why do you think I'm here? He's only making our group look bad because he dropped everything to become allies with Evander. Now everything is a mess, because he's too distracted on killing you-."

"What if I said Gideon and I could help your group?" I ask him, and he frowns at me.

He looked around me again, and went back to looking at me.

"What's the catch? I know there's more to it than this. No one is in charge of the group, so it's a mess."

"Let us intrude. What we get is your full cooperation and loyalty. Anyone that is faulty in their loyalty - becomes quite acquainted with Gideon - or me. I've been much more involved." I smile at him, making his eyes narrow on me.

He sighed, standing up as I now looked up at him. That's when he nodded, and I stand with him.

"Fine, but I wouldn't count on them accepting so easily." He seemed to be warning me, and I smirk.

"I'm not worried. Follow me." I say, and I walk back to Gideon. We stand before him as he closed one of the Bible's instantly, smiling.

"I see things have gone to plan." Gideon snickered, and I still didn't know the man's name yet. "Luken I am grateful you accepted our help. I already took over another group, now it's this one's turn-."

"Wait! Please don't do our group like how you did Lulu's." He cried, and he frowned at him. "Unlike Lulu's situation where it was just him, Zeus has siblings, cousins, uncles, and aunts-."

"If that's the case, why are you all fighting still? Why is there such a problem? Shouldn't the next person in line just take over already?" He asked him in boredom, and I went to Titan as I saw him ogling the chandeliers in the church.

"Because everyone wants the power. They're power-hungry, it never really became this way until Zeus left us behind to pursue...different ventures." Luken sneers, and his hands ran over his face. "I heard about what Lulu, Zeus, and Evander did to you, I'm sorry about that."

I snicker, shrugging since it's already been three months since it's happened. Gideon and I just spent time together and became closer. A lot happened within those three months.

Sorrel has Jun, and it was decided that for the best. That Jun would visit every couple of months.

Kenji and Alaric made things official. They are together, and Kenji wanted him to learn about him even more. I never knew Alaric was so open-minded, I didn't think he was close-minded; but just not this open. Now he's in Japan with Kenji doing Lord knows what.

Gideon and I though...we are closer than I thought possible. Emotionally and physically...

"What's done is done. We still have him locked up, and there is a perfect Hell for him every time we visit home." I chuckle, Luken not understanding what we meant.

Gideon was going to kill him, but I stopped him. If you really want to mess with him - let's just keep doing what we were doing. Not to mention I wanted to experience what he gave me again. Gladly accepting it with no problem...

"Enough standing here. We can't be in a place for too long. It's bad enough that I don't know the exact whereabouts of my father. That's why we wanted to come to your group. Lulu's group was uncooperative as hell. Zeus' family should be much more cooperative, yes?" Gideon asked, and Luken nodded.

Except his hand extended, rocking nervously as if he couldn't tell.

"Again, it's a mess-."

"I like messes. I think I can handle it." Gideon smirked proudly, and Luken sighed.

"Okay...I'll go first-."

"I don't think so." Gideon grabbed his arm, a bright smile coming to his face. "You are going there with us, yes?"

Luken's eyes diverted because there really was nowhere he could go. I definitely had no care to help him and let him leave first. My days are done of helping people. Gideon is back to normal and how he used to be.

Now, he has no empathy except for me and Titan.

"Isn't this going too far-?"

"You can never go to far when it comes to the place your cousin and my father have placed us in. They think this is a game, we'll gladly play it. Planen Titanius." He hissed, and I knew exactly what that was.

Before we even discussed anything, we came up with Planen Titanius. In my opinion I think it's perfect...I just wonder if people are as stupid as Gideon made them out to be. His father is a monster and I think he can see past all the facades and plans...but I don't think he'll see past this one.

I hope.

First, we get to Zeus first.

We ended up leaving the church without any problems, but it was evident Luken had people watching out for him. Though when their eyes saw Gideon they didn't bother coming towards us to interfere. It was entertaining to say the least.

"Do you mind informing me on what Planen Titanius is?" Luken asked curiously as we drove to Zeus' group destination.

"The hell is that question? You just listen to what we say, and you'll soon find yourself a part of the plan. I trust no one but two people, I've learned the hard way that I can't be nice to you heathens. Enough of that shit, I'm fucking back. Anything you've heard about me before is now false - anything you've heard about Damian is continuously false. Anyone badmouths him in my presence gets socked in the face by me." Gideon smiled as Luken's face flushed with a bright red. "Are you just going to look at me like you're stupid, or say something?"

Luken nodded fast, glancing at me as he suddenly bowed his head.

"There have been many unsightly rumors passed around about you Damian. I would be lying if I said I didn't participate in the rumors or grow hatred towards you. It comes from...being in the group, you know? You are programmed to hate your boss' enemy, and we all did - until we heard about what he did to you while you had a child." Luken confessed to me, and I grin at his words.

"That was-."

"Uncalled for, purely evil, and unconventional. When I get them I will make sure they experience the worst of it. I'm tired of sticking up for people that wish the demise on the ones I love the most. Now, everyone is the enemy in my eyes until proven otherwise." He sneered in annoyance, and he nodded at Titan as he slept in his baby carseat. "He is my world. I will raise him and any other child we come to have with honor, respect, and teach them to not let fear drive them. Enough of this bullshit - I will give them what my father didn't give me-."

"And I will give them what my parents didn't give me. Stability, dependability, love, and always to have their back no matter the circumstances. If discipline is needed, it will be brought to them...but not cruelly." I glance at Gideon and I could tell he knew exactly what I was talking about.

I just was nervous because I didn't want to make any mistakes or do anything that leads them off. It would crush me if I wasn't the perfect parent. That's why we need to get this plan set before they start to remember things.

"Very admirable of the both of you. How many kids do you want-?"

"Wait. We aren't friends like that - I don't answer questions, I give them." Gideon interrupted firmly, and Luken looked taken aback by his words.

I sigh, looking at him as I show him my fingers. When he saw he looked up at me with a grin, and I chuckle.

Looking at my fingers, I counted. One...two...three.

I look back up and saw that we arrived at their place. Gideon got out of the car and I saw him walk around. I took out Titan, and now saw Gideon opening my door with the stroller out for me.

Making me smile, I get out and put Titan in. Now that we were out I looked up and saw that I was staring at a bunch of people rushing out the house. Except Luken went to them, and he started saying something to them very fast and nervously.

When he gestured towards me I looked at Gideon nervously. He nodded, and I decided to go towards them. Once I was they all clasped their hands before me, bowing their heads deeply. One of them in particular, an older man, came towards me with full regret and pain in his eyes.

Taking my hands, he bowed his head.

"Szeretnék bocsánatot kérni." He groaned, and I pretend like I knew what that meant.

"My grandfather has says he would like to apologize." Luken informed me, and I shook my head.

"Oh! That - that really isn't necessary. You all aren't the ones that inflicted pain on me-."

"But we are affiliated with the problem and he's our responsibility. If I had known my grandson had such evil intentions and ways, I would've never influenced my son to make him the Head, the boss. So, we all apologize and will cooperate as much as you need us to." The old man told me, and I felt bad for him.

It's too bad that Zeus missed out on kindness and respect like his grandfather is.

"Frigyes we appreciate your apology and it's unfortunate that Zeus has turned against us all this way...but knowing that I have all of your cooperation is fertile. What I have in mind is Planen Titanius and I can't give the specifics in fear of cracks and unfaithful people, but what is best here is cooperation. I believe you all know that...I don't want to take over your group like I did Lulu's - I really don't. Yet, I must be certain I have your backs and understanding. If I don't have that then I'm not afraid to refer to older tactics." Gideon says to them, and Frigyes looked completely for it.

It was...nice to see people finally have our backs.

Suddenly I felt my phone go off, and I look see. I end up frowning because the name I was seeing was someone I never expected to see or meet again. It was so random so does he have my number?

"Gideon." I say his name, and I show him my phone. When he reads it a big smile comes to his face as he remembered who this was.

"Isn't this falling together perfectly?" He asked me, and I shook my head. "I told you to think about all the people you've ever spoken to on a whim. Anyone that was out of the ordinary is prime here. Just like I thought, Shawn is falling right into my trap."

I grab Gideon's arm, excusing us really fast as I pull him back along with the stroller.

"Gideon what did you send him? He was the person in Tanzania right? He was just a-."

"A spy. If you had gone anywhere with him or told him anything - he would refer back to Zeus or my father. I found out he is affiliated with one of them...and probably the easiest person to get information from... If we play our cards right." He smirked at me, and I didn't understand.

Suddenly he nodded at my body, and I gasp.

"That's why his message said that?! I'm not sleeping with him-!"

"Of course you aren't, I would never do that to you. He thinks in exchange for your tidbits-."

"Don't ever say 'tidbits' again." I interrupt in disgust, making Gideon snort.

"Look, he thinks you are willing to have sex in exchange for something. Of course - that is never going to happen. Since we are in Hungary and he lives here-."

"Gideon!" I sneer, and he just looks at me. Not saying a word, just folding his arms as he waited for me to shut my mouth. I sigh, nodding for him to continue.

"You hear where I said 'have sex in exchange for something'? I never messaged him 'sex with you'...think about it. So...guess what will come of this." He smirked, and I found myself smirking too.

I rest my hand on his shoulder, caressing it gently.

"I love these conniving plans you have under sleeve like some little bitch." I tease, and he smiles. "When is this mastermind plan of yours?"

"Tomorrow night."

I look around him as I saw everyone waiting politely, having no agenda or evil in their eyes... I could never tell, but Frigyes truly seemed genuine. He truly seemed saddened and heartbroken about the situation.

"Okay, if that is so...let me lead everything." I say, and Gideon raises his eyebrow curiously. "I have just the plan too."

Gideon nods, taking my hands as he kissed them both.

"Gladly. I would love to see this side of you...a sadistic, sexy side of you."

"I wouldn't say sadistic..." I chuckle awkwardly, and he didn't seem to believe me for a second.

"You'll see. The more you fall deeper in this world...the more you see how sick you really are. How sick human desires can become...but I don't think it'll take you over." He husked as he drew closer towards me. I looked away shyly, not wanting everyone to see this side of him.

When I thought he was going to kiss me, he pulled away abruptly. A smile on his face as he winked.

"Until tomorrow."

I sneer as he walked towards Frigyes, Luken, and the others. My face flushed as I look at Titan and shook my head.

"Your father really just did that to me...he's going to regret it. You hear me? He will regret it big time." I smile as I tickle Titan's belly, and he coos happily.

"Damian come inside please!" Gideon called, and I glare up at him teasingly. A playful smile on his face.

I look at Titan, pushing the stroller on as I continued to mumble petty insults about Gideon. Titan giggling at every single one, innocence within his eyes as he had no idea what I said.


Woah. 😲

So not only does Zeus' ex-group have Gideon and Damian's back- 😁🙏🏾

But Shawn is back too. 😒

Did any of you think he was sus? 🤭

Well, he was; and he's back. 😂

If you thought anyone else was sus...keep to that suspicion. 💁🏽‍♀️

Can't wait for what will come next? 🤔

Ooh...tomorrow night for them - wonder how that will go. 🤧

Do you? 🤔

What do you think will happen? Curious. 🤔🙏🏾

Besides that, what'd you think of everything else? 🤔

I'm excited not going to lie here my dudes. 🤷🏽‍♀️

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