The Wolfe's Claw

By Silvery_Blue_Flames

18.9K 541 44

When Lalasa moved to a small town called Oak Haven she didn't know the dangers. Lalasa had a problem though... More

The Wolfe's Claw
Chapter one "New School"
Chapter two "Hell of a Bus Drive"
Chapter Three "School"
Chapter Four "Lord help Me"
Chapter Five "Bad Day In Gym"
Chapter 6 "Our new Luna"
Chapter 7 "Lalya's pet Wolf"
Chapter 8 "Daddy, I need stitches"
Chapter 9 "There's a party"
Authors note, Birthday Edition
Chapter 10 "Shopping hell"
Chapter 11 "What the Hell?"
Chapter 12 "Guess who asked who to dance"
Chapter 13 "I can't Dance"
Chapter 14 "The day after"
Chapter 15 "Bonfire Tonight"
Chapter 16 "The truth prevails"
Chapter 17 "The Marked and Mated"
Chapter 18 "Kidnapped?"
Chapter 19 "The Cheshire Cat"
Chapter 20 "Trials"

Chapter 21 "The Change" Epilogue

195 10 1
By Silvery_Blue_Flames

                                            Day of the Full moon

              I smiled at Wyanet as she played with my hair. She was trying to braid it. It was the full moon gathering for those who would change for the first time. I was a little nervous because while it looked extremely easy, it isn't as easy as it looks. Rafael stood up on the tree stump and held up his hand for silence.

              "Welcome everyone. Our first order of business today is to welcome Lalasa to our pack and her position as Luna," Cheers sounded and Rafael was smiling while waving his hands to quiet the cheers.

              "Yes, yes. congratulations Lalasa. Now would those who are changing for the first time, step over there," Rafael pointed off to one side of the clearing.

              "And those who aren't over there. except for anyone under 18. No whining please, you should know how this works by now." I went  over to my side of the clearing and tried to relax. The moon broke through the clouds and shined throughout the clearing. I felt something ripple under my skin and I shivered before rubbing my arms. Waneta had decided to help me early on when I asked him to and now stood next to me.

              "Relax. Right now all you're feeling is your newborn testing its strength. Now close your eyes and imagine a wolf, any type of wolf, yours will fill in the details." I imagined a common grey wolf, right down to the eye color and I saw the picture of the wolf blur as the wolf tweaked the details until a totally white wolf  similar to Waneta's except for a pitch black left ear took center stage.

              "Okay, now imagine yourself with the wolf and touch it, it will be scared and want to know that it's safe. When you're ready the wolf will know and thus so will you." The wolf still in my minds eye, I imagined myself in front of her but not directly. I sat down with my legs crossed and she came up to me and sniffed at my hand.

              She stared at me and I stared back, kind of freaked out because the wolf wouldn't stop staring at me. She broke contact first to dip her head to rub around me and step towards me. Instead of her stepping on my legs, she stepped into me. I welcomed her with open arms in my mind and I felt her rise to the front and let the change take me. I opened my eyes to a world of chrome and the most amazing smell coming from beside me.

              I turned to look at the source and found Waneta's black wolf standing next to me, I sniffed around him to get used to his scent before tilting my head slightly to show my neck and he nipped at it before I growled playfully at him. I leaped at him and landed on his back before sliding off onto the ground. I quickly turned around and wiggled before jumping at him again. Waneta got over his shock and started playing with me. I heard a loud whistle from where I had playfully pinned Waneta to the ground and looked up at the source. Rafael stood on the tree trunk and grinned at all of us.

              "Is everyone ready?" he asked and barks sounded as I got off of Waneta and barked in answer.

              "Let the run begin!" Rafael changed into his wolf, howled, and took off towards the woods. I ran forward a little bit before looking back at Waneta, silently asking if he was coming. Waneta came up to me and bumped my shoulder with his before running ahead. I laughed internally before following him. I caught up with him and ran beside him as we followed the pack, loving the feeling of the wind in my fur and the ground beneath my paws. I was finally home.

                                            The End

A/N: this is the end people. :). I have enjoyed writing this story and I will be writing the sequel soon so there will definately be more in this series. Thank you for reading this and I hope you've enjoyed this as it has progressed. Merry Christmas to everyone,


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