Chapter Three "School"

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  • Dedicated to Amber Leigh Williams

              I ended up walking into school with my bear still at my chest.I glared at anyone who smirked and continued to my first class. I kept my head down and walked inside the room. I should've known i'd get smirks. Mrs. Hallaway came to stand next to me and I instinctively shied away.

              "Class, this is our new student, Lalasa Aidan. She has anthropophobia, a fear of people, so don't crowd her." She told the class and I blushed, embarassed. I walked quickly to my seat and sat down. I brought out my book and buried myself in it. Apparently God didn't want to spare me from any embarassment because Waneta walked in and sat in the seat next to mine. I groaned silently, feeling his black gaze on me. I chanced a look in his direction and my breath caught once again. He was staring straight at me, he seemed to shake something off before asking me,

              "Hello, my name is Waneta. What's yours?" I only managed a wave and a stuttered

              "Lalasa" Waneta smiled and held out his hand, I slowly put my hand in his.

              The second my skin touched his, an electrical shock traveled through my hand and up my arm. I reacted as if my hand caught fire and quickly pulled away.

                                            ***Waneta’s P.O.V***

              I watched a blush work its way into her face. I marveled at her existence; I hadn’t thought she had existed. I stared at her fiery red hair and blue-green eyes with a brown ring around the pupils. She was absolutely beautiful. I smiled at her again and I could hear Lalasa’s heart skip a beat.

              “It’s okay, I get that alot” I told her and she gave me a small smile.

              “Just so you know, I have anthropophobia. I’m not good around people.” She told me and I gave her a small smile in return.

                                            ***Lalasa’s P.O.V***

              My face burned like fire at the attention I was getting, thankfully the bell rang and I had to focus on the teacher. When the bell rang again I quickly gathered my stuff and hurried out into the hall. I was halfway down the hall down when a hand clamped down on my shoulder and I turned around to see Angus.

              “Angus! Hi, nice to see you! Where’s your next class?” I asked him and he showed me his schedule. It said he had biology next then PE.

              “I have biology with you this period so let’s go.” I walked with him to our next class. We went inside and sat next to each other. We worked together for the full 90 minutes of class and left for lunch. On the way we ran into Sora. I was able to give her a hug and backed away.

              “Sora, this is Angus. I met him at Orientation and Angus, this is Sora, I met her on the bus this morning.” I introduced them and they smiled at each other. They shook hands but Sora pulled away the second her skin touched Angus’s. Sora’s cheeks tuned red as fire and Angus grinned like a Cheshire cat.

              “Man, is it happening to everyone?” I asked no one inparticular but it got their attention.

              “Do you mean to say that you pretty much got an electric shock through your arm? Why did you touch? More importantly, who did you touch?” Angus demanded and I gave him a strange look before answering.

              “Yes, for a handshake, and I shook hands with Waneta.” Apparently I shouldn’t have told him who I shook hands with because his eyes widened and his mouth opened and shut a couple times.

              “Wa-Waneta St. clair? You shook hands with Waneta St. clair?” I glared at him but nodded. He gaped at me and I grinned.

              “Come on, we’ll be late for lunch” I told him and ran off towards the cafeteria.

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