Chapter 19 "The Cheshire Cat"

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A/N: Hey, another author's note at bottom.

                                            ***Waneta's P.O.V.***

         I stood by the car for about twelve minutes before I started to worry. I waited by the car for another minute or two before I walked back into the school and went down the stairs into the gym. I came up to the door of the classroom and knocked and when there wasn't an answer, I went inside. I was greeted with the scent of a rival pack, most importantly the vague scent of a rogue. I also smelled chloroform and Lalasa. My wolf echoed the snarl that I made and I stepped out of the room and was going up the gym stairs when I called my Beta, Alastair.

         "Yo?" he answered and I snarled again

         "White Raven, one of them took my mate." I heard a snarl on the other end of the line.

         "I'll call Steaphen to see what's going on." I told him and hung up. I dialed Steaphen and waited for him to pick up.

          “What do ya want?” a gravelly voice answered and I asked him,

          “Why does one of your former pack mates have my mate?” I heard him curse on the other end of the line.

          “His name is Razzvann. He was kicked out about a month ago on an accusation with proof that he assaulted one of the females in the pack. The last I had heard of him, he was living in an old cave by Tomcatte Lake, behind the falls. Do you want help?” Steaphen asked me and I sighed.

          “Yeah. I’ll meet you by the old oak by Lion’s Head rock in twenty minutes. Bring your Beta.” I hung up on him and dialed Alastair again.

           “He didn’t do it. Meet me at the Lake; I’ll be there in five minutes. Bring our swords.”

                                            ***Lalasa’s P.O.V. ***

          I woke up with a huge headache, sitting on a damp rock floor. I tried to rub my eyes free of grit and found that my hands were tied behind my back. I sighed but I bucked up and wiggled my hands in their bonds. They were tight too tight to get out of so I wiggled them under me and over my feet so I could rub at my eyes with my knuckle and when I was done, put them in my lap. Now that the grit was out of my eyes, I looked around.

          I was in a cave, kinda damp with a rock floor, and I could hear water dripping down onto the floor. It was a rock cave, not an earthen one, fairly old considering the size of the stalactites and stalagmites that were growing from the floor and ceiling of the cave. I heard footsteps slowly  coming closer through the cave. I quickly pulled my legs up so that they hid my hands, just in time too because a man came through the entrance of the room of the cave.

          “Hello, hello. Glad you’re awake. The person who hired me will be with us shortly, so try and get comfortable.” I glared at him for that statement as he sat down at a table with a lamp and a few books piled on top of each other. He leaned his chair back and put his feet up before grabbing one of the books and opening it to a previously marked page. I just sat there, waiting.

          You know, I never thought I could die of boredom but this situation takes the cake. I was bored enough that I started counting the stalactites growing from the ceiling. I sat back against the wall because my back was starting to hurt. I immediately sat straight up again when I heard footsteps coming down the entryway. The shoes sounded like high heels on a marble floor, for which I wished anyone luck on a damp, slippery cave floor. I was staring at the floor so when I saw the feet walk in, I immediately looked up and my jaw immediately dropped; it was Nataeleigh. She looked around the cave and her face brightened into a Cheshire cat smile when she saw me sitting there.

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