Chapter Five "Bad Day In Gym"

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                                            ***Lalasa's P.O.V.***

           The minute I walked in I had walked into the gym I had told the teacher, Mr. Brower, not to let me near balls, bats, hoops, and or especially jump-ropes. The poor man didn't listen so now there were five popped balls, a broken hand, a kid sent to the nurse for a concussion, and a kid who had to be untangled from a jump-rope. Me? I was perfectly fine, not a scratch on me, not to mention this little tidbit but it hadn't even been twenty minutes since we had started class. The door of the gym opened and Waneta walked in. Once he caught sight of what had happened he completely stopped. His expression was absolutely priceless and I couldn't help but grin. Waneta got over his shock and jogged over to me.

           "Hi, how ya doing? I'm fine, just had a few accidents but I'm good." I said the first bit a bit sarcastically but he didn't notice much. He snorted but that was it.

           "You call this a few accidents? I'd call it a war zone. What did you do? Go on a rampage?" I glared at him with my hands on my hips.

           "Yes it is a few accidents. I only did what the teacher told me to do. I didn't mean to hurt anybody and I had told the teacher not to let me near balls, hoops, bats, and or especially jump-ropes. So you can’t blame me, well you can but it wasn’t entirely my fault." I defended myself and he grinned. He opened his mouth to say something but the teacher cut him off.

           "Waneta! So you finally transferred to my class huh?" Waneta nodded and the teacher grinned before looking at me. His grin got wider.

           “I’d watch out for her, she sent one kid to the ER for a broken hand and another to the nurse for a concussion." I gave the teacher my best glare and snarled,

           "I told you when I got in here not to let me near those items, but you didn't listen." The grin turned into full-fledged smile. Mr. Brower nodded sheepishly and reluctantly admitted,

           "I should've listened but I didn't." At this point I was beaming at him then I turned and frowned at Waneta.

           “What are you doing here? Apparently you didn’t have this class before and I don’t see Angus, who should be here, and isn’t.” He winced and held up his schedule. I snatched it and looked at it. When I was done I stared at the damn thing in disbelief.

           “You have got to be kidding, you have all my classes?” I asked then answered my own question.

           “Of course he does, I have the evidence to prove it.” Why? Why did he have to be in all my classes? I asked myself and finally sighed. I handed Waneta his schedule and went to go sit on the sidelines until the class was over. I hurried out of the gym like a bat outta hell. I was able to get to my class before Waneta, which kind of confused me. I mean, why was I evading him? He hadn't done anything, besides giving me the willies. There was something about him though, a sort of energy that drew me.


           The bell snapped me out of my thinking bubble and I got ready for class. I ignored Waneta throughout the class and when the bell rang again, signaling the end of school, I ran for it. I managed not to get trampled by the stampede of kids rushing to get to their bus. I met up with Sora and walked to our bus. We got on, sat down and three things happened after that. One: The bus driver abruptly got up and put a card over the seat in front of us that plainly said, Waneta, and under it, Lalasa. Two: The smug look Waneta threw me as he sat down in the seat in front of me, which I had just moved to. Three: Waneta growled at any boy that came near me. I ended up literally growling at him. When I realized what I had done and after his eyes widened, my face turned bright pink. He grinned at me and I had the sudden urge to slap the crap outta him. I rolled my eyes and turned back in my seat to talk to Sora.

           The bus ride home was relatively quiet. There were no urges for me to slap Waneta upside his head so I guess that counts as good. When it was my stop I said goodbye to Sora, shoved Waneta out of the seat and onto the floor, half on purpose, and got off the bus. I turned back to wave bye to Sora and was shocked to see Waneta behind me.

           “Uh, what are you doing? You don’t get off here.” I asked him and he just smirked at me.

           “Whatever” I mumbled and started walking for my house. This kind of reminded me of the time when Troy had followed me home. I had ended up kicking him in the ‘nads but he left me alone but other than that this was exactly the same as that. Except that Waneta wasn’t getting in my face. For some reason I wasn’t freaking out like I normally was when I got home from school. An evil thought popped into my head and I smiled evilly before running hell bent for leather for my house. I could hear Waneta running after me and I started laughing. I ran around the bend that hid my house and hid in the bushes. I stuck my foot out and waited.

           Waneta came flying around the bend and tripped over my foot. He landed with a thud and I winced. He groaned and looked up at me.

           “What? You’re the one who decided to follow me.” I told him innocently and he grimaced at me and sat up. I waved my good-bye and skipped the rest of the way to my house. Once I was on the porch I turned around and waved again before going inside.

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