Chapter 17 "The Marked and Mated"

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                                            two months later

              The last two months have been great. Waneta and I had gotten into a sort of routine. On the week days we'd get on the bus and sit as close as possible without me panicking, holding hands when we got off and going to our homeroom, and sitting together in our classes and at lunch. During the mornings before homeroom we'd hang out with Morrigan, Angus, and Sora. I was still waiting for the presents that Tabby was sending. I was really looking forward to getting them and finally knowing what they were.

              Today was Monday, March 18th. Waneta and I had been dating almost three months. We were in Mythology with Mr. Kroin. We were doing the story with Baucus and Philemon. We had to make a modern video of it. Waneta, I, and three other kids were in our group. Waneta and I were Baucis and Philemon, Jack and Sean were Zeus and Hermes, and Amber was Artemis. I was in charge of the costumes. I was a bit picky how the sheets were togas. Jack figured out a way so that the sheets were toga/cloaks. We had the first bit down so we recorded that and worked on the rest. We decided that Bobo the owl was gonna be a part of the video. I traced him off the Smart-board onto cardboard and cut him out. He was adorable.

              We did the project in about three or four A-days. I was a bit embarrassed about the way my voice sounded like on tape; all high-pitched. I was working on a small project, craft; I looked up at Mr. Welsh, our history teacher. He was droning on and on about the civil war. I glanced over at the clock on the wall and thankfully it was two minutes shy of the bell.

               “Alright, pack up. I can see you eying the clock like a dog with a bone. Study for the Quiz on Thursday and for the homework that is due on Monday, root around and find some of your ancestors around the 1880’s, anyone who has written proof or photographs will get 15 extra credit points on the test on Thursday.” The bell rang and everyone rushed to the door. I waited outside for Waneta and Nataeleigh walked past with an ugly smile. I shivered at the look and turned to look at Waneta. I gave him a quick kiss and took his hand. We walked down the hall to our next class.

              Lunch was . . . interesting to say the least. I ended up sitting in Waneta’s lap for the entire time. I was still blushing when it came time for us to go to gym.

              Gym was a trial of patience, dignity, and apologies. We played liberty ball, a seemingly harmless game, I didn’t break anything, and I only sprained a wrist and an ankle. They weren’t bad sprains so no crutches were needed. The bell rang and I walked with Waneta to the bus. I’d been ignoring my books for the entirety of the time Waneta and I had been together. My Nook was starting to gather dust. We got off the bus with Sora and Angus and walked to the pack house. We went in and went to the kitchen.

              Yesterday, Sora had baked another chocolate cake and a Brownie cake. I grabbed two plates and cut two slices for me and Waneta. I sat at the table and nibbled on my cake. We finished at the same time so I took our plates to the sink. We went upstairs to his room; it was a barracks type thing, boys on one side, girls on the other. Waneta’s was the largest with a desk and a tiny bathroom big enough for a shower stall and a sink. There was a set of bathrooms down the hall. I sat down on the bed and layed back. Waneta layed down beside me and scooted closer and I cuddled into him. 

              "You know, for the longest time I was just a nerdy girl with a phobia, a kind of major one, but a phobia none the less. I didn’t expect to find you, or Sora, or the fact that Weres existed, especially not here in this itty bitty town.” Waneta smiled at me.

               “Well, one doesn’t always go looking for something and they end up finding exactly what they need or could ever want in life. I didn't expect to find you but I did, and these last few moths have been the best of my semi-long life." He told me and I grinned at him. 

               "We both have our little things that make us who we are and I wouldn't change a single thing about you. You having your phobia just gives me an ability to care for you as only I can, which makes you mine just a little bit more.” I smiled at him and gave him a kiss.

               “I like it when I can see you as your wolf. Even though I’m not pack, it’s nice that you let me see you that way.” I told him and he cuddled me closer.

               "You're my mate, you can see me in any form that you like. Um, I have a question, it involves being mated to a wolf, and the one in question is me. Would you mate me?" He asked and I thought about it, thinking of the commitment that went along with being mated and nodded my head.

               "What do we have to do?" I asked him and he grinned at me.

               "I have to bite you right here," He said tapping at where my shoulder met my neck. 

               "I cringed a little and asked,

               "Will it hurt? I'm not very good with pain, not unless I've been needled with a painkiller first." Waneta chuckled and shook his head,

               "Nope, it shouldn't hurt very much but it will sting a bit then you won't even notice it." He told me and I nodded, having already thought about it.

               "Uh, will I have to bite you back?" I asked and he grimaced and nodded.

                “The Mating has to be done together, otherwise it’ll be one sided.” He told me and I winced.

            “Wow, talk about not being pressured. I do want to mate you but that’s putting a little pressure on me to mate you, not much but a little." Waneta looked a little panicked,

            "Is it too much pressure to go through with the claiming?" he asked me and I shook my head.

            "No. So what do I do?" Waneta grinned.

            "Basically just sit there and try to stay relaxed." he told me and he leaned over and nuzzled my neck before sucking on a small bit of skin and biting down until he drew blood. He licked it away and licked at the small wound, healing it. He quickly got a knife and cut a small cut in the side of his neck and pulled me to his neck. I did the same as he did for me and surprisingly it healed right before my eyes. I smiled and snuggled into his side.

               “Love you.” He mumbled and hugged me close. I leaned up and gave him a kiss.

              “Love you too.” Waneta smiled and kissed my mark and I smiled happily and settled in for sleep.

               “Waneta, could you turn on the radio?” I asked him and felt him reach over and turn it on. I settled back into his arms as the music began to play:

              You were in college working part time waitin’ tables,

              Left a small town,

              Never looked back,

              I was a flight risk,

              With a fear of fallin’

              Wonderin’ why we bothered with love,

              If it never lasts. 

A/N: Well, welcome to chapter 17. I hope you've enjoyed it and I hope you'll enjoy the next one as well. Soon, this will be the two years that I've been working on this story. I'm almost finished with my tenth grade year in school and with this story comes alot of memories. This story will probably be coming to a close within 2-3 chapters. They will be long, at least, the next chapter will be, I hope.  Enjoy.


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