Chapter two "Hell of a Bus Drive"

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A/N this chapter coincides with my school schedule with the fact that we start school on August 20th and our orientation is two to three days before.

~Lauren "Nickki" DuVigneau


                                            Two days later.

              I woke up to my alarm screaming at me.

             "Ugh, what did I do to deserve this?" I asked myself, groaning. My mom decided that it was time to torture me because she came into my room singing.

             "Good mornin, Good morning, to you." she sang and I groaned. My cat, Duske, jumped up on my bed purring. I uncovered my head from the blanket and asked her,

             "Girl, please tell me you don't agree with maman over it being a good morning?" Duske purred her answer. I groaned but got up. I stumbled into the bathroom and stripped out of my jammies. I climbed into the shower and let the water wake me up. I climbed out and wrapped myself in a fluffy black towel. I came out of the bathroom brushing my teeth and went to my closet.

              I ended up in my cute ruffled blue top, my blue jeans, and my pretty sparkly blue ballet flats. I remembered that last year the girls at my old school had kept adding make-up to the first layer of make-up that they had put on at home and it had made them look like scary raccoons with barbie faces. It was a good thing that I couldn't wear make-up, it made my face itchy. I went back to my bathroom to spit out the toothpaste and wash the toothbrush. I came out of the bathroom and grabbed my bag and my books. I came out of my room with Duske trailing after me.

              "What," I asked her. "Do you want some fish treats?"

              The purring got louder so I took that as a yes. I went down the stairs and almost ran into Poppy.

              "Whoa, slow down. We don't need you running into any walls." Poppy told me and I laughed.

              "I'll only run into something if I'm not looking Daddy." I told him and he gave me a hug.

              "I know." We walked into the kitchen where Mama was cooking her sweet potato pancakes, (Yuuummm). I grabbed a few and ran out the door, hearing my mother call out.

              "Hey! You get back here with those pancakes!"

              "Sorry Mama, can't, gotta get to the bus!" I called back and continued running until I came to the bus stop sign to wait. I was there for about twenty minutes when the bus pulled up. I went up the steps and went to the back of the bus for a seat, hearing whispers as I went. I collapsed into the seat and brought out my book, Lair of the Lion by Christine Feehan. The bus went along its normal route and I immersed myself in my book. The bus stopped again and the whispers that had been going on stopped when the next kid got on the bus. I looked up to see why everyone had stopped talking. He was gorgeous. Five-seven, very muscular, almost reminding me of jock, long black hair down to his waist, with blue streaks like that of a raven's wing and almost pure black eyes. The girl who was sitting in front of me leaned over and whispered,

              "Ain’t he gorgeous?” I turned away from the stunning picture before me and gave her an odd look.

              “Oh, I’m sorry, my name is Sora.” She told me I nodded back.

                “My name is Lalasa but call me Layla” I introduced myself. I nodded to the boy and asked,

                “Who is he?” Sora looked around to make sure we didn’t have any unwanted listeners, though how there could there be when there was no one in the back of the bus except for us, was a mystery to me, and leaned in close.

                “His name is Waneta. He’s the son of the most powerful man in town. Some say that he’s looking for his ma-true love” Sora cut herself off. I smiled but didn’t say anything and leaned back in my seat to watch the land pass by.

                “Uhh, can I sit with you?” Sora asked and I looked back at her and nodded.

                “I could use a friend; I miss my old one, Tablita.” I told her and she gave me a sad smile and sat right next to me. My phobia made itself known then, making my breath come in short pants and making my heart-rate to speed up.

                “Sora, could you move to the edge of the seat please.” I whispered/panted. I curled my finger in and out of my palms to help with the panic attack.

                "Layla? What’s wrong?” She asked her voice shaky.

                “Panic attack, not . . . afraid . . . have a . . . people phobia, can’t be around . . . many people at one time.” I gasped and I think Sora panicked because she ran up to the front of the bus and I think she told the bus driver of my predicament because as soon as she came back the driver pulled the bus to the side of the road. I groaned and tried curling into a ball in the seat. The lady who drove the bus came back and knelt beside the seat and asked,

                “Are you alright? Do you need me to call your parents?” I nodded at being okay and shook my head at calling my parents. A head appeared next to the lady’s and I quickly recognized the gorgeous boy Sora and me had been talking about.

                “Mrs. Craye, is she okay?” He asked her and my insides went to mush and my heart went crazy at the sound of his voice; it was smooth like honey and deep, almost like a drum on its deepest note, it almost flowed over me like rushing water.

                “Sora, look in her bag, she might have brought something to help with the panic attack if it got too much for her” Mrs. Craye ordered and Waneta let out a noise like a growl and Sora flinched but meekly gave him my bag. Man, why did I have to put my change of clothes in there? I wondered and saw the smirk on his face at my underwear. I stuck my tongue out at him and he smiled at me before holding up my bear. I blushed and snatched it out of his hands. I cradled it to my chest and breathed in the comforting scents of home, Tablita, the creek, and Pheonixanna. Waneta was smiling at me and it was where I realized that I was singing my lullaby that Mama had used when I was little.

                “Sleep, Sleep,

                It will carry you

                Into the wonderful land of dreams.

                The future is waiting for you there-

                Your future

                And your family.” I sighed when I felt the panic abade. I sat up holding my bear and glaring at Waneta. I quickly snatched my bag out of his hands and zipped it back up. Waneta and Mrs. Craye went back to their seats and the bus went rolling again. Sora sat on the floor next to the seat, looking panicky.

                “Sora, it’s okay, and if you do that again I’m gonna pinch you. It was embarrassing, next time this happens, don’t give anyone my bag. I almost died of mortification from him looking through my bag.” I threatened and she nodded quickly.

                “Can I come back onto the seat?” She asked and I nodded. She scrambled up and sat on the edge while I looked out the window. Man, what a morning, I thought and sighed.

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