Chapter 10 "Shopping hell"

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             Copyright © 2013 by Silvery_Blue_Flames

All rights reserved. All my stories, including chapters, prologues, epilogues and all associated content is copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights are reserved by the owner and creator of these works. Any unauthorised copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of these works constitutes as an infringement of copyright and is punishable by law.


                                                          ***Lalasa’s P.O.V.***

             It was hell. I came to that conclusion while we went to the stores for dresses. Sora acted like a butterfly, flitting from store to store. She had found a few dresses but none that she loved. I, on the other hand, haven’t found a dress I even liked. The store we went to next was the last one on the list. We walked in and Sora immediately let out a squeal.

             “Oh my god, I found my dress!” I smiled at her enthusiasm. Her dress was a plain pale pink that started off at the chest in a strapless affair that flowed down to just above the knees. The waist of the dress had a belt of black ribbon with sequins. The top part of the dress was layered by three more pieces of cloth into the knee. The dress would show off her shoulders and back perfectly. Sora took the dress off the hanger and slipped into the dressing room to change. She came out a few minutes later wearing the dress and I nodded my head.

             “Yep, that is so your dress. You go pay for it while I wander around and look for mine.” I told her and she nodded and ran back to the dressing room to change into her normal, everyday clothes. I wandered around almost aimlessly, stopping at one dress or another until, as I was going back to the register to get Sora saw my dress. The thing was gorgeous . . . and it was mine.

             The top of the dress was a pale sky blue that ended at the knee. At the waist was a belt of white sequins, above the belt was a wrap-around over the chest, which was an additive of white sequins with blue wrap. After the pale blue wrap ended a darker blue began and after that shade ended at the calf an almost purple blue began and ended at the ankle. I went to the dress and carefully picked it up. I ran into the dressing room and put it on. I came out of the dressing room and just about gasped over what I looked like.

             “Wow, where did you find that, it’s gorgeous,” asked Sora and I jumped and she laughed.

             “Well, since you’re obviously in love with the dress, get it.” She said and I sighed in defeat, it was a fabulous dress.

             “Allright,” I glanced at the price tag, and then stared at it in shock.

             “Nope, I’m sorry. Dress has to be at least fewer than one thousand dollars,” I said and Sora gave me an exasperated sigh.

             “Why didn’t you say so? I have, surprisingly so, a three hundred shopping trip thingie that I haven’t used so you can get the dress,” She said and said when I opened my mouth to protest.

             “Don’t even think about it. “ My mouth closed with a slight click.

             “Do you need shoes to go with this?” Sora asked and I shook my head.

             “No, I have the perfect pair of sparkly blue ballet flats for this dress.” I answered and we walked to the checkout line. Ten minutes later I was walking out of the mall, happily carrying my dress with me over my arm.  We headed to Sora’s Audi RS 5 Coupe and climbed in.

             “Ahhh,” I sighed as I sank into the plush seats. Sora grinned at my sigh and started the car.

             “Why don’t you have your own car?” she asked and I sighed again.

             “My mom and dad said that I had to save up until my seventeenth birthday. I started saving at 10 and I’ve almost got enough to get my car.” I explained and Sora nodded her acceptance.

             “Hey, do you wanna go to my house?’ She asked and I nodded and smiled. Sora gave an evil laugh, which should have warned me but I didn’t listen and she glanced at me.

             “I’d hold on, I have to make a U-turn” she warned, right before she turned the wheel.

             “Agggggghh!” I yelled as I grabbed for the “oh shit!” bar. Sora, thankfully, finished her turn and straightened out the wheel. Sora started laughing.

             “Man, that was fun,” She said, half hiccupping. I told my hand to let go of the bar but my brain didn’t listen, it took me a few minutes before I could yank my hand away. I pushed my hands into my lap and clenched my fingers until I could hold up my hands without them looking like claws. I settled back into my seat with a sigh. She’d kill us on our way, I thought and sighed again.

                                                               *     *     *

             Sora turned into the driveway and I just stared.

              “Whoa,” I breathed and stared at the house in something akin to awe, and a tinsy bit of envy.

           “I just moved in, isn’t it cool?” Sora asked me and I just nodded my head. Sora stopped the car and turned it off.

             “Come on, I want you to meet my pa-friends” She corrected herself and she must’ve seen my panic because she quickly said,

              “Not at one time.” I smiled at her in relief. We got out and brought our dresses with us. Sora went inside and yelled,

             “Ricky, I’m home!” What I hadn’t expected was an answer, or whose voice answered back.

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