Chapter 6 "Our new Luna"

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                           ****** Waneta’s P.O.V. ******

            I watched as Lalasa waved and went inside her house. I chuckled when I remembered that she had given me an innocent look after tripping me. I passed a hand over my face to check for blood and coming away with a small smear. I shrugged and deemed that it would heal. I got to my knees and stood up. I started back up the road, heading for the pack house. I was so proud of my mate. She was able to cloak her scent completely. Normally only werewolves could hide their scent but Lalasa had taken on the scents of those around her with ease, as if she had been doing it for years.

            The werewolves who normally get this talent is the Alpha, Beta, Luna, Omega. If the Alpha has the talent you could figure it out by a tattoo they had on their right bicep. On the Luna, you could find the tattoo on her lower back. On a Beta you could find his tattoo on his left forearm. On an Omega you could find their tattoo under the back of their neck and when the tattoo shows up so does the Delta. The Delta’s mark comes with the job of passing the history and traditions of the pack their in. On a Delta, their tattoo appears underneath their Omega tattoo. The first shift mark usually appeared on the right thigh but it sometimes showed up on the calf. There was a mating mark that showed up after the mated couple had “intimate relations” and it pops up on their chests, right on the skin above the heart.

            I pulled myself out of my musings as the pack house came into view. I saw Alistair, my Beta, running towards me.

            “Hello Alpha, we’ve patrolled the border and found some strange scents but they were days old.” He told me and I nodded.

            “Keep checking the border and watch if the scents come back any stronger, we don’t want any rogue’s to come into our territory.” I told him and Alastair nodded. Alastair suddenly started sniffing around me and I gave a low growl.

            “Woah, no need to get freaked out. I just noticed that your scent was off, what’s up?”

            I couldn’t help the slow grin that spread across my face and Alastair cracked up.

            “You found your mate, didn’t you?” The grin got wider.

            “Oh, man! Congrats mate. Who is she?” Alastair asked.

            “Her name is Lalasa Aiden. She transferred over here. Strange thing is, she has anthropophobia, a fear of people. I saw her have an episode on the bus this morning.” I informed him and walked toward the door.

            “That sucks.” Alastair told me and I nodded in agreement.

            “Hey, what’s that on your face?” He asked and I flushed.

            “It’s blood. My mate tripped me. She was able to black her scent so I would think she was still running to her house.” You could hear the pride in my voice when I said that.

            “Your mate actually played chase with you?” I nodded. Chase was what we called it when our wolves took over and wanted, or chasing their mate. It’s like wild female wolves; you had to chase ‘em to mate ‘em.

            “So . . ., she’s human?” I smiled, most of it teeth and little humor.

            “Not for long.”

                                                      *****Lalasa’s P.O.V*****

                          After going inside and while Waneta talked to Alastair

            “Mom, Dad. I’m home” I yelled as I tossed my bag into the corner by the door.

            “We’re in the kitchen” came the reply. I jogged to the back of the house and into the kitchen. My mom and dad sat in the kitchen chairs. My mom and dad where still relatively young, they were in their early thirties. I gave each of them a hug and got myself a green pepper from the drawer at the bottom of the fridge. I started crunching on it immediately after the door closed.

            “So, how was school?” asked Mom.

            “It was okay” Crunch. Crunch.

            “Had a panic attack on the bus,” Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.

            “It was a pretty big one but the bus driver helped. So did a boy named Waneta. He was the one who gave me my bear.” Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.

            “Oh good. Was that the only one?” asked papa as he picked up his coffee and took a sip.

            “Yeah, surprisingly. I think I was too focused on Waneta to start panicking.” I told him, finishing the pepper and putting the stem in the trash. Papa’s eyebrows rose.

            “I also caused a concussion, a broken hand, and a kid had to be untangled from a few feet of jump-rope. So, all in all, I had a good day, all things considering.” I told them.

            “Did you warn the teacher?” asked maman. I nodded.

            “I gotta go. I’ll see you at supper.” I yelled as I ran back to my bag. I slung it over my shoulder as I ran outside. I ran around the side of the house and headed straight to my stream. I dodged all the obstacles until I reached the stream. I sat down on my favorite rock by the stream and got out Lair of the Lion by Christine Feehan. I opened the book and leaned back. With the sound of the water and the words before me, I lost myself in my surroundings.

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