Chapter 9 "There's a party"

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A/N Short authors note here, to some who want me to update I'm sorry, I had been writing my stories down on paper and I had almost one and a half sheets done and then i lost it, sorry guys, your wait will be a little long because of it, and plus I need to finish writing the chapter.


                                            *** Lalasa’s P.O.V. ***

      When I woke up the next morning, I couldn’t move. Nothing was wrong, except that my muscles had locked into place while I slept. I slowly got up and made my way into the bathroom. My brain was still asleep so I ended up in front of the heater to wake up. I stayed there a few minutes and got up to do my thing and a few moments later came out of the bathroom with my toothbrush in hand. I walked to my closet and opened it. Now, while most girls my age had dresses and skirts and frilly blouses, I had my closet full of jeans, T-shirts, and jackets.

      I decided on a purple look today and wore my sparkly purple shirt with the jeans I had gotten last Christmas. I slipped into my light ballet flats and finished brushing my teeth. I cleaned the toothbrush and brushed my hair on the way down the stairs.

      “Maman, have you seen Duske?” I called from the hallway.

      “I let her out a few minutes ago.” She answered. I smiled and grabbed my bag and my book, then headed out. I ran down the road and halted at the bus stop. I only had to wait a few minutes before it pulled up. I climbed the round steps and made my way to the back of the bus, sitting in the same space I had sat in yesterday. I started to feel like Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory with him being so possessive over his spot on the couch. I smiled at Sora, who was wriggling around in her seat like a fish out of water.

       “Morning.” I said and that must’ve been the trigger because she started in on Waneta getting off the bus at my stop.

       “Okay, how’d you do it?” She asked and I shook my head, half-amused, half-confused.

       “What are you talking about? I didn’t do anything.” She smiled at me.

       “How’d you get him?” I gave her a questioning look.

       “Waneta, silly.” I blushed.

       “He’s the one who go off at my stop.’ I defended and smiled at her. I brought out my book and continued to read about Isabella and Nicolai. The bus stopped to let Waneta on and as he climbed the stairs I looked up. Our eyes met and he smiled. I smiled back but it faded when he came to the back of the buss to my seat. He sat down and I stared at him, uncomprehending why he was in my seat.

       “Morning,” he said and I blinked at him.

       “Hi, morning, uh, not to be rude or anything but why are you in my seat?” Waneta smiled at me.

       “I thought you might want some company,” he said and I blinked at him again.

       “Did you not see what happened yesterday when Sora decided to sit with me?” I asked him in disbelief. Waneta nodded and said,

       “I did see it and I also saw that you have something to help you when you have your panic attacks.” I just stared at him. Sora must’ve seen my expression because she started giggling. Suddenly she stopped laughing and she started her wriggling again.

       “Oh! Did you hear? The school is hosting a homecoming party for the entire school body. That means me and you have to go find our dresses.” Sora burst out and I stared at her.

       “Um, I don’t know, my anthropophobia might act up, and I’d get embarrassed for having a teddy bear to calm me down.” I looked down as I said this, normal teenagers didn’t have a teddy bear in their pack and they didn’t have anthropophobia, but it turns out that I’m the only one in a long line of healthy people in my family to have a phobia, especially anthropophobia. Sora gave me a pouty face,

       “Oh, please!? I don’t have anyone to go with and I want you to come and see how we Oak Haveners party.” She coaxed and I sighed in defeat.

       “Allright, I’ll go.” I conceded and Sora gave a squeal and grabbed me in a hug. I froze for a couple seconds before relaxing and carefully patting her on the back. She pulled back and I noticed the expression on Waneta’s face. It was a mixture of bemusement and confusion. It was an adorable expression on him; his eyebrows went in different directions, one up, and the other down, while there was a slight frown on his forehead and on his mouth. It was so cute. I settled back in my seat and smiled to myself, this was going to be fun.

The Wolfe's ClawOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora