One Piece:Lunar Lovers: Eusta...

By TitaniaDLuna

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As a woman who joined the marines at age 10, you've seen almost everything from the good and the bad and have... More

Chapter 1: Two years later
Chapter Two: Secrets, mistakes and wishes.
Chapter Three: Opal Returns
Chapter Four: Bittersweet Reunions
Chapter Five: unseen scars
Chapter Six: Plans and Confrontations
Chapter Seven: Just like old times
Chapter Eight: Duty vs. Fun
Chapter Nine: Leopards, Girraffes and the Brawl.
Chapter Ten: A night with the Kid Pirates
Chapter Eleven: Loyalties Questioned
Chapter 12: Tournament begins
Chapter 13: A night with the beast
Chapter 14: Real name and a sparring match
Chapter 15: A night of talking
Chapter 16: Business Partners
Chapter 17: Day 2 of Tournament
Chapter 18: Taken by the Surgeon of Death
Chapter 19: The meeting that took place
Chapter 20: Duty calls
Chapter 21: Night of passion
Chapter 22: Goodbye
Chapter 23: A month later-Kid's POV
Chapter 24: Surprise visit
Chapter 25: Dinner Time Conversations
Chapter 26: Punishment?
Chapter 27: Lunar Lovers
Chapter 28: Lunar Lovers pt.2
Chapter 30: Lunar Lovers pt.3
Chapter 31: Dropping in
Chapter 32: Awkward Reniouns
Chapter 33: Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend
Chapter 34: Aftermath
Lunar Lovers-The End
Epilogue-Save a dance for me


4.9K 115 110
By TitaniaDLuna

~2 months after Paramount War~

Titania D. Y/N.
Rank: Captain
Age: 17
Hair color: H/C
Eyes: Opal Shade
Height: 5'6
Weight: 145
Abilities: Arament Haki and Obersvation Haki. Great hand-to-hand combat, brilliant strategist, basic first aid, uses coiled whip and self made blade as weapons. Assists with training new recruits.
Devil Fruit: None
Rank promotion: Vice Admiral
Reason for Promotion: To be Discussed.

Y/N couldn't even believe what she was reading. Vice Admiral? Were they kidding who even authorized this? I'm 17, I was just promoted to Captain two years ago. Looking at Vice Admiral Prodi you can guess he thought the same thing. He didn't look pleased. He was easily jealous when others were promoted, and became nearly impossible to be around when others were getting medals and rank promotions. He had been trying to become an Admiral for 20 years no luck. Your disbelief must've shown on your face because Prodi wasn't going to let you leave his office without a few words, to soothe his bruised ego.
"I can't believe they're letting someone like you get a Vice Admiral Rank. You don't even have the skill set for it."
You knew that was bullshit. Your observation Haki had developed when you were 7 years old and you were nothing more than a street rat in South Blue. When you joined the marines at age 10, Aokiji had specifically trained you to enhance your observation Haki skills. At 13 you had awoken your arament Haki because of that training. Your observation Haki was definitely the superior of the two though. You didn't inform anyone but Kuzan-San of the change. At age 12 while trying to lead a group of hostages away from their captures, you were able to identify using your observation Haki alone who had a devil fruit and who didn't. Kuzan-San had told you not to tell anyone about that and to keep it between the two of you.
That train of thought led you to another one. Kuzan-San had been recommended by Sengoku to become the new Fleet Admiral. You were excited for him, but nervous. The 5 Elders wanted Akainu to be the new Fleet Admiral because his version of "Justice" was more aligned with theirs than Kuzan-San's.
"Are you even listening to me Titania??!!" Prodi slammed his hands on his desk making you jump.

"Sorry what did you say?" You could see the veins in his head beginning to form, you wondered how they never exploded from his head.

"You are to report to Kong immediately. Now get out!" He couldn't even punish you for what he called "insubordination" anymore cause you two were now the same rank. You went to your Captains quarters to get your things and would be leaving on the next Warship out to meet with Kong-San for your official ceremony.

As you were packing a knock came to your door.
"Enter." You were still packing when the person who knocked on your door entered.

"Y/N!! I heard you got a promotion! Vice Admiral Titania D. Y/N! Congratulations!!" The next thing you new you were wrapped in a bear hug that squeezed the life out of you.

"Bonham..I can't breathe."

"Oh my bad. Hahahaha." He gave you a rub on your back and sat on your old bed. "But seriously Y/N, that's awesome! You're going to be the youngest Vice Admiral in history! You beat even Garp-San, Tsuru-sama and Former Fleet Admiral Sengoku by five years! You're going to be famous after this!" You stopped your packing day down at your old desk, and faced him.

"But I don't know why though Bonham. Why would they make me a Vice Admiral? It makes no sense. I don't follow orders to a T. I question my superiors usually to their faces. I can't stand the hypocrisy of the World Government, it pisses me off. And yet I want to change it." You took a breath. "I couldn't care less about pirates or what they do unless they hurt kids, I don't care about capturing them, I care about the people they hurt and who we hurt by trying to apprehend them. I was at Marineford for the War. I..." you breathed again. Bonham had been your closest friend, it sucked when you felt you couldn't tell him everything that was on your mind and of the sins you committed to keep some of your secrets. He put a comforting hand on your shoulder and gave you a light squeeze. He gave you his carefree smile that always made you feel better.

"You do deserve this promotion. For every reason you listed why you think you'd make a bad Vice Admiral, I think was exactly why you were chosen."

-1 day later-

On the ship you were with someone else who was getting a Vice Admiral promotion, someone else you got along okay with. But not necessarily friends.

"So Smoker-San, you're finally accepting your promotion after all these years, I'm surprised."
He glared at you while smoking his signature cigars.
"Are your lungs protected by your logia fruit too?I've always wondered."
The men around you all choked on a laugh they didn't dare let loose. Smoker had a temper, so did you but it took a while for it to bubble to the surface. Unlike his, but you found it funny when he got mad so you always tried to annoy him.

"You did not just ask that out loud." You let out a laugh. You'd known Smoker since you joined. He knew what you were trying to do and didn't fall for it.
He always had an eye on you, in a brotherly way and helped you on the sly when he thought you didn't notice.

"I'm glad I'm not going by myself though, it's nice to be going with someone who doesn't hate my guts." He looked at you and ruffled the top of your head, and gave a light chuckle.

"You know Y/N, not as many people hate you as you think."  You gave him a look that said you didn't believe him.
You went back to staring at the sea, you let your mind wander for a minute before Smoker decided to comment on the amount of men staring at you.

"You'd think they'd make eyes at you more subtly. But no they're staring a hole into your back." You looked behind you, only to have all of them resume with whatever task they had. "The way you dress doesn't help." You gave a pout.

"What are you my big brother?" You wore yoga style pants that had the word Marines down the left leg, ankle cut sneakers, and a grey long sleeve crop top. You stood 5'6, you had a slim waist due to your constant activity, and you had a good set of curves on your chest and ass. You wore your H/L in a pony tail and had your dragon fly hair pin clipping it in place. However, you had scars marring your body. You had just recently received the scars on your rib cage given to you by Blackbeard at Marineford. You had a scar on your left arm from an encounter with a tiger back when you were kid, and some on your back from your training period. You weren't ugly by any means, your eyes were definitely your biggest draw in, they were the color of an Opal stone, and they contrasted with your H/L H/C. You also weren't overly pretty. But you got attention.
"How I dress is my business. The stares don't bug me I hardly notice them." He chuffed a breath but dropped the issue.

The rest of the trip was the two of you catching up since the Paramount War, and talking about what the Worst Generation had been up to since.

"I heard that The Surgeon of Death recently put in an application to be a Warlord. Is that true?" You asked Smoker. He became agitated as he spoke.

"Yes he did. And it looks like he's going to get it. He delivered 100 pirate hearts to Marineford a week after the war."
100 hearts? Dayum, no wonder he's getting the title Warlord he just did a big portion of our job for us and made it look like child's play.

"Jewelry Bonney went after Blackbeard, but he easily defeated her and her crew. Akainu went to apprehend her and bring her to Impel Down. But she somehow escaped with her men." That made you pause.

"Did she seriously think she could take him on? She must've thought very highly of herself up until that moment." You went to eating your curry and rice Smoker was looking at you but you did bother to look back.

"What Smoker-San?"

"Do they still bother you Y/N? The scars that bastard gave you?" You paused and put a hand on the three scars that ran from right below your left breast down to your left hip bone.

"It was war Smoker-San, things happen."

"I'm fully aware of that, but the way he did it makes it feel like he was trying to tell you something."

"Or teach me a lesson. I saved some of the men he tried to sink in his shadows made by his devil fruit. I also got a few blows in on some of his men before Red Hair showed up. He wasn't happy. He basically said he could've killed me but I wasn't worth it." You both were silent after that.
You went to bed dreaming again about the war that had forever changed the dynamics of both the pirate and marine world. And the poor innocent civilians who would be caught in the middle of the clean up.

-Marineford: 2 Days later-
Coming back here after two months of being away from the aftermath was hard. Many soldiers had died and their families had been collecting their dead since. The hardest was seeing the kids crying for their moms and dads who they would never again see in this lifetime. You and Smoker reported immediately to Kong to officially have your promotion ceremonies simultaneously.

There wouldn't be a party like there usually would be, but that was okay with you. You hated dressing up, this made everything easier. Next to you Smoker had on his jacket with the word Justice on the back. You opted not to wear yours, in fact you never did. It made you feel like a hypocrite wearing it. Luckily it wasn't a requirement-expected yes-but not required. You wore your go-to crop top, Marine yoga pants and sneakers.

As you two walked in, you were surprised by the amount of people that were there. Aokiji, Garp, Akainu, Kizaru, Tsuru, Hina and Sengoku were all there. And the room had a lot of different auras going on, resentment, anger, disbelief, relief, gratitude and happiness. It was enough to make someone dizzy. Kong was the first person to break the silence.

"Smoker, Titania. Thank you both for coming on such short notice. I understand you have your duties but I am reassigning you both as of today." Huh, no wonder Prodi was pissed. Cause he would now have to put in actual work and effort into his job. He usually left that up to you to do. Yeah right he's gonn make Bonham do it.

"Smoker you and Tashigi will be going to serve with Virgo and assist with G5. Hina is here to pin you for your promotion." Hina stepped forward to pin Smoker. He saluted then stepped back.

"Titania, you will be given your new orders and assignments in the following week to come. We are preparing your ship, to set sail to the Pleasure Islands. Aokiji is here to pin you." Kuzan-San stepped forward and pinned you. He ruffled your hair for good measure than stepped away. You saluted then stepped back.

"This is absurd!" Akainu finally snapped. "I understand Smoker, he should've accepted this promotion a long time ago; but Titania? You've all gone mad!" You didn't agree with the hothead too often but for once you had to agree with him.

"We talked about this Sakazuki. You and Kizaru were out voted. We need Titania to be a higher rank than she is. Her skills are above a Captain's, she is respected by the men and women who serve under and above her. Even those who are older. She is the youngest person in history to join the marines and her undercover work is second to none. She isn't well known, which will give her an advantage against pirates and other foes. And her strategic methods are what helped us in the War. And you want to deny her over something as stupid as age?" Kong-San finishes and Akainu and Kizaru walked out. You let out a breath you hadn't known you were holding.

"You said I was going to go to the Pleasure Islands. May I ask what for sir?"

"Of course." He seemed happy that you got down to business.

"Can't it wait old man? We need to celebrate with food and booze!" You had to smile at Garp's antics. Despite losing his grandson he was trying his hardest to act normal.  I can't help but feel sad for him. I wish he had someone around to help him.

"The rest of you can go, Titania will catch up. She leaves in two days and I need to brief her. And who the hell are you calling old man you damn brat? Last time I checked yer no spring chicken!"

"I'm still younger than you old fart!"

"The hell did you just say?" Tsuru and Sengoku dragged Garp outside and Aokiji and Hina tried to calm Kong down. You were trying to hold in your laughter but it was getting hard. By the time everyone else had left and you had been briefed it was almost an hour later before you joined Garp and the others for your celebratory dinner.

Kong noticed you holding in your laughter. You cleared your throat and gave him your full attention.

"Ah Y/N-San, congratulations on your promotion!" You saw Koby and Helmeppo at the table as well. You were thankful for their presence. You wouldn't be the youngest at the table anymore.

"Thanks Koby, I heard you awakened your observation Haki, sorry about the circumstances that it happened. Kinda bittersweet huh?" He gave an embarrassed laugh before going back to his food.
Not to mention the balls it took to stand up to Akainu.

"I still can't believe they made you of all people a Vice Admiral!" Helmeppo grumble as he drank.

"I'm surprised they let you in the Marines considering the crap you pulled but hey, one day when you prove yourself a great soldier you'll get there too."

"Are you saying I'm not a great soldier now?"

"I didn't you just did though." He mumbled a few more choice words under his breath. You enjoyed laughing with everyone. You had missed them all. Aokiji seemed to be thinking of something else though he barely ate and he hardly drank. When all the food was gone and drinks had been drunk, you followed him to see how he was doing.

"Admiral Aokiji, I heard you're going to be made the new Fleet Admrial. How does that make you feel?" He sat on a ledge that overlooked where the battlefield had been. Then he looked at you then at your new scars.

"Nothing is set in stone yet. There's a lot of politics happening right now. It makes me tired just thinking about it." You smiled. Some things would never change with this man.

"I seem to remember you telling me I was a constant headache when you caught me stealing food, all those years ago."

"What do you mean was a constant headache? You still are a constant headache." Now you laughed.

"I would be dead without you Kuzan-San. I owe you my very life." He placed a hand on your head as you sat next to him and looked out at the ruins in front of you.

"You were just a kid, looking for her next meal. I didn't want to flog you for trying to survive."

"I'll never forget everyone's faces when you said I was joining the marines. They must've thought you were crazy."

"Or just really weird. Are you prepared for your new assignment?" You nodded your head.

"I'm going to see Vegapunk tomorrow and get the necessary things to change my looks. And after that I'll be walking around the Pleasure Islands to get a feel for everything. Hopefully I'll have something to report by next week."

"Just watch yourself. Lots of pirates go through there." You paused.

"You think that since I was wounded by Blackbeard I can't handle myself anymore?" He shook his head.

"That isn't what I meant and you know it. You're going to be by yourself with no back up. I care about your well being and just want you to get in get what we need and get out. I've known you for almost half your life. Did I ever treat you like a weak little girl? Even when I could see all your rib cage due to you starving?"

"No you haven't sorry." You took a breath, "Just, everyone looks at me differently now that I have these. Like I'm somehow weaker than I was cause I got these. In reality I was just trying to save men from being killed." Aokiji rubbed your head again, he wasn't a man a very many words usually, but with you he would talk to you about everything.

"You know the scars aren't the only reason people stare at you." You gave him a confused look. "You're no longer a little girl anymore, you're a grown woman. The men who used to see you as a girl are trying to check their new desires." Now you were blushing.

"Sh-shut up! No they're not! You're crazy!!"

"Arara don't tell me you haven't noticed?"

"Notice what Kuzan?" You both turned to see a familiar person, who had hated you since the day he met you. Admrial Sakazuki Akainu.

"None of your business Sakazuki. What do you want?"

"I need to speak with Titania." Aokiji rose and stood at full height face to face with Akainu. You could swear you saw literal sparks flashing between them.


"None of your concern." You could see Aokiji getting angrier by the minute. You knew that Aokiji was your new superior that you would serve directly under once this mission was over, but for now you were simply a Vice Admiral who had just been summoned by a superior rank.

"What is it that we will be discussing exactly sir? Kong-Dono has already briefed me in detail about my upcoming assignment." Akainu spared you a look.

"It has to do with a different nature of your assignment. One that old man Kong knew Kuzan wouldn't feel comfortable discussing with you, considering your relationship." You had no idea what that meant but it made sense.

"Admrial Aokiji, I'll make sure to come see you before my departure tomorrow morning." Aokiji looked like he wanted to argue but thought better of it. He excused himself, and you stood before Akainu alone. You felt a chill run through you, but refused to shiver in front of him. You refused to look weak in front of this asshole. "So what? What's so important?" He glared at you for being so forward. But didn't comment on it like he usually would.

He looked you up and down, very slowly as if studying your body. You didn't like the looks he gave you and wanted nothing more than to cover your bare stomach. But didn't dare to do it.

"Have you been with a man yet?" ....excuse me what? Did this asshole seriously just ask me that? You spoke in an even but confused tone.

"How is that relevant or any of your damn business?"

"Answer Titania. Now." You glared at him, refusing to let yourself feel embarrassed.

"No I haven't there hasn't been time for me to find a lover."

"Have you ever kissed a man?"


"Seen one naked?" What the actual fuck?

"Yes whenever I helped triage for the wounded. But again why does any of this matter?" You were starting to get annoyed with the personal questions, and your tone was starting to betray you.

"You're going to Pleasure Islands, your going to see things that will make you uncomfortable you need to be ready for that."

"I've seen naked men before, I'm a woman so I know what to expect. If Kong-Dono didn't think I could handle it he wouldn't have given me this assignment." Suddenly you felt rock behind your back and the wind knocked out of you. Before you could even register what happened Akainu grabbed you by the throat and lifted your head. You tried to break his hold but to no avail.

"I don't think you can pull it off." He growled in your face. "Your nothing but a child with a woman's body." Y/N felt her anger boil now.

"Let me go right now jackass!"

You didn't care if he hit you for that comment, or even reprimand you for it. You felt disgusting under his shadow of his almost 10 foot stature. And you wanted to pluck his eyes out of his head for the way he stared. He didn't say anything he also didn't make a move to let you go. Suddenly you felt his other hand tracing your scars on your abdomen. Slowly caressing each one. You felt bile raise in your throat and now you were clawing at his hands. He squeezed your throat tighter for good measure. You went to kick him, but he raised you to be eye level with him, slammed you against the wall again making you lose breath again and then pressed his body to yours. You were going to throw up. You knew for sure now. Thinking that maybe if you did he'd let go then.

Just as you felt they bile rising, he put his lips to your neck. You froze. You never froze, not even in the face of death. But you froze now. He started to kiss under your ear, then biting down on your lobe and licking the inside of it. You stared to fight back realizing what he meant to do. But he had you pinned. You were lucky he hadn't chosen to use his devil fruit abilities on you. He let go of your neck and held you up by your forearms, his fingers digging in, and bruising you. Just as you were about to yell: he slammed his lips against yours. You squirmed and struggled but couldn't break him off. He bit your lip making you bleed, you gasped from the pain, he took that opportunity to stick his tongue in. He pressed into you more and you felt his erection on your belly. He was getting off on causing you pain and making you angry. You bit down hard on his tongue making him drop you. You took this chance to make an Arament Haki fist and hit him hard, causing him to stumble back, not far but just enough for you to run.

You ran until you reached Aokiji's quarters. You figured you were safe here. Even he did follow you he wouldn't dare try anything while you were so close to Kuzan. You were out of breath, and your heart was slamming against your ribs. My God he was going to rape me. Just to prove a point. He was actually going to take me against my will, just because he wanted to teach me a lesson.

You ran into Kuzan's room and headed straight for the bathroom. He might've said something but you didn't hear it. You were vomiting now. You had enough sense to lock the door though. So your brain was working somewhat. When you stood at the sink to rinse out your mouth you finally got a look at yourself in the mirror. You had a busted lip, your forearms had his finger prints in them that were already bruising. But worst of all you had a hickey on your neck. You took your hair down and washed your face. Now that the shock wore off you shook with adrenaline. Then with anger and then with disgust.

"What the hell happened?" Aokiji was pissed. You hid the hickey but you couldn't hide the busted lip unfortunately. That was a dead giveaway.

"He stared to ask me really personal questions about my sex life, or lack thereof. I got pissed and said that Kong felt I was ready to do this mission. He said I wasn't and slammed me against the wall to prove a point."

"Slamming you against the wall wouldn't have made your lip bleed unless you were biting down when he did it. What happened after that." Don't tell him, he'll kill Akainu and that won't be good for him or the Navy. We need him.

"He hit me across the face. And slammed me again. I sucker punched him and then I ran. The slamming made me vomit." You breathed you tried to be normal. You had never once lied to him. It felt weird doing it now. Your observation Haki alerted you to a devil fruit user. After concentrating you knew it was Akainu. "He's here." You whispered. Aokiji made you hide in the closet. Before the knock came at his door.

"Kuzan I know she's in there open up!" He didn't yell but the anger and promise of physical punishment was in his voice. Kuzan went to the door and before he even opened it Akainu blew in.

"Where is she?"

"Who Sakazuki?"

"Don't play dumb, Titania. Where is she?"

"She came by said goodbye and went on her way. I don't know where she went after that."

"Kizaru said he saw her come in here."

"Well yeah we talked for a minute then left. Are we done I'd like to nap." Akainu couldn't accuse Kuzan of hiding you. You held your breath waiting for him to leave. He looks around, a bruise forming on his temple where you hit him. Good serves you right!

"I went to her room she wasn't there." All of a sudden you felt the air get cold. Aokiji was letting his abilities show.

"Why did you go to her room? What the fuck did you try to do to her Sakazuki? The same thing you did to Hina?" Miss Hina??

"Shut up Kuzan and stay out of it! She's no longer your pet, she's a woman of the Marines she needs to be prepared for all the ugliness of the world! She won't learn with you constantly protecting her! I was doing her a favor, before she punched me! And when I find her I will finish the lesson I started. But unlike Hina, I won't be nice about it. It'll be a long and painful lesson for her."

"You so much as touch her again Sakazuki, and I will kill you! The WG has been letting you get away with this for too long, I promise you this. When I am made Fleet Admiral, I will drag you before all the women you hurt and let them tell me what "Justice" they see fit to give it you."

You'd had no idea he'd raped Hina and countless other women. And he was trying to rape you next. You left as soon as Akainu left Kuzan's room. You slept in the crows nest of the warship that was taking you to Vegapunk. You waved goodbye to everyone. Akainu didn't show up thankfully. And you were off to Pleasure Island. To infiltrate the loan shark gangs and get information on them to arrest them and figure out who they were giving money to and arresting whomever they were paying. It was supposed to be a month long assignment, in your opinion it wouldn't be long enough.

You weren't aware then, but the assignment would've been the start of something new for you and how you lived the rest of your life.

(Outfit worn while undercover)
-Will switch between Kid's POV and Readers POV-

-Kid's POV-
They had just arrived to the Pleasure Island. This island was always warm never reaching under 75 degrees. Kid and his men had just secured more ships for their growing fleet, along with its crew. Kid had killed the Captain and anyone else who remained loyal. Which wasn't much. It was a pretty brutal death. Kid had sent them back with a few of his men to the lair. They'd been working for 2 1/2 months straight. Gaining territory and more men to make a stamp on the New World. So far so good. But the men were getting tense and needed to blow off some steam.

The Pleasure Island, it had over twenty different brothels, each catering to a certain taste. The higher priced ones had the cream of the crop when it came to choice of women. The island also offered casinos, hundreds of restaurants and bars, and ten fighting rings. Some had seasoned fighters that fought and killed for show, others let the audience get involved in the fights. There was one in particular that had caught Kid's attention. The Revenge Ring. Apparently the locals used this one when they had grievances with a fellow neighbor or business partner. The winner received all money and assets of the losing party. And the loser well got nothing and had everything taken away. Each party had to stake something of equal value in order to challenge and accept. At the bar Kid and Killer were at, he saw a poster advertising tonight's fight. A big guy who called himself Crusher, and a girl called Opal were scheduled to fight in three hours.

"I take it you're going to watch the fight?" Killer asked.

"Hell yeah I am. I may even enroll myself into one and see if we can't find some decent fighters to recruit while we're here." Killer sip his spirits from a straw seeming to think about what Kid has just said.

"Well the log pose won't set for two weeks, so we'll have plenty of time." Killer shifted his gaze to the poster. "I wonder who offended who to have this fight happen."
So did Kid, he figured the best way to figure it out would be to ask the bar keep.

"Hey old man, what's the deal with the two on the poster?" The old man refilled Kid's drink as he answered.

"The big guy is a local fighter here. He usually spends his free time gambling his winnings away. He sometimes takes hookers with him to have a pretty thing on his arm. But the women he usually goes for are the high priced call girls from Stussy's establishment, and they tend to run 100 million Beli per hour." Good to know Kid thougt, I'll make sure to avoid that particular brothel. "Well this time he didn't want to pay. He figured he could get one of the girls who wasn't working that night to go with him for no money.
Apparently he beat the girl up pretty good when she said no. The girl Opal challenged him on Stussy's behalf."

"Why her and not Stussy herself?" Killer asked.

"Opal is Stussy's bodyguard. She also works to keep the girls safe in the brothel. Crusher wasn't going to bother accepting but the prize that Opal offered him if he won was too good for the jackass to pass up. Stussy had her relay that if Crusher won, he could have whoever he wanted from the brothel as his personal woman anytime he wanted and for free for an entire year. He would also get to name a condition of Stussy personally and have her pay off his debts. I guess all that gambling has put him in the hole with all the loan sharks in town and they are one group here you don't want to piss off."

"Shit that is quite the prize. And what happens if he loses?" The guy laughed.

"Opal basically told him if he lost, she was handing him over to the loan shark king to deal with. And let's just say, they are brutal with their-how should I put this-business transactions that have gone bad." Kid laughed this time.

"Is this Opal woman a good fighter?" The man's face took on a look of amusement.

"She's never lost a fight. And she fights every week in the gallows."

"Gallows? What are those?" Killer asked clearly curious. The man behind the bar gave them a card.

"Follow the directions on the back they open after midnight. Tell them you're in the market for the latest kill."

An hour hour later Kid and Killer went to a nearby brothel. Where they stayed until it was time for the fight. Kid usually fought first had sex second, but tonight he wasn't fighting so he'd have to backtrack later. Coincidentally the rest of his crew also heard about the fight tonight, and they took up the first three rows of seats. A bookie was taking bets right now on who would win. Most of the bets were in favor of Crusher since he was a professional fighter and never lost. Kid placed 500 million beri on the woman Opal. His crew followed suit and soon the announcer came out to hype up the crowd with two scantly clad dresses women on either side of him.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to tonight's revenge match! As you all know each side must agree to terms and conditions with a win or a loss. We will announce such conditions when I winner has been determined. There are no rules in this ring, save opponent must be unconscious for the other to win. And with that said let us introduce tonight's fighters!" A roar and an applause followed.
"First, we have the defender. He measures at 10 feet tall, over 300 pounds, and of the 5,000 fights he has 5,000 victories! A man whose image fits the description, please welcome CRUSHER!!!" Applause and cheers followed when the man took the stage. The man indeed was a sight to behold but not in a good way. He was bald, with a big round belly and several teeth missing. His arms and legs held all his muscle making him off balance with every step he took. He had a giant club with spikes coming out of each and every way. The women in attendance grimaced with disgust, while the men chanted his name.
"And now the challenger. Standing at 5'6 weighing 145 pounds, wielding her signature whip as her weapon. Please welcome the gallows champion. OPAL! The room filled with a mix of boos and applause. When the small woman entered the ring Kid couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"I mean she's hot but damn compared to that monster she's TINY!" Heat had whispered. Kid had to agree. The woman who walked out to the stage wore blue denim shorts that covered her ass and maybe two inches of her thighs. She wore a flower printed crop top bra, with a thin see through blank tank top. She wore sandals with a slight fringe, and a black watch. She wore her violet colored hair in a half ponytail that was held together by a simple dragon fly pin. Her whip was clipped to her right hip, she also had a dagger on her left.

"Maybe we should've bet on the big guy. This is going to be brutal to watch." One of Kid's men commented.

Kid was about to agree with their statement, but he looked into her turquoise colored eyes and all he saw was eyes of a warrior.

"Let us begin!"

"Go Crusher! Kill that pixie bitch!"

"Go Crusher go!!"

Kid didn't cheer but his men did. They were yelling for the small woman since they placed their bets already. No one in that room was prepared for what happened.
The woman moved like the waves of the ocean. Graceful and powerful. She didn't take out her whip for the whole fight. Her fighting style was somewhere between a dancer and a boxer. Each of her movements held a purpose. Every punch and kick you could hear the bastards bones break. The big man never got a chance to lift his club over his head. The fight was brutal alright. But Crusher was the on the ground beaten, broken and bloodied. The woman didn't even break a sweat. The fight had been way too easy for her. But every move mesmerized Kid and his men. They were silent until Crusher was declared unconscious and Opal the winner.

"And the winner is Opal! And I do believe you have decided to leave Crusher to the men he owes money to, correct?"
She didn't speak she simply nodded her head.
"Now for those who bet on Opal you get the amount you bet plus 90% of the losses of whomever bet against her. 10% goes to the victor."

"Holy shit! That's a shit ton of money we're getting back boss! I can't believe they only give 10% to the winner usually it's at least 40%!"

"And the amount that the Kid Pirates get back for betting on our champion is...750 billion beris!!!!"

Kid and his men laughed and cheered. Upon hearing who bet on her the woman met their section with a shocked gaze. And she stared right at Kid.

Normally Kid hated it when people stared at him it was annoying as hell. And the looks were usually ones of mockery and laughter. Her gaze though was one of shock and awe. She stared at him as though he was a rare beast to admire but not to approach. Kid sneered and stared back. He noticed her cheeks took on a pink shade, probably from embarrassment having been caught staring. Kid shivered. It had been a while since he'd had a virgin in his bed. And he was excited for a whole different reason than his men. The only one who sensed his arousal for the small woman was Killer.

"Let's go get our winnings men! And hey maybe they'll let us meet the woman we placed our bets on! We really ought to thank her." I cannot wait to have you writhing beneath me! I'm going to be the one man you never forget! With that thought Kid stomped off to the bookies office.

-Reader's POV-
When the announcer had said the Kid pirates had bet on her, Y/N had thought she'd misheard. But a quick look at the crowd had proven her wrong.

Wow it really is them in person. They are much more impressive in person.
She looked again and noticed him, Eustass 'Captain' Kid. He was an amazing sight to see. His red hair definitely stood out. His laughter was corse, but it was somehow soothing. His bracelets on his arms made Y/N take notice of his muscular build. Wow he's handsome.

It was at that moment that Kid had decided to look at the ring again. Right at her. She felt herself blush for having been staring at him. Shit shit shit. Y/N stared down at Crusher. The fight hadn't been what she expected, it was too easy. And with her adrenaline making her heart pound she only hoped that tonight at Stussy's would be eventful, meaning she could bash a few skulls. But first she needed to go to the bookie to pick up her winnings and make sure she handed Crusher to the head loan shark. And hopefully eavesdrop on his meeting he had later tonight.

Walking back to the bookie's office she couldn't help the feeling that she was being watched. A quick use of her observation Haki told her that she was being followed but she knew who it was. They'd visit her later tonight. Unfortunately, why did I have to deal with HIM?!

Y/N opened the door and almost gasped out loud. Eustass Kid was there sitting across from the bookie Mac and when you walked in his amber eyes were on you. Keep cool Y/N, you can't let him see you flustered twice in the same night.

"Opal sweetheart nice fight. But it looked way too easy." Y/N nodded her head in response. She did the same to Eustass and his right hand man The Massacre Soldier Killer. The masked man just stood there with his arms to his sides, but you could feel his eyes on you. Not in a sexual way, he was taking measure of you. Eustass' eyes however kept trailing your body.

When you had your disguise done, you'd chosen violet hair with what should've been brown eyes. However, your original Opal color was so prominent that apparently the brown drops you'd gotten from Vegapunk made them turquoise. Literally. The blues and greens coming to the surface more than the pinks and purples that you had in your eyes. You'd had a fake skin made to hide the scar on your abdomen, however all your other scars were present. No one but the doctors at the marine bases knew what they looked like, so you felt it safe to have them showing. You also had a fake compass tattoo on your left thigh to make you seem more authentic.

You weren't supposed to stand out but thanks again to your eyes you did. You looked back at Kid and he smirked at you. Knowing you caught him staring but that look told you he didn't care. You felt heat come to your cheeks again and silently cursed.

"You were generous to your betters tonight again. You really should take more than 10% honey." You shrugged your shoulders. But Kid and Killer looked back at the bookie.

"You mean she can take more? I thought the 10% was the standard take home for the victor?" Killer asked.

"Oh no no. Most fighters demand 50% of the winnings bet on them. Opal is the only one who demands so little.

Both men stared at you again, this time looking at you as if you'd grown a second head.

"Why do you ask for so little woman?" Eustass' voice sent a jolt down your spine. It was as if he growled the words. He didn't seem happy. You decided it might be a good idea to speak.

"I make good money being Stussy's bodyguard. I take home 500 million beris a month. Plus I keep all winnings from other fights I'm in. I don't need much else. Plus 10% is still a good amount for me. I fight at least 12 times a week, and I take home at least 2 billion berries a week from those. I'm a rich woman Captain Kid sir, I join the fights to help with my boredom." You kept your tone low and even. That was the facade you chose. Cool, collected and distant. You rarely spoke to others, to make it easier. Your mouth had a way of getting away from you.

But under the amber stare of Eustass 'Captain' Kid you felt that facade start to crack.

"Here you are Opal. 75 million beris, and that's me taking out my percentage as well. You waved at Mac and made your way out the door. Once the door closed behind you, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. Holy crap, that man could make the coldest artic island feel like a volcano. Eustass Kid, made you break character not once but twice. Most of the time you could ignore the stares that most men gave you. But with Eustass' stare you felt heat over every line he traced with his eyes. I don't want to even imagine what his hands feel like if he did that to me with just a look.

With a quick mental shake of your head, you walked back to the arena where you found the Loan Shark King, already dragging Crusher away. He walked away from his men and went straight to you.

"Hello miss Opal, I was hoping to have a moment of your time tonight. If I could." That has a double meaning right there.

"Stussy has several meetings tonight." You didn't elaborate. Your facade counted on you to say the least amount as possible.

"Tomorrow night then. I'll have you as my personal guest at my casino." In that private room no thanks. But you knew you couldn't say no.

"4pm. One hour." And that's all you said. The ban smiled shook your hand and left. Good, if the sources I have are correct I can make the meeting and listen in. Maybe even crack the case sooner than expected.

As you left to leave you failed to notice a certain redhead following you back to the brothel. Little did either of you know that this night would lead to, and how you two would forever change the other.

-No one's POV-

He couldn't let her make that meeting tomorrow. He remembered the words of the 5 elders very clearly. She needs to die. It was nothing personal. In fact he liked the woman they sent him to kill. She was all moxie and sarcasm when she was in her marine uniform, and wasn't afraid to speak her mind to her superiors and to world nobles. But being a CP-0 officer he had to follow orders. They didn't specify when he had to kill her. Just before she could transfer information that might lead to them and the rest of the organization. He phased into his leaped form and pounced away.

I'm going to take my time with you Titania D. Y/N. I'll have my fun and then I'll kill you.

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