Toxic - Luke Hemmings

By tizzmcswizz

75.4K 1K 493

Izzy has been going through life alone for years. But, when she's introduced to someone she can't live withou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
New Book

Chapter 2

1.7K 21 6
By tizzmcswizz

Izzy's POV

I texted Michael last night briefly. He asked how class with Luke was and I may have sugar coated it a bit. I just didn't want him to think I was hard to get along with. I told him that I burned my hand pretty bad, but I left out the part where it was Luke's fault. With no homework to do, I went right to bed after changing out of my clothes and into sweats.

I was discouraged when I woke this morning, to say the least. I didn't want to go to any of my classes, knowing that people now knew me as the girl who burned the shit out of her hand on a god damn hot plate. It was humiliating. I tried my best to shrug it off, but there was no enthusiasm as I went through the motions of getting ready. Since I went to bed early, I was up early enough to get coffee and sit in the dining hall for a little while before my first class.

I had been sitting there for only 10 minutes when I saw Luke walk in. I looked back to my phone immediately, hoping that he wouldn't see me. But, I knew it was too late when he was taking the seat across from me.

"Take out your lab notebook." He said before I could even open my mouth.

"Burning my hand on a hot plate wasn't enough for you to stay the fuck away from me?" I fought back, ignoring his demand.

"Just take out your notebook, Izzy." He sighed, pulling a folded-up piece of paper out of his pocket. I did as he said this time, though.

"Get ready to write." He told me, not looking up from the piece of paper in his hand. "The weight after it was dried was 0.56 grams."

"You finished for me?" I asked quietly, surprised that he did me that favor. If he hadn't I would be redoing the experiment after classes today.

"Yeah, are you ready for the next weight?" He rushed. I nodded my head and continued to copy down everything he collected for me. Once he finished reading everything off, I quietly thanked him. Never thought I'd be doing that.

"No breakfast?" He asked, looking between me and my cup of coffee.

"Not that it's your business, but food makes me sick in the morning." I plainly stated, taking a sip of my coffee after.

"No wonder you're so scrawny." He snapped at me, making me furrow my eyebrows in disgust. Back to being a dick, I see.

"That's kinda like the pot calling the kettle black." I mumbled under my breath, not sure if I even wanted him to hear me.

"You haven't even seen me, sweetheart." He bit back. I just rolled my eyes at the cockiness of this guy.

"And I don't want to." I said without looking up from my phone.

"We'll see about that." And with that, he got up and walked out of the dining hall. He really almost had me fooled there, but the fact that every time he leaves my blood is boiling tells me that he isn't capable of playing nice.

Luke's POV

I sat down with the guys in the dining hall during our break. We got lucky this semester, all of us had the same free blocks every day. Before they could climb up my ass for what I did to Izzy yesterday, I figured I'd let them know I fixed it.

"Before you fucking say anything, I already made it up to her." I blurted out, annoyed that I even had to explain myself.

"What are you talking about?" Michael asked me, clearly clueless. Cal and Ash gave me the same confused looks. I guess maybe she didn't tell Michael. Maybe I spoke a little too soon.

"Izzy's hand?" I questioned, still not convinced they had no idea what I was talking about.

"Yeah she burned it. What the hell does that have to do with you?" He asked, confusion still clearly evident in his voice.

"She didn't tell you what happened?" I was honestly shocked. I thought for sure she'd pounce on the opportunity to blame me for it.

"I guess not. What happened, Luke?" He asked, more irritated this time. "What did you do?"

"She pushed me, I didn't even touch her. She just stumbled back." I said vaguely, not really wanting to explain the situation. I thought she would have been the one to do it.

"Luke what the hell did you do?" Michael pressed me again, only much more aggressively than before. I knew he'd be pissed.

"I got in her face and she tripped over her chair. She reached for the table and grabbed the hot plate instead." I sighed, getting it all off my chest. I didn't look up at any of them knowing I'd get 3 angry faces staring at me.

"What's your problem with her?" Ashton asked suddenly.

"I don't have a problem with her." I stated, wanting them to drop Izzy as the subject.

"Good, cuz she's coming to sit with us." Michael told me, nodding his head in the direction behind me.

Izzy's POV

I was heading over to the table when I saw Michael motion in my direction. Luke's head shot my way, giving me a cold look before quickly turning around again. Once I got to the table there were no empty chairs.

"Here, I'll grab you a chair." Michael went to stand up, but Luke interrupted him before he could.

"I'm leaving, she can have mine." And just like that he grabbed all his things and walked out of the dining hall. I watched him walk out and turned back to the guys, giving them an apologetic look.

"Actually, I forgot something in my room I'm just going to eat in there." I said, quickly waving to them and heading out the door. I heard a couple 'wait's', but I just ignored them.

I still had no idea what I did to Luke for this kind of hatred. I tried to play nice and make a good first impression, but it obviously wasn't good enough for him. It's not like he shits on me every chance he got, it was just the cocky attitude that made me feel so horrible. I've never had someone talk to me the way he did before.

I scanned into my building and waited a minute for the elevator to open up. I got in and pressed my floor, watching it light up before leaning against the wall and taking my phone out. Someone stopped the doors from closing and jumped in with me, and when I looked up it was the devil himself. I looked away the second he turned to me, trying my best to ignore him. Maybe that would get him to leave me alone.

"You're on my floor." He told me as if I cared. I shot him a quick glance before looking back to my phone.

"Silent treatment, huh?" He took a couple steps closer to me, making me shift uncomfortably. He just glared down at me as I regrettably decided to meet his eyes. I have never felt so intimidated by someone in my life.

I heard the ding of the elevator sound, breaking me away from our stare down. I brushed past him and started walking to my room, feeling Luke close behind me. I stopped at my room and took my key card out of my pocket to unlock it.

"Howdy neighbor." Luke joked. I turned to face him, only to see him unlocking the room right next to mine. He smirked at me and then disappeared into his dorm. As if seeing him in class wasn't bad enough as is, now he knew I lived right next to him. I could only imagine how much he was going to bother me now.

I lied about forgetting something in my room, though. I ate half of my sushi, throwing the rest away so I wouldn't keep eating it. Once it was time for my next class I rushed out the door as quickly as I could, not wanting to run into my neighbor from hell.

It turned out that I had Calum in my English class. We spent the whole class talking while our professor went through the irrelevant syllabus. It was an easy day today, only 2 classes which let me get out at around 2. I said bye to Calum before heading back to my dorm to isolate, one of my self-destructive tendencies. I laid in bed and watched Netflix for a couple of hours until I got a text from Michael.


What are you up to?

I quickly unlocked my phone to reply.


Just hanging in my room. Hbu?

I put it down to continue my show as I waited for his response. It surprised me when it was almost immediate, I couldn't even press play yet.


We're all heading over to Luke's, you should come

I let out an exaggerated sigh, letting my head fall back on my pillow. I ditched them at lunch so I felt like I owed them, I just didn't think Luke would even want me in his room.


Is it okay if I come?


Of course it is. I'll knock on your door when I get there. Luke mentioned you're right next to each other



I left it at that, not wanting to respond to his comment about me and Luke being right next door. It only took him 10 minutes to knock, making me jump out of bed to throw some shoes on.

"Come in!" I yelled to him. He walked right in and stood in the door way as I slipped some slippers on.

"How's your hand?" He asked me, pulling my wrapped-up hand into his to look it over.

"It's fine." I said quietly, taking it out of his grasp gently to return to my task.

"You didn't tell me it was Luke's fault." He told me curiously. How did he know? I doubt Luke would openly admit fault in that situation, so where could that have come from?

"It didn't seem like relevant information at the time." I sighed, closing the laptop on my bed.

"What else are you not telling me, then?" He asked seriously. He turned me around by grabbing my arm. "Why did you say yesterday was shit?"

"Luke is just a prick sometimes, remember?" I didn't say it mockingly, but I repeated what he had said the day before when I met them. "It's fine, though. It doesn't bother me." I lied, hoping he'd buy it. He sighed and let go of my arm, nodding in response. I could tell he just didn't want to press me about the topic.

"Ready?" He asked as I turned around to grab my phone off of my bed, putting my key card into my back pocket like I always did.

"Yeah. Let's go." I told him, following him out of my room and leaving the door unlocked. I was only right next door, and knew damn well no one would try to open it anyway. We made our way into Luke's room, walking in on Calum sitting on a bean bag in the corner and Ashton at the end of the bed. Once we got further in I saw Luke sitting on the bed in just a pair of gym shorts.

"Hey, here you can have this." Calum stood from the bean bag, motioning for us to take it while he walked over to the desk chair.

Michael sat down on it and patted his lap for me to sit on. I quickly did as he wanted, only putting my legs over his lap as I leaned my elbow on the back of the bean bag. He draped his arms over my thighs, placing one hand on my knee. We sat like that for a while watching the TV Luke had on his desk instead of study material. Typical.

I was laughing at something Ashton had said when I saw Luke looking at me out of the corner of my eye. I looked toward him, my laughter quickly fading when I saw the angry expression on his face. My eyes unintentionally drifted to his torso, out on display. It wasn't covered in tattoos like his arms were, but there were a couple randomly scattered around it. I quickly realized that I was wrong earlier, he wasn't scrawny like I was. His shoulders were broad but he didn't have overly defined abs. He was just toned all the way around. When I brought my eyes back to his face I saw a smirk plastered across it, making me turn away immediately. I hid my face as I let the heat on my cheeks disappear.

Soon enough it was almost midnight. Everyone was getting ready to leave as we congregated at the door. We agreed on lunch tomorrow when we were all free, and Michael stopped at my door with me as Calum and Ashton disappeared down the hall.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled leaning one hand on the door framed as I stood in my door way facing him.

"Bye Mikey." I laughed, closing the door and locking it once he began walking away.

I changed into something I could sleep in before brushing my teeth and taking my makeup off. It was too late to start watching Netflix again, so I opted to go straight to bed so I could actually get up for my 8 am in the morning. I had Michael in my first class, but I knew I'd have to deal with Luke again after lunch. I was just glad my lab is only once a week. I fell asleep dreading the idea of my chemistry lecture.


If you read the author's note in chapter 1 you know I said I would upload later, but here I am. The POV switching isn't going to be often like this, I just wanted to do it for the sake of this chapter. Thanks again for reading! Also if I don't have a relevant gif or picture for the header I'm just putting one of Luke in because I can never get enough of looking at him. And I have a feeling if you're reading this you feel the same way.

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