Words Hurt

By Bioshock722

38.6K 1.1K 1K

You'll have to read to find out there is a small bit of sonilver in this I'm not very good with summary's. co... More

Never The Same
Feelings Start
Second Chance
No Zone
I Do Care
Bonding Chaos
Parent Mode
Mephiles The Dark
Three Days
Plans to Defeat a Demon
First step to Destruction
Sorry will update soon
Needing Answers
Promise Me
The Fight for Control pt 1
The Fight for Control pt 2
The Fight for Control pt 3
Losing the Fight not the Battle
New Hope
Realizing Mistakes
Truths are Told
Giving Chances
Fleetway's Past Pt 1
Fleetway's Past Pt 2
Fleetway's Past Pt 3
Fleetway's Past Pt 4
Fleetway's Past Final
Eternal Love is Reborn
Breaking A Hero
A Glips Of Hope
A Deeper Truth
Same Father, Different Mother

My Rose

678 22 22
By Bioshock722

Mephiles pov~

As I watch my blue rose corner his red companion to the wall, the fox was trying to pull him off only to be knocked to the ground I had an evil grin as he was about to attack, but everything stopped I looked to my left to see Shadow walking towards my blue rose.

"Sonic, you need to calm down this isn't you," he said holding his hand as he calmed him to his original form 'curse him' I said to myself leaving unsatisfied with this outcome 'how can I increase his negative energy if he is always there to...' I paused when I realized what he did to calm my blue rose 'grr he is giving him, his pure energy so it would decrease my negative energy damn you Shadow' I was angered 'there has to be away I can get them apart long enough for my plan to work' I thought.

Then it hit me 'I would trick my blue rose and when his guard is down I'll seep all the negative energy into him, I'll finally have my destructive rose hahahaha then no one can stand in my way we'll destroy every universe' I said laughing evilly, I just have to put my plan into action.

I left the mountains into the forest back to my crystal cave I needed my rest if I wanted to tame my blue rose, he still has one day left then he is mine.

Sonic pov~

Shadow took me to see my friends like Zhadow had told him to, but my thoughts kept wonder back to what they said, we entered the room "your back" Tails said as he hugged me, I smiled hugging him back "I missed you too buddy I'm sorry I left, I just wanted to protect everyone" I told him.

"I know but what you did was dangerous Sonic your not a normal target anymore you're a very desirable herm," he exclaimed looking at me worriedly.

I felt someone hit me in the head "I thought being a knucklehead was my job" Knuckles said with a smirk, I did the same. But I felt something in me snap I felt negative energy trying to come out, panicked I held myself groaning trying to fight back, as I was backing away from everyone, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Sonic are you ok?" Knuckles asked as everyone looked at me "stay back please I..." I struggled to speak I knew who this negative energy belonged to, but it was already too late I lost control and everything went dark.

When I opened my eyes I was in a dark void I looked around and there was nothing. I got up "hello can anyone hear me" I called out I didn't know where I was or what this place is.

"Sonic?" I heard someone say behind me, I quickly turned around to see it was my Super form, "I told you something was wrong," Darkspine exclaimed as more of my forms appeared "be quiet, Sonic what happened out there?" Super asked.

"I don't know, I was fine then Dark... Oh my chaos Dark is in control I have to get back" I said panicking.

"Sonic, Dark isn't in control there is something wrong he said there was a negative force trying to take over him," my Hyper form explained "what do you mean? no one can control Dark," I asked.

"Sonic I think someone is trying to open the doorway, and the only way it can open is if Super and Dark use their energy," Arthur my knight form spoke "but no one is that strong," I thought crossing my arms "come with me?" Super guestered as he started walking away.

We walked for what felt like hours, we reached a large doorway that was gold with red jewels around it and in the center was a single red crystal that took two to power it. "Dark told me earlier that he felt his presence seeping through the door at first, I didn't believe him Sonic whoever is trying to release him has massive negative energy that neither me nor Dark has ever seen and the fact it can overpower us means we are in serious danger. You must find out who is doing this and stop them before it's too late" Super explained.

"I will do everything I can," I promised feeling a burst of pure energy go through me "till next time Sonic," he said and again everything went dark.

Shadow pov~

I gave Sonic some of my pure energy to fight back the negative energy, when I saw him go back to his regular form, I picked him up looking to the others.

"It's starting, Tails see if you can find a way to get Mephiles's negative energy out of him," I said as I left to the room we shared, and as I entered I took notice of a note on the nightstand.

"See you soon my rose"

Was all it said I laid him down making sure not to wake him and looked at the note again I knew who left this and I was furious he spiked Sonic's negative energy I turned to look at my love sleeping soundly.

'I will not allow him this ever' I thought and left the room to find Zhadow and Zonic I needed to know more about this destructive form.

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