You Sunshine, You Temptress (...

By marceltookachonce

85.3K 3.7K 15.4K

UNFINISHED. I don't know if I'll ever finish it, but it's my baby and I couldn't possibly delete it. "You've... More

You Sunshine, You Temptress (l.s)
Blue Eyes And Duct Tape
Use your words
Burdens And Baked Goods
Love And Loss
My Favorite Word
Went About My Business Through The Warning Signs
Chocolate Croissants
Dripping Curls
Haunting Words
Mind Of Mine
Maybe I Miss You
Forest Green
Wet Eyelashes
Never Enough
Got Drunk On You
My Sleepy Princess
Sweet Like Honey
Everything I'll Ever Need
Forget The World With Me
Feeling The Pain Feeling The Pleasure
Hope That You Don't Run From Me
All I Ever Wanted Was The Truth
I Need You And I Hate It
We Don't Wanna Be Like Them
Test Of My Patience
Wherever You Are Is The Place I Belong
You're So Golden
I Want You Here With Me
Please don't leave
I Walk The Streets All Day
Lonely Shadow Dances
All That's Left Of Us
Forget What I Said
Barely Hanging On
Give Me Some Morphine
You Can't Blame Me, Darling

Gentle Touches

1.8K 92 385
By marceltookachonce


I burst through my front door, paying no regard to the sleeping people throughout the house. I don't bother to shut the door before rushing up the stairs and throwing open my mum's bedroom door. She jumps awake from her sleep, startling Robert whos in bed next to her. 

"Mum get up, we need to go" I shout at her before rushing back down the staircase and looking for her car keys. I can hardly walk straight but I'm more awake than ever. I was barely able to make it home, swerving in and out of lanes as I sped down the empty streets. I knew that I wasn't sober enough to go look for Harry. 

"Louis? What's going on?" My mum walks slowly down the stairs without a care in the world, as if a sweet innocent boy isn't out there by himself at almost 4 in the morning. 

"We need to go find Harry. I don't know where he is, but maybe we could go to his house? Or maybe the park? Maybe he'd go to the bakery or something I don't know mum we just need to-" My words are flying out faster than she can process them. 

"Slow down, love. What happened? Wheres Harry" She tightens her robe and walks cautiously towards me. 

"Harry's gone. We got into an argument and he stormed off and I have no goddamn clue where he is. I got him drunk, mum. He doesn't drink and I fucking got him drunk. I'm such an idiot" My mind refuses to slow down. I can't focus on the look of fear on my mum's face, or the volume of my voice that has surely woken the rest of the house. I need to find him. 

She walks toward me carefully, her eyes studying mine as if she's looking for an answer. 

"Lou, have you been drinking?" She whispers out, probably afraid of my sisters hearing her. 

"Yes mum, I'm fucking drunk, but there's a bigger issue here. Harry's drunk and I don't know if he made it home" I run my hands through my hair and tug at the roots, pain prickling at my scalp but I don't care. 

"Okay okay, please just calm down. I'll go get dressed and we can go look for him, alright?" I nod quickly as she turns around and rushes up the stairs. 

I toss my mum her keys once she's downstairs and follow her outside, getting into her car. As soon as I begin to drive, my eyes scan every inch of the street. 


"Louis, we've been driving for half an hour. Have you tried to call Anne on my phone again?" My mum asks through a tired yawn. 

"Yeah, she didn't answer. He's out here, mum. I just know it" I know somethings wrong, I always know it.

"Look, maybe we should just go home and then in the morning, we can try again. For all we know he could be asleep in his bed. I'm worried about him too love, but this is madness." I can't believe what I'm hearing right now. 

Just as I was about to plead for just a little bit more time, my phone rings. I don't stop to look at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I nearly yell into the phone

"Lou" The familiar crack in his voice makes my stomach lurch and my heart drop. 

"Harry? Baby where are you?" My mum's eyes widen when she hears Harry's name and she pulls the car over to the side of the road. 

"I'm sorry" I can tell by the sound of his choked whimpers that he isn't okay. My chest tightens as a small cry sounds in my ear. 

"You didn't do anything, baby. Where are you? I can come get you" I don't like the sound of his voice. He sounds as though he's completely given up. 

"I-I don't know. I ran out and I didn't check to see w-where I was going and now I'm in front of some pub. I'm scared, Lou."  I mouth the word "pub" to my mum and she begins to check her phone for pubs near us. 

"Can you describe the pub for me?" I need to keep his mind going. Something isn't right with the tone of his voice and I feel as though something bad may happen. 

"W-well the sign is a neon red. A-and there's a hamburger place across the street. I'm so c-cold Lou"  I know exactly where he is. I mouth the name of the place to my mum and she starts to drive faster than ever. 

"Okay, love. I'm 3 minutes away, alright? Just stay where you are, okay?" I beg him. I know the pub is probably closed by now, but the thought of a drunk stumbling out of the bar and messing with him almost drives me mad. 

"Please Hurry, there's a guy coming" Oh no. 

"What? Harry is the pub still open? Can you hide inside?" My mum bounces anxiously in her seat as she hears my conversation with him. I can tell she's almost as scared as I am. Almost. 

"No, they're closed. The guy's getting closer, Lou." We turn down the street that the pub is on. I can see the neon red in the distance, but I don't see Harry. 

"I'm right down the road, love. Just stay calm" I hear the sound of frantic muffled yells from the other end right before the line goes dead. 

"Mum drive! I don't care if you hit something just go!" Within seconds we pull in front of the pub, and the sight is enough to make me snap. Harry's pushed up against the wall, his small hands flying in every direction in a desperate attempt to get this guy off of him. I can see his fear-filled face over the guy's shoulder and his mouth is open, screaming for help. 

I rush out the car, running over to Harry and pulling the sick piece of shit off of him. He turns around and peers at me, the smell of alcohol filling my nostrils. He's dressed in ratty clothes and his chin is covered by a scruffy beard. 

My fist connects with his nose, blood pouring out instantly. He scrambles back, but I don't let up. Punch after punch, kick after kick, it's not enough. The look of Harry screaming for help won't leave my mind, and I won't stop until it does. 

I hear my mum yelling for me, but it's muffled as my fists continue to land on the guy's disgusting face. Blood is smeared across his nose, lips, and cheeks, and he's crying out in pain. One right jab to the nose causes a loud cracking sound to fill my ears and it's enough to keep the adrenaline coursing through my veins. 

"Louis stop!! Look at what you're doing to Harry!" My mum yells out, dragging me off of the vile piece of shit. Harry. Oh god. 

I look over to see Harry sitting on the ground, his knees up to his chest and his face buried in his knees. His hands are pressed firmly against his ears and he rocks back and forth, the back of his head hitting the brick wall slightly. 

"Crawl your ass back to wherever the fuck you came from. If I ever see you again, you won't have the opportunity to crawl. I'll put you in the fucking ground." I kick the guy once more in his stomach before rushing over to Harry, crouching down in front of him. 

"Harry? Baby it's me, it's Lou" He shakes his head rapidly, his curls flying everywhere. 

"Look at me, it's me" I cautiously place a blood-covered hand on his pale arm. He slowly looks up at me. I can see his watery green eyes through his dark brown curls, and his bottom lip begins to quiver. He's about to break. 

I extend my arms out toward him, inviting him into them. His breathing picks up rapidly and a loud sob erupts from his parted lips. He opens his arms and makes grabby hands at me and I quickly oblige. I wrap my arms around his waist and lift him up. He wraps his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist. 

My mum opens the car door for us as another heart-shattering sob fills my ear. His face is buried into my neck and I can feel his tears soaking through the collar of my shirt. 

We climb into the backseat, Harry wrapping his arms tighter around my neck as the door shuts. I want to talk to him, there's so much that needs to be said, but I don't know where I'd start. I know that we need to have a conversation eventually, but as of right now I'm ok with letting him cry into my shoulder as I trace patterns into his back with the tip of my finger. 


I didn't bother to try and pry Harry off of me and to be honest, I liked the feeling of his warmth pressed against my body. We walk into my house, my mum closing the door behind us. Harry seems to be falling asleep in my arms and I'm glad that he's calmed down enough. 

"I'm going to go call his mother and let her know he's okay. It's 5 in the morning so she's probably getting up soon anyway. Go get him comfortable upstairs, okay?" She whispers, careful not to wake him. I turn around and begin walking up the stairs. 

"Oh and Louis?" My mum calls out. I turn around and see her leaning against the banner, her eyes heavy with sleep. "Me and you need to have a talk when you wake up." I give her a nod of understanding and walk into my bedroom, closing it behind me with my foot. 

I walk over to my bed and lay him down. His eyes are barely open, but he seems to be awake, just really out of it. 

I walk into my bathroom that's connected to my bedroom and get changed, only putting on a pair of pajama pants and leaving my shirt bawled up on the floor. 

"Lou?" I hear a weak voice call out from my room. I rush back into the room and see Harry laying in the same position I left him in, his head lolling side to side in search of me. 

"I'm right here, baby" I sit next to him and run a hand across his tear-stained cheek, collecting some of the leftover tears on his eyes. His wet eyelashes brush against the pad of my finger and he looks up at me through them. His green eyes are filled with some sort of emotion that I can't identify. 

"I'm sleepy" He pouts his bottom lip out in the cutest way possible and I can't help the soft laugh that falls from my lips. 

"I'll get you something to wear" I go to my dresser and pull out a t-shirt and some pants for him to wear. 

I was going to give him the clothes so he can dress himself, but he's far too out of it. I can't tell if he's still drunk or if his mind has completely shut down from what happened, but I don't want to push him. I unbutton his jeans and slide them down his small legs, goosebumps rising in my path as the cool air touches his bare skin. I go to slide the pajama pants up his legs, but he kicks them off. 

"No pants" He whispers out, wrapping his legs around my waist and pulling me closer. 

"Ok, let me just put this shirt on you, yeah?" He sits up and lifts his arms over his head, a big goofy grin creeping across his face. I grab the hem of his shirt and lift it over his head, his curls fall messily into his eyes, causing him to let out the cutest giggle. 

I pull the other shirt over his head and let it fall down the rest of his body. He isn't talking much, and I wish he was. Too much has happened tonight and I'm worried about him.

"Your shirts are always so big on me, they're like dresses" He looks up at me through his long eyelashes and mindlessly plays with the strings of my pants. The sight of him so close to my clothed cock, his small hands playing with the fabric of my sweatpants as his big innocent eyes look up at me make my mouth go dry, but I can't think like that right now. 

"Come on, let's get some sleep" I know I won't be able to sleep tonight, I'm still high on coke, but that doesn't mean he can't rest. 

"No, I'm a princess. Princesses don't take orders" He crosses his arm across his chest and pouts his lip out again. 

"But princesses do sleep, how else do you think they get so beautiful?" I ruffle his curls and toss his clothes over to the corner. 

"You think I'm beautiful?" His voice sounds so scared and innocent, and it makes my heart warm up. I look back at him and he's sitting criss-cross on my bed his hands placed neatly in his lap. 

"The word beautiful doesn't even begin to describe it" His mouth drops open and he blushes a pretty pink. I grab a few blankets from my closet and begin to make a little mat on the floor. 

"What are you doing?" He asks, his head cocking to the side like a little puppy

"Making a bed so I can lay down." I say as I place a few blankets on the floor. 

"You aren't gonna sleep up here with me?" He shyly bites his lip and plays with the hem of his shirt, not making eye-contact with me. 

"Is that what you want?" He hesitates for a moment before nodding his head, still not looking at me. 

"O-okay, I can sleep up there with you" I toss the blankets back into my closet and climb into bed. Harry scoots to the side, making room for me. We both crawl under the covers and Harry instantly turns away from me, his back touching my side. 

What am I supposed to do? Does he just want to sleep or does he want to talk? Is he feeling scared, or angry? I need to know what's going through that beautiful mind of his. 

I decided to just let him sleep and see what happens when he wakes up, but he turns around and lays his head on my chest. 

We lay there for a while, neither one of us having the courage to speak. There's so much that needs to be said, but how would we even say it?

"I...I want to try something" He says so quietly that if it weren't due to the silence in the room, I wouldn't have heard him. 

"What is it?" He looks up at me for a moment, seemingly contemplating if he should go through with whatever it is that he wants to try. 

Suddenly, he sits up, the blanket falling to his waist. He gets closer to me, throwing one of his legs on the other side of me and straddling my lap. 

"Harry-" I begin but he runs one of his hands through my hair, gripping the back of it and holding me there. 

"Harry what are you doing?" I ask, but he doesn't answer. The longer I stare, the more I begin to see. The faded freckles on his nose that are barely noticeable but you'll only see them if you're really looking. He has a small one on the side of his mouth and I can't help but reach out and run one of my fingers over it. His small shoulders, and full red lips. The color of the sunrise shining through the curtains makes his skin illuminate in the most beautiful way I could have ever imagined. 

His eyes were a rich green that poured into mine, staring into my soul all while stealing the air from my lungs. His curls are tousled in every which way but still manages to fall perfectly in curly thick locks. I want to touch one, and so that's what I do. He reaches up and touches the same curl that I had just ran through my fingers.

"I've never been wanted" He begins and I don't hesitate to try and interrupt him but he places a finger over my lips. "Let me finish. I've never been wanted. Everyone who was ever supposed to love me, doesn't. I thought I could find that something that I've been missing with Mitch, but I didn't. He hates me, and as much as that makes me hate myself, that's not the point. The point that I'm trying to make is that I've never felt like anyone has ever wanted me...needed me even. But Lou...the way you speak to me" He traces his thumb over my bottom lip.

"And the way you touch me. God the way you touch me drives me crazy. I need it, I need more. The way your hands explored me tonight made me feel more wanted than ever." His cold hands run up and down my bare chest. 

"Harry you've been through a lot tonight, I don't want to take advantage of you" He runs his hands through my hair once more and pulls me closer, his warm breath fanning over my face and his forehead resting against mine. He darts his tongue out to wet his lips before breathily pleading "Touch me, Lou. Please touch me, Make me feel wanted"

I lean in slowly, looking for any sign that he doesn't want this. When I don't see one, I take my opportunity. He closes the gap between us fully. 

His lips melted into mine, and god were they soft. He relentlessly gripped the back of my hair, making my lips part in a surprised gasp. He runs his wet tongue over my bottom lip before pushing it through, his tongue gently teasing mine. His smell, his taste, the feeling of his hips desperately trying to grind down onto my lap fills every single sense that I have. He whimpers softly into my mouth, biting down on my bottom lip and tugging slightly. 

I feel myself losing control and I can't do that. Not tonight, not when he's so vulnerable. 

I pull away, making him lean forward a little bit, whimpering for more. Once we both regain control of our breathing, he finally speaks. 

"Was that not good?" I'm in a state of ecstasy and I can barely form a sentence. 

"It was perfect, but you need to get some sleep, okay?" He thinks about it for a moment before nodding and climbing off of me. He turns his back to me, and I know he feels embarrassed. 

"Harry, I want to okay? I do, but not like this. You're perfect, and I can't take advantage of that right now" He looks at me over his shoulder, a single tear falling down his cheek. He turns back towards me and cuddles up against me, his warm cheek pressed against my bare chest. He traces patters into my stomach and sniffles slightly. 

I place a kiss into his curls and he coos quietly. After a while, his breathing becomes regular and I can tell he's asleep. 

Maybe he'll regret this when he wakes up, maybe he belongs with Mitch and I fucked with fate, but when I look down at the precious, fragile boy cuddled up into my chest, and as he breathes softly through his nose, his breath fanning out over my skin, I can't help but think; how can this be wrong? 

This could crash and burn, and I know he's too good for me, but what can I do?

I'm selfish, and I'm not afraid to admit that. But as an unidentified emotion creeps into me, I realize that I'm also not afraid to admit that there's nowhere else I'd rather be. 


A/N (3358 words) I really give y'all those long chapters huh?

Soooo...what do ya think? I loved writing this chapter. 

I don't know how I feel about that kiss scene, but I guess I'll leave that up to you guys

Also, if you can, please spread awareness about George Floyd. The injustice that the black community faces has gone on for too long, and something has to change. 

As usual, let me know what you think

Please vote

Chappie 21 coming soon

I love you pumpkin - A

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