When Mr Popular meets Abby Ha...

By SangeethaGowda

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Hunter Ryan is Mr Popular. High school is his empire, and he is the King. But what happens when Abby Hart mov... More

Chapter One: Mr Popular
Chapter Two: Along came Abby
HI :)
Chapter Three: The Untold story
Chapter Four: Don't fall for him
Chapter Five: Not just another 'stupid' girl
Chapter Six: The Party
Chapter Seven: The truth about Abby Hart
Chapter Eight: It started with a chai latte
Chapter Nine: Two can play at that game
Chapter Ten: One for the history books
Chapter Eleven: The Science Project
Chapter Twelve: Date night
Chapter Thirteen: People can change
Chapter Fourteen: Take a chance
Chapter Fifteen: Head in the game
Chapter Sixteen: Seen in a different light
Chapter Seventeen: Don't judge a 'player' by his status
Chapter Eighteen: Coping
Chapter Nineteen: 'Stop being sarcastic'
Chapter Twenty-One: Stressletics Carnival
Chapter Twenty-Two: Tell me why
Chapter Twenty-Three: On his mind
Chapter Twenty-Four: La Elegancia
Chapter Twenty-Five: 'What the hell is he doing here?'
Chapter Twenty-Six: Dance with me
Chapter Twenty-Seven: 'He kissed me'
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Ever-present Memory
Chapter Twenty-Nine: You're different.
Chapter Thirty: Not so 'love' sick
Chapter Thirty-One: 'Are we seriously just gonna talk about girls right now?'
Chapter Thirty-Two: Head in the clouds
Chapter Thirty-Three: Forgive me
Chapter Thirty-Four: Awkward first date much?
Chapter Thirty-Five: It's moments like these
Chapter Thirty-Six: Chemistry will never cease to confuse
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Life's little pleasures
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Remember when
Chapter Thirty-Nine: 'irresistible to la femme'
Chapter Forty: Just be you
Chapter Forty-One: From days passed
Chapter Forty-Two: ReTreat yourself
Chapter Forty-Three: On the same wavelength
Chapter Forty-Four: Unexpected surprise
Chapter Forty-Five: The truth about Hunter Ryan
Juvenile Delinquents: New World Order
Chapter Forty-Six: The beauty of not knowing
Final update.

Chapter Twenty: 'I have no idea'

2.5K 97 6
By SangeethaGowda

Going to update more frequently :) Happy reading! x

Chapter Twenty: 'I have no idea'

I sat with Abby in our cheerleading outfits on the bleaches within the school’s basketball court. It was the end of the day and Abby and I were making banners for the athletics carnival next Thursday. Abby was cutting out letters from felt which she then handed to me which I sewed onto a banner.

“You’re good at that,” said Abby glancing over at me. 

“What?” I asked. “Sewing?” I laughed to myself.

“You are,” insisted Abby. “I mean I can’t even sew in a straight line.” 

I finished sewing an ‘A’ before Abby handed me another letter. “Yeah well, my Aunt Cat taught me a few basics when I was younger. I guess that’s where it comes from. She’s a fashion designer.”

“Serious? That’s so cool! I wish I had an aunt who was a fashion designer.” 

“I guess it’s pretty cool. Apart from the part where she wants you to ‘model’ all of her designs everywhere.” I loved my Aunt Cat and I loved all of her designs however I wasn’t exactly the type who liked to parade down a catwalk in front of tons of people like Aunt Cat hoped I was. ‘You would be perfect, my darling’ she would often tell me, ‘you have model legs’. I always laughed when she said that. I wasn’t even tall. If anyone in our family had a model career ahead of them – it was Lucas, not me.

“I can see you doing that.” Abby raised her eyebrow suggestively. 

“Hmm, maybe not,” I replied back seriously before flinching in pain.

“What happened?” 

I sucked on the tip of my finger, “I pricked my finger.”

“You okay?” 

“Yeah, I’ll live,” I smirked back.

After a moment I continued sewing as we heard the sound of basketball shoes thumping along the basketball court floor. The Jadeland high basketball team came out of the locker room and began warming up for training. 

I glanced up to see Owen come out of the locker room a few minutes later, bouncing a basketball casually along the floor. I looked down.

Abby cleared her throat, “Has Owen… spoken to you, at all since, you know?” 

“No,” I said. “He hasn’t.”

“He’s such a jerk. I can’t believe he hasn’t apologised to you.” 

My voice shrunk almost to a whisper, “…Yeah.”

I heard Abby sigh gently.

“So,” she began. “That’s all the letters done, how are you going?” 

“I have one more to sew then we can leave,” I said continuing to sew.

“Awesome.” Abby leaned back and turned her attention to the basketball court. After a moment she smiled widely and waved before leaning back again.

“So things with you and Dylan seem to be getting pretty serious,” I commented causing a broad smile to appear across Abby’s face. 

“Yeah I guess so,” she replied. “He’s really great.”

I finished off the last letter of the banner then placed it down and sat back with Abby. “Well I’m guessing you have something to do with that. I don’t think he’s ever been so nervous around a girl before.” 

“Really?” asked Abby turning to me.

“Yeah. I mean usually, from a distance that is, he seems super confident around girls. But with you he’s different. It’s like he doesn’t want to screw anything up.” 

“He must like me then,” winked Abby.

I smiled. 

“But then again,” continued Abby. “A lot of guys have acted shy around me… Except Hunter.” 

I cleared my throat, “He didn’t?”

“No,” replied Abby as if she had only just realised this for the first time. “That’s what I liked about him. He was really confident towards me. It seemed like he actually became shyer around me over time actually.” 

“Hmm.” I glanced over towards the basketball court as I leaned back on my elbows. Hunter was busily jogging across the court whilst passing the ball here and there. I thought back to all the conversations we had had together. Hunter was certainly not shy around me when he first became my partner in science but then again I thought that’s the way he acted around a lot of girls. That cocky 'too cool to care' attitude. Now though, it was hard to tell. He wasn’t cocky around me anymore and he had admitted that he was a jerk. There were some instances when it felt like he was shy around me, and some instances when he seemed like he liked me. He hadn’t dated anyone else for a while now but everything was just so up and down with Hunter. Maybe he was still sleeping around and I just didn't know it. I could never completely tell what was going on with him most days. There were definitely a LOT of times where I had just wished he would tell me how he really felt, if he actually did feel anything. Because I had no idea. 

Later that afternoon, Abby and I went shopping for athletics carnival costumes. Abby was in the ‘Perseus’ house, which was blue whereas I was in the ‘Indus’ house which was red. The other houses were ‘Hydrus’ which was green (and I envied whoever was in that house as my favourite colour as mentioned before is green) and Aquila which was white. Unlike other schools which actually used the names of famous sports athletes as their house names, our school decided to use star constellations instead. Don't ask me why.

“What should we be?” asked Abby as we walked through a costume store. 

“I have no idea,” I replied glancing around.

“If only we were in Aquila, then we could be victoria’s secret angels.” 

I laughed, “But that’s just so typical. Everyone does it.”

Abby tipped her head to one side, “True.” After a while she sighed, “Well we have to chose something!” 

“I know,” I replied turning to her as we walked. “But I seriously have no clue.”

At that moment a little girl walked by us speaking to her mother. 

                   “Mummy can you please read me stories from that fairy-tale book when we get home? Plleeeasseeeee?”

                   “Of course honey, I will after dinner okay?” 


I restrained my ears from the little girl’s super loud shriek in reply to her mother saying she would in fact ‘read some stories from that fairy-tale book’ before suddenly, it clicked.

“Abby, we can be characters from fairytales,” I exclaimed. 

“OMG yes!” she said excitedly. “You could be little red riding hood!”

“And you could be Alice in Wonderland!” 

“YES, let’s go.” Abby jogged down the store isle and I followed as we went to find costumes to fit our newly discovered identities. Thankfully we found un-tacky costumes within the shop and we were finally sorted for Athletics Carnival. Next step according to Abby, hair and makeup.

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