Myth | TaeKook/VKook - (Werew...

By Taekooktrash_tk

1M 51K 32.1K

"What are you doing here? Do I know you?", Jungkook rose a brow, sassing on his mate. Taehyung immediately h... More

Chapter # 1
Chapter # 2
Chapter # 3
Chapter # 4
Chapter # 5
Chapter # 6
Chapter # 7
Chapter # 8
Chapter # 9
Chapter # 10
Chapter # 11
Chapter # 12
Chapter # 13
Chapter # 14
Chapter # 15
Chapter # 16
Chapter # 17
Chapter # 18
Chapter # 19
Chapter # 20
Chapter # 21
Chapter # 22
Chapter # 23
Chapter # 24
Chapter # 25
Chapter # 26
Chapter # 27
Chapter # 28
Chapter #29
Chapter # 31
Chapter # 32
Chapter # 33
Chapter # 34
Chapter # 35
Important Note
Chapter # 36
Chapter # 37
Chapter # 38
Chapter # 39
Chapter # 40
Chapter # 41
Chapter # 42
Chapter # 43
Chapter # 44
New Books

Chapter # 30

17.7K 863 864
By Taekooktrash_tk

The atmosphere around the pack house got tense ever since they felt the presence of something undeniably strong. They were sure that it was witches but as fast as they felt the danger near them, it disappear with the same speed, confusing them since Mihyuk didn't return. Jihyun, Bogum, Hoseok, Yoongi, Jimin, Jin and Namjoon ran till the borders of their territory but to their surprise, they found nothing.

All they did afterward was to practice hard since they couldn't predict anything anymore. Whatever they predicted or thought would happened, didn't happen. It was making them uneasy and restless. On the other hand, it was like another world or planet where Jungkook and Taehyung were. You can say there were two side. One all dark and gloomy, other all bright and bubbly. More specifically horny. Since Jungkook's bump was growing every passing day, the possessive side of Taehyung's alpha was overtaking his senses. He didn't leave his side and if he saw that his shirt is slightly showing his skin, he immediately release his pheromones, making everyone dizzy.

In short he got extra possessive and was a leach attach to Jungkook. Every single time the boys came out tired from practice, all they see is a life porn and neither of the younger care anymore. As long as Taehyung could show what belongs to his, he didn't care what he is doing. Plus yet again Jihyun beat some senses in both of their heads and this time it was a full and final kind of warning. NO MORE SEX ANYMORE!!

So they promised to Jihyun more like a contract that they won't do that anymore but of course they had their terms and conditions attached to it. They can jerk each other off or Taehyung can fuck his thighs. If any of them is in a mood (which they're 25/8) then they can suck each other off. Which they both always do now. By this time, every single one of them seen a glimpse of them being naked but as I told you earlier, the moment he saw the other's coming he released his pheromones since they brought these activities out of their rooms now.

Jungkook was in Taehyung's lap who was sitting on the couch in the living room. His fingers were laced around older's silk locks while Taehyung's hands were busy torturing his sensitive buds. Lips were lewdly talking another story which was getting intense every passing second.

"For fucks sake, will you ever sit normally without all this", Hoseok gestured the younger's who were kissing like there's no tomorrow and also ignoring his Hyung like he didn't exist. He plopped on the near couch when he saw that he got ignored by them yet again. And they didn't moved apart until oxygen came in between. Only oxygen can make them sit normally now.

"These bitches are making out always. Now I'm thinking I should record it and upload their videos on pornhub. I swear I'll become a millionaire in no time. Since these fuckers won't be satiated ever, it will entertain the audience", Jimin rolled his eyes, taking out a bottle from the refrigerator and drinking.

"I really think that we are the only one torturing our bodies by practicing like the danger won't do a shit to them and only come after our dicks", Hoseok huffed.

"Bitch it's head not dick. And why would they come after our dicks?", Jihyun asked with a so done face.

Before Hoseok could answer, Jungkook tore his mouth away, "You are talking too much. Why are you fucking interrupting us?"

"Bitch we are interrupting you?", Jimin questioned with a 'are you even fucking real?' face. "This is a living room. You should be doing all this lovey dovey bitchy stuff in your room not in public".

"Haaaahh... Now you're going to fucking blame me. We came here first so you should be the one leaving this place, not us", he retorted and moaned because older was still busy sucking his neck.

"For a fucking minute will you stop Taehyung? I'm a vampire who should be sucking blood and here you sucking like a fucking leach and shading vampires. Good grief. And you little horny bitch we are fucking practicing to save your ass not ours. So sass someone else", Jihyun huffed.

"Now you're making me fucking guilty", Jungkook teared up and Taehyung's eyes turned red and snarled, making the other flinch.

"Okay fuck.. Calm your ass down. We were joking right Hoseok and Jimin?" And both nodded immediately. Taehyung whispered sweet-nothings on younger's ear, making him make small sobs while the other just sighed.

'Such a drama queen bitch', Jimin whispered and Jihyun said him to shussshhhh. After a long pause, Jungkook broke the ice, "So are you really going to fight with dicks?" Jimin, Hoseok and Jihyun eyed younger's stupid question, thinking is that also because of his pregnancy? Or Did his baby started eating his brain too? It's not like he had one before but now whenever he talks, he just stunned everybody with his idiotic questions.

While Taehyung laugh or giggle like a fucking whipped mate he is. Cooing at every little shit his mate do. Even if he yawn then he start fanboying over it like younger did something that normal human or wolves can't do. So just like the other Whipped times, older's chest heave up with a laugh that ripples through his chest.

"Bitc— " Taehyung glared, "I-i mean Jungkookiiee, how are we going to fight with dicks? It's not like we will go out there naked to fight", Jimin said with the most fakest full teeth showing smile.

"Well we always go naked when we go to fight", Jungkook answered. Well he said right this time because when they turned into wolves, they have 2 options, either to transform right away which they do when they got ambushed suddenly which results them being totally naked. Or when they already was transform to fight, in that case when they change back, they still got a boxer hiding their manhood.

"Well now when he just said, let just imagine how would we look like, fighting with our dick", Jimin said laughing in-between. Then their crack cult unite and the 3 of them share obnoxious scenarios with each other.

"Yeah but for fighting, we need to stay hard because you can't fight with the—" Hoseok said and they burst into laugher.

"Oh then we would need our mates who talk dirty in our ear so that we stay hard and keep fighting", Jihyun titter.

"But we need our mates to fight too, so let's link and talk dirty to each other so that we all stay hard", Jimin answered seriously.

"Yeah he is right though or let just let our mate to fuck us from the back and we will fight in front. Our power will double", Jihyun put his finger on his head like thinking deeply into the matter.

"But if we came? Then what?", Jimin questioned.

"Then we will go to stage 1 'talk dirty to me", Jihyun smirked.

"Everything is alright but how am I supposed to fight like that? I'm straight", Hoseok pouted.

"Ohh shit! I forgot we have a wild sunflower among roses", Jimin said dramatically.

"What the fuck", Hoseok cursed.

"Please don't make me imagine the straight porn scenario or else I'll puke", Jihyun shivered.

"OMG now when you said that he can't fight like that because there's nobody who will shove their dick on his ass and I respect Hails, so let's stop here or my mind will start getting more tainted then it's already is", Jimin said putting his hand on his mouth.

"Well we have someone else who can take a dick on his ass", Jihyun showed them a mischievous look and they all smirked, looking at Jungkook.

Jungkook showed them his doe confuse eyes, "What? Why are you looking at me?"

"Well we were thinking since Tae has powers, what if he shove his dick on your ass and your dick release a laser beam like sshhuuuuaaaa", Jimin said and all the 3 rolled on the floor laughing, holding their stomach.

"LMAO a laser beam from dick? He became a avenger", Hoseok said and they started rolling again. Jungkook pouted and Taehyung laughed lightly and kissed his pout.

Jin, Namjoon, Bogum and Yoongi came from the front door and they got confused seeing 3 older rolling on floor with laughter attacks while other 2 younger's were totally in their own world, cuddly and lovey dovey.

"Can I know the joke you all are laughing at? Because I need some energy", Jin affirmed.

"H-hyung Jungkook got a laser beam", Hoseok said through red face and teary eyes because of all the laughter while the other 4 had surprised wide eyes thinking that after blue flame he had a laser beam?? Like they never heard a history about any werewolf having a laser beam. Then Jihyun interrupted the other four.

"You didn't ask from where the laser beam came", Jihyun said controlling his laugh.

"Where?", Bogum questioned in a serious tone since if that really happened then he didn't know any history or background about that to tell them.

"From his DICK", Jimin said burst out laughing and the three started to roll again. Yoongi, Bogum and Namjoon facepalmed while Jin laughed his signature windshield laugh, clapping his hands.

"What the fuck is this all about?", Yoongi growled.

"Ahmm ahmm..", Jimin made a throat clearing noise then all the 3 tried to get serious for a minute. "We were talking about fighting the enemy then your horn—" Taehyung eyed, "honey dripping brother questioned what if we fight with our dicks". The 3 yet again tried to control their laugh while a small titter ripple through Jin 's mouth who immediately put his hand on his mouth. "So we discussed to stay hard to fight we need you guys to shove your dick on our ass so that we will fight and since Tae is special, and Jungkook got blue flames because of him. We thought what if he release a laser beam from his dick" and they burst into laugher again. This time everybody laughed and Jin was on floor like the rest of the three while Yoongi sighed with a 'so done' face.

"But what will happen to Hoseokie? He can't fight", Jin tease.

Hoseok pouted, "Hyung.. Don't do that".

"Hails will talk dirty to him through link", Jimin fisted in air.

"But what's the point in that when you can't enjoy it from the back", Jin took his lips between his teeth, holding the laugh that was ready to come out.

"Stop shaming me for being straight", Hoseok crossed his hands over his chest, sitting on the floor now.

"Okay okay. Let's stop here".

Soon they all sat on dinner table and yet again younger was on Taehyung's lap while older was feeding him food.

"I swore to God. Seeing this much sweetness make me loose my appetite and I feel like gagging", Jimin said, making a gagging face.

"True that. Let him eat on his own. It's not like his hands are tied or fractured", Jihyun said chewing on his food.

(A/N: He's a 21st century vampire and yeah he can eat. Don't judge my favorite baby)

"I like feeding him and those who thinks like they'll puke, can go and eat in practice room", Taehyung retorted snuggling his face on younger's neck.

The 4 crackers (Jimin, Jin, Jihyun, Hoseok) rolled their eyes while other ate like nothing happened. Then Jin pouted, "I don't like when we eat seriously".

Then should I make a joke?", Jimin said excitedly.

"Your jokes are so dead, nobody laugh at", Jungkook said making a face. Jimin glared while everyone laugh on the table.

"Well alright leave it. You know earlier I was searching the meaning behind our names and I saw that Hoseok means a "Ruler", Jin said sipping the water.

"Huhh really Hyung? I thought my name means "Bestowed Sign", Hoseok said.

"Oh you're mistaken, this ruler isn't the one who rule over country or kingdom—".

"So then?", Hoseok confused.

"This ruler means a straight strip like the ruler we used to use in our school to draw line", Jin answered.

"Huhhh", Hoseok blinked.

"Hoseok means ruler because you're straight", Jin said laughing. Jimin spit out the water, choking and everybody on the table started to laugh again, making Hoseok pout.


Another day pass and everybody was busy in practicing, feeling a heavy strong presence every now and then. While Taehyung was busy guarding the younger. Jungkook was also in the practice room since he came to practice every odd day. Taehyung was practicing with Jihyun while younger was practicing on his flame.

After the long practice when Taehyung came, he saw younger sleeping on the couch. He carried him to the room. Younger scrunched his nose, in sleep and he kissed his forehead.

Jungkook yawned and when he saw himself securely wrapped around his mate, he opened his eyes and asked, "when did I fall asleep? And what time is it?"

"It's 11p.m and you were sleeping for awhile now", his lips were ghosting over younger's neck while his hand was caressing his baby bump.

"I can't wait to see our babies", older husked in his ear.

"Don't you think I look ugly now?", Jungkook asked controlling his moan.

"What?" Taehyung moved a little to see younger's eyes. "Babe you're so so gorgeous and you will remain the most gorgeous and beautiful Man in my eyes. Nothing about you is ugly and you carrying our pups, makes you even more pretty". He sucked on his sweet spot, making younger to release a moan.

"I want to carry your pups and make a family of our own", Younger moan.

"And you know what I want?", He whispered sexily.

"What?", Younger whispered back.

"Want to make you Pregnant all over again. Want to fill you up until you drip it down and can't take more. Want to make you pregnant over and over again until our room got filled with our pups", younger moan and giggled.

"Everybody will kick us out of the house", he laced his fingers on his lock and pulled his mouth closer, as if it was possible. His mouth was sucking and biting over his neck, making younger to cry in pleasure.

"Can't wait to be inside of you again. Want to fuck you so good that you never ever imagine".

"Shhuussshhh baby is listening", Jungkook giggled.

Taehyung lowered his face until younger's bump was on his eye level. He pulled up the shirt, "Listen pup! It's your Daddy. Come out quickly so that your Appa could help your Mommy to bring a sibling for you fast". Jungkook giggled and older pepper his belly with butterfly kisses. Taehyung kept talking, kissing and sucking, making younger to moan and giggle. Soon they joined the dinner table, eat, tease each other and then bid goodbyes.

Next day, they were practicing again when Jihyun saw a girl peeking through the window and then Hoseok felt that presence again. Jihyun linked and made a eye contact with them. They all closed their eyes for 5 seconds, gesturing that they pick his hint and the moment they opened their eyes, Jihyun ran outside.

The girl ran at full speed. Jumping through the branches and swiftly jumping like she was flying. On the other hand, Mihyuk came back to the pack house. "I'm back", he chimed but this time the aura around him was different, too dark to match his chirpy tone.

All the boys snarled, showing their fangs, "Opps easy there. Why so Feisty. I think you all know everything now. I don't have to pretend anymore?", he threw his hands in the air, like surrending.

"Yeah we know all that so wipe your fucking fake smile", Hoseok growled.

"Oh my.. since when you started sassing. I really left a bubbly, cute, sunshine ball behind", Jihyun sighed.

"Since we found that you were keeping us away from our fucking families", Jimin glared.

"Aiisshhh so you told them everything after all", Mihyuk eyed Jin, Namjoon and Taehyung with a fake hurt expression.

"Why the fuck are you here now?", Yoongi questioned.

"Oh since you know everything, didn't you know why I'm here?", And everybody hissed.

"Easy there. Let me tell you one thing. You can't stand against Order. You don't have a chance. Plus it's his faith, to be a sacrifice pawn—".

Jimin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Jin and Namjoon took younger behind. "You can't lay a single finger on him. Touch him and say goodbye to your pathetic life because we won't think for a second before killing you", Namjoon yap.

While they were talking, Hoseok saw the room filled with the same kind of heaviness which he felt weeks ago. Same strong and heavy aura of witches but he couldn't see anything.  but felt an omni presence.

"Don't try to come in Order's way, or you'll die like your vampi friend's father", Mihyuk warned. All of their eyes turned wide. Jihyun father died??

He laughed, "Oh looks like he didn't told you that. Did he acted up being all strong and mighty?? Hahahaha.. Well his father and he himself is a weakling in front of Order. So let me advice you, while I'm still being nice. Let him go and save yourself. Don't be stupid enough to die for a mere pawn".

"You fucking bastard. Who the fuck you're keep calling a pawn huhh? He is our brother and our family. And werewolves never ever abandoned their family. It's fucking pathetic that you are even a werewolf. You are not worth to be called a werewolf. You fucking disgrace", Jin spat.

His smile suddenly replace with a scornful stare, "Enough of your bullshit. I'm not here to get a fucking lecture from some immature wolves. Just so you know, You're already too Late".


Finally Jihyun jumped over the girl, "Gotcha". His eyes widened when he saw the face, "Z-zish?"

She smiled, "Hey surprise to see me?"

"Don't fucking tell me you're on their side", Jihyun said in disbelief.

"Aaa things happens and people change. If I changed then I don't think I should feel guilty about it. I'm changed for good", she chuckled.

"For good? Being a fucking slave to the demons is good?", He huffed.

"Stop preaching shit to me and wake up from your delusional world. It's their era now and they'll have everything they want. Anyone who try to come in between their path, will be wiped out completely. Just like your father. Fucking moron he i—"

The girl choked when he tighten his grip around her neck. "Why you piece of little shit. Watch your mouth", he growled.

She cough but smirk, "F-fucking face the reality. How could be a man this stupid to believe his enemy that he will became an ally after just a fucking treaty?", She coughed more.

"Look now. He is no more and I don't like weaklings. I'll be on the side of whoever is in power and I chose my side", she coughed.

"All these fucking time, I thought you were different like Sasha. I thought you have a heart too but I was so fucking wrong. You're a bitch like every other bitch out there".. she rolled his eyes while Jihyun grip tightened around her neck and he continued,

"You choose your side and the side you decided to choose, makes you my enemy. So I don't think I should go easy on you anymore", he snarled.

"Did I told you that you're a moron like your father or not?", She hissed when she felt his nails digging on her neck, making her bleed. "You shouldn't have come after me", she smirked.

"What do you mean?", He snarled, showing his fangs.

"Moron", she chuckled and that was it.

"Say goodbye to this world bitch and rot in hell", with that saying he dug his fangs on her neck, making her scream in agony while his grip around her neck tightened until it was ripped away from her torso. There.. she died. He took the lighter out and burned her body, seeing her turn into ashes. He wiped the blood from his lips and saw closely in pack house direction with his red ruby eyes.

The moment he realized, the only thing that escaped through his lips was a curse, "FUCK".

He ran in pack house direction in full speed and the moment he got inside, his eyes turned double the size. Everybody was fainted on floor but.... Jungkook was gone.

He closed his eyes and exhaled deeply, waiting for everybody to wake up. After hours, everybody woke up but the moment Taehyung woke up, his eyes turned red and all the glasses shattered, making a screeching deafening sound.

"SAVE YOUR RAGE FOR LATER", Jihyun voice echoed inside the house. "What's done is done. Try to link with him. It's time for us to Move.. They want to test us. They think that we are fucking kids. Let them show WHAT THESE KIDS CAN DO", he said calmly.


(A/N: Finally it started!! 😣 Just a request, don't come @ me later 😣😣) somebody said this book turned into a porn-o 😂😂  when I'm moving with a flow, it happens sksksksk. Now time for some action 😎

Any thoughts?? 👀👀👀👀

He killed me 😭 stream Agust-D 2 guys ✊✊ I love this Mann... He's so fucking badass and I love badass 😣💜

TaeKook is a must ✊💜

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