Act Like You Love Me (lesbian...

By Eastsidestory

30.7K 1.3K 194

If Mitch knew her life was gonna be flipped upside down that she'd loved like she did it kill her to know tha... More

Ch. 1 The Break Up
Ch.2 Going To Jail
Ch. 3 Don't Hurt Her
Ch. 4 We Talked All Night
Ch.5 Promises
CH.6 I Really Like You
Ch.7 Kiss Me
Ch.8 Momma's House
CH.9 The Date
Ch.10 Momma In The Hospital
CH. 11 No Taking It Back
Ch.12 I Am Not My Mothers Child
Ch.14 I'm Falling For You
Ch.15 I Need You
Ch.16 Numb
CH. 17 Selfish
CH. 18 Promise Me
Ch.19 Never Goodbye
Love Wars

Ch.13 Momma Don't Go

1.1K 63 7
By Eastsidestory

Two weeks later

A lot of things happen two weeks my car was finally done I couldn't drive back because my wrist. But Jordan did it for me especially since I didn't want see Lance, I really hadn't seen anybody Kenya had to go to California for couple days, but other that she was always with me. As far me going to work I went I avoided Antony I didn't want speak to him. Nor did I want talk to Tasha I really just want them two to leave me alone until I could speak to them both in rational manner.

Today was the day I was going to finally visit my I don't know what to call her now but shit I was going to visit just to get some answer. But mostly cause I wanted to see my mom.

"Hey. " Kenya said as she pulled me into a hug, I love her hugs they make feel safe. But anyways I said hey back and we kiss, I try and bite her lip but she moves and raises her eyebrows.

"What?" I asked innocently making her roll her eyes and let's go of me, laughing she poked my nose making me laugh as she said.

"One day you gone bite my lip and you gone regret biting my lip when you end up against a wall." I smirked and brought her to me.

"Awww baby you ain't know, I like it rough." I responded back the look on her was priceless so much that I start cracking up.

"Ohmygod just have sex already." It was Khadijah who said that. She was standing with Jordan her, who was nodding her in agreement.

"Shut up Khadijah." Both Kenya and I said in unison. Khadijah rolled her eyes walked Jordan into the kitchen.

"You ready." Kenya spoke and I reluctantly nodded my head in all honesty I wasn't ready. But I knew I needed to see my mom soon. Even though I didn't want see her in a hospital sick, nobody ever wanted to see they mom in the hospital.

"Yeah I'm ready." I said with fake confidence, I grab my key that were in my jacket pocket, and walked outside because I knew if I didn't I would try to run to my room. The snow was melting now. But the sky was kind of gray and depressing.

Kenya was behind me her car keys in hand I walked to her car even though I really wanted to get into my mustang. I sighed 3 more week in I could drive my baby. I got in the car as she got in and in started it. As usual it was music that I never heard of playing as she drove off.

"Do you ever play songs that are on the radio?" I asked curiously and she looked at me smiling just a little bit.

"Sometimes, but I get tired of listening to the same songs very quickly, though I got Drake, J Cole and all them other people." She said as stopped at a light, I smiled and nodded my head looked out the window. Then her phone started ringing she had Bluetooth in her car so it rang through the speakers.

She look at the caller ID that showed up on the car and sighed.

"Who's Katrina?" I asked a little too demanding, Kenya laughed and then just smiles at me as she said.

"You'll see," Then she answered and screaming ran through the speaker.

"BEST FRIENNNDDDD!" Kenya yelled as soon as the screaming calmed down on the other end. She did that just for me.


"Hey,goofy ass what you doing?" Katrina said chuckling though the other end I chuckled too and looked at Mitch who was just looking at me.

"I'm with my girlfriend just driving around. How's Japan working out for you?" I answered somewhat truthfully. Katrina was  in Japan for 6 years, I would of been went with her but I had told my boss that I needed 2 months off before he could actually tell me that I was right now I just wanted to spend time with Mitch and everybody else before I left again for a long time again.

"It's good I miss you though, I don't have nobody to really goof around with or annoy. Oh and hi Kenny's girlfriend." Katrina said I was glad she did mention me having to go and I taking Mitch to the hospital that would be a fucking disaster. I took a deep breath as Mitch smiled.


"Oh girl she sound cute, um why haven't I meet her yet?" She said and I rolled my eyes I swear if I didn't know Katrina was straight I'd think she was gay.

"You haven't meet her yet, because then I might have to fight you if you tried something." I said playful everybody laughed we were at the hospital now but Mitch was still in the car. I knew she wasn't going nowhere without me going.

"Girl bye I got to go before this Sat Phone is going dead and they about go out." Katrina said I could in the her in the distance people rush her of the phone now.

"Bye Trina, aye Skype me when you can." I said, Katrina said bye one last time and told she would. Then we both hung and looked at Mitch her just frowning at me just a little bit.

"So how come I haven't met her yet? No how come I haven't met anybody yet is there something you hiding from me." Mitch spoke it kind scared me to the core I had so many explanations as to why.

"Well Katrina, she always busy so our schedule between the two of us are difficult, you would of met her at the game but something with her brother's daughter came up. And in retrospect you have met my family..." I stop for a second and think should I really tell her as it not like I really have anything to hide, "Khadijah all I got now, everybody else is either dead, or dead to me."

I didn't look at Mitch I just stop the car grabbed my keys and my phone; I was about to get out but she grabbed my arm, but the I gave her must made her let go, because that exactly what she did. I didn't mean to give her that look I just hated talking about my family, that was another sensitive subject I didn't like talking about.

"I'm sorry." Mitch whispered that made me feel bad, I closed my door and sighed I didn't want Mitch to feel bad she was already upset about everything about else. Me not opening up to her and snapping at her was the least of her problem.

"Look I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that its just one of those things I just don't like to talk about. But one day I'm gonna tell you everything that you want to know. Just please give me time to do it," I begged her she nodded her head she was still frowning I don't like seeing her frown it made me feel worse than what I already felt, "please don't be mad at me, smile you too pretty to be having frown lines on your face."


We were walking in after everything that happened in the car. I forgave her I couldn't stay mad at Kenya even if I wanted too. She made it incredibly hard stay mad with her, like all she had to do was smile and kiss me on my lips then I was hooked, and I just forget why upset. We walked past the receptionist more Kenya made us walk pass the reception. Which I laugh at as we continue walking on.

"Why you do that what if I don't know my Mom's room number?" I asked as Kenya rolled her eyes at me she didn't say nothing she just keep walking me to the elevator.

"It's 210, KD and Jordan told me so we don't need to ask somebody. Plus there are nurses and doctors for a reason." Kenya said pressing the button 2 than proceed cross her arms I chuckle and move closer to wrapping my around her then looking up at her as she looks down at me.

"You know your very attractive when you show emotions." I said bring her to me more Kenya again rolled her eyes and pushed me of her when the elevator stopped and opened, "especially when it's jealously." I mumble to myself.

I walked behind her in we both started walking to my moms, and all the playfulness that I had before flew out the door, and it hit me like ton of rocks I was going to see my mom and things could irate if not right. Question start going through my head like what if she just doesn't answer my question? Did Tasha already tell what happened?

So many damn question running through my mind it made it impossible for me see straight.

Thats when I suddenly bumped in the back of Kenya I hadn't realized I been that much in my thoughts. Will until now.

"If you don't want go in there, I can take you back home," Kenya said and I open my mouth to speak but Kenya spoke again, "or you can get this all over with and not have to wonder. Your choice."

"Get this over with." I muttered then a nurse opened the door, and my mind suddenly changed I didn't want get this over with I want to get out of here. I didn't think I'd ever see my mom like this for a long time, the nurse nodded her head and walk passed us, and Momma just laid there looking at me with a sad smile her face, she look so fragile like glass, it was hard for me to just look at her.

"Come in baby girl, bring your little friend too." She spoke I could barely hear her, she looked weak, and tired. I had never seen my mom like this. I always seeing her smiling and joking around with everybody, and to see her not like her usual self kind of cut me to the core. I felt Kenya grab my hand then gentle pulled me into room.

The closer we got the more I felt like I couldn't take just looking at her she look pale. This is all my fault I should noticed it maybe just maybe she wouldn't be in the hospital.

"Mitchelle stop looking like that," Momma said sternly but then she went into a coughing fit soon then stopped, "none of this is your fault baby, it my time to be with God."

I couldn't help the tears that came to my eyes as I couldn't take this it hasn't been a minute and already I want to cry. I felt like child all over again, I felt like my world was falling down. I sniffed and wiped my tears and I felt Kenya squeeze my hand.

"Momma d-don't say that please." I said whisper the last part but she nodded her head like it was final nothing was changing.

"Who is she? And I know why you here already, all I can say is hear her and Lance out okay, I don't got much longer baby girl, I need you to be strong when I'm gone you hear me. I need you to keep our family together. You hear me." She said sternly she held out her hand that didn't have needle and I grabbed it she give my hand a gentle squeeze.

"I don't want you to go yet momma I'm only one person." I said sniffing, "I-I'm only one person don't go please, I need you still, I don't care about Tasha being my real mother, she will never compare to you I don't want you to go. Your my mother, you cared for me don't. Go. " I pleaded I felt Kenya squeeze my hand maybe this was a bad idea because the harder I cried the more it felt like I couldn't breath.

"Baby calm down,breath." Kenya spoke and I did it to the best as I could, momma looked scared for me.

"Mitchelle look at me," Momma said worried then she looked at Kenya who nodded her head let go of hand then walked the door but not before she kissed me on the cheek and told me that she'd be at outside if I needed her. I nodded me head and put my focus back on my mom, "come here lay down with mama. "

I did what she told me to do she had to scoot over and we had to make sure we weren't messing up nothing but pretty soon I got the small patient bed with her. She wipe my tears an wipe my nose and whispered for me to stop crying.

"I don't want you to go yet momma." I repeated again she kissed me on my forehead and I could tell she was smiling.

"Nobody ever want they loved ones to go baby girl, but just know I'll be on this earth watch over you, Tasha, and Antony. Y'all my babies I won't leave y'all hanging when I'm up there with the big man and my daddy. We all gone be here, in there," She said pointing to my heart then she move my here finger to head, "and there I'm not gone yet but I want you to know I will never leave you ever. "

I nodded my head understandingly, I got it now and though I wasn't suppose be mad at her and Tasha. I realize we were both about to be losing someone special to us and being angry wasn't going to solve anything.

"Okay momma."

"Kenya." I heard my name I didn't turn want to turn around because I already knew what was going happen if did. She keep on calling my name, I was ignoring her and I was gonna keep on ignoring her until Mitch came out of the room.

I wasn't about to seat there through and listen to the girl keep calling my name so I got up, and went to the bathroom. Just to get away from hearing my name being called over again.

But obviously failed when I heard knocking on my door.

"Fuck my life." I mumbled under my breathe this was not happen to me. Right now again but I guess I'll l suck it the fuck up and get this over with. Hopefully I don't do nothing stupid. I walked to the door my hand on the handle. Then I opened the door.

"Kenya I thought that was you" Jada said and I rolled my eyes, and push passed her it seemed like ever since the game. I was seeing her of course I never told Mitch that I seen my ex all these two weeks. Because why tell something that wasn't important?

"I have nothing to say to you Jada, so please leave me the fu-" I didn't get a chance to finish my sentence, hell I didn't get a chance to react. But when she kissed me I felt something, I felt a lot things. But love... Never again.

I push her off of me, angry that she would do that and at any moment Mitch could've seen what just happened, and thing would of taken everything out portion. I wasn't trying to jeopardize this whole relationship with Mitch. I-I loved her, and that scared the shit of that thought sure it hasn't been long not even close. But I love her and it scares me to know I'm catching feelings.

"Kenny why are acting like you don't love me." Jada said glaring up at me, don't get me wrong I love Jada apart of always will. Nothing in this world could change small little that loved her ever, cause there was bigger part that hated her.

"Because you made me into a fucking monster Jada, you broke every little bit of me so," I said glaring at her that made her step to against the wall she didn't say nothing, "I act like I don't love you no more because fuck it you not gonna listen to me you don't care. But know this I hate you, for making not be able to love someone like I really want to. But I love you cause you brought me to someone special... Thank you. "

I watched as Jada turns from sad to mad in less than a minute, it didn't phase me though I knew the bitch was bipolar.

"I try and take you back and this how you repay me Kenya," She said matching me as we glared at each other then madness became something I had never see before this evilness radiated of her and know what happened but the next thing I know was I was grabbing her by her neck, she tried to scared but could barely get it out when I slammed her hard against the wall, I don't know what happen I just snapped,  "but if I get her. "

"Do anything to her Jada and I swear on everything that's good. I will hunt you down and I will personally drop kick yo ass to next century." I said through gritted teeth, but although Jada was getting the shit choked out her by me. She smirked as she bare got out.

".. I missed this Kenya."

Just like I let go of her neck I didn't bother addressing what she said I just left her there to catch her breath, and it was then that I decided to tell Mitch everything, it my scare her away from me, I had to before my temper told her everything.


A/n I did that sorry for the long but you know how it is when your a senior in high school.

But what's on you mind that's about the story?

That moment with Mitch and her 'mom' was hard to write. But nonetheless.

Vote,follow, Comment. I mean it up to you, ijs it make me update faster. *shrugs* but nobody comments and I kinda feel like nobody likes this story anymore tbh.

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