A Mother's Bond

By ThatKidSway

367K 14.5K 15.3K

What would you do if you found out your whole life was a lie? Sarayah Thompson is forced to answer this quest... More

Please read this. It's important.
Chapter 36 summary
37 Chapter Summary
38 Chapter Summary


4.6K 179 347
By ThatKidSway

Beyoncé   December 19, 2016
Patient. I was being very patient. No one could say I wasn't. I gave Sarayah a full 40 hours to be mad. Did I force her to speak to me? No. Did I try to give her a hug? No. I was being very good. But with only a day left until her birthday, I was done with that.

I pulled half my hair up into a ponytail and braided it. Turning slightly, I observed my hair in the mirror, making sure I looked cute for a day out on the town.

Satisfied, I marched down to Sarayah's room. I nearly burst into the room, but then I thought better of it. After all, she was sharing a room with Nevaeh. I didn't want to invade Nevaeh's privacy. That would be rude. So, I knocked.

The only response I got were a few angry groans. I rolled my eyes and opened the door, letting myself in. Sarayah and Nevaeh were all boo'd up, snuggling beneath the covers. I narrowed my eyes. I reached into my pocket, slipping my phone out. I held my phone up and snapped a few tasteful pictures before putting it back in its place.

"Okay! Enough of that! Get your little hormone filled bodies up!" I shouted, causing them to fly apart.

Sarayah fell to the floor with a painful sounding thud. Oops. She sat up, glaring over the bed at me.

"What are you doing in here? I'm mad at you, remember?" She reminded me, climbing back into bed.

"No, you're pretending to be mad to punish me. And don't even deny it. You suck at holding grudges against people you love. You're only ever mad for like five minutes, and then you spend the rest of the time trying to stay mad."

She pouted. "That's not true."

Nevaeh turned away from her, snickering. Sarayah shot her a look. I knew I'd basically been validated, but I wanted her to know I wasn't taking things lightly.

"Okay, Sarayah. I've already told you I was sorry, but I will say it again. I was wrong for violating your trust. I wish I hadn't done it, but I did. And I was wrong. Do you believe me?"

She sighed. "Yes."

"Okay, good," I said. "I understand your hesitation. You're probably thinking if you forgive me too soon, it'll cheapen the hurt I caused you. But that's not true. I spent months seeing Alison hurt you, only to have you to turn around and forgive her because of how much you–"

I practically choked on the words, but I pushed past my distaste and continued. "Because of how much you loved her. So, your forgiveness now only shows me how much you love me. But unlike Alison, I'm not gonna take advantage. I won't be another source of pain for you. I'm gonna show you that you've finally found the right person to love unconditionally."

Sarayah's expression hadn't changed the whole time, but her eyes had been carefully studying my face as I spoke. She was listening carefully.

I smiled at her. "Now. All that being said, are you mad at me?"

Nevaeh looked over at Sarayah. "You have a pretty great mom."

Sarayah looked over at Nevaeh, her face finally breaking into a smile. "I know. I'm lucky to have her." Then she turned to me. "See how I waited until you were finished speaking, Mr. West?"

We laughed, and she stood up on the bed, her arms held wide. "Okay, you waited patiently. Come get your hug."

I grinned and walked over, letting her envelop me in a hug. After a long moment, I pulled away. "Okay, we have to get moving. We have a lot to do today." I patted her butt twice, and she let me go, walking over to the other end of the bed.

"I'm giving you 15 minutes to get ready. That should be enough for you girls. Oh, and wake Kai up for me."

"Okay," they chorused, already moving around.

I shot them one last smile before walking to the kitchen, a bounce in my step. Solo was in front of the stove scrambling some eggs. She glanced up at me when she heard me approach.

"What you so chipper about," she asked, opening the oven to check on the bread toasting inside.

I shrugged with a smile and grabbed an apple. "I can't be happy?"

She gave me a skeptical look. "Can you? Sarayah didn't talk to you at all yesterday. I thought you'd be face deep in a bottle of pills by now."

I lifted my leg and kicked out, catching her in her thigh. She snickered, easily regaining her balance.

"You're lucky Mama ain't here yet," I remarked, leaning back on the counter. "But anyway, if you must know, Sarayah and I are fine. We're better than fine. We're great."

Solange paused what she was doing to stare at me. "You've finally lost it, haven't you? It was a slow descent, but I guess it had to happen eventually."

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up. I'm being serious. I realized something really important."

She blinked at me. "You gonna tell me what it is, or?"

I grinned. "Sarayah loves me unconditionally. I don't know when that happened, but it did! I could probably punch her right in her face, and she'd get mad about it, but she'd forgive me."

Solo looked horrified. I laughed and pushed her shoulder. "I'm not gonna punch her in the face, Solo. It was just an example."

"A scary example," she muttered, scraping the eggs into a large bowl. She handed it to me, and I placed it on the table just as Kai burst in followed by Sarayah and Nevaeh.

"Good morning Knowles sisters!" Kai greeted us cheerfully. "Looking as beautiful as ever. You ever considered divorce? All the kids are doing it!"

Sarayah smacked him upside the head, and he snickered. I laughed at the two of them, moving aside so the three of them could get to the table. Solo walked past me and placed a plate stacked with toast at the center. Sarayah and Kai descended on the food without a second thought. Nevaeh shook her head at them, taking her time filling her plate.

"Where's little light skin?" Kai asked around a mouthful of food.

Solo scrunched up her nose. "Don't call him that. And he's with Jay and Blue. They went out for breakfast."

Sarayah's head snapped up. "Breakfast? Without us?"

Solo laughed. "It's 11:00 am, and you guys are only just getting up! They tried to wait for you lazy butts, but they gave up after an hour."

I waved her off. "It's for the best anyway. We have things to do, and Lord knows if I took those two blackholes out to eat, we'd never leave."

Sarayah and Kai squinted their eyes at me, but didn't deny it, choosing to shovel food into their greedy faces instead.

"So where are we going?" Sarayah asked, looking up at me.

"Well, I made a few arrangements with a local designer that Solo knows. She's gonna make your costumes for tomorrow. It shouldn't take too long. She said she already has some stuff ready, so you guys can just take your pick. The rest she'll make. She just needs your measurements."

"Same girl who made my suit?" Sarayah asked hopefully. She'd taken a shine to her.

"I think so," I said. I looked over at Solange, since she was the one who'd taken her to have the suit made as a birthday present.

Solo nodded. "Yup, it's Dee. I figured I'd send you back there since you liked her so much."

"Deanna's so cool," Sarayah gushed to Kai and Nevaeh. "She's only 18, and she has her own boutique. Wait til you see her clothes. They're amazing. And she's really nice too. She told me she'd teach me how to make my own stuff if I had time."

Nevaeh nodded, unenthused. "How nice."

Kai looked between the two of them, smirking. Sarayah raised an eyebrow in confusion but didn't push, dropping the topic altogether.

I glanced down at my watch again. "Okay, we really need to get moving." I looked over at Solange. "You coming, or are you meeting up with us later?"

Solo sighed looking at the breakfast mess. "I'm gonna hang back, clean up. Plus, Alan's home today so I'll probably spend some alone time with him before all you roaches come scuttling back."

"You know, I was gonna help you clean up, but not after that roach comment."

She scoffed. "Please. Do you even remember how to wash a dish?"

I looked down at my phone. "I'm ignoring you. Also, our ride is here. Come on kids. Let's go."

They hopped up and followed me out the door, glad to get out of cleaning the kitchen. Luckily the boutique wasn't far. We got there in no time. I took out my phone, looking at my messages. Deanna said she wasn't ready, but we could look around the boutique until she was. Fine with me.

I walked inside and took off my sunglasses. No wonder Sarayah loved this place. And Solange for that matter. It was packed with unique clothes. Nothing looked the same.

"You're here," Deanna said, walking out the back. She was a slim brown skinned woman with a charming smile. She adjusted her top knot dreads, tightening it as she walked towards us.

She reached out a hand for me to shake. "Nice to finally meet you Mrs. Carter, I'm Deanna."

I smiled. "Hi Deanna. I told you 'Beyoncé' or 'Bey' is just fine. I really like your place."

She looked around, nodding in satisfaction. "Yeah. I'm not where I want to be yet, but I'm on my way." She turned to Nevaeh and Kai. "You two must be Sarayah's friends."

"Must be," Nevaeh answered drily.

Kai smiled. "I'm Kai. The rude one is Nevaeh."

Deanna laughed, and Nevaeh scowled.

"Cool. I'm Deanna, like you heard. But this one calls me Dee," she said, nodding at Sarayah. "What's up lil Monáe? You never told me how it all turned out."

Sarayah grinned. "Oh, it was perfect. They were so surprised." She pulled out her phone, showing her a picture of her in the suit. "I did the braid like you suggested. It was a good combo."

Deanna nodded, whistling appreciatively. "I can see that."

I heard a soft scoff to my right. Nevaeh was twisting her lips, angrily looking the other way. Nobody seemed to notice but me.

"So, should we get started?" I asked, making Deanna look at me.

She blinked a few times and smiled. "Right. Yeah. I have to finish up a jacket in the back, but you guys can look around. See what you like. I'll be back out in 15."

"Thanks Deanna," Sarayah said, smiling.

"No problem. But you know you could just ask me to hang out? You don't have to keep making these fake appointments to come see me," Deanna joked, walking backwards to her office.

Sarayah rolled her eyes and walked away laughing. Deanna chuckled and disappeared into the back. Throughout the exchange, I watched Nevaeh's face. She was one unhappy camper.

I shook my head, walking over to the nearest rack. I pulled up a hanger at random and examined the large black and brown tie dye muscle shirt. There was a black and white picture of Lauryn Hill on the front. It had a nice vintage effect.

"Oooo, that's nice, and it's Lauryn Hill too," Sarayah said and snatched it out of my hand. "Nevaeh would love this." She looked over her shoulder. Nevaeh and Kai were on the other end of the shop, checking out the extravagant suits. Sarayah smiled and thrust the hanger back at me.

"Can you buy this for her?" She begged.

I laughed, taking the hanger out of her hands. "Okay."

She grinned. "Thank you! But don't tell her. I want it to be a surprise."

I smirked. "That's a nice thing to do for a friend."

Sarayah blushed. "I'm just adding it to her Christmas gift. Stop being weird. I'd do this for Kai too."

"Mhm," I said, shrugging. "But would you be all cuddled up with Kai? I wonder."

Her jaw dropped, and I spun on my heels to face her. "BUSTED!"

She quickly looked over to Nevaeh and Kai to see if they were listening, but they were busy having their own conversation.

She turned to look at me again, her eyes wide. "Keep your voice down."

"Why? Don't want me to embarrass you in front of your girlfriend?" I sang, grinning widely.

"SHHHHHH!" She shushed aggressively. "Why are you so loud?"

"Why do you care who hears me?" I asked, genuinely curious. I narrowed my eyes. "Does Kai not know?"

She sighed. "No, he knows. It's just–I don't know. Vaeh never said she was my girlfriend or anything. So, I don't wanna assume. I don't really know how these things work. What if I end up scaring her away?"

I pressed my hands together, smiling excitedly. "Are you asking me for relationship advice?"

She scrunched her face up. "Mama," she whined.

"Okay fine. I won't make a big deal about it," I allowed.

She looked at me skeptically, before nodding. "Okay. Then I'm asking. What should I do?"

I squealed with joy. Sarayah quickly clapped her hand over my mouth, cutting off the sound. After she saw me visibly calm down, she removed her hand.

"Sorry, I'll be good now," I apologized. "Okay. I admit I don't know what it's like to be in a relationship with a girl, but I do know every relationship needs a solid foundation. And the key to building a solid foundation is open communication. So, talk to her."

Sarayah nodded, looking over at Nevaeh. "But...what if I talk to her, and she tells me she doesn't want the same things?"

I laughed. "And you think not talking is gonna fix that?"

She turned to me and shrugged. "Probably not."

"Definitely not." I tipped her chin up. "Listen. If you're worried about how she feels about you, stop. I've seen the way she looks at you. She cares. A lot. And judging by her reaction to our friend Deanna, she wants to be exclusive."

Sarayah raised an eyebrow. "What you talkin bout Willis?"

I chuckled and took her face between my hands. "My sweet, innocent, clueless child." She frowned and pulled out of my grasp which made me laugh more. "I'm going to spell this out for you. Nevaeh is jealous of your relationship with Deanna."

"We're just friends!" Sarayah argued, indignant at my accusation.

I touched her nose. "Ah. But I seem to know of two other girls who started off as 'just friends'."

"That's different!" Sarayah spluttered. She calmed down, lowering her voice. "Nevaeh's different."

"How's she supposed to know that?" I asked, watching as she squirmed beneath my gaze. Finally, she sighed.

"Okay. I'll talk to her later."

She turned to walk away but I snagged the back of her shirt, gently pulling her back. "Not so fast, we still have something to talk about."

Sarayah cringed. I smiled, waiting for her to turn around to face me. When she saw my expression, she groaned.

I nodded, bouncing my eyebrows. "You knew this was coming."

"Mama, we don't need to talk about that, okay? Trust me we don't."

I held up a finger. "Oh I think we do. You two are sleeping in the same bed–"

"Nothing happened, and nothing is going to happen," Sarayah insisted. "I swear. I'm not even ready for anything like that." She looked uncomfortable, glancing away. "You know why."

I nodded, understanding. "And Nevaeh knows and respects that?"

Sarayah nodded quickly. "Of course!"

I held up my hands. "Just checking, jeez! Don't get me wrong, I think Nevaeh's great. It's just that some people aren't so patient. My first relationship blew up because my boyfriend wasn't willing to wait for me. He became so manipulative, pressuring me all the time. It was a lot. I don't want you going through the same thing."

"I won't," Sarayah assured me. "Nevaeh would never pressure me. Ever."

I pulled her into a hug, squeezing her tightly. "I'm glad you've found someone who's worth your trust."

"Okay," Deanna called, getting our attention. We looked up to see her walking out of her office.

The four of us walked to middle of the boutique, gathering around the young designer.

"So this is how we're gonna do this," Deanna said. "It's really easy. I'm gonna take your measurements one by one. You'll tell me what you want. If you don't have a clear idea of your outfit, you can name a celebrity, and I'll try to emulate their style. Sound good?"

We all nodded, and she smiled. "Okay. I already have your measurements, Sarayah, so do you wanna go first? Get it over with?"

Sarayah glanced over at Nevaeh and nodded. "Yeah, sure."

Deanna nodded. "Okay perfect. Let's get started then."

She walked towards the back. Sarayah quickly leaned over to kiss Nevaeh on the cheek before following Deanna to her office. Nevaeh watched her disappear behind the door, concern in her eyes.

I touched her shoulder lightly, startling her a bit. "Stop worrying. Sarayah's not the type."

Nevaeh looked up at me, feigning confusion. "Worry about what? I'm fine."

I laughed. "Isn't it weird how hard it is to lie about being jealous? It's like, no matter how hard you try, it's so obvious you're lying."

Nevaeh blushed. She started to stutter about a response, but I cut her off.

"Don't bother with excuses. You'd have better luck trying to convince me the sky's green."

Nevaeh sighed. "Okay, fine. I'm jealous. I don't even know why. She's not even doing anything."

I shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe it's because she's not technically your girlfriend and it's bothering you."

She winced at my blunt truth.

"Listen, Nevaeh. I don't know what you're waiting for. I really don't. If you want something, take it...politely, of course." I smiled. "She is my daughter after all."

Nevaeh nodded, looking away awkwardly. "Okay. Thanks, Bey. For the advice."

I hummed in acknowledgment and walked away, feeling accomplished with my work. If the two of them ever got married, I was taking full credit.

All in all, we spent less than two hours in the boutique. I was shocked but grateful. Deanna assured me she had everything she needed, practically pushing us out of the shop so she could get started.

Jay called as soon as we stepped outside. I put on my shades and answered the phone.

"Hey, change of plans," I told him, letting the driver help me into the car. "We finished early. I don't think the kids will be ready for lunch yet."

"I'm starving!" Kai shouted from behind me. I winced, and turned around, glaring at him.

"I am RIGHT HERE, Kai. I can hear you just fine."

He smiled, not a lick of shame on his face. "Just wanted to make sure."

I smacked my lips and turned back around in my seat, grumbling about Sarayah's annoying friends.

Jay laughed. "Okay, guess I'll see you guys there."

I chuckled despite myself. "Yeah. See you soon."


Upon walking into the restaurant, we immediately spotted our group. It wasn't too hard, seeing as we were the only patrons, plus they were sitting at a big ass table in the center. Jay was on the end, looking through the menu. Solange had Blue in her lap while she colored. Julez was sitting beside Solo, his expression a clear indication of his boredom. When he heard us come in, his head shot up, a bright smile lighting up his face.

He waved excitedly. "Sarayah! I saved you a seat."

Sarayah smiled and made her way over to the table, making sure to greet everyone before taking her seat next to Julez. Kai and Nevaeh looked at each other before lunging for the seat next to Sarayah.

I chuckled, walking over to the free seat between Jay and Solo. Jay stood up, giving me a sweet kiss before pulling my chair out for me. I smiled and sat down. Solo gave him a little side eye but kept her slick comments to herself for once.

"How's your day been?" Jay asked me, glancing over at Sarayah.

Kai, who had apparently won the battle, was making faces at Nevaeh from across the table, who was in turn making faces right back at him. Sarayah watched them out of the corner of her eye, giving most of her attention to Julez who was teaching her a new part to add to their already too long secret handshake.

I watched the four of them for a few more seconds and smiled, turning back to my husband. "It's been great."

"Can we eat now? I'm hungry," Blue complained, leaning her head on my arm.

I reached over and lifted her off Solo, placing her on my lap. "I'm sorry, baby, but you'll have to wait a little longer. Is that okay?"

Blue folded her arms with a frown. "No."

Jay and I shared a look, chuckling. Guess I should've seen that coming.

"You know what," I started, my finger on my chin. "You're right. I'm too hungry to wait. Luckily, I have a special stash for times like this."

Blue's eyes widened. "Really?"

I nodded seriously. "Mhm. You dad knows what I'm talking about."

He raised his eyebrow suggestively. I rolled my eyes, knowing what type of mess he was thinking.

"Not. That." I enunciated.

He nodded. "Oh. Oh, right. Yeah. I know what you're talking about."

Blue looked between the two of us. "Well where is it?"

I looked over at Jay and he smiled. "It's right...here!" I said, tickling her.

Blue immediately started kicking, but Jay grabbed her little legs, joining in on the fun. I lifted her shirt and blew raspberries on her stomach as she laughed.

"The shenanigans started without us?" Someone cried out in protest.

I looked up and smiled when I saw Kelly and Michelle strolling through the front door.

Michelle shook her head. "And after I flew all the way here to participate in the festivities."

Sarayah's jaw dropped. I beamed, knowing I'd done well.

"What are you guys doing here?" Sarayah asked, jogging over to them. She jumped into Michelle's arms first, almost knocking her over. Luckily Kelly caught them before Sarayah could crush my sweet Michelle.

"Woah, careful there Sarayah. You almost killed my girl," Kelly joked.

Sarayah made a face at her, but it quickly changed into a smile when Kellz wrapped her up in a hug, squeezing her tightly.

"I can't believe you're really here," Sarayah marveled. "This is crazy."

Kelly waved her off. "Please. It's my niece's birthday tomorrow. Why wouldn't I be here?"

Sarayah clapped her hands excitedly, then looked behind them. "Where's my son?"

Kelly blinked, unamused. "If you're talking about my son. He's not here. Is my presence not enough for you?"

Sarayah pursed her lips, abashed. "Yeah. Yeah, it is. Sorry, Aunty Kellz. I'm really glad you're–" she cut herself off with a squeal when she noticed Tim walk in carrying Titan. "TITAN!"

She ran over and swept Titan out Tim's arms, cradling him close to her chest. "My son! I missed you. Did you miss me? I'm never letting you go again."

"Well, you're gonna have to because I need a hug from my granddaughter."

"Grandma!" Sarayah yelled happily before rushing to meet my mama at the door. She switched Titan to her other hip to hug my mother.

"I really can't believe you're all here. It's surreal," Sarayah said, still holding onto her grandma.

Kelly laughed. "You really think your big head mama would've let us miss your birthday?"

Michelle nodded. "But even if Bey hadn't threatened us, which she did." She shot a look over at me, making me blush. "We still would've come. You should have all your family around you on your birthday."

"My family," Sarayah repeated, hiking Titan higher up on her hip. "Yeah. My family."

"Can we eat now?!" Blue shouted, earning a blend of laughter from the group.

Lunch seemed to pass by in the blink of an eye. Fun, family, friends and food is a combination sure to make time fly. Sarayah was in her element. I watched her in awe, trying to connect her with the sullen girl who'd sulked through our house a few short months ago. The difference was astounding.

Jay payed the bill, signaling the end to our time, but no one seemed to notice. The group was enthralled by Sarayah's riveting story. They avidly listened as she described the events that had landed her in jail for what she thought was her 16th birthday. Kai jumped in a few times to add details, gladly eating up the attention. Nevaeh just smiled and shook her head at the two friends. I chuckled, imagining their dynamic as kids.

Jay tapped my shoulder. "Ready to go?"

I nodded. As much as I wanted to, we couldn't stay forever. Not when there was still so much to do. So, I stood up, getting everyone's attention.

"Okay, I hate to break up a good time, but Kelly, Chelle, Solo we got things to do."

Sarayah looked at us, disappointed. "You're leaving?"

Kelly reached over the table to grab Sarayah's chin. "Only for a little bit, little bit."

"We're helping sort out the final details for your big day," Michelle explained, gathering her things. "Your mama called us down here for some free labor."

I ignored their teasing and walked over to Sarayah. I leaned down and kissed her on her forehead.

"Okay, we're gonna head out. Don't give your dad too much trouble, okay?"

"Yeah, okay," she said, her eyes on the table.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and leaned down so our heads were right next to each other. When she wouldn't look at me, I nudged her temple with my forehead.

"Don't look so sad, baby. I made sure to put all the things you mentioned in the itinerary. I even threw in a voodoo shop against my better judgement. You guys are gonna have lots of fun, I promise."

She nodded, still looking down.

A smile slowly grew on my face. "Aww, are you sad I'm not gonna be there?"

She screwed up her face and folded her arms across her chest. "No!"

"You a damn lie!" I laughed. She blushed, embarrassed. I kissed her cheek and stood up. "I'll try to finish as soon as I can, and when I do, I'll come meet you guys wherever you are. Sound good?"

She shrugged, but I could see a hint of a smile on her lips. I smiled satisfied. I poked Kai in his head and hugged Nevaeh before following my girls to the front door.


I turned around and felt a body hit me. I took a step back to regain my balance, my arms instinctively hugging my daughter. Sarayah looked up at me and smiled.

"Thank you," she said, her eyes showing how genuine she was.

"Oh my gosh. Someone take a picture," I yelled playfully. "My daughter loves me so much. How embarrassing for her. Everyone look."

Sarayah rolled her eyes and let go of me, turning to walk away. "Good. Bye."

"Bye daughter who loves me to the moon and back!" I sang, skipping out of the restaurant.


"Damn Bey," Kelly said once I finished explaining my vision for Sarayah's party. "That's a lot of work for one day."

I scoffed, getting out of the van. "Kelly, don't be ridiculous. Obviously I've finished most of it. I've had people working on it for weeks."

"Then why we gotta be here?" Kelly complained, practically dragging her feet behind me.

"Because I trust you," I explained as I opened the door for them. "I want to make sure things turn out perfectly, but I can't handle everything. So, I chose the three people I trust most to execute my vision."

"Aw, that's so sweet, Bey," Michelle cooed, pinching my cheek as she walked past me.

"Barely touched down in New Orleans and I gotta do all this," Kelly whined, slouching past me.

"Quit your crying," Solo snapped. "The only thing worse than having to work, is hearing people complain about it the whole time."

Kelly scowled but stopped talking. I chuckled and shook my head, looking down at my watch. I was giving myself four hours to finish everything up, and then I was leaving to spend time with my daughter. If somebody happened to get in the way of that, well then somebody was getting fired.

I looked at my watch. 7:30 pm. I only had 30 min left until the limit I'd given myself expired. I rubbed my temples, trying not to lose my temper with the set builder standing in front of me.

"I gave you very specific instructions, Wyatt. Very specific," I said through gritted teeth.

He nodded, his face flushed. "I–I know. But we didn't get the right materials–"

"And whose fault is that?" I snapped. "Really? Tell me, because every time a problem arises, no one is at fault. Do you understand how frustrating that is?"

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Carter," he apologized.

I glared at him. "Sorry?" I looked away from him before I could really lose it. "How long will it take you to finish the set correctly?"

"Another two hours," he estimated.

I laughed and walked away. Two fucking hours. I aggressively pushed the door open, making it slam against the wall. I stepped into the cool evening air and breathed deeply, closing my eyes.

This was a disaster. I never should've promised to meet up with Sarayah. I should've known this would take too long. And now she was going to be waiting for something that was never going to happen.

"This is fucking great," I muttered to myself.

The door opened behind me. "Bey," Solo called.

Solo's footsteps stopped behind me. I sighed.

"All she wanted was to spend time with her family and friends," I told her, not turning around.

"What?" Solo asked, confused.

"Sarayah," I explained. "When I asked her what she wanted to do in New Orleans. She didn't list a bunch of activities. She just said she wanted us there, together. And I had to go and fuck that up by dragging you guys here."

Solo frowned. "Bey, I'm sure she knows you're trying your best. When we do get back, she'll just be happy to see you. So, stop stressing out, and let's get this done."

I nodded and smiled. "I really hope you're right."

"I am," she assured me, guiding me back into the building.

It was almost 10:00 pm by the time we got on the road. I nervously bounced my knee, constantly checking the time as we swerved through traffic. Michelle reached over from behind me to rest her hand on my knee. I stopped bouncing it and looked over at her.

"She'll understand," Michelle told me.

I nodded and looked out the window. The ghost tour was scheduled for 9:00 pm. It was the last thing on the list. I wanted to show up and surprise her, but it was looking less and less likely that I'd be able to do that.

Finally, the van rolled to a stop. I hopped out as soon as I could, jogging to the meeting place.

"Maybe we should go without them," I heard Jay say. I slowed down, signaling for Michelle, Kelly and Solange to stop as well.

"No," Sarayah answered stubbornly.

"Sarayah, baby," Mama tried, her voice soft. "If we keep waiting, you might have to miss the tour too."

"If you guys care so much, go," Sarayah said tiredly. "But I'm waiting."

My heart warmed. She still had faith in me. I walked around the corner, Kelly, Solo and Michelle behind me.

"Sorry we're late," I said, catching everyone's attention.

Sarayah looked over. When she saw us, her face broke into a relieved smile. "It's okay. We haven't been waiting that long."

Blue ran over and hugged my legs, looking up at me. "She's lying. We've been waiting forever. I thought I was gonna die!"

I laughed and picked her up, keeping her on my hip. "Well, I'm sorry." I walked over to Sarayah and gave her a hug. "I'm really sorry."

She shrugged, smiling. "It's fine. I'm just glad you made it."

I kissed her temple, holding her close as we walked together. 

Ugh. So long, right? Sorry bout it. I actually tried to make it shorter and accidentally made it way longer. So I just gave up 💁🏽‍♀️

Btw GREAT news. I finally finished the story. I know. I KNOW! So unlike me! Are you proud? You should be. So I guess this means more timely updates until the end. Yay me! (Just to clarify, this update is not the end)

Anyway, I'm gonna go bask in my productivity afterglow. Ok byeeee ✌🏽

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