Outerbanks "falling in love"

By maddi03798

743K 8.5K 4.5K

Outerbanks Jj x maddi Season 1 + more! Achievements: #2 in jjmaybanks #22 in Netflix Maddi is John bs twin... More

Chapter 1-you do worry about me
Chapter 2-diver down
Chapter 3-square groupers man
Chapter 4-inside voices
Chapter 5- of course I care
Chapter 6-mistake
Chapter 7-I've been waiting two years
Chapter 8- I was under duress
Chapter 10- I'll be there to pick up the pieces
Chapter 11-It felt like everything was going to be okay
Chapter 12- I love you but I don't think I can be around you.
Chapter 13- this isn't gonna end well
Chapter 14- On solid grounds
Chapter 15- I'm gonna kill Rafe
Chapter 16- Lady liberty
Chapter 17-Cheater
Chapter 18- Moving day
Annoucement*please read*
Chapter 19- You shouldn't have to be fine
Chapter 20- We need new friends
Chapter 21- Let's go get that gold
Chapter 22- We did it dad
Chapter 23- Not a size 0
Chapter 24- Because I love you
Chapter 25- The cats*ss
Chapter 26- What have we gotten ourselfs into?
Chapter 27- Fugitive
Chapter 28- It's go time
Chapter 29- I'll be back
Chapter 30- My brothers dead?
Chapter 31- 10 days
Chapter 32- The break up
Chapter 33- Topper
Chapter 34- 10 months later
Chapter 35- The boat
Chapter 36- Party
Chapter 37- JJ can get over it
Chapter 38- The locket
Chapter 39- we're about to do something illegal aren't we?
Chapter 40- From John b
Chapter 41- Schools out
Chapter 42- We're in
Chapter 43- Thanks a lot universe
Chapter 44- I lost you too
Chapter 45- friends with benefits
Chapter 46-meet me inside
Another story?
Chapter 47- waking up alone
Chapter 48- head above water
Chapter 49-everythings not fine
Chapter 50- Perfect night
Chapter 51- Mission
Chapter 52- Now or never
Chapter 53- Girls night
Chapter 54- I love you JJ maybank
Chapter 55- To the bahamas
Chapter 56- Toto I don't think we're in obx anymore
Chapter 57-airport
Chapter 58- back from the dead
Chapter 59- hugs
Chapter 60- the end
Please read!!!!
100k special- part 1
100k special- part 2

Chapter 9- Boyfriend?

18.5K 179 53
By maddi03798

Chapter 9-boyfriend?

Maddi's pov-

We were all piled in the van heading to wherever John b was taking us. John b was driving, Kie was in the passenger seat pope was in the seat behind her, while JJ and me were sitting on the seat against the wall behind John b. JJ was in the spot right behind John b and I was a little bit down the row staring out the window infront of me. My head was running in a million different directions. I kept thinking about what just happened but also about JJ. Last night was wonderful but what are we now, are we a couple or just random makeout sessions. I needed to talk to him later but right now I needed to focus on the compass.

"Maddi, Maddi!" John b said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"what?" I questioned look away from the window and up to John b.

" You were kinda out of it, you good?" my brother ask me looking at me through the rearview mirror.

"yeah, yeah just a lot on my mind" I say. "So where are we going?"

"Well the compass said redfield" John b explains. "And dad had to know it would get back to us somehow so it has to be a clue" He says looking at all of us trying to read our expressions.

"yeah" Kie said trying to support john B "it's possible"

"it could also be possible you're concocting wild theories in your head to help with your sad feels" Pope said as Kie gave him a glare.

"Bro you know how I process my sad feels." JJ says. "Dank nuts and the stitckiest of ickies thats how I do it" He says, I snort laugh at his comment. He looks at me and winked. My stomach flutters as I look back to the front of the car where John b starts talking again.

"I'm not concocting, my dad is trying to give me a message." He says. I look down at my feet. It's no secret John B was closer with dad. I was barley here until I turned 13 and even then John B was his son. Yeah me and dad still went on father daughter dates and had fun. John b and him would fish all the time and do all the things that I wasn't intersted in together. I didn't spend enough time with dad but didn't realize it until it was too late. But I still hurt when John b said My dad he's my dad too. I guess JJ noticed my sadness because he reached over and grabbed my hand. Pope was the only one that could see us and he was too intersted in John b to notice us.

"If it helps you I believe John B" Kie assured him. I set my head back on the seat. I don't want to believe dad's dead but in my gut I think he is I'm just not ready to admit that.

"I don't need a thearpy session." John B said

"Look its okay to trip bro but-" JJ was cut off by John b.

"Our dad is missing, missing. Y'all don't know what its like to have one of the two closest people to you vanish. You have to wake up every morning wondering and have no idea what happened" John b rants.
"You believe me right maddi" John b says looking back at me for support. I look away trying to avoid eye contact.

"Yeah of course I do" I lie looking down at my feet hoping John b would believe me.

"It's been almost a year guys" Kie says looking at me and then John b

"Hey" JJ spoke up" He could've been kidnapped that's a possibility" He says. I smile at him for trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah he could be in a soviet sub getting interrogated by the KBG somewhere" Pope added onto JJ's comment.

"Or alantis" JJ says. I slap him playfully on the knee.

" hey! ow!" he complained.

"What do you think the message is" Kie ask my brother. We both look at eachother and then simultaneously say. "Redfield lighthouse."

"Dad's favorite place" John B says

"And mine" I add.

We pull into the road outside of the lighthouse which was surronded by a gate. There was a sign on it that said closed due to the hurricane.

"Right so you guys are going to post up and look out for bogeys okay?" John b say's as we all get out of the van and look at the lighthouse.

"Wait... why me?" JJ ask.

"because you're not coming" Pope stated.

"Why?" JJ whined.

"Because there are dependant and independant varibles. You're independant we don't know what you would do." Pope explains to JJ

"Is it really that bad to hang out with me for a few minutes" I say joking . "Rude" JJ laughs and so do I.

"Pope you keep an eye on both of them." John B says Pope groans.

"If we get split up we meet at JJ's house" Kie adds in as they walk over and hop the fence.

"I'm going to go to the van and work on my essay, don't let me see you two make out" Pope says. My mouth drops, how does he know? I look at JJ and he looks back at me with the same face.

"How do you-" I start to question Pope.

"Oh please it's so obvious" Pope scoffs. JJ just shrugs and starts playing with his hackey sack.

"Do John b or Kie know?" I ask worried that they'll find out.

"Nah they don't pay that much attention, and don't worry I won't tell" He reasures me climbing into the driver seat of the van.

"He's too smart for his own good" JJ says leaning against the tree. I cross my arms and start worring about what John b would do if he finds out. My brother is very overprotective, that's why he made the rule. JJ's his best friend if he found out it would not be good.

"Hey, hey it's okay" JJ says in a soothing tone. "i'm good at hiding stuff from John B" He remarks pulling me into his arms and looking down at me. I had my chin propped on his chest looking at him and into his bright blue eyes.

" I feel horrible keeping this from John B" I say looking up at him.

"I know you do" He says kissing my head. We both sit down next to eachother next to the tree.

"what are we doing JJ" I ask turning to him.

"what do you mean" He ask with a confused face. I take a deep breathe. I don't want to mess anything up but I can't not know what we are.

"What are we? am I just another girl that your gonna hook up with and then leave because If that's the case I don't think I can." I say to him my face is heating up and heart is beating fast in anticipation. He slightly chuckles.

"what?" I say embarrassed as I look down at my feet and play with some grass. He takes his hand and bring my face to look at him.

"well I was kinda hoping you were my girlfriend" He says with a smile. I nod before smashing my lips onto his. As we pull apart I hear police sirens in the distance. JJ hops up then gives me his hand helping me up. We hop in the back of the van.

"should we wait?" I ask looking around.

"We aren't going to be helpful if we're in jail" Pope says as he drives away. I drop off pope and JJ off at popes dads so they can work on something. JJ begs me to stay but I really just want to go home. I park the van and walk in. The front door is still open and everything is a mess. I turn on some music and sing while cleaning. I use the broom as a microphone. Until John b comes in interupting my dance party.

"Hey what wrong" I say looking at him, he looked drained. He walked past me and goes straight into the office.

"John b what are you doing?" I question worried. John B grabs a bunch of dads work and brings it down to the dock. I follow close behind trying to get him to talk to me. He throws the stuff on the ground and lights it on fire.

"John b what the hell!" I yell as the pile of stuff burned. I look at the pile of research dad spent year working on burning right infront of me. He stares at it before quickly grabbing a stick and pulling out a board. It was a family tree. He stomps the fire out before turning to me.

"We gotta go" He shouts grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the van. I quickly throw a bucket of water on the fire to put it out. I get in the passenger seat.

"What happened?" I ask as we head over to pick up JJ and Pope.

"well first I got arrested and then-" John b said I turned my head and looked at him in shock.

"you got arrested?!" I ask with a slight scoff in shock. Ask anyone and they would say i'm the riskier twin "what about Dcs how come they didn't take you"

"Sherrif peterkin helped me out" He says. "Anyway then the men from the house chased me so I tired to hop a fence but I got electrocuted. They almost caught me but sherrif peterkin showed up and took the compass from me. Then I went home and you know the rest"

"How are you not dead?" I question half joking but also serious. My jaw dropped from everything he told me. He spends a few hours without me get's arrested, chased by men with guns, eletricuted and almost dies. After he explains everything else to me we pull up behind Popes dads shop. Pope was working on something and JJ was taking a hit from his juul leaned up against the brick wall. My heart fluttered thinking about what happened earlier. John B honked and they looked over as I hopped in the back seat. Even though it was our van I always let someone else sit in the front.

"Let's ride" JJ said walking over to the van.

"This better be good" Pope groaned getting in the passenger seat. JJ set next to me and gave me a smirk.


"She says she's not coming" Pope says walking out of Kie's family restruant. John b bangs his hand against the steering wheel.

"What did you do John b" JJ asked.

"I swear John b if you make me the only girl in this group I will literally murder you" I threaten my brother.

"I'll fix it" He says getting out of the car and going into the restruant. Pope was still outside the van waiting.

"so girlfriend" JJ says turning to look at me.

"so boyfriend" I grin.

"I love hearing you say that" He says kissing me. My heart flutters and I chuckle before pulling away.

"Just cause I know about y'all doesn't mean I want to hear about it" Pope groans from outside the van. Me and JJ laugh as pope climbs in. Soon after John b walks out with Kie and we start heading to wherever John b was taking us this time.

"you mind if I just relax on this one, its been a long day and alot of weird stuff has been going on." JJ says relaxing into his seat and taking a hit of a blunt he just rolled. "you want some" He asked pope.

"I keep the signal clear" Pope said turning down JJ's offer.

"Dude you understand your problem you don't get creative" JJ says. I just roll my eyes at the boys bickering.

"I know I was wrong about the lighthouse.." John b says making Pope and JJ stop fighting.

"And everything else" I add in laughing. He rolls his eyes and goes back to talking.

"But i'm right about one thing, dads trying to tell us something" He says. I look to Kie and JJ concerned. I would do anything to bring dad back but he's gone and John b can't let go. We pull into a graveyard. John b hands us all a flash light or a lantern.

"Yeah this is how scary movies start" I say as we creep around the graveyard.

"John b what are we doing?" Kie ask.

"You know when you're trying to remember a song but you don't remember who sings it" John B explains.

"Yeah" Kie nods.

"well this whole time I thought redfield was a place but its not" John b said before raisng his flashlight at a tomb "it's a person."

"Voi-effing-la" JJ stutters trying to read the name.

"This is our great grandmother" I say moving closer to the tomb.

"Olivia redfield" John b adds on. "help me with this door." John b goes and starts pushing on the door. Soon pope and JJ join him while me and Kie watch as the door doesn't move. They keep pushing until we all hear a loud hiss.

"That's a moccasin, all right" JJ says in a country accent while backing up he puts his arm infront of me protectivly."He olde Dr.cottonmouth. Death in the tall grass." He said before he started barking at it.

"If theres one theres probably dosens" He says before barking some more.

"Stop man you're going to wake the dead" Pope says. I laugh at his joke before putting a hand on JJ's shoulder.

"could you maybe stop barking at the snakes" I say sweetly.

"they're afraid of dogs" He said defending himself.

"Look it not budging we should just leave" Pope says. I walk over and shine my light at the hole.

"Me or Kie can fit." I say looking at the hole.

"No. No way either of you are going in there" John B says protectivly.

"If its for your dad i'll do it" Kie says looking into the hole. John b nods at kie agreeing while I just sit there and think before deciding to speak up.

"No. He's my dad too John B, and I want to find out what happened just as much as you do so i'll go" I tell him getting slightly aggravated. Everyone was acting as if I didn't loose my dad too. John b nods in agreement while taking a step back.

"help me with these vines." Pope, Kie and John b clear out the vines as I walk over to JJ.

"You sure you want to do this" He whispers in my ear.

"I'll be fine." I say with a soft smile. We walk back over to the tomb.

"I saw this in movies put your foot here and I'll boost you." JJ says clasping his hands together for me to step in.

"Remind me what i'm looking for again?" I ask John B.

"You'll know when you see it" He replies.

"Okay on three. One tw-" JJ starts but I launch myself up. "Just forget about 3" He remarks.

"You alive? Got a heart beat and everything" John B ask through the wall once i'm all the way in.

"Yeah but I need more light." Someone passes me a lantern. I grab it and walk around. I notice an envolope between two rocks I slowly pull it out.

"Oh my god".....

Episode 2 done!

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