Beautifully Flawed

By feranulopo

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Meet Rhea silver ,the New girl. She is feisty and confident yet so insecure it gives you a headache.she lost... More

Author's note
"you've got this"
"You have no idea"
" what"
"who does that!?"
"or else you'll what"
"uhh.....I don't know"
"what time is it? "
"I've got an idea"
" you're forgiven"
"never! "
"I'll try "
"what?.....hell no!"
"Are you okay?"
"well i have t-"
"fuck these tears"
"I hate you!"
"can I tell you something"
"come with me"
"well, i said no!"
"it's faster"
"Oh My God"
"where were they?"
"i-I'm sorry"
"W-What guy?"
" i love you more"
"oh thank God!"
"Are you ready?"
" 'El crándo'...."
"i agree"
"i told you so"
"How do i look?"
"Give me a minute."
"Get up"

"shut up"

33 7 0
By feranulopo

"O-one.......two......t-three" i stutter in between heavy breaths, trying to calm my heart that's currently beating frantically.

If you haven't realized it yet, i just had another nightmare, i woke up startled beyond belief and immediately delved into a panic attack.

My mind is hazy from the feeling of my throat constricting and my chest tightening, suffocating me.

I struggle to sit up, trying to gather my thoughts. I pull my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around them.

Focus on your breathing.


In and out.

" one....two..three" i try again, taking deep breaths to ease the tension in my chest.

It was just a dream.

You're fine.

I count one to ten over and over again. I only stop when my breathing is only slightly laboured.

I climb out of bed and move towards the door but stumble, my wobbly legs almost giving way under me.

I grab onto the edge of my night stand as support.

That's when i spot the note; i pick it up with shaky fingers and flip it open.

'A little something to keep the demons away, if you need someone to cuddle with you know where to find me' ~Shawn

I read the note again and again, absorbing the feeling of comfort that i seem to get from such a little note.

With a sigh, i place the note on my nightstand and carefully head downstairs.

I look at the clock on the kitchen wall.


It's three in the fucking morning.

There's no doubt in my mind, today's going to be a big bowl of shit.

After my second cup of camomile tea, i head upstairs and start trying to study.

There's really no point in trying to sleep, it won't work.

I park my bike and head into school, fully aware that I'm an hour early for school.

There's really only one word to describe how I'm feeling right now.


As i walk into school,the hallways are almost empty. I trudge to my locker, with my helmet in my hand.

Fifteen minutes later; I've succeeded in cleaning and rearranging my locker. The books i need for the periods before lunch are safely tucked in my bag.

" hey" a familiar voice says and i jump in surprise.

Turning to the source of the voice i come face to face with Shawn.

" Hi" i say, my voice still slightly hoarse.

His eyes narrow, scrutinizing my face.

" Rhea, are you okay?" He asks, taking a step closer.

Forcing a smile onto my face.

" yeah, I'm good" i say.
The last thing i want right now is to make him...or anyone worry about me.

He stares at me for a moment longer, obviously seeing through my lie.

"Look Shawn, I'm fine, you have nothing to worry about" i say to reassure him.

He lets out a sigh.

"Fine" he says while shaking his head slightly.

"So where is everyone else" i ask, eager to change the topic.

"Ace just got here and he said he had to see the coach, i haven't seen Jeff, Mira, Jake or Dra-"

"Hey guys" Dray says popping out of nowhere, cutting off Shawn.

He places a kiss on my head and wraps his arm around my shoulder. I instantly lean into him, his warmth and scent working to make me feel sleepy.

"Hey" i say before letting out a loud yawn.

Dray pulls away slightly to stare at me.

Oh no.

"Rhea....what's wrong?"
He asks, worried.

"Nothing is wrong okay, I'm just a little bit tired" i say, biting back another yawn.

His eyes dart around my face, then he raises an eyebrow in question.

Of course he knows.

With a sigh, i pull him closer to me and tuck myself under his arm.

"So did you get any leads on the phone number?" Shawn asks.

It's been a week since Jake showed up looking like he was hit by a truck and just as i had predicted, the phone number i copied off his phone is not any ordinary phone number; and that just further proves my suspicions.

Dray got some of his friends who were trained by the governments secret agency to crack the codes used to block the number.

Apparently, they've been on it for a while now and we've still not got any feed back yet.

" she said i'll be getting the results by tonight, so lets be hopeful" Dray says.

" and what results are we talking about?" Jake asks.

Where the hell did he come from?

"Dray took an online test a while back and the results are going to be released tonight" i say without missing a beat.

Yeah sure, i lie effortlessly, but only when it's absolutely necessary.

And right now it is, Jake can not know that we are onto him.

" oh okay.......and why do you look like shit?"

" gee Jake, way to make a girl feel good about herself. You really do boost my self esteem" i say sarcastically.

" anytime, sweetheart"

"Get back here jeff!" Our heads snap to the side, looking in the direction Mira's voice had come from.

A second later, a laughing Jeff being chased by an angry blue haired Miranda comes into our line of sight.

" help!" Jeff yells, still laughing hysterically.

Dray lets out a bark of laughter.

He steps to the side and catches Mira by the waist when she runs past us.

" let me at me him! I'm going yo kill you. I swear i will you stupid goat!" She yells.

" Mira calm down" Dray says in between laughter, as she flails her arms around in an attempt to grab Jeff.

" no i won't. This idiot poured blue dye in my shampoo bottle. Blue fucking dye!! "

" Mira relax, you look like a maniac, yelling like that" Jake says, amused.

" besides,i think you look hot,I really think you rock the blue well" Dray says with a smile and a wink.

Despite her state of rage, a tinge of pink shows itself on her cheeks.

"Shut up" she grumbles quietly.

The bell goes off for class and we head to class, running into Ace on our way.

I'm currently at my third period class and i can barely stay awake.

My eyes just keep shutting themselves without my consent,and i want nothing more than to give in to sleep.

" Miss Silver, do you mind explaining the theme i just spoke of, since you find my class so boring" the teacher says smugly.

I lift my head off the desk, staring at the board.

A number of giggles erupt from the class.

What are we, in middle school?
Grow up you idiots!

" well i believe we are currently discussing the book 'wuthering heights' and you were just speaking on the theme of love as featured in the book" i say pointedly.

Taken aback by the fact that i did as a matter of fact know what she was talking about.

" and what is your point of few on this book. Do you think the element of love in this book is the greatest?" she asks, egging me on.

" i do think love was one of the main elements of the book, but the love between catherine and heathcliff was constantly tittering from love to hate, it was never really balanced."

" so are you trying to say the book was more of hate, for God' sakes it's a romance novel!" Lisa says.

What the hell is her problem?

" excuse me squidward, i believe i was talking to the teacher. But just so you know, the book isn't just about love it's about way more than that. The book did feature a great deal of hate and vengeance. As a matter of fact i think Heathcliff was more controlled by hate and revenge than he was love. Plus hate was a common emotion among the characters of the book. So yes, i think if properly analysed you will realize that the amount of hate, violence and revenge portrayed in the book sort of overrides the great love depicted in it."

She instantly flushes at my use of her nickname infront of the whole class, as they let out spurts of laughter.

" that's quite impressive, but try not to dose off next time" the teachers says.

A second later and the bell goes off.

Lunch period.

I drag myself out of the class, down the hallway.

Hopefully, i can get to the cafeteria on time without running into anyone i don't want to talk to.

" hey" Shawn says, joining me on my way to the cafeteria.

" hey Shawn" i say biting back a monstrous yawn.

" you look really exhausted Rhea" he points out softly.

" i'm fine, i just need a nap"

" did you take the tea after...." he says, hinting that he already knows I've been having nightmares again.

They really are starting to get to me.

" yeah, i did. But i still couldn't sleep, so i just stayed awake."

He starts digging through his bag for something as we walk into the cafeteria.

As we take our seats with the others he pulls out his head phones.

My eyebrows draw together in confusion.

" put it on, i'll play you something that would help you snag a quick nap before gym class" he says, offering his red headphones.

Shit. Gym class.

It's usually really tough, because the coach takes it, but I'm used to strenuous workouts. I just don't know if i can handle it today.

It could help me shake off the exhaustion though.


" wow, thanks so much. You're a life saver Shawn"

While he sets up his head phones for me Michelle walks up to our table.

And here i was thinking, i wouldn't have to talk to more than one idiot today.

She surprises Dray and everyone at the table by immediately taking a sit on his laps.

"Hey, I'm Michelle" she says, batting her eyelashes for the extra effect.

"Oh wow, Shawn do you hear that?" i say incredulously.

"Hear what?" He asks with a sly smile.

"My bitch radar is going off......oh and so is the herpes radar too" i say with mock astonishment.

"Oh, now that you mention it i do hear those frantic beeps, Mira do you hear it ? " he says, playing along.

"Yeah i do.... i wonder who set it off. Jeff, do you know who it could be?"

Jeff grabs his phone and acts like its a detector, making beeping noises with his mouth.

He takes it closer to Michelle and makes fast beeping sounds with his mouth.

" yup, it's definitely Michelle" he says taking his seat.

" you mean you didn't know all that before? You really needed a detector to prove that?" Jake asks smugly.

Ace lets out an uncontrollable laughter at our antics.

" you really don't know how to stop being a pain in the ass right?" She snarls at me.

" hey, don't take this out on her,we all agree" Ace says, still chuckling.

" plus, do you not know anything about personal space?" Dray says in annoyance.

She is still seated on his lap.

" yeah, and i thought you had a thing for Ace a while back, what happened? Did you finally get tired of begging?" Jake asks pointedly.

" i never begged, so shut-"

" oh yes you did and half the school knows that" Mira says, laughing slightly.

She pulls away from Dray and stands up.

" this is not over. you will regret this!" she says, staring at me.

I offer her a smile as i make beeping sounds with my mouth, to frustrate her even more.

She storms off after throwing me another glare.

We all burst into fits of laughter.

" okay, we have fifteen minutes more, so put it on" Shawn states, offering me his headphones.

I take it from him and put it on.

A second later, he starts playing a slow tune and before i realize it, I'm drifting off.


The feeling of someone urgently, but calmly nudging me disturbs my sleep.

Wait.....i was in school....

I snap awake and throw a fist, ready to land a punch.

" woah" Dray says as he catches my fist mid air.
I look around in confusion.

I spot Shawn's head phones and I'm still in the cafeteria, that is almost empty now.


" sorry Dray, you know how it is" i apologize, letting out a shaky laugh.

My Dad always taught me to be very alert, especially when i'm asleep.
With him being a secret government agent, he had alot of enemies;so i just always had to be prepared to defend myself, or at least put up a fight.

Plus, while living with a wacko like my mother you learn how to sleep with one eye open or to wake up fast enough to land a perfect punch.

It's more of a reflex now.

"It's okay, we had to wake you up because it's time for Gym class and we are running late" he says, understanding my reaction.

" you mean to tell me that if Shawn woke her up he'd be on the floor right now with a broken nose?" Mira asked, amused.

" pretty much" i say in response.

" but why?" Jake asked, looking genuinely confused.

" it's a reflex" Shawn states knowingly, beating me to it.

"That is......actually pretty cool!" Jeff calls out like an excited kid.

Only Jeff.

" okay we have to go now, I'm not in the mood to run an extra lap, just because we got there late." Jake says, moving towards the exit.

" yes sir" i say.

Mira and i walk into the girls locker room to change into our gym wear.

After changing, we keep our bags in our lockers and lock them, then we head to the gym.

"Okay, listen up all of you!" the coach calls out with a booming voice.

" i'm going to split you into five groups after which i would give you a few tasks to test you. I'm only splitting you into groups so that i can asses you performances closely, it will not be a group task. I will be scoring you based on your endurance, agility and speed." He said authoritatively.

" okay, listen up for your names and join your groups. In the first group we have, Sarah, kaitlyn, Miranda, sean, Dray, xavier, Alex, Emily and Todd"

He went on calling out our names in that manner, in the end Miranda and Dray were in the same group, Jeff and Ace got stuck with Michelle , Shawn and i were grouped with some other people while Jake was placed in the same group as Lisa.

Lucky him.

" The first task is going to be thirty push ups, thirty sit ups, twenty burpees and then a rope climbing exercise. The second task is going to be a few laps around the track" he stated.

A round of groans erupt from the class.

" Group one fall out!" He yells.

That being Miranda and Dray's group, they step out of the crowd.

Dray makes his way to stand next to Mira and he whispers something to her as she gathers her now blue hair into a tight ponytail.

She let's out a chuckle at whatever he said before they drop to the ground to start the first task.

They start with the push ups, Dray breezing through them easily. However, Mira starts struggling at twenty and Dray starts calling out words of encouragement to her.

" am i going to have to call out words of encouragement to you, just so you don't give up?" Shawn asks as he moves to stand next to me.

I let out a bark of laughter.

" i think i would be the one encouraging you, so you won't break down in tears" i say teasingly.

" and is that a challenge Rhea?" He asks playfully.

" you bet it is, loser-that is you ,buys ice cream for the winner, which would be me" i reply smugly.

" what is with you and ice cream? Plus how do you eat so much ice cream and still look like that?" He asks in amusement.

" ice cream is life. And does that mean you think i have a sexy, attractive, very fit, magnificent, glamorous and luscious body?"

He lets out a bark of laughter, gathering the attention of those around us.

"Hush, you're gathering attention" i say, playfully scolding him.

We both watch as Mira and Dray switch positions so that Dray is now holding down her legs as she does her rounds of sit ups.

Despite, the fact that Miranda has the body of a swim suit model, she eats like a sumo wrestler and she despises exercises of all kinds.

And that's exactly why she's currently huffing and puffing like an overfed pig after her third sit up.

A few moments pass and it's time for the rope climbing exercise.

Mira, nervously stalls until she's the last on the line.

" Miranda, you do realise it's your turn right?" The coach states pointedly.

Dray nudges her forward.

I don't miss the fact that he subtly stands close to the rope as she climbs.

Despite her struggle, she reaches the top relatively fast.

As she makes her way down the rope, her hand slips and she falls to the ground with a loud shriek.

"Mira!" Jeff and i yell at the same time as we move forward on instinct.

Thankfully, Dray was right there and fast enough.

He caught her in his arms and set her down slowly as he said something to her.

"Yup, i definitely ship them" Shawn says.

"Yup, i see it too. I think they could work together" i say in agreement.

Minutes later, Mira an Dray's group finish up their first task.

"Group two fall out!"the coach yells.

Shawn and i step forward with our other group members.

We begin our first task, starting with the thirty push ups. Shawn and i pull through easily without breaking a sweat, then we begin the sit ups. Shawn moves to my front and holds my legs down and starts counting for me as i move.

We maintain eye contact as i move up to him and then retreat to the ground, not once looking away.

He has gold specks in his eyes.

How come i never noticed them?

Now that i'm so close to him they are pretty obvious, especially with-

" Miss Silver, good job; but i believe i told you to do thirty sit ups....not forty five. Stop getting distracted and swap places with Shawn!" The coach yells and i swear i could see a slight smirk on his face.

" oh....." is all i could say.

"You were meant to be counting for me you jerk!" I point out as i playfully slap Shawn on the arm.

He lets out an awkward laugh.

" sorry, i really didn't realise it......i got a little....distracted." he says, looking away from me.

"It's fine. Stretch out your legs"

We swap places and I'm now holding his legs down and counting for him as he does his round of sit ups.

" are you sure you don't want to give up Shawn?" I ask ,teasing him.

" not a chance Rhea, oh and just so you know, my favourite ice cream flavour is mint, preferably with chocolate chips" he counters as he completes his sit ups.
Also with ease.

" how's that for you silver?" He says right after his last one, his face mere inches away from mine.

" not too bad, but Louisa can definitely do better"


"Yeah, my grandma" i state, smiling at his amusement.

"Haha, very funny Rhea" he says as we move on to the next exercise we have on our first task.

" the rope climbing wasn't so bad, but i still think it was the hardest exercise." I say, rubbing at my fingers.

" yeah, i think so too. It requires speed and endurance, but you also have to be very careful" Shawn states in response.

We head over to the track for our laps.

5 laps.

We went round the track 5 good times.

"Shit, Rhea...i can't feel my legs" Shawn cries out as he drops to the grass before his fifth lap is complete.

"You do realize what this means right?" I ask, in between pants.

"I know i know, i'll buy you ice cream....but i just can't run anymore. I think my legs are going to fall off. This is why i hate cardio exercises." He says with a groan.

"Oh quit being a baby, it wasn't so bad"
I counter as i look up. I spot Michelle, Lisa and some other girls huddled up, talking.

I wonder what they're talking about.

"Oh my God....Rhea i see the light! I can see the light!" He cries out, playfully stretching his hand towards the sky.

"Oh no you don't, you can not die before you buy me my ice cream" i say, grabbing his hand and pulling him up to his feet.

"Ouch. And i thought you cared about me" he says, pouting playfully.

"I care about you Shawn......i really do. But ice cream is the love of my life. It is what it is".

A few minutes more and the bell goes, signalling the end of school.

" i have to shower now." Mira grumbles.

"Let's head over to the locker room then"

"And do you know why Michelle and the other DDHBs have been watching you?" Dray asks me .

"I have no idea what they're up too, but I'm in no mood for it." I say with a sigh.

As we move towards the locker room, Jeff's phone goes off.

" hey mom.........what!?" He says in shock.

"What's wrong?" Mira whispers, worried.

"But how? Okay...we're coming" he says before ending the call.

" Jeff, you're scaring me. What's wrong? Is mom okay?" Mira asks frantically.

" yes. She's fine. But she thinks they have a lead on dad's case so we have to go now!" He says in a hurry.

" shit! Really?" Mira asks.

" Mira hurry, go get your bags so you can leave" i say urging her to hurry up so they can leave.

" good luck guys, you can just tell us whatever happens tomorrow" Ace says.

" yeah, we'll see you tomorrow" Jeff replies as he drags Miranda towards the locker room.

" Rhea, why don't you go shower. I can wait for you in the parking lot" Dray suggests.

" that's okay, but i brought my bike, so you don't really have to wait."

" i know, but I'm heading over to your house so why don't we just leave at the same time?"

" okay then. That's no problem" i say as i walk into the locker room.

Unfortunately, all the showers are taken by the time i walk into the locker room, so i have to wait for everyone to be done.

I catch Michelle and Lisa staring at me a few times, but i dont pay them mind.

About ten minutes later, the showers begin to clear up, so i strip off my sweaty gym clothes and head over to the shower with a towel.

The locker room shower is more like an open space in the shape of a square with ten shower heads lined up against the wall, and two short walls, one to the left side of the shower room and the other to the right. The walls don't completely keep you covered, they just cover the point slightly below my chest down to my feet.

I place my towel on the wall to the right and start trying to wash off the sweat.

By the time i start showering, the locker room is almost empty. I spin around with my back to the open space.

Something doesn't feel right.

I don't know what is wrong, but something just isn't right.

I hurry up, deciding that i would just rinse off here and head home for a real shower.

As i turn off the shower i hear the distinctive sound of shoes scurrying against the tiled floor, followed by the sound of the locker room door being slammed shut.

I spin around quickly, sensing that something isn't right.

It's empty.

I'm the only one here.

Confused and alert, i head towards the wall and find it bare.

My towel isn't there.

Where is it, i put it right here minutes ago.

I look around the showers but it's no where in sight.

" what the hell" i whisper yell.

I leave the shower room and carefully step on the tiled floor of the locker room.

I head towards the towel closet, only to find it empty.

Now, i am so sure something is wrong.

I head towards my locker only to find it empty, my bag is nowhere to be seen and my clothes just seemed to have magically disappeared.

This has Michelle written all over it.

The next time i see her, I'm definitely going to knock her teeth in.

How the hell am i supposed to leave here without clothes or even a damned towel.

I start searching for something i could use to pick the locks of the lockers.


I come up with nothing minutes later.

As i look out the window i can tell it's getting late, everyone left.

Everyone except Dray.

Relief washes over me until i realise i have no way of calling him.

" fuck!" I yell out in frustration.

What is wrong with that bitter she demon?

I walk over to the shower and stand behind the wall.

A chill goes up my spine.

Great, now I'm getting cold.

" oh God please don't let it rain now" i say quietly.

I wait and wait as the seconds tick by, knowing that Dray won't leave without me.

He will probably come looking for me after a while.

And so i wait.

Completely naked in the girls locker room.

No clothes, nothing.

After school, with nothing but my hopes.

It's definitely been way more than two hours now.

I stopped counting the seconds a while back, out of sheer frustration.

I lean against the wall, tired and cold.

Oh, and still naked might i add.

I swear, the next time i come across that bitch, she better be ready; because there is no way in hell that I'm letting this slide.

Different scenarios start flooding my mind.
What the hell do i do if the janitor walks in, or the coach, or the school engineer, or plumber, or-

" Rhea!" My thoughts are cut short by the sound of a familiar voice calling my name.

" hey, I'm in here!" I call out.

Moments later, i hear the locker room door open.

" Rhea?" The voice calls out again

" Shawn? I'm b-back here" i say, frantically looking for a way to cover up.

I fold my arms to cover my bare chest.

" Rhea what's going on?" Shawn asks as he makes an appearance.

He stops dead in his tracks the moment he sees me.

The lower half of my body is covered by the wall and my hands are tightly wrapped around my chest.

But that doesn't mean I'm no longer naked.

His stares at me, wide eyed with his lips slightly parted in shock.

"Michelle s-stole my clothes while i was taking a shower" i say quietly.

There really is no word to describe how I'm felling right now.




"W-why?" He stutters after clearing his throat.

"Hell if i know. Maybe it's because she's a psychotic bitch, or she simply has a death wish." I grind out as my anger boils on.

He moves towards the towel closet.

"I already checked, there's nothing in there" i inform him.

Looking out the window, i notice that the sun has started to set as it keeps getting breezier.

"Shit!" He mutters as he looks at me then immediately looks away as a tinge of pink appears on his cheeks.

" what time is it?" I ask.

" it's almost 7:00" he says.

" you know what, just give me a second i'll be right back" he calls out as he scurries out of the locker room.

A second later he walks in with a shirt in his hand.

" i only have a spare shirt so..." he trails off as he hands me the white shirt.

" thank you" i mutter.

I turn around so he can only see my back, since the wall does a good job to cover my backside.

The t-shirt covers my ass but barely reaches mid thigh.

I struggle to tug the t-shirt down a little as i step out into the open space.

"So w-what exactly happened?" He asks flustered.

"When i got into the locker room all the shower heads were taken so i had to wait.The shower room started to clear out so i got in to take a shower, the moment i started to shower i got a bad feeling. I knew something was off, so i decided to just rinse off and then leave. I turned around and my towel was no longer on the wall. All the towels were no where in sight. I moved to my locker, only to find it empty, my clothes and school bag missing. I've been waiting here, naked for hours. I swear on everything precious; the next time i see Michelle, i am going to make her pay."

" wow...." is all he says ,still looking away from me.

" you can look now Shawn, I'm no longer naked. And where is Dray?"

"Uhh....he was waiting for you in the parking lot, i was about to leave when he asked me if i had seen you. I told him i hadn't ,so we decided to wait. After the second hour had passed, it was pretty obvious that something was wrong so we split up. He tried calling you numerous times as he searched the classes while i came down here to look for you." He explains.

"Thanks Shawn...really" i say in appreciation.

" it's fine Rhea, you don't have to thank me. your phone in your bag?" He asks as he pulls out his phone.

"Yes, why?"

"Well, maybe if i try calling you, we can try to track down your bag by trailing the sound of your phone, ringing."

" oh sure, lets do that now. I think it's going to rain and I'm pretty cold."

So we head out of the locker room; Shawn keeps dialing my number as we strain our ears for any sound that could possibly be my phone.

As we move towards the bleachers , i hear the distinctive sound of a ringing phone.

"Shawn..wait" i whisper yell, catching his attention.

"Yeah?" He asks as he stands next to me.

" did you hear that? Try calling again." I say, he dials the number one more time and finally after searching for what seemed like an hour, we hear the ringing of my phone.

We head towards the bleachers and start climbing the seats.

" i think it's coming from there" Shawn calls out as he points to the farthest seat to the right.

We start climbing faster as i try to be careful, reason being the fact that I'm currently climbing seats in the dark, bare footed.

"What time is it Shawn?"

" it's 8:30" he states.


We get to the seats and start searching.

" Rhea, i think I've got it" he says, as he pulls out my bag that was tucked between two seats .

" oh my God...thank you Shawn!" I call out in utter relief.

I spin around so we can make our way down when i feel a drop of water land on my already wet hair.

" oh God no, please don't rain, please don't- "

You guessed right.

It hasn't rained in weeks, and now, today of all days, at this very moment that I'm having a hard time the rain starts pouring down, heavily.

" fuck!" I yell out in frustration.

" it's okay Rhea, let's just hurry up and head into school before the janitor locks the school." He says in attempt to calm me down.

As i step on one of the seats. My foot slips and i brace myself for the painful fall that is to come.

But doesn't.

i look up to see Shawn watching me, with his arms around my waist.

" are you okay?" He asks quietly.

And all i do is nod slightly.


I'm currently standing in the bleachers, half naked in Shawn's arms, looking into his eyes as the rain pours down heavily on us.

I burst into laughter, holding onto Shawns shoulders tighter to stabilize myself as i laugh hysterically.

He just stares at me with a huge smile on his face.

" and may i ask why you're laughing Rhea?"

I laugh a little bit more.

" this is the most cliché moment i have ever found myself in" i inform him.

He realises what I'm saying and starts laughing too.
After a few moments pass, we sober up and start towards school , carefully.

"Maybe you should call Dray" i suggest.

"Yeah you're right" he agrees.
As he goes to dial Dray's number, Dray conveniently turns into the hallway we are currently standing in.

He stops dead in his tracks a few steps away from me.

"Rhea?" He asks in confusion after a second.

"Yeah..." i say, not really knowing what to say.

Until the idiot starts smirking at me.

"You weren't lying when you said you have your big girl parts" he said with a slight chuckle.

" you asshole!"

He looks down the hallways that he came from.

"Ace, she's over here!" He calls out.

I look at Shawn and he shrugs in confusion.

Ace steps into the hallway and starts choking on air dramatically, the moment he sees me.

" you know what..." Shawn says as he moves toward the school banner draped along the wall to the side. He pulls on it and shakes it off, then wraps it around my shoulder.

" we can all think straight" he says, teasing me.

" what happened?" Ace asks, snapping our attention back to him.

"That stupid bitch Michelle stole my clothes and left me naked in the fucking locker room for hours" i grind out as my rage towards her starts to boil over again .

"Wow....and the shirt?" Dray asks.

"Shawn gave it to me after he found me."

" so he saw you.....?" Ace asks.

"What no!?" Shawn yells in his defence.

"Can we just get past the fact that I'm half naked and get out of this damn school!" I yell out in irritation.

"It's raining" Ace points out.


"My car is parked on the other side of the parking lot " Dray points out.

"It's almost 9pm and that's when the janitor locks up the school so either way we have to go now!" I say as i start walking out of the school after dropping the school's banner.

It's not like i can take it home.

Before we walk over to Dray's car, Shawn changes direction to move my bike under the shade. I go to help him and together, we place it under the shade.

" thank you" i say.

" anytime" he says with a small smile.

We all climb into Dray's car and i immediately put on the heater.

I sit next to Shawn at the back and Ace takes the passengers seat.

" how come Ace was with you Dray, i thought it was just us two?" Shawn asks.

"Yeah, but after we split up i ran into him in the hallway, apparently he had just concluded a meeting with the coach. I asked him if he knew where Rhea was and he didn't, so he volunteered to help look for her." Dray informs.

"Oh...alright then" Shawn says.

After that we all sit in silence until we arrive at my house.

I waste no time in grabbing my bag and marching into the house and up to my room.

I throw my bag on the floor and let out a groan of irritation.

"That bitch is going to pay!" I say to myself as i start pacing.

"How dare she?" I say once again.

I keep pacing and talking to myself for a few minutes more before a knock on the door interrupts my train of thought.

"Dray, i think i just want to be alone" i say without opening the door.

"It's Shawn actually" Shawn replies.

"Shawn?" I ask, unsure.

"Yes, and don't tell me you want to be alone because i won't let you. Plus, i brought you ice cream"

Ice cream.

"What flavour?" I ask, inching towards the door.

"Your favourite...strawberry. and i can throw in a pack of skittles if you open up now" he states cheekily from the other side of the door.

This dude can tempt.

I fling the door open and grab the tub of ice cream.
He steps in and shuts the door behind him.

He takes a seat on my bed and just watches me quietly.

I grab my bag and rummage through it for my phone, i take out my phone right before i feel something.

I pull it out, it's a folded sheet of paper.

So I unfold it.

In that very moment i am blinded by rage, so much so that i begin to shake.

Different words, insults and threats are scrawled on the paper in varying hand writings.

"Rhea, what's wrong? You're shaking"



You don't belong here.


No one likes you.

Wannabe whore.


Kill yourself already.

And the list goes on and on.

I feel the paper being pulled out of my hands but i don't move.

"Hey,hey. It's okay Rhea"

"S-shawn, I'm going to kill them" i growl. My mind hazy with fury.

"I swear to God they're going to pay! What the fuck is wrong with them?! Why can't they just leave me alone? Who the hell do they think they are!?" I yell abruptly.

"Rhea please calm down" he says moving towards me.

"No don't fucking tell me to calm down. I am sick and tired of people always telling me to calm down. Shit is constantly happening in my life and all people can say is calm down! Calm down!? How the fuck do i calm down!?" I yell again as i feel the slight pulsing in my head and my chest starts to constrict.

"Rhea, i need you to calm down for you not for them, i don't want you to get hurt because of people that aren't even worth it. It's pointless" he says calmly.

"Pointless! Why don't you let me read out everything they wrote on that sheet of paper, just so you know its not pointless!"

"Yes it is Rhea! It is pointless because none of that bullshit they wrote is true! Listen to me okay, people can talk, they can say all the hurtful crap they want but that doesn't make it true. You're stronger than this, you're stronger than them and that is exactly what gets to's all because they're jealous!" He shouts, gesturing frantically with his hands.

"You are smart, beautiful, strong, funny and the toughest badass i know. Of course they will react that way! You intimidate them and the only way they can get to you is by bitching because that is all they know how to do. Don't let them get to you like Susan did, Rhea..." he says calmly.

How did he even know?

I am not mad because of what they wrote. It's just the memories that it brings, the memories and feelings that i have tried so hard to bury.

The insults that Susan engraved into mind for years. How did he know that.....that's what got to me?

" how?..." i ask in an attempt to voice my thoughts.

" i know you Rhea, it's as simple as that." He says with a small smile.

I look away from him, my heart thudding painfully in my chest.

" it hurts..." i say barely above a whisper.

He pulls me into a hug and wraps his arms around me, holding me tightly; almost like he was scared that i was going to fall through the ground.

"You're stronger Rhea and you have to know that. sometimes you just amaze me.." he says, his voice breathy.

His hot breath fans across my neck and sends a slight shiver down my spine.

And that's when i remember that I'm still wearing a shirt.

Nothing but a shirt.

No underwear.

For the first time ever, a blush creeps up my neck to my cheeks and i clear my throat.

"Thank you, i want to put on some clothes" i say cheekily.

" oh yeah....sorry" he says with an awkward laugh, just realising our situation.

As i move to pick my shorts and a dry top, his eyes scan me briefly before he looks away and quietly sits on my bed.

"I'll be right back" i say as i walk into my bathroom.

"Oh and Shawn......thank you so much, you're the best" i say, grateful .

"Anytime Rhea, anytime" he replies with a smile.

I quickly wash off and change into my clean clothes.

I walk into the room to see Dray on the floor as he sets up my laptop, probably for a movie and Ace sitting at my desk.

"I thought you guys left" i say as i set Shawn's shirt in my laundry bag.

"I had to use the toilet" Dray says.

"And i was busy searching for some chocolate ice cream, but came up with nothing" Ace says.

I take a seat next to Shawn who is still on my bed, and tuck my feet under my duvet.

He holds up the little note he gave me a while back in between his fingers, with a huge grin on his face.

"And why do you still have this?" He asks.

"Would you believe me if i say that i read it every night before going to bed?" I ask quietly.

"Seriously?.....why?" He asks curiously.

"It sort of just gives me a sense of comfort. I don't feel so alone when i read it after a nightmare." I inform him.

He nods in understanding before pulling me closer to his side and placing his arm on my shoulders as we watch the movie that Dray set up, and the rain continues to fall heavily outside.

I fall asleep like that two minutes into the film.

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