Let Live (An Austin Carlile L...

By jhawkgrl2003

1.5M 22.3K 7.4K

"Poets often describe love as an emotion that we can't control, one that overwhelms logic and common sense. T... More

Let Live (An Austin Carlile Love Story)
Putting Two and Two Together
Here We Go Again
A Change Will Come
One of the Boys
How Could this Happen to Me?
One Man Drinking Games
Don't Go
Life in the Pain
Hanging On By a Thread
When I'm With You
A Day to Be Alone
I'm Gonna Make a Comeback
Something to Believe In
When You Look Me In the Eyes
Hear You Me
This Is My Life
I'll Keep This Feeling In My Heart
I'm Gonna Hate to See You Go
Let Love Bleed Red
I'd Like to Be My Old Self Again, but I'm Still Trying to Find It
I Can't Imagine Being Anywhere Else but Here
Have I Ever Told You How Much You Mean to Me?
How Do You Love Someone Without Getting Hurt?
Just Gonna Stand There and Watch Me Burn...
...But That's Alright Because I Love the Way You Lie
The Lucky One
I Feel It In My Bones
Dream Big Darling
Tell Me What It Is You Want Me to Say
Six Degrees of Separation
Who Are You Now?
I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
Back To Me
Just a Fool For You
It Burns Red Like It's Not Over
No One Does It Better
You Still Have All of My Heart
Feeling a Moment
All I Want For Christmas Is You
This Moment Now
Re-Upload of Chapter 46 (I'm Not Perfect...)
What If My Stars Fell From the Sky?
It's Just Me and the Dark, Alone Here With My Heart
Not Much Here Outweighs the Pain
I Do Not Wanna Die Inside Just to Breathe In
Nothing Goes As Planned, Everything Will Break
What Do You Want From Me?
I'll Do Whatever It Takes
All That Matters
They Said a Storm Was Coming

Nobody Said It Was Easy

21.4K 317 205
By jhawkgrl2003

Tyler's P.O.V:

(1 Week Later)

"Tyler, you can go home. You don't have to go to this thing," Josh said as he looked down into my eyes.

"Josh, it's your wedding reception. I'm not going to miss it for anything, alright." I forced the best smile I could. I didn't want to miss it. The wedding had been perfect, simple yet beautiful, so full of love it practically resonated around the room.

"It's just a party, Ty. It's not a big deal. You know he's going to be there," Josh said softly, averting his gaze to the ground. I closed my eyes and bit down on my lip.

"I know," I whispered as I tried to blink back the tears. I needed to be strong. I wouldn't miss my own brother's wedding reception because I couldn't keep my emotions in check. Josh pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back and and telling me it would be alright. I nodded and drew back the tears, pulling away from him. I walked into the reception hall, more people present than I had expected.

"Hey there hot stuff," Alan said as he walked up to me. I smiled at he put his arm around my shoulders, kissing my temple as he led me into the room, weaving us in and out of the masses of people gathered around. We took a seat at a table in the back, sitting in silence as I scanned the room with my eyes, hoping I wouldn't be met with those brown eyes that haunted my dreams.

I found them though; they were searching for mine. Our eyes locked from across the room, and I couldn't stop the tears from falling. I looked away, Alan tightening his hold around me as he noticed my tears. I composed myself as the DJ came over the sound system, congratulating the new Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes, and calling them up for their first dance. Other couples began flocking to the dance floor, and Alan nudged me. "Let's dance, Ty. C'mon." He pulled me up by the hand; I didn't want to dance, but I didn't have the energy to tell him no.

We took our place on the dance floor; I tossed my arms sloppily around his neck, his moving around my waist and resting in the middle of my back. We swayed to the beat, Alan humming along in my ear. The song ended, and another slow one started, this time it was "Everything I Do" by Bryan Adams.

"May I cut in," a familiar voice croaked. Alan tensed and looked down at me, gauging my reaction. I just looked at him, not giving him a definitive answer because I didn't know what I wanted. Alan took that as a yes, apparently, and pulled away from me. Austin took his place immediately; he grabbed my arms and slung them around his neck before he grabbed around my waist, pulling me up against him.

His cologne flooded my senses; I had almost forgot what he smelled like. I nuzzled my face into his chest to hide my pained expression as we danced slowly to the rhythm. He rested his chin on top of my head, one of his hands patting my back along to the beat. I was crying now, silent tears flowing down my rosy cheeks. This song wasn't helping any, either. "I miss you," he whispered. I choked on a sob, and he must've heard it; he tightened his hold around me, if that was even possible. I couldn't formulate any words. I didn't know what to say. I knew what I wanted to say, but I couldn't. "Tyler, I love you so much. What I said to you, I didn't mean any of it. I shouldn't have reacted that way; I don't know what came over me. But I love you so much. I need you. Please."

Somehow my heart ripped apart even more; I didn't know it was possible. I figured it was all in shreds by now, but listening to him express his love for me made fresh wounds. "Austin - I love you too, nothing will change that. But - I'm sorry. I can't. It's too late."

"What do you mean?" He asked, his voice cracking. I sighed.

"I'm leaving tonight. My plane leaves in 3 hours," I replied softly.

"What? School doesn't even start for 2 more months. Why-" He struggled to get the words to come out right. I didn't dare look up at him, into those brown eyes that would pull me back in. I knew better than that.

"I need to find a place to live and a job. I need to get settled," I replied simply. I didn't feel like explaining any of this to him. Why did he care all of a sudden? He didn't care a week ago when he dumped all over my dreams.

"Tyler I-" I cut him off.

"I'm sorry Austin. I just- I'm sorry." With that we finished the dance in silence, both of us clinging to each other for dear life, knowing it would be the last time. The song ended and I pulled away, looking up at him one more time. He had tears in his eyes, and mine welled up in response. I leaned up and planted a small kiss on his lips. "Goodbye, Austin." I muttered, pulling away from him. I walked out of the room, out of the building, and away from the love of the my life.


"Thanks for the ride, Alan," I said with a small smile as we stood in front of the security checkpoint.

"I'm going to miss you so much, Ty. Take care of yourself, alright?" He responded as he pulled me into a tight hug. I nodded against his neck and hugged him back. "Call me if you need anything. I mean it, okay? Anything. I'll be there."

"I know. Thank you." He pulled away and kissed my forehead a few times before backing away. "I'll call you and Josh when I land." We said our goodbyes and I blew him a kiss as he retreated out of LAX. I moved through security with ease and walked towards my terminal, taking a seat and watching the planes depart as I waited.

This had all happened so fast I almost couldn't believe it. After talking to my Mom that day I called Dr. Morgan and graciously accepted her offer. We discussed everything: the program, the scholarship, the courses. I made an appointment with her for next week to meet and discuss everything in finer detail.

After that I had managed to pay my way out of my apartment lease. I boxed up all of my belongings and put them in storage where they would remain until I found a place to live, which would hopefully be soon, and Josh would have them shipped. I made reservations at a hotel in dowtown Manhattan, where I would stay while I looked for an apartment and a job.

I could've waited until closer to school, but I didn't want to. I needed out of LA, away from my old life. I needed to start my new one; I was afraid of getting sucked back in before my new life even began.

"Now boarding Flight 909 to JFK Airport, New York City," the man at the terminal counter hollered over the PA system. I grabbed my purse and my carry on and waited in line behind the other passengers.

I turned around and stared back towards the entry to the terminal. There was a part of me, a rather big part, that hoped to see Austin sprinting towards me, hollering my name and begging me not to go. Just like in the movies, as cheesy as that is. I wanted him to chase after me, to tell me again how much he loved me and wanted me to stay. I would tell him I loved him too, and that I didn't want to go anymore.

But life isn't like the movies. He was nowhere to be found. I took a deep breath and turned back around, handing the security guard my ticket. I took one last look behind me as a tear slid down my cheek. I whispered a small goodbye, saying my goodbyes to my home, and stepped through the door, walking down the airbridge towards the plane, towards my future.


Austin's P.O.V:

I shoved my way through the hordes of people as I forced my way into the airport. I didn't care who I was upsetting, I had to get to her. I had to stop her from leaving me. I needed her. I couldn't lose her. I pushed my way to the ticket counter, pulling out my credit card. "Excuse me I need a one way ticket to anywhere!" I practically screamed, startling the ederly woman behind the counter. She gave me a strange look. "Look, I'm in a hurry, just please." She pulled something up on her computer screen and I passed her my card, not caring the cost. She handed me the ticket and I snatched it from her, rushing off towards security. I made it through somewhat quickly, and I ran to the flight board on the wall, my eyes scanning hurridly for the gate number for her flight.

I took off in that direction, earning questioning glances from strangers as I sprinted through the airport. I saw it ahead of me in the distance and I picked up my pace, almost knocking a few people down in the process. But again I didn't care.

I skidded to a stop as I approached the gate. 

The door was closed, the entire terminal deserted.

I was too late. She was gone. I collapsed in a chair as the realization hit me.

I had done this, I had pushed her away. It was my fault. I loved her and then I lost her.

I buried my face in my hands as I cried, not caring who was watching.

I pulled my head up just in time to see the plane take off into the sky, taking Tyler with it.

The love of my life was gone. She wasn't coming back.

It was in that moment I realized that I had never truly experienced heartbreak. I thought I had, but this, what I was feeling right now, was the worst pain I had ever endured.

And it was all my fault.

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