Damaged Roses

By bugheaddscharm

20.9K 619 313

[BUGHEAD STORIE] [COMPLETE] The school year is over and Betty Cooper has been accepted to NYU so she leaves h... More

O n e
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
F i v e
S i x
S e v e n
E i g h t
N i n e
T e n
E l e v e n
T h i r t e e n
F o u r t e e n
F i f t e e n
S i x t e e n
S e v e n t e e n
E i g h t e e n
N i n t e e n
T w e n t y

T w e l v e

909 26 9
By bugheaddscharm

Betty P.O.V

The next morning I woke up with my head on Archie's chest, his arms on my back. I opened my eyes slowly and looked at Archie. ''Morning Betts'' Archie said pausing the game in his phone. ''Morning'' I said yawning and stretching.

''Come on, time to get up sleeping beauty'' Archie said getting off me. ''Aghh I don't want to move out of bed'' I said growling and putting the pillow over my face. 

''You're going to be late for work, come on get up'' Archie got out of bed and scooped me up. ''Nooo! Put me down'' I exclamed. Archie opened the bedroom door and led me into the kitchen, sitting me on the stool.

I propped my elbow on the table and laid my head on my hand. ''Wow, someone is in a great mood this morning'' Jughead said putting a plate of waffles in front of me. ''I don't want to go to work'' I said in a baby voice. 

''So I can call my father and fill your position, so you can spend more time with Archie'' Jughead said with a mouth full of food. ''What? Seriously?'' I said raising my head and Jughead nodded.

''You're the best Juggie!!'' I screamed while giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek and Archie chuckled seeing Jughead's surprised face. ''You'll get used to it'' Archie chuckled and Jughead chuckled with him. I just shook my head.

''Archie, can we finish breakfast and get into bed again?'' I said biting a piece of my waffle. ''Pleeeeeease'' I put puppy eyes. ''Okay, but this afternoon you have to take me to Central Park'' Archie rolled his eyes. ''Promise!'' I said finishing my waffle.

Jughead went to his room to get ready and I got up to go to the bathroom when Archie put his hand on my shoulder so I wouldn't take another step. ''I'm just going to.. pee??'' I made an innocent face and Archie shook his head.

Archie picked me up and carried me to the room. ''Bye Juggie!!'' I said while Jughead went out of his room. ''Sleep well princess'' Jughead chuckled.

Archie and I lay in bed and in less than 5 minutes I fell asleep. Three hours later i woke up  stretching. ''How was the nap?'' Archie asked. ''I would sleep the rest of the day if I'm honest'' I said getting out of bed and heading to the closet.

''Aggh I don't know what to wear'' I growled rummaging through the closet. ''Oh, that has reminded me that I have something for you!'' Archie said getting up and rummaging through his suitcase. He took out a box from his suitcase and gave it to me.

I opened the box and inside were clothes. A black button-down skirt, a denim skirt white crop top with yellow flowers.  ''Arch..'' I said looking at him. ''I know Betts, but you have a beautiful body and I think you should start showing it. Geez, is summer and you are still wearing long pants. You can't go on like this Betts'' Archie said with a sad voice. 

I let out a big sigh from my mouth. ''I'll try. But only for you'' I said to Archie. I grabbed the black skirt and the top and went to the bathroom to shower. 

I turned on the water in the shower and knelt in front of the toilet. Now that Archie wasn't here to stop me, I had to take advantage.

After showering and fully preparing I went back to the room. ''Aaaaand?'' I asked spinning on myself. ''You are dazzling'' Archie said with a big smile and I blushed. I put myself in front of the mirror. 

''I don't know Arch, doesn't it seem that my fat are going to come out? And look what fat thighs do I have...'' I sighed looking me in the mirror.

Archie turned me to look at his face and covered mine with his hands. ''Elizabeth Cooper, stop underestimating yourself. Any boy would like to be with you, you are beautiful, smart, adorable, funny and you have a great body'' Archie said with a smile and he hugged me.

''Thanks Arch, I love you'' I said hugging him back. ''Love you too Bettsy'' Archie said. ''Don't start with that Archold'' I giggled.

We were both lying on the couch when Archie got up to go shower. Meanwhile I decided to put on some music and prepare something for Archie and Jughead to eat. I was dancing and singing around the kitchen when Jughead came home. I quickly stopped dancing and turned red. ''Wow Betty you are... Wow you are very pretty'' Jughead said looking up and down at me and I blushed even more.

''Th-Thanks you'' I bit my lip smiling. ''Hey Jug!'' Archie said coming to the kitchen. ''How was your morning sleeping?'' Jughead asked to him chuckling. ''Oh, no, SHE was sleeping. I was playing with the phone'' Archie chuckled as well.

I rolled my eyes and asked to Jughead how was his morning. I set the table while he told me that his morning had been calm and that there were not many people. Archie and Jughead started eating and Archie tried to convince me to eat but after a while he stopped insisting, knowing that I wasn't going to agree. I just said that I was not hungry, obviously I was not going to eat wearing a skirt and a crop top and on top of, feeling uncomfortable in this outfit.

In the afternoon Archie and I went to Central Park and walked around. After that we went to the cinema, when the movie ended we returned home and Fangs, Sweets, Cheryl, Toni and Veronica were there. Trev was also there which surprised me, I went up to him and kissed him. Everyone told me that I was very pretty in the skirt, which made me feel a little more confident with myself.

I was sitting on Trev's lap and he was stroking my thigh, my arms around his neck. ''How was your day baby?'' Trev asked me and I told him everything that he had done today with Archie and Trev told me that he had gone with Reggie to play soccer. The rest of the group was playing xbox or in the kitchen talking.

When I wanted to realize I had fallen asleep and Trev was stroking my hair. ''You can't sleep more, can you?'' Archie chuckled. ''Oh shut up, I enjoy sleep'' I said standing up and stretching. 

''I'm going to bed'' I said kissing Trev and waving the rest of the group. They said goodbye to me and I went into the room.

The next day we decided to all go out in the morning since FP gave me the day off. We went for a walk and sit at a table in the park. Since it was Archie's last day here we did everything he wanted. We had a great and fun day, but unfortunately everything good is over and Archie had to go back to Riverdale. Trev accompanied me to the airport to say goodbye to Archie. After half an hour hugging and crying Archie had to get on the plane so we said goodbye. I couldn't stop crying, I was going to miss him so much and I wasn't going to be able to see him until Thanksgiving Day.

Trev took me home and sat with me on the sofa while crying. I asked him to stay the night with me and he did it. Trev was the best boyfriend I could ask for.

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