Rejected Abroad

By rookzrookz

5.8K 193 18

This is a story about Reign a beautiful young women trying to find her place in the world and trying to find... More

The farewell
The farewell
The farewell
Waiting game
Waiting game
waiting game
New bonds
New Bonds
New Bonds
New Friends
New Friends
New friends
new friends
Can't please them all
Can't please them all
Can't please them all
Meeting The Rogue
becoming the alpha.
wedding bells.
Stand Up
Return Of Friends.


89 3 0
By rookzrookz

It had almost been a week since I'd seen anyone, I've never been this sick before. Hot/cold flushes, dizziness and body sore. I layed in my room surrounded by darkness, every time I attempted to move I could feel sharp pains all over my body. I fell back to sleep and was woken by voices coming from down stairs.

"What's wrong with her Dennis?" I heard a low dominant voice coming from the kitchen and I slowly drifted back to sleep..


I woke up the next day and felt a little bit better, Sarah was standing at the end of my bed. "Honey you look so much better then you were these past couple days" she almost ran out of breath "I didn't know what was happening. I got the pack Dr to come in a few times, your arm had gotten infected.. which will explain why you weren't feeling to well..." she looked worried "I feel a little better" I said trying to clear my throat "but it doesn't explain why you've taken so long to heal, I've never seen this before" her face was filled with mixed emotions...


I layed in bed until til it was lunch time. My energy levels were coming back to normal and I was starting to feel a whole lot fitter then before. I rolled over and tried to get out of bed, I stumbled a little before getting my balance. I paced my room a few times before I felt like myself again... phew I stink, I seriously need to take a shower. Sarah came through the doors I guess she heard me walking around. "You shouldn't be out of bed you silly girl!" Sarah was almost yelling at me. "I'm fine, I really need a shower" I replied back. Her eyes looked over my body and then her face soften "well you do look alot better almost one hundred percent if I don't say so myself.. and you definitely need a shower" she giggled and embraced me with a hug. Sarah helped me gather my things before she decided to go "alright Reign, I'll just be down the hall yell if you need anything" she walked out and looked at me carefully once again. I got into the shower, the water felt amazing... I stayed in there for at least forty five minutes. I got out dried my hair and body, put on the sweats and jersey Sarah had picked out. Although they weren't flattering they were comfortable, just what I needed right now. I walked into my bedroom and it was so tidy, my bed sheets had been changed and made up again.. The light from outside was shinning in and all the windows were open. No doubt it was Sarah while I was in the shower.

I walked downstairs towards the kitchen Sarah and Dennis were making lunch "sweet heart, you look like new again" Dennis said as he walked over and gave me a big bear hug.. I hugged him back it felt good, it almost felt like I was hugging my own father. "Yeah I feel much better" I breathed while embracing his hug.. we all sat at the table eating our beautiful turkey sandwiches, I scoffed down about four, a handful of oreos and a glass of milk. I was starving, I let a little burp. Dennis and Sarah both laughed at me "well you're definitely eating like someone who's feeling better" Sarah said. I looked at the calendar and it was Thursday, wow I've been out almost four days.. I looked at Sarah as if she read my mind "I put your phone on the charger, I knew you will need it once you got better" she said while eating the last bite of her sandwich.

I walked over to the counter and switched it on.. seven missed calls and three messages from sam, all wishing me a speedy recovery.... twelve missed calls from Jackson and six text messages

*********Jacksons Cell*********
Reign! I've been calling pick up please.

*********Jacksons Cell***********
Have I done something wrong? Why won't you answer your phone.

********Jacksons Cell**********
I just want to know if you wanna hang out today?

*******Jacksons Cell*********
I'm not trying to be a stalker or anything but can you at least message me back.

*******Jacksons Cell*******
C'mon babe, stop trying to play hard to get! Lol

******Jacksons Cell*******
OK since your ignoring my messages I might come to you then.. no I kid, I kid.. call me

Oh no, poor Jackson he probably thinks I'm a horrible person.. I picked up my phone, I thought about calling him instead I sent him a text message

Hey Jackson,
Sorry I've been really sick these past couple days.
It's a long story I'll fill you in when I come for a visit? And yes your messages were abit on the stalker side... did you miss me that much? Lol
Let me know if your free tomorrow or something.
X .
************Jacksons Cell*******
Well look who it is.. I've got a few things to do tomorrow morning and in the afternoon but we can catch up tomorrow night ;) lol
Sorry to hear babe hope you feel better. Don't worry it'll just be a catch up unless you got something else planned ;) ;)


I giggled and walked to the lounge, I plonked myself on the sofa and fiddled with my phone.. I suppose I better call Sam, I dialed her number and listened to the call tone before a chirpy voice answered the other end.

"Hey sam" I said

"Reign! How are you feeling? Jeez girl it's like your back from the dead" she let out a soft giggle.

"I'm fine, actually feel more then fine.. thanks for all the messages" I smiled as if she could see me

"Yeah that's great.. well a lots been happening since you've been sick. Derek found out you were because of the bite mark in your arm" she lowered her voice. I guessed she wasn't alone.

"He sent a few guys to go look for that rogue, but because we don't have any turf in some of the other towns they couldn't really do much.. well they don't have much of a say anywhere else" she said and I could hear Thomas in the background yelling "is that Reign, tell her she should come for a visit when she feels better"

" Come for a visit Reign? I mean only if you feel up to it that is.. actually don't you need the rest" she sounded as if she really wanted me to go around.. "I feel fine I'll be there soon, talk later" I said

"Cool see you soon" she replied.

I walked the kitchen to get my keys.

"We heard everything, if your not feeling up to going out you don't have to... I'll like it if you stayed and rested some more" Sarah said with worry in her voice. "I'm fine" I smiled at her.

I drove to the pack house I couldn't stop thinking of Derek would he be there? Why was he so worried about me being sick, he's never showed any feelings towards me before.

As soon as I walked in the door I was greeted by everyone inside. Sam came running over and gave me a hug.. she quickly grabbed my good arm and dragged me towards the kitchen.

"You sit here" she pointed to a seat next to the counter.. I looked around the kitchen hoping to see Derek, I could smell him so I knew he was near.

"When were you going to tell me? That you and Derek!" She stopped half way through her sentence before her eyes widen as she looked out the sliding doors. I knew who she was looking at before I even turned around, I could feel him, his eyes on me, I could smell how close he was to me..

I didn't turn around I couldn't bare to have my heart ripped out and ignored again.

"I didn't tell you because there is nothing to tell!" I looked down at the counter. Before hearing the doors open.

I smelt his beautiful scent as he walked in, don't look him in the eyes Reign. I stared at the counter

"You shouldn't be here! And where is that ass hole that did that to your arm." He hissed at me.

He was standing right next to me, he was close enough for me to touch. "I'm fine, and that ass hole your talking about happens to be my friend" I looked back at him.. Our eyes connected I was mad, why was he yelling at me.. He obviously didn't care about me being sick.. He never did care about me my thoughts were all over the place. "Yeah well when I see him he's dead!" He walked off not taking another look at me..

We sat there in silence before sam spoke.

"Thomas told me" she looked at me waiting for a response.

"He could hear Derek's thoughts, He heard him say mine she's hurt and then they got cut off. Obviously he is trying to block his thoughts from everyone." She continued.

"Well we just put two and two together" she giggled.

I looked down at the piece of string hanging from my sweater. "He doesn't want me. I don't know what I'm waiting for, I guess I'm just hoping" my eyes started to water. "Don't be stupid of course he wants you. Besides if it's Ashley your worried about, she's got nothing on you, your his mate and he's yours... you two are practically married, sort of" she grabbed my hand and touched my injured arm "does it still hurt?" She asked. I didn't really think about it "now that you ask, it feels almost good as new" I said.. well maybe not as good as new but it feels 100% better then before.

We sat in the kitchen talking about what I missed out on while I was sick.

"What are you doing tomorrow night? Some of us are going to check this club out, you should come" she looked excited.. tomorrow night damn I've got to go see Jackson. "Umm.. well I've got plans tomorrow night but maybe I could meet yous all there?" I replied back to her. I looked at the time I should be going "Cool, so I'll see you tomorrow night maybe?" I looked at her with a smile. "I hope so, you should get some rest.. call me when you get home" she gave me a big hug before I left.


I drove over to Jacksons house. "Hey babe!" He walked out wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a black t-shirt.. "Hey Jax" I replied he pulled me in for a big hug. We walked inside and I had told about my ordeal.. "damn! Babe I'm so sorry" he said looking sincere.. "I didn't realize how deep I had bitten you" he sat right next to me and hugged me... we hung out ordered pizza and watched the Texas chainsaw movie, every time I tried to hide my face he would hug me even tighter. "if I didn't know better I'd say you were scared babe" he laughed while shoveling a hand full of pop corn in his mouth. I looked at the time 10 o'clock "Hey do you want to go somewhere tonight?" I said. He looked at me and just stared into my eyes "I thought we were just going to hang tonight, but if you want to go out sure" he smiled and kissed my forehead... I like having Jacksons company. "Let me go get changed first yeah?" He jumped off the sofa and went straight to his room. "OK, I'm going to get ready in the bathroom don't be to long" I said while walking to bathroom.

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