Undertale Oneshots yAyA

By solis_solaire

10.5K 425 381

Simply little stories I thought up of that don't have enough detail to become books of their own. Mostly cons... More

rules i suppose.
Overrun Positivity (=Accidentverse=)
Cottage (Errink)
Strong Enough (=Dreamswap=)
Overworked (=Dreamswap=)
The Nightmare
Dreaming (=FGOD!Error=)
Bad Dreams (Platonic Dark Sans Poly)
My Queen (King!Nightmare x Servant!Error)
Praise (Dark Sans Poly)
Jacket Thief (Cross x Nightmare Drabble)
A Letter From A Friend (=FGOD!Error=)
Clingy (Cross x Nightmare Drabble)
Babysitting: Part 1 - Horror
Creative Writing Prompt (Cross & Nightmare)
Shadow, Shadow
My Thrall ("The Skeleton Games" - 1800's AU)

By Your Side (=Trickster!Verse Errormare=)

507 23 12
By solis_solaire

A/N: This is all one big headcannon since there isn't much(that I can access) of Trickster!Verse.
You should probably check this Multiverse out before reading this or else this may be confusing
There's like, nothing of Nightmare, or Squeeze Candy as he's apparently called-
That name freaked me out by the way so I just shortened it to SC
-Other than he literally can't function so I wanted to give him more purpose because I fell like his suffering is just being disregarded by everyone and he's my favourite so I wanted him to have a purpose and that's to be Error's, or Sweetheart's friend because I like all things fluffy
I read way too much Errormare before I made this

Squeeze Candy was freezing. The bright blueish-green goop that covered his body froze around him, making him colder than he would've been without it. He was sitting up against a building's outside walls in an alleyway, hidden by a dumpster from anyone passing by. The building was open to the public. He wanted to get up and walk through the door and sit inside for warmth as many people were on this cold, winter night, but he couldn't. He couldn't move. He couldn't walk, he couldn't talk. He couldn't manage even a single sound. All he could do, was spectate with a smile plastered across his face. His body wouldn't do anything more. His mind always moved a mile a minute, but his movements were so slow. He sometimes wished he was anyone else. Someone that could actually function. But he sat there. Alone, and stuck. It's all he could do. No one knew he was there, and he didn't remember anyone, so he doubted anyone knew him. What if he was stuck there forever? Then again, it wouldn't make a big difference. He would be stuck either way.

Suddenly, someone came trudging down the alleyway.

They were dragging a bunch of garbage behind them. They were dumping stuff. Of course. What else would they be going down this dead-end alley for? They also had a big smile plastered on their face, par for the course in their world. They had pink, blue and yellow hearts floating around their head. They had a blue cape tied with a pink, heart-shaped button that went down to their ankles. They wore a washed out yellow sweater with a pink heart in the middle, and red stockings and yellow-toed blue boots with pink cuffs on the top. Their eye lights were two different coloured hearts, one bigger then the other, and red strings draping down their face from their eye sockets. Their cheekbones had dark blue swirls on them.

SC has heard of this skeleton. It was Sweetheart, without a doubt.

He was Lolli's best friend, and the fourth person to have first been infected by the Trickster Virus, also known as the Happy Virus, that has plagued their entire Multiverse. It, as the name states, makes you overly happy, too happy to be considered a living thing with real emotions. From the few things he's picked up by those passing by, Sweetheart was originally a very bad person before everything changed. At least it seemed to change him for the better. But it doesn't change the fact that everyone's original self is still in their subconscious, constantly suffering thanks to all of their inner happiness being deprived to show only on the outside.

Sweetheart opened the lid of the dumpster, and tried to get the apparently heavy garbage bag into it. "Argh! C'mon! Stupid, heavy...garbage!" Sweetheart dropped it on the snow in defeat, and from the fact that he has no mittens, and his multicolored phalanges were freezing. He looked over to SC, who he just realized was there watching him. His face twisted into one of concern for the stranger. "What are you doing out here all by yourself? Aren't you cold? You're just wearing a hoodie for God's sake! I'm cold, and I actually have a jacket!"

SC just sat there. He wanted to answer, he really did, but he couldn't. "...Don't talk much? That's okay." He sat down next to him, a little space left in between them. "Why are you just sitting here all by yourself?" Nothing. "Are you a skeleton too? Sorry, it's kinda hard to tell with all that...whatever that blue stuff covering you is." Silence. "It's okay, I won't force you to talk."

Sweetheart notices SC shivering. "You want my jacket?" SC wanted to say no; Sweetheart seemed to need it more, but he was too late because he felt the warm, fluffy jacket draped over his shoulders. Okay, fine. He wanted to wear it properly and zip it up, but he couldn't get his arms to move, as always. "You're still cold. Zip up the jacket." No movement. "Seriously? Sorry, that was rude. Hold on, I'll do it for you." He raised SC's arms and put them through the holes provided, and zipped it up around him. "There you go. It's not that hard, you know."

They sat there for a while. Sweetheart eventually got up and finally got that darned bag into the dumpster and closed the lid, and sat back down next to the goopy skeleton next to him. At least, he thinks it's a skeleton. "So...um. Can you talk? At all?" No response. "I'll take that as a no. Can you at least, like, nod or shake your head, because I have no idea if you're actually listening to me." SC, with a lot of effort, moved his eye light to look at him. "So you are listening. Wait. Can you move at all??? Give me some form of movement. Please?" Once again, no response. It was just like talking to a brick wall. SC's lip quivered slightly, but it was barely noticeable. "No?" SC looked back down at the ground. "Oh gosh! So...you're paralyzed?! Was someone taking care of you? Why'd they leave you out here? They must've been horrible people!" ... "Sorry. I'll stop asking questions. But...do you want me to take you inside? How about...look at me for yes, and look the opposite way for no, okay?" SC looked away from Sweetheart. He didn't want people to try and talk to him only to think he's rude when in reality he really can't respond. He sighed. "Okay, if you insist."

Sweetheart began to get tired. But he didn't dare get up and leave this poor guy here all alone. Eventually, his sockets drifted closed, collapsing on SC's shoulder. The other wasn't sure what to do. This...Sweetheart guy was nice, so the name is certainly fitting. But, doesn't he have haphephobia? It sure didn't seem like it. But, it wasn't like he could do anything anyway. He doesn't remember if he was taken care of by others. His memory only stemmed back to...

Pain. Nightmare was in serious pain. He got sent this...virus, according to the people who 'accidentally' sent it to him. It's name was Sugarberry, and it was very annoying. He had one heck of a death wish, but another one came up behind him and did something odd. Je didn't know how to describe it since he didn't really remember, all he knew is that he immediately felt his power being squeezed out of him like a sponge, so he ran and teleported into some Universe he didn't know. Not the best thinking, but he was too disoriented to pinpoint an exact location. Heck, it was a miracle he was able to teleport anywhere in his condition. He didn't know what those positivity-filled 'people' did to him, but his power and negativity that he had stored for emergencies was draining at an alarming rate. He stumbled into an abandoned alleyway and dived behind a dumpster. He didn't want anyone to call him weak. No one could see him like this. He tried to escape his corrupted form to conserve the now very little negative energy he has, but he couldn't. He was stuck. Impossible! How?! He was able to switch forms with ease, and if he was low on negative energy, he would revert naturally! But no, he was stuck in his corrupted form, that wasted more negative energy. His vision was getting very blurry, and black shrouded the corners of his view. He looked at his goop-covered phalanges, them suddenly turning a bright blue. Just as he noticed this spreading across his entire body, he passed out.

SC didn't understand what happened, or why he remembered this, considering he didn't know anything else, just that he's been sitting there for eons. The recognition of the pain during that time scared him a little. He never wanted to feel that way again.

His slight shaking from the sudden memory woke up Sweetheart, who flinched violently before he got off of him. "Sorry! I must've fallen asleep!" He hugged himself, and almost aggressively rubbed his left cheek that had been previously resting on SC's right shoulder. So he did hate touching of any kind. "I should probably get home. Lolli's gonna be worried about me." He unzipped the parka that he gave to SC and put it over himself. He paused, looking at SC. Suddenly, he picked him up. "I'm not gonna leave you here. If you don't want to go in that building, I'll take care of you! I-if you're okay with that of course!" He blinked, and, ever so slightly, nodded. He was very proud of himself for managing it, despite the amount of strain that was put on his body from it. "Oh my gosh! You're already getting better! We'll be best friends, you and I!" Sweetheart giggled, and walked home with a bounce in his step with his brand new friend in his arms.

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