Loving your enemy

By Tilly_xoxo

11K 262 37

Meet Hazel, a 15 year old girl, who's opinion of the school rebel changes when they fall for eachother... More

Loving your enemy
He'll ruin her happiness
Gym Class Revenge
Players 'never' change
The science experiment
....a smile??
It was...nothing?
OUR tree
Once a player always a player
The start
He's still out there
I can't decide
Life changing decision
Alone in Switerzland
Nothing will stop our detetmination
We HAVE to do this
*News Flash*
Heart Break Loss
Wrong timing
Reactions, thoughts, feelings
The truth comes out
The change and the truth
Time goes fast when you're having fun
Brand new
The flight
Unplanned destination
Regretful thoughts
What's the point
Slowly but surely
A Sun Set Campfire
Waking up
Reasons why
Given the all clear - Again
Taking responsibilities
Happy ending

Leave the bad behind

128 5 0
By Tilly_xoxo

Thank you for your votes!! :* Really like the way this story is going and it's all thanks to you guys :) ;)

Left you a bit of a cliffhanger, but this chapter is...Well read and find out :D

Chapter 37
Hazel's POV

"LOOOK!!" Sam screeched. We all snapped our attention to him and saw his eyes looking up, we followed his finger and saw, and the end of it, was a rescue helicopter. A smile was automatically brought to my lips.
"HEYYY" Kyle screamed and ran up the beach, closer to where the helicopter was to catch their attention.
Rosie was quick to be by his side, waving sticks from the fire in the air, hoping the light of the fire on the end of them would help catch their eyes.

I was about to go help, when I saw Ash staring at Grant in pure anger, that look in his eye I saw when I nicked his clothes, when I challenged him skiing, when I caught him in that bush and when I told that girl about what a player he was...Not the memories I want to be thinking about.

"Ash" I brought him back, "let's just go, leave him here" I suggested, not really wanting to him to be rescued either.
"What, you mean..leave him here? On the island?" He asked, shocked I had such a harsh idea.
"Yeah! Well why not? He'll only cause more trouble" I shrugged, reaching for Ash's hand and dragging him along behind me towards Rosie, Kyle and Sam, leaving a knocked out Grant lay in the sand. That put an evil smile on my face.

We could see the helicopter had seen us and was coming down, circling for a place to land.
"WE'RE SAVED!" Rosie cheered, hugging Kyle so tight almost knocking him over.

"Ash seriously, he's so not worth it" I tempted him but he still glared at Grant, that look sending shivers right through me.

The helicopter landed and Rosie and Kyle ran over. I tried pulling Ash but he so mad. It really scared me.

"Ash please!" I begged, "Look what he's doing to you!" I cried. "I thought you had changed, for the better? You can't let some low life ruin that, not now!" I talked him out of his thoughts and he finally looked at me.
"Now let's go home? Please!" I begged, my watery eyes leaking and I was able to pull him after me with his hand in mine.
"I'm sorry" He whined, "I have changed. I'll even prove it" He said, seriously and stopped, yanking me to him so I fell into his arms as he caught me.
"I promise" He whispered as our lips got closer before connecting and moving in sync.

"HAZEL! ASH COME ONN" Kyle shouted, we jumped up, giggled and joined hands, running off towards safety.

"Alright kids, the air ambulance are on their way. They won't be long" One of the two guys who got out the helicopter said, while the other one handed us bottles of water.

"How long you been here?" The same guy asked.
"Like 2 days" Kyle answered, making sure Sam had some of his water. The pilots introduced themselves, the talkative one was Tony, the quieter one Bill.
"Thank you so much guys" Rosie thanked, relieved to have hope.
"It's our job" Bill replied. "We were called about 100 times, being begged to come search for you" Tony laughed. "You have some caring relatives and friends, that's for sure" He finished, noticing the ambulance helicopter.

"Alright, let's get this kiddo sorted first?" Tony suggested, lifting him from Kyle and talking to him while we watched the other helicopter land.
We trudged over to it, 5 medics ran over, carrying bags and dropped to their knees as we reached them, dragging foil blankets out of these bags they had, guiding us back to their helicopter to be checked over being flying home.
"Alright, you lot from English yes?" My medic asked, we all nodded.
"You'll take us there right?" Ash checked.
"Yeah ofcourse" His medic replied, gathering their stuff together ready to take off.
"All set?" The pilot asked.
"Wait!" Sam called, "What about my mummy" He asked, his eyes drooping.

Oh no. His mum, he doesn't want to leave without her. We all looked at each other, all feeling the same as we sunk in our seats, feeling so bad for him.
"I'm sorry son" One of the medics said, "We have to leave her here" He added, regretting every word but the truth had to be told.
"But your daddy and sisters and auntie said it's okay" He cooed, "they're waiting at the hospital for you, so let go, huh?" Sam had obvious tears in his now and his lip was trembling.
"Okay" He managed to croak before his tears fell down his cheeks.
I couldn't stand just watching him cry so I unbuckled and wrapped my arms around him, soothing him as I rubbed his back for some comfort. I know it sounds harsh, but I hope he's young enough to forget this. It'll be way to hard on him to remember this.

As the helicopter started to take off, everyone was silent apart from Sam's occasional sniffs. I'm just glad his dad and the rest of his family can look after him!

I peered out over the island, curious of how it really looked, since it was so small and noticed the boat had gone.
"Grants gone" Whispered on an in breathe, shocked.
"What?" Rosie who sat beside asked, making Ash and Kyle curious and look up at me too. I saw Ash's eyes, gleaming again he's in his good mood.
If I tell him, whats the bet he'll get mad again? Yeah. I'm not risking that.

"Oh, I just said they're gone" I panicked. What!? Who's gone?? OH I KNOW!
"I mean, the people. We lived, we're saved...but they're dead" I sighed, my acting skills coming in handy.

"Guess we're the lucky ones" Kyle smiled.
Guess he's right.
But damn, what's Grant gonna do next?

A/N -

:0 Uh oh! They're in trouble ;)


~ Tilly_xoxo

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