Surrounded By Werewolves...

By illuminacity

491K 16.2K 876

Angel is someone who's known of as a 'Goth' by those who hardly know her. She doesn't care and instead choose... More

Surrounded By Werewolves
.:1:. ~Angel's POV~
.:2:. ~Angel's POV~
.:3:. ~Angel's POV~
.:4:. ~Angel's POV~
.:5:. ~Angel's POV~
.:6:. ~Bret's POV~
.:7:. ~Trent's POV~
.:8:. ~Angel's POV~
.:9:. ~Trent's POV~
.:10:. ~Angel's POV~
.:11:. ~Angel's POV~
.:12:. ~Bret's POV~
.:13:. ~Angel's POV~
.:14:. ~Angel's POV~
.:15:. ~Bret's POV~
.:16:. ~Angel's POV~
.:17:. ~Bret's POV~
.:18:. ~Angel's POV~
.:19:. ~Angel's POV~
.:20:. ~Angel's POV~
.:21:. ~Bret's POV~
.:22:. ~Angel's POV~
.:23:. ~Bret's POV~
.:24:. ~Angel's POV~
.:25:. ~Bret's POV~
.:26:. ~Angel's POV~
.:27:. ~Angel's POV~
.:28:. ~Angel's POV~
.:29:. ~Bret's POV~
.:30:. ~Angel's POV~
.:31:. ~Des' POV~
.:32:. ~Angel's POV~
.:33:. ~Bret's POV~
.:34:. ~Angel's POV~
.:35:. ~Drew's POV~
.:36:. ~Angel's POV~
.:37:. ~Des' POV~
.:38:. ~Angel's POV~
.:39:. ~Des' POV~
.:40:. ~Angel's POV~
.:41:. ~Angel's POV~
.:42:. ~Angel's POV~
.:43:. ~Hunter's POV~
.:44:. ~Angel's POV~
.:45:. ~Hunter's POV~
.:46:. ~Angel's POV~
.:47:. ~Angel's POV~
.:48:. ~Hunter's POV~
.:49:. ~Angel's POV~
.:50:. ~Angel's POV~
.:51:. ~Hunter's POV~
.:52:. ~Angel's POV~
.:53:. ~Des' POV~
.:54:. ~Angel's POV~
.:55:. ~Hunter's POV~
.:56:. ~Angel's POV~
.:57:. ~Hunter's POV~
.:58:. ~Angel's POV~
.:60:. ~Des' POV~
.:61:. ~Angel's POV~
.:62:. ~Angel's POV~
.:63:. ~Des' POV~
.:64:. ~Angel's POV~

.:59:. ~Angel's POV~

4.7K 181 18
By illuminacity

Hunter pulled me out of his car smiling.

"I can't believe you're doing this." He spoke excitedly.

"I'm only doing it because Des wanted me to."

"Yes but your clothes will be here." Hunter seemed really excited about the fact that I brought a few extra clothes with me. "So you might look less conspicuous if you stay the night." He wiggled his eyebrows and I hit him.

"I'm not going to be your stupid booty call." I growled out and he laughed. He led me through the house before eventually up the stairs. I was quite shocked when he opened the door, threw my clothes in, then just shut the door smirking. "I swear you're an idiot sometimes Hunter." I said and he shrugged.

"You know you love it."

"Debatable." I heard someone start laughing at that and pivoted my head to see Matt just come up the stairs.

"Dude. I swear she's too awesome."

"Is she back?" I heard a female voice say and she sounded like she was sneering it.

"Stop being such a tight ass dude." Matt said and walked over to me smiling. "What are you doing back?" I pointed to Hunter. "Answering a booty call?" Matt asked and I growled.

"No." I heard a girl snort and turned around to see the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen. She took in my appearance with a sneer and I took the time to stare at her. She had golden brown ringlets that framed her heart shaped face which held two hazel eyes. She kind of reminded me of the two twins in a way.

"No heels." She said looking at Hunter. "How long you keeping her until you get bored?" I ground my teeth but didn't say anything. "A few days?"

"We've been together for a few weeks already." Hunter said and the girls brown eyebrows rose.

"Wait. Seriously?!" I frowned and she looked me up and down with disbelief covering her face. Hunter wrapped his arms around me as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Yes." He kissed the side of my head and I smiled closing my eyes until he pulled away. "And I plan on being with her for a long time." I smiled and looked down at my feet.

"Dude. That's so sappy."

"Shut up Matt." Hunter growled but I could see they were playing around.

"Have Ben and Eric met her?" The girl asked and Hunter sighed.

"Kind of. Now will you stop with all the questions Skye?" The Skye girl scoffed and waltzed down the stairs.

"Are Ben and Eric the twins?" I turned my face to look at Hunter and he nodded. "Who's Maria by the way?"

"The nanny. She's the one who usually cooks for us." I nodded slowly.

"She makes the best pancakes. Used to make the best omeletes as well but was kicked off that position this morning." I smiled at the compliment.

"Thanks... I think."

"Do you play games?" Matt asked slightly excited. I frowned and shook my head. "I mean do you pay Xbox?" I shook my head again. "Dude. She has not lived." He took my wrist and pulled me out of Hunter's grip as he hauled me down the hallway.

"What are you doing?!" My hand drifted down to my pocket where my switchblade was.

"Angel don't hurt him." Matt stopped and turned to me frowning.

"Dude. A girl like her hurt me?!" He looked me up and down and my hand went into my pocket.

"He's not challenging you Angel. I'd prefer you not beat him up because then you'd have to listen to him whine." I smirked at Matt's confused face. Hunter took my hand and started leading me down the hallway.

"At least I'm not dating a goth!" Matt said as he hurried after us.

"Shame isn't it?" Hunter asked over his shoulder. He stopped and slowly opened the door to a room on the left where the twins had their backs to us and were laughing as they tried to stuff each other up. "Hey. Guys she's back." They both paused and turned to me at the same time. It was kind of freaky.

"Made more omeletes?" The one on the left of the lounge asked smiling nicely at me.

"Nah. Haven't been here long enough to start to." The one on the right started smiling as well.

"We're Ben and Eric." They said at the same time and my eyebrows furrowed.

"Are you both called Ben and Eric?" I asked with a teasing smile on my face.

"See? She is awesome!" Matt said sitting down in a chair that was near their lounge as he picked up a bowl and started eating.

"The one on the left is Eric the other's Ben." I waved.

"I'm Angel. I don't remember if I said it or not."

"You did." Hunter said wrapping his arms around me.

"I have a bad memory okay?" He kissed my neck and it was the opposite side of my mark because my mark was on the left.

"I'm okay with that." He muttered and I just knew he was smirking.

"What are you two playing?" I said nodding towards the TV.

"As if you would know." I shrugged as Matt said it.

"A zombie game we bought yesterday. Wanna go?" Ben held his remote up and I bit my lip before nodding.

"How do I play?" I asked as Ben got up off of the lounge and offered me his seat. I sat down and he pointed out what the buttons were and what they did. "Okay. I'm going to fail at this." I muttered as I started and I was fighting Eric instead of playing a normal zombie killing game.

"I'll go easy on you." Eric said but the smirk on his face told me otherwise.

"Wipe the smirk off your face and I might believe you." I started furiously pushing buttons as the character moved following my every command. Eric laughed and I took that as the time to shoot him in the head.

"Hey!" I thrust my hands into the air.

"I beat you and I've never even played it before!" I was grinning unable to lock in my excitedness. "Can I play the real thing now?" I asked and Ben took the controller from Eric.

"I'll help you but first you need a character." My eyebrow rose.

"Seriously?" Hunter and I asked at the same time and the twins shrugged.

"You're cooler than all the other girls and we can just delete it if you ever dump Hunter." I started creating a character as the talking continued.

"What makes you think she'll dump me?" Hunter asked and I smiled turning to him.

"I'm just that awesome." I said winking at him and he smiled.

"I'll sit down next to you while you play."

"Hell no! You'll distract me." I named my character after me with just a simple Angel. I was considering Miss Hell but went against it.

"What makes you say that?" He faked shock and I rolled my eyes. "It's not my fault you yelp everytime I find a way to get you to move your attention on me."

"Stop squeezing my thigh then when you drive and I'm trying to think!" Matt started laughing at that and my cheeks started heating up. Hunter raised an eyebrow at me and I gave him the finger. Everyone in the room started laughing which confused me and when a re-faced Ben had finished laughing he started the game. We started playing and Ben and I both started getting really excited as I was beating him.

"I can't believe you're beating me when you have a machete! I have a gun!" I laughed at Ben's cmment and killed three zombies at once.

"I can kill in combos. Anyway, I prefer knives." I heard Hunter make a noise. "Shut up Hunter." I laughed as I killed a zombie Ben was trying to get.

"Hey! That was my one!" He laughed out and I gasped when he covered my eyes with one of his hands. I continued pressing random buttons as fast as I could. "Hey! Stop trying to kill me!"

"Then let me see!" He took his hand away and I killed zombies instantly. At the end there was one left and Ben and I looked at each other before our characters set off after it. Needless to say. I won. "Yes!" I threw my arms up and smiled broadly. I saw that I had overtook someone elses highscore. "Who's the 'Babe Magnet'?" I frowned as I read the person's name in second place now.

"Hugh." They all said at the same time and I fowned.

"Who's that?!"

"Me." I turned around and there was a guy who looked about twenty standing in the doorway glaring at me.

"Hey." I waved awkwardly and Hunter chuckled. "Shut up Hunter."

"Who do you think you are telling him to shut up?!" The huge guy Hugh boomed and I raised an eyebrow before looking over at Hunter.

"Does he live here?" Hunter shrugged and I nodded slowly.

"I was talking to you bitch!"

"Don't call her a bitch!" Hunter yelled at the guy and his eyebrows rose as he turned to Hunter. "Leave her alone Hugh." Hunter started growling and I straight away got off the lounge and went to him.

"Hey. It's okay." I said stepping into Hunter's line of view blocking Hugh.

"Hey!" I turned around without thinking and my switchblade was pointed towards Hugh who laughed. "You seriously think you can hurt me?!" My face twisted in anger and I pocketed my switchblade before kicking him in the face seeing as he was bent over. He growled instantly and Matt shot up at the same time as everyone else.

"Angel..." Hunter said grabbing my wrist as Hugh move closer to me. I was glaring him down.

"Her name's seriously Angel?!"

"Hard to believe right?" I snarled and Hunter's grip on my wrist tightened.

"Angel..." Hunter pulled me closer to him.

"I can't believe you're still sleeping with anyone you can find Hunter." Hugh spat and my anger started growing even more.

"Just leave her alone."

"Leave her alone?! She fucking kicked me!"

"She's had a bad history with werewolves. Don't push her." I tried to pull out of Hunter's grasp but he held me tight. Hugh scoffed and stormed out. "Angel?" Hunter asked quietly.

"I'm fine!"

"You're not. What's wrong?"

"He's just like her!" I yelled turning to face him and he looked at me confused.

"Like who?"

"My mother!" Hunter's eyes widened. "The one who never wanted me and tried to kill me and has sent eleven werewolves to kill me! He's just like her!" I pulled out of Hunter's grip and stormed out of the room. I continued down the hallway wanting to get out of the house.

"Did he dump you already?" I heard the girl's voice and I snorted.

"Piss off." I growled out and she scoffed and ended up following me. "Don't." I warned her as I walked out the front door and headed towards the woods.

"Goth girl pissed?" Hugh called and I rolled my eyes before smirking as I started running as fast as I could. "Holy shit!"

"Wait!" I could hear footsteps behind me but they were becoming faint. I smiled as I climbed a tree and Hugh stopped basically exactly underneath me.

"Looking for me?" His gaze snapped up.

"What the hell are you?!"

"I'm human. Duh." I rolled my eyes.

"How can you run that fast?!"

"There's a reason I'm still alive." I muttered as I leaned back on a tree branch.

"What do you-"

"Angel!" A dark brown wolf stopped next to Hugh and I frowned. He pointed up at me and the wolf's eyes widened as it saw me. Hunter came into view heaving. "Jesus Angel. Why do you have to be able to run so fast?!" He had his hands on his knees as he was bent over struggling for breath.

"I needed to calm down so I ran." I said jumping out of the tree.

"Look I'm sorry about your history with werewolves Angel. It's all okay now though." My lips went into a thin line and he frowned. "What?"

"Nothing." I muttered and Hunter stepped closer eyeing me up and down.

"What is it?"

"I may have been followed a few days ago..." I trailed off and his eyes widened.

"Was it Charlotte?" I shook my head and his eyes looked like they were going to fall out.

"Did someone say my name?" I heard Charlotte snarl and I turned around. The three werewolves started growling at Charlotte.

"Get off of our land." Hugh growled and I glared at Charlotte as I stepped closer.

"Angel." Hunter hissed as he stopped growling.

"She knows she's the one I want to talk to." I snorted.

"Talk?! Since when have you ever wanted to talk?" I spat at her but stopped walking close to her. "Oh yeah! The time you threatened me! Oh! I forgot about that!" I went back to glaring at her and she snarled.

"I spoke to someone yesterday that you might want to know about." My eyebrow rose. "An... Evangeline Hell." I froze and Charlotte smirked which made me shake my head slowly.

"Let me guess. My own mother sent yet another werewolf to kill me?" Charlotte's smirk dropped showing me that she hadn't expected me to figure that out so easily. "Sorry. Did you expect me to be surprised? For me to even care anymore?"

"Angel..." Hunter warned and I was vaguely aware of him stepping closer to me as I was advancing on Charlotte.

"What's going on?" I heard Hugh ask and Charlotte looked towards him before growling.

"Angel come back." Hunter sounded throughly worried and Charlotte laughed as she looked at him. I took a step to the right and her head automatically darted towards me as she narrowed her eyes. I shook my head slowly and Charlotte smirked.

"I will have fun making you pay for what you done to Bret."

"The Alpha?" Skye asked hesitantly and Charlotte scoffed.

"Her mate." She snapped and there was a gasp that made Charlotte look insane. "She dumped him just like that." I took another step and saw Charlotte start shaking from rage. "On the night his father died too."

"I didn't know he died!" I fired back.

"What are you doing on my land Charlotte?!" I didn't turn to know that Trent had joined in this.

"Argh! Just shut up!" Charlotte yelled and I didn't even jump when she changed into a werewolf from her own anger. My gaze drifted to the side. I didn't want to let the others get hurt. Charlotte pounced at me and in a split second movement I had slashed the side of her face with my switchblade.

"Angel." Hunter took a step closer and Charlotte turned to him while I took the time to figure out where I was going. "Angel. No. Angel d-" I set off and Charlotte made a squeaking noise as she realised I had set off. I turned around and Hunter looked shocked.

"You going to kill me or what Charlotte."

"ANGEL!" I ran and could hear Charlotte snarl as she set off after me. I could hear her after me and I ran faster. I was going as fast as I could trying to drag Charlotte as far away from them as I could. I was getting further and further away from her and looked back to not be able to see her but I knew that she was still following me. I heard some sort of howl and let out a gasp as I dropped to my knees clutching my chest. Oh god no. I bit my lip to stop from screaming as I felt like me body was ripping apart at the skin.

My heart beat was going hard and fast as it pounded in my chest and I let out a growl right before my body was covered completely in fur causing my clothes to be torn off while I stood frozen. I had turned into a werewolf?! I turned around staying still as I saw Charlotte running up to me. She stopped when she saw me and I was literally freaking out inside. A sort of primal instinct took over as I started growling at her and her eyes widened. She fixated herself into a stance from where she could pounce at me before she turned back to human. I kept glaring at her eyes and she smirked.

"Where's the girl?" She asked and a part of me was screaming that I was right there and had no idea what was going on. The other part was glad that she didn't recognise me. "Fine. If you won't tell me I'll just force it out of you." I watched as she changed back into a wolf. How the hell does it not hurt her?! She went to leap at me but the primal instinct took over again as I snapped at her neck causing her to step back in shock.

She growled before bowling me over while I was snarling and snapping furiously. I whimpered as she bit into the back of my hind leg before bucking crazily which made her jump off. I jumped straight at her swiping her face exactly where minutes ago I had slashed her face and she howled from pain.

There were two new growls but I didn't stop attacking and Charlotte didn't stop trying to kill me. I ended up pinning her to the ground not even in control of what I was even doing. There was a loud bark and the part of me that was controlling my body froze as it looked around. There were three different wolves surrounding us.

One was in front of me and there were two to my left. One I realised was Hunter and I backed away from Charlotte. I looked up at the one at the front as he made noises at Charlotte who got up and ran to stand behind him. The two walked away and Hunter and the wolf next to him started growling at me. I done the first thing that came to my mind. I fled.

**All Rights Reserved**

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