Royal Academy

By Lilliss

205K 5.3K 767

Shayla is your normal teenage girl, well not really, her parents are shipping her off the a borading school i... More

Welcome to Hell in Russia
Start of My First Week
Shopping with the Mikaelson Family
The Adorable Date
Ditching School
A Party Full Of Drama
Girls Day
Hospital Hell
Last Week of School
Weekend with Elijah
Sunday Dinner
Off to Norway
Landing In A New Place
Castle Built For A King
In Norway
The Beach
Monday - Thursday Rambles
Ana' Birthday
Mummy's Back
A Week Later
Ana's first Day of Prep
Romance Is In The Air

Bidder's Ball

10.5K 280 70
By Lilliss

"Shaylwa! Shaylwa! wake up, wake up" I heard Ana throw my sleepy haze.

I open my eyes and sit up, to see Ana sitting on the bed, where Rebecca was sleeping, but now she's gone. hmm wonder where she went.I turned my attention to Ana you is giggling.

"Good morning Ana" I smile at her

"Aunty Becca, said we are having a girls makeover day!"

"That sounds like fun"

Rebecca walks into the room with a basket, she places the basket next to me and tells me to choose what I want to use. Looking into the basket I found vanilla fascial mask, coconut hand and foot scrub and dark red nail polish.

Putting to vanilla mask on my face, I also put some on Ana, as she asked to use the same as me. Bec had found a strawberry mask and was placing it on, while on the phone to Vlad, making sure her would match her tonight.

"I'm going to get something to eat, and to found cucumber to slice for our relaxation" I say

Bec looks over and nod, while Ana get up of the bed, wanting to come with me. We walk out of the room and down the stairs. once again I hear yelling.

"How could you allow Ana to get ready for her first ball with Rebecca and her commoner friend!" the voice yelled

Ana looks up at me with sad eyes, aww I hate when children are sad, it makes me feel sad. I pick her up and carry her the rest of the way to the kitchen, I set her down on the bench. I turn and look in the cupboard until I found cookies, every child loves cookies, I take the cookies out and put then on the bench, before grabbing to cups and the jug of milk out of the fridge, pouring us both a cup of milk, Ana smiles, taking a cookie and dipping it into the cup.
I pick up the jug of milk and turn and open the fridge, placing the milk away I look for a cucumber.

"Daddy!" Ana giggles

I grab a cucumber and close the fridge, seeing that Elijah has indeed, walked into the kitchen.

"Is mummy mad at me?" Ana asks, looking sad again "we heard her yelling"

"No darling, she's not mad at you, she just wanted you to get ready with her and Your aunt Shelby"

"But I don't like aunt Shelby." Ana frowns "I like aunt Becca and Shaylwa"

Elijah and Ana talk about the ball and getting ready. I cut the cucumber into slices. Once I had enough slices, I put the cucumber away. I then jump up and sit in the bench next to Ana and start eating a cookie.

"So, what you been up too?" I ask, biting into my cookie

"Well nothing as entertaining as what you girls are doing" Elijah said, poking Ana's cheek, getting vanilla facial mask on his finger.

I jump down and put away the cookies, and placing the cups in the sink. I smile at Ana, placing the cucumber slices on a small silver tray and holding it out to her. Elijah picks her up and places her on the ground, she reaches out and takes the tray from me before skipping out of the kitchen.

I smile at Elijah and start walking out, when I feel his hand grab my elbow.

"Will you save me a dance tonight?" he asks

I nod smiling sweetly, before walking out of the kitchen. I walk back up stairs and to Bec's room, where I found Ana and Bec laying on the bed with cucumber slices over their eyes and soft music playing. I grab two slices and lay on the other side of Ana. placing the slices on my eyes.

At 3pm us girls were all clean and smelling of vanilla and coconut, well Ana and I were, Bec smelt of strawberries and chocolate.

My nails were painted red, Becca's were pink and I painted Ana's nail blue. I did a waterfall braid in Ana's hair. Rebecca straightened hair and then placed ringlets at the ends and I curled my hair. I go into the bathroom with my dress and underwear, putting my black lace panties on and my strapless black lace bra, I slip on my dress. walking back into the room I see Ana and Rebecca have put on their dresses as well.

Taking photos on my phone, I upload them on to Facebook, checking my messages I see I have 5 messages all from my best friend, Kate.

"Hey! how is everything in Russia"
"Any hot guys? If so, mail me one ;)"
"Woman I miss you, message me"
"Oh my gosh! Summer camp in Russia, our English class is coming to Russia in a few weeks! we have to meet up!"
"Okay so I'm bringing all the seasons of The Walking Dead and True Blood, and we are going to watch movies all week."

After reading all the messages I scream. Oh my gosh! my best friend and all my friends.

"What's got you so happy?" Bec asks

"My English class back in Australia is coming here in a few weeks, I get to see my best friend Kate" I smile

Rebecca looks kinda sad, but smiles anyway.

"We should head down stairs, the ball starts soon." she still seemed upset

I run up and hug her.

"Aww your still my bestie" I kiss her cheek "now let's go party"

I put Ana's white ballet flats on her little feet, I put my 10 inch black high heels on, and Bec puts on her her 6 inch pink high heels. I pick Ana up and stand her up on the bed, and let Rebecca put a tiara on her head, while they wear getting their tiara's on, I walked over to the mirror and put my flower headband and pin it in my hair.

"Oh you look so pretty Shaylwa" Ana giggles and gets off the bed.

"Aw you look beautiful Ana" I smile and pick her up.

I link arms with Rebecca and we walk out, going down the stairs carefully as I was carrying Ana. Down stairs, Klaus was waiting for us, he looks up at us and smirks.

"You all look beautiful" he said, walking towards me and leaning down and kisses Ana on the forehead.

Ana giggled and smile widely at Klaus. I put her down and she runs over and hugs him. A woman she had shoulder length carmel hair with a fringe, she had a mean looking face and she looked about 19.

"Ana come here, we are about to enter" she said loudly

Ana looked up at us before walking for to the woman who I assumed is her mother, and walked down the stairs into the ballroom.

"So where's your tiara?" I ask Klaus

"I didn't want to look better then you and my sister, so I left it in the family safe" he replied

Klaus and Rebecca, left, entering as a pair. That left me, by myself, to walk down a staircase, into a room filled with royals. Oh god, this isn't going to go well.

Standing at the top of the stairs, looking down at everyone, I slowly start walking down. sadly everyone was watching me.

"Okay do not freak out, I repeat do not freak out" I chanted over and over in my head.

Making it to the bottom on the stairs, I walk towards Rebecca, who was standing with Vlad.

"You look stunning Shayla" Vlad commented

"Thank you" I blush, kissing him on the cheek

"Welcome everyone, to this years Auction Charity Ball" Ellie said standing on a stage "as it's 5pm Dinner will be served shortly and then it's on to the auction and dancing, I hope you all enjoy your evening"

Rebecca and I mingled around, talking to people from school and other royal families. I met Rebecca's father who is a scary man, and her adorable little sister Ava.

At 6pm we were all told to sit down a tables. Names were placed on little cards at each table. I was sat between Rebecca and Klaus. At the table also was Elijah, Ana, her mother who I found out her name was Hannah, Ellie and her husband Mitchell, Ava, Vlad and Vlad's parents.

Dinner was a three course meal, once everyone was finishing off dessert, A woman dressed in white stood up on stage, asking everyone who had signed up for the auction to head back stage.
Rebecca jumped up excited and grabbed my hand, practically dragging me back stage. Looking around at a the women that had signed up, I felt very out of place. Ellie walked up into the stage saying she would be introducing the women.

As Ellie called people up onto the stage, men went to stand near the stage to get a better look at what they could buy.
Men were calling out prices ranging from $100 - 1000,000 I was starting to freak out. Oh god

"Next up we have my beautiful daughter Rebecca" Ellie says, the men clap as Bec walks up onto the stage, smiling like she's done this a million times, she probably has.

Vlad ended up buying her, not that much of a surprise, it was kinda cute, having her boyfriend buy a date at the price of $300,000. Rebecca suddenly doesn't go and sit down, but goes to her mother and whispers something to her. Ellie smiles and hands Bed the microphone. Oh no, no no no no no, she better not be doing this to me.

" Next to the stage will be my beautiful friend Shayla." Rebecca smiles widely as I walk up into the stage.

"Now Shayla is new to town, she just transfers her from Australia, now Shayla, just us a spin so they can get a good look at what they are paying for."

I smile sweetly and spins around slowly, oh I am so going to kill her in her sleep. I shall push a pillow into her face evil thoughts were cut off by the sound of men yelling out bids.

"$1,000" some blonde bids

"$2,000" Vlad bids, getting a dirty look from Bec

"$10,000" some old man bids

"50,000" Klaus bids

"$100,000"the old man bids again

"300,000" Klaus bids again

"$700,000" Elijah bids calmly

"Sold!" Rebecca says smiling at me

I send her a glare as she walks over and links arms with me, giving her mother the microphone before we walk back to the table.

"I'm going to kill you" I whisper to her

Rebecca's looks at me and laughs, hugging me. Soon Hannah is up on stage and ends up being brought by the old guy that was bidding on me, thank gosh from Elijah, otherwise I would have ended up with either the old guy or Klaus, can't decide which one would be worst.

Once the auction was over, a strings band began to play, Vlad ask Bec to dance so those two were off in their own little love bubble, slow dancing. totally adorable.

"Mummy I want to dwance" I heard Ana say in a sad voice

"No, I don't want to dance with you and I doubt anyone in this room wants to dance with a baby" Hannah tells her before going back to talking to her sister Shelby.

I watched as Ana ran over to Elijah, who was talking to some royal family about some business crying. He picked her up and told the people he would be back. He took her to that back corner and tried to calm her. I stand up and walk over to them. Ana looks up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Hey Ana would you like to dance with me?" I ask her, she looks up and smiles.

Elijah gives me a small smile and apologises that he has to finish talking business. I smile and take Ana's and hand and leads her to the dance floor. She didn't know how to dance properly yet but it was fun just handing hands and swaying while taking steps every now and then.

Soon Ana complains that her feet hurt but she doesn't want to stop dancing, so I picked her up and spun around, holding her. I watch as Klaus and his friend talked and mucked around, drinking wine, Bec and Vlad were still dancing, Ellie and Mitchell were talking to Royals, Elijah was still talking to his business partner, Ava was running around with some little princesses and princes and Hannah was still talking to Shelby.

It was about 8pm now and I was still swaying with Ana. She was starting to get sleepy and asked if I could take her to her room, I nodded and walked over to Elijah, tapping him on the shoulder I whispered to him that I was going to take Ana to her room. He looked at Ana and sure she was starting to fall asleep, he nodded and kissed her forehead.

I carried her up stairs and asked her which way her room was. once she pointed my in the right way I walked until I found a light blue door. Opening the door I saw everything inside was blue and pink. Laying Ana on her bed, I take off her tiara and place it on her bedside table. I take off her shoes and found her sine pyjamas. She stood up on her bed and let me change her so she didn't have to sleep in her gown, tucking her in, she asks me to read her a story, I smile and nod, I walk over to the bookcase she had near the door of her room and found Beauty and The Beast. I sit down next to her and starts to read her the book.

Halfway through the book I see Elijah come into the room and lean against the door frame. Once the book is finish, Ana is fast asleep, I walk over to the book case and puts the book away.

"Thank you" Elijah says coming to stand next to me.

"For what?" I ask

"She doesn't have much of a mother figure in her life, she enjoys having you around, having attention for a woman."

"Oh it's fine" I smile sweetly

I walk over and make sure she's tucked in, I grab the tiara and gives it to Elijah.

"I don't know where your family keeps it's jewels" I say passing it to him

He takes it and places it on my head, smiling a small soft smile.

"I wouldn't make a good royal" I say looking in the mirror.

"You would be better then most of the royals here" he says softly

I take off the tiara and gives it back to him, whispering goodnight before walking out and going to Rebecca's room. Once inside I unpin my hair and take out the headband and set it on the draws, heading into the bathroom, I wash off all the makeup and then I strip, changing I to my pyjamas then crawling into Rebecca's bed and cuddling into her blankets and dozes off into a dreamless sleep.


There the new chapter, I think this ones shorter, I'll have to start making then longer...

Thank you for reading the next chapter will be up tomorrow!

Chapter 5: paid date between Shayla and Elijah, with a small twist.

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