Act Like You Love Me (lesbian...

By Eastsidestory

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If Mitch knew her life was gonna be flipped upside down that she'd loved like she did it kill her to know tha... More

Ch. 1 The Break Up
Ch.2 Going To Jail
Ch. 3 Don't Hurt Her
Ch. 4 We Talked All Night
Ch.5 Promises
CH.6 I Really Like You
Ch.7 Kiss Me
Ch.8 Momma's House
CH.9 The Date
Ch.10 Momma In The Hospital
CH. 11 No Taking It Back
Ch.13 Momma Don't Go
Ch.14 I'm Falling For You
Ch.15 I Need You
Ch.16 Numb
CH. 17 Selfish
CH. 18 Promise Me
Ch.19 Never Goodbye
Love Wars

Ch.12 I Am Not My Mothers Child

1K 62 9
By Eastsidestory

It's about to go down (Kevin Hart voice)


I furrowed my eyes in confusion because I never knew Khadijah had asthma she quickly looked over to make sure Kenya didn't wake up.

"Yeah I had it all my life, she won't tell you this but I will, Kenya lived with my parent, and I. When hers just up and left. But anyways she carry my inhaler since I like to 'forget it.'" She said using suggetive fingers at the the end I laughed cause sometimes I liked to 'forget' my inhaler too, sometimes I just wanted forget that I had asthmatic problems but that never happened, anyways Khadijah pointed to her cousin my girlfriend and chuckled, "but Kenny never let me she used to carry that damn inhaler with her since you know I loved 'forgetting', and until this day since she not by me all the time like she used too, she make Jordan carry the other one."

"Damn straight I do." I heard Kenya's voice and I laughed as Khadijah scowled her, I wanted to laugh but the headache made it hard for me too, so I chuckled which didn't make it no better.

"Go back to sleep." Khadijah said playfully mugging a stretching Kenya, who was smirking actually they both were smirking at each other. But Kenya looked at me an it turn into a smile I wish I could smile back and that a nurse or doctor would hurry up that'd be appreciated.

"Has anybody checked up on you since you been up?" Kenya asked after she was done stretching, as she said that a doctor as a nurse came in the room with water and two pills that I took them and then laid back down, Kenya and Khadijah left the room I wish they would of stayed with me though.

"Hello Ms. Carter, my name is Dr. Finch." He said as the nurse got doing what she was doing then she left the room.

"So I can leave right?" I said getting straight to the point I really didn't want be here than necessary. I wanted to go straight home, I'd face my family later on just right now I missed my bed, plus now I didn't need to go get my wrist checked out no more. Dr. Finch smiles at but I don't reciprocate, I just look at him patiently want for my answer. He clears his throat when he see I'm not smiling back at him, then look at his clipboard.

"Yes Ms. Cart-."

"Please call me Mitch I feel old when you say Mrs. Carter is my mother." Or so I thought, " please I insist, sorry for interrupting continue though."

The doctor cleared his throat and look then the paper, then looked at me. That look told me that nothing that was about to come out of his was good or I wasn't going to like it.

"Yes, you can be released Mitch later, but when you do just let you body rest that asthma attack put a lot stress on your lung so just take as slow, as you can. Because the next time an inhaler just won't do." He said and some other things that I just ended up no paying attention too. I didn't like nothing he told me, but what could I do?


"So you must really care about her?" Khadijah said out of the blue, as I was drinking my drink I almost choked but caught myself; looked at her like she was stupid for asking me that question.

"That's a dumb ass question." I said simply setting my drink down and continue to look at her like she was stupid.

"I don't know just trying make a conversation with you." She said shrugging her shoulders like it was the only thing she could do I rolled my eyes and started playing with my straw. It was silent but it wasn't all that silent considering we were in a hospital cafeteria.

"Yes I care about Mitch... But um let's not focus on that let's focus on when in the actual hell are you going to stop being a pussy and ask Jordan to marry you." I said raising my eyebrow Khadijah looked away from me smiling if she wasn't dark skin I know that she was blushing making me smirk.

"Soon," Was all she said I laugh cause soon with her was never soon it was more like three years later soon.

"Okay soon."

"Shut up, are you going to tell Mitch about... Jada?" Khadijah said making me flinch man does it always hurt to hear the name of someone who hurt you? I bit my lip hard I was surprised that I had made myself bleed yet, I itched the back of my neck.

"Ehh is it too soon for her to know about Jada. Especially the part where I was engaged to her." I said, as stared at my cousin who just sighed and rolled her eyes at me.

"Yes stupid." Surprisingly that didn't come out of Khadijah mouth it came out her girlfriends mouth I sucked my teeth, well she came out nowhere. Jordan sat on Khadijah's lap then peck her on the lips.

"Who ask you to put in your two cents?" I asked cause I know I damn sure didn't ask, Jordan looks my way after giving my cousin another and smiles.

"Me, Kenny I did, but listen," Jordan said but stopped when Khadijah wrapped her arms around her waist and a smile came on face , but continued to talk, "you know about me, you know about the devil child Athena I hated that bitch, and you know about the bitch Ja'Zell. So in return she should know about Jada, Shannon, Kayla, and oh Tyle.-"

"I get it Jordan, I get it." I spoke over Jordan rolls her eyes at me.

"Why do you two always interrupt when I try and say Tyle.-"

"Cause we get it, I use to go through girls like you go through finding the right hair dye to look like the black version of little mermaid." I said that and Jordan punched me in my arm then started pouting I rolled my eyes as Khadijah shook her head at me.

"Baby your cousins a jerk." Jordan said sticking her her tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes again I think if I keep rolling my eyes they'd get stuck.

"Cousin your girlfriend looks like black little mermaid." I responded back sticking my tongue back out at her.

"Oh my god this college all over again." Khadijah said letting go of Jordan and throwing her hands up in the air. Making Jordan and me laugh man those were the good times.

It was time for me to get checked Kenya, Khadijah, and Jordan were there I made sure they didn't tell my sister/mother whatever and the demon himself that I was checking out the hospital. The only problem with me leaving was that I was about to be pushed in a wheelchair by a nurse nope.

"Mitch get in the goddamn chair so we can leave." Jordan said for the millionth time today and the millionth time I shook my head no.

"Nope why can't I walk I'm fine." I responded back as I stood up and started walking just make my point clear to everyone in the room, I was walking out.

"Sit in the wheelchair or I'll make you sit in the wheelchair." Kenya spoke with some much inpatients it made me sit in the wheelchair. I had no doubt she would make me sit in the wheelchair, I would of gotten up to test what she would do if I got out of the chair, but decided against when she gave a look that said 'I dare your ass to get up'

So I keep my ass in the wheelchair.


I was home sweet home I have never missed my house so much, and though I was gone for merely 24 hours it didn't matter, I was just happy I was not in no damn hospital. I was in my room with Kenya just cuddling, kissing, and talking about nothing. Khadijah and Jordan they left to go do each other.

"You got any tattoos?" I asked out the blue I knew she had one I saw them when I was over her house and she had her shirt off. At she just stared at then she let go of me, and then she sat up raising her sleeves showing off two set tattoos. Then she took off her shirt showing me her neck and back, "you know you could just told me right?"

"I know but showing you seemed better," Kenya said smirking and I didn't know no better I'd say her taken off her shirt was just cause she know I wouldn't be looking at her face anymore, "my face is up here."

"But you tattoos it's right there," I said pointing to her sports bra, then I retracted my pointing finger as Kenya give me an amused look, "I-i mean right there," again my pointed to her stomach which technically was part of her tattoo it. She start laughing at me, then puts her shirt back on which makes me frown.

"You should've taken a picture it would've lasted longer." Kenya said as she laid back down next to me, faked laughed at her then pushed her with my good hand. She laughs then pushes me back. Though now that I think about it I really should've taken a picture... Damn.

"What do they all mean?"

I told what the all meant my moms name Vanessa on my right arm and my aunties name Leslie on my left arm. I didn't much into it, but I told about me living with Khadijah and who her mom was my life line when my mom up and left me. I told her about my forever void tattoo and told that it was Jada and I's promise to each other but never went into detail. The hardest of them all crazy right was the one one my back my fallen angel wings.

"My back tattoo." I said stopping myself I took a moment to regain myself, and I felt Mitch scoot closer to me; it was like as if on instinct I needed to close the little space in between us, "it means I'm bad for you."

It went silent filled the air, and I regretted talking about the tattoo that oddly meant something to me.

"Why you think that?" Mitch asked me in a whisper, a look was present that was on her face, I think she knew the answer.

"Because at any moment I can leave you." I said then I swallowed my spit as I looked her dead in the eyes.

"And not give damn about how you feel the next. " Those words stung to hear I knew she said it a couple times but to hear her say it the way she did scared and hurt me. But I couldn't deny this I was in love with her in such a short time, and knowing that she could up and stop loving me scared the hell out of me. But I was determined to keep her in my life even if that meant I was going to get hurt. I was going to fight for her even if it meant my heart being broken I was going fight for till I was black and blue in the face.

"Then don't," I said it felt foreign coming from my mouth but it felt right me saying this to somebody, but this somebody was Kenya,"don't leave me unless you get deployed again or some shit. If feelings start to fade you better. act like you love me, because I'm not going no damn where, and neither are you I promise you that."

Kenya didn't say anything just blank stare gave me . This scared me, the silence the fact that it was hard to read her. Because she was so quick at letting her walls build as soon as you though they were down.

"Okay, I promise," She said then she held her pinky finger, and I smiled holding my pinky out too. We connected pinkies and I smiled when she kissed me on my cheek, "so what does yours mean?"

I laughed for a second then looked at her shrugging my shoulder.

"That I'm a thug because this shit hurt." I said rubbing my tattoo on my collarbone. Kenya chuckled and shook her head no.

"I'm the thug here that back tattoo made me feel pain in places I didn't know pain, could be felt." She responded back making laugh harder than necessary. Kenya laughed along with me it felt good to just laugh even though there was a lot on my mind like Tasha was she really my mom?

I stopped laughing and just like that I felt like crying. Kenya stop laughing with then pulled me close.

"What's the matter?" She asked I had take a deep breath to keep myself from crying.

"Just so much shit is going oon and I feel like I can't do shit about it. My supposedly momma in the hospital possibly dying but she could possibly be my grandma. My sister could be mother. It just too much Kenya, too much. " I said and I hadn't realized that I was crying until Kenya had laid us both down, and wiped my tears from my eyes.

It is bad that I feel like the literal term of I'm not my mother child.

"You don't know that though Mitch, you just know one side, maybe you can go in and find out if it true or not." Kenya said I nodded my head maybe I could I sat up wiping my tears I could do that find out if it was the truth.

"I don't know if I could handle the truth and I don't know if I could go back to the hospital." I said truthfully this was too much for me all this was too much for me and just like that I had that sensation of not being able to breathe.

'Damn not again.' I thought to myself, Kenya sat up quickly.

"Focus on me and breathe." Kenya said calmly and that exactly what I did I focus on her for a moment and my breathing became regular again, I laid down sudden sleepy, "rest."

I didn't say anything just laid down. I hated being like this, and most importantly I hated Kenya seeing me like this, I didn't want nobody to see me like this.

"Give me couple weeks." I said still having a little trouble breathing but as long as Kenya was by me I felt fine.

"Okay if want I'll go with you. " Kenya said and I nodded my head not wanting to speak.

A/n welp I did that.

This story is almost over 6 or 10 more chapters and this is over with. I may or may not be working on the sequel my lip are sealed.

Vote all that other stuff.

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