By Twihu27

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Once again her dark past wants to write its self , but the only difference this time she has someone to save... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32

Chapter 22

49 5 0
By Twihu27

Octavius' pov

I had to make some few phone calls to straighten up things. Before I concentrate on my main objective which is to find Mia. which is why am currently on my way to the address those people I hired track to track Ace's previous activities. When I arrived It was a building for apartments so I went on ahead to find where the address lead me. I knocked on the door of the apartment room, I was very much nervous of what I was going to see when the door opens but mostly not hoping a naked man in a towel telling what I was doing in the early morning looking for his wife. But to my luck note the sarcasm it was the girl with the pixie cut that opened the door, but what sparked my interest was the facts she was looking at me with her eyes wide open as if she knew me and  wasn't expecting me to pop by. "excuse me what do you want ? ". "well by the look on your face it seem you recognize me from somewhere huh! ", "of course who wouldn't your the notorious womanizing billionaire at my door step  in the morning". Huh! and there I was thinking maybe she was friend's with Mia and might have know me. "listen am looking for someone and I think you might know her. her name is Mia and she has blonde hair with blue eyes does it ring a bell ? ", "No! I dont know her at all so if you would please leave". She looked in a hurry to get rid of me but I didn't want to press on the matter so I left the apartment and went to my car. I decided to go back home and try figure out another way to find her since until at the moment I had nothing right now. As I was driving different thought came to my mind on the possible ways I could find her like maybe I wasn't thinking of it in the right way like what if she changed her name since clearly she is trying to avoid me like the devil's plague. But then the traffic light turned red , I hated waiting in a traffic jam like come on I have places to be and people to find .

At that moment as I turned to look at the other cars there she was in her silver Nissan leaf but with a kid in the car but then before I could continue to take a closer look the traffic light turned green and I tried to follow the car but I lost it. Luckily I had the plate number in my head and it would prove to be very useful.

I quickly rushed home, the maids were still busy cleaning the house as I slipped in my office to make a quick phone call to have the check on the info from the cars' plate number. I had a quick shower then had some work done from the office trying to distract myself from the anxiety bubbling up inside of me.

Later on they called and turns out the car is registered under her name and they also did some digging and I found her. The most surprising thing is she lives across from the pixie girl. Well that solves it why she was in a hurry to chase me away. I decided I will pay her a visit in the evening .

The evening rolled in and once gain I was back to where I was in the morning but I went directly to her address and knocked.  I waited for some minutes then the door opened but it wasn't this time but a small little boy who was looking at me curiously. "Mommy there a man I don't know at the door! " . I bent down to his level. "hey little man my name is octavius , so what your name huh! " , "its Jason". then it clicked I scanned his features and he looked exactly like me but except for the hair which his was  blonde. Then I looked past him to see her standing there looking shocked then said "honey Jason why dont you go back to your room , Mummy has to talk to the guest", the little boy just shrugged then said bye to me then left.

I looked at her then said "Would care explain what i experienced before me."

Mia's pov

I was busy making dinner for me , Linda and Jason but Linda said she would be working late today so I had to pick Jason up from school myself. She said she wanted to tell ,e something later when she comes back. As i was finishing up the door knocked but since I was a little Pre occupied I asked Jason to help me check who it was but he shouted from the door "Mommy there a man I don't know at the door". I was confused since no one else maybe my co-workers had told me they where coming and I didn't order something but maybe Linda did. So i went up to check who it  was and I was shocked I had to hold myself against the wall to prevent myself from falling down. what the fuck was he doing here!  but I knew I had to get Jason away. "honey Jason why dont you go to your, mummy has to talk to the guest". He shrugged at me then waved goodbye at King then left.

He looked at me and said for me to explain what he saw. I mean the nerve of this guy after all he did to me now he come into my apartment and demanding an explanation."you have no right after all those years to come barging into my life and demand an explanation. I mean I gave Ace one job and was to not tell you where I was and he fucked that up ". "ooh! no Ace didn't tell me where to find but just helped me open my eyes to the truth and thats why am here okay!", "wow! you finally know the truth then guess what king your already seven years too late to come begging me to forgive you so, if there is nothing else I dont think I need to show you where the door . so please as kind as you where to grace me with your presence then please do the opposite and get the hell out of here but do forgive me I dont have my own body guards to throw you out like you did". "please just give me a chance to explain and try to set things straight between us okay!" she laughed and short laugh but I knew it was meant to mock me , "listen! to you huh! 7 years back you never gave me an opportunity to explain myself to you so why should I listen to you right now. Give me a good reason why". He looked defeated and for the second time in my life I saw king looking so vulnerable and broken and it hurt to see him like this but what he did to me , I can't just forgive him and forget how he said those hurtful to me. "Because I love you very much and still have for the past 7 years. I couldn't get my self to forget you even though how hard i tried . I know what i did and said to you was unforgivable but please all am asking is for you to forgive me and give me a chance to be a part of your life and by the looks of it in my son's life too". "Don't think am going back running to you its going to take more than some words and your feeling of regret to wipe off all those years of hurt". "but Mia why didn't you tell me about our son and kept it from me for 7 years making me miss all those important event of his life". I didn't realize I was crying till when a tear fell my hand. "tell you I was pregnant you should remember I was the so called whore. so even if I called you to tell you about your son you would have just told me to shove it and I wasn't ready for another rejection at the time. one at a time they say, so I had to go through it all by myself from the pregnancy complications to the single mom parade and all thanks to your truly" I said pointing at him. "I would have listened to you Mia , never would I have denied the baby". I laughed again but not because he was funny but 7 years back with all the lies he would have denied me and the baby , he just doesn't know it.

"listen I gonna give you a chance to be with your son since he needs a father figure in his life and that only that we'll be sharing between us which is parental roles only". he nodded but said " I will do anything to be in my son's life and make up for the lost time but also don't think am going to just give up on us". "well us died 7 years ago so, there only mummy and daddy happening now and nothing else now lets cut the boring chitchat and lets break the news to your son". I left in which he followed me towards  Jason's room. He was busy playing video games but stooped to look at us when we came in. 

"hey! honey we have something to tell you so could come sit with us on the bed ". he came and hopped on the bed looking at mostly King curiously as if trying to figure him out someway. "listen honey you remembered when you asked about your dad right!" , "yah you said he didn't want us and we were better off without him". I looked at king and he looked hurt by his son's words. "listen I was wrong its not that he didn't want us but couldn't be with us at that moment but hey big guy good news he's here and wants to be with you". he looked at me then back at King then asked him "are you my dad ? ". then king nodded. I expected him to be angry from him not being there for him but go the opposite reaction as he hugged him smiling. I smiled to myself as I looked king hug him and clinging to him. and I actually  felt bad for keeping Jason from him all those years.

"I finally got some one I could actually play soccer with". Jason to king, but I frowned "hey come on me and Linda play soccer all the time and beat your butt every time". "no offense mum but you and aunt Linda suck at soccer and I always let you guys win". King laughed and so did I but I stood "well let me let you guys talk and do some catching up okay!". I left them in Jason room closing the door but when I went in the kitchen fresh tears started to stream down my face . I didn't know why I was crying , may be because I have been lying to myself for the past 7 years and right now after seeing him in front of me completely brought back the feeling I have trying to bury them down for the past years.

The door opened and Linda came rushing in, "oh my god I forgot to tell you you're Ex came by this morning but I told him i dont know you and where you live . good save huh! but you should be prepared he might find you". Way to the obvious which has already happened but she stopped talking when she saw the tears in my eyes. "omg! he's already found you. am so sorry I promise i will kick the living shit out of Ace" as she hugged me , "no! its wasn't Ace who told him he's just good at finding people when he wants them ". "so what are you going to do". "nothing actually because he's currently with his son in his room talking right now". she stopped hugging me to look at me . "your seem okay with this and not going all crazy about it". "nah I realized i can't keep him from his son. I mean what kind of mother would I be". "thats true we'll if you don't mind am going back to my apartment before he come here and meet me. It would be very awkward seeming to how I told him i dont know you so bye". and she left.


thanks for reading .❤

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