Returning to the Past ( Emine...

By Sabl16

157K 2.5K 339

Sarah tried to run away from all her problems, but when she returns to the world that once ripped her apart a... More

The Start Of Something Wonderful ( Eminem Fan Fiction)
Returning to the Past
Working With Wayne
Working With Em for the First Time
Getting Somewhere
These Feelings
Cold Shoulder
The shady Side
You don't know me
I'm different
The Rumour
More Mature side
The Past
Please Move On
Emotions Explode
The First Meeting
The Date
Desires Finally Shown
Cheeky, Caring and Affectionate
BET Awards
The concert
All over?
The Day after
Information :)
Shopping Trip
Dre's Dinner
Finally showing it
New reality
Putting everything on the line
The Deal
Scheduling work and Dates
Mood Swings
Rethinking Pt2
Poker face
Meeting complications
Meeting the Girls
Wrong Side
Guy talk
Perfect at the moment
Expected closure
Night out
The hangover
Hidden Messages
Broken Promises
Worlds apart
The New Normal?
Christmas Party
Christmas in Detroit
New Years Eve Party

Pre Christmas miracle

1.4K 34 2
By Sabl16

Sarah p.o.v
Unlike the hot summer, relaxing breeze you get in Australia, the whether in Detroit around Christmas time was a lot more colder and wild.

Carefully I readjust my coat as I get out of my car that's parked in the studio. It's late in the afternoon but there a still a few cars parked so I'm guessing some of the guys are still here doing their own thing.

Not once did I expect to be so dam nervous about coming back, maybe it was the fact that majority of the guys still don't even know I'm coming in or that I've even arrived home.

I think I decided to come back after seeing the interview of Marshall, I was always thinking about it but seeing that interview was like a sign that I knew I had to come back. I knew it was wrong of me to just get up and leave like that and I know it's not going to be easy breezy with Marshall and I but I'm willing to try and make things right between us.

Royce p.o.v

The studio was quietening down since it was getting later into the evening. Today d12 and slaughterhouse were here working with Marshall, but since we've basically finished working in the studio like always Marshall has ventured of into his office.

Another week has gone by and like before Marshall is still missing sarah like crazy and blaming himself while trying to hide all his feelings behind a mask. As we are all getting ready for Christmas and enjoying the time with our family, Marshall is non stop blaming and hating himself for losing sarah, he even mentioned that his girls are barely talking to him since they've become aware that it was Marshall's fault that sarah and her boys have left unexpectedly.

" are you still having the New Years party at your house?" Bizarre asked me from across the table. Since it's close to the new year, I've decided to have a New Year's Eve party to celebrate the end of a wonderful year but it's also going to be the time I announce my engagement.

" yeah sure am. I think we are sending out invitations in a couple of days" I replied smiling knowing how much my girl has gone to troubles to organize this party. I'm also going to send one to sarah just hoping she might come back.

We continued laughing and mucking about as we all sat around the conference table, I don't actually know why we're still here since Marshall probably won't come out again but for some reason we decided to hang around for a while and play a few games of cards since it's been hectic today and we hardly got a rest.

Bizarre was in the middle of one of his lame jokes trying to entertain us, but all we were doing was laughing at him for how bad they are.
Laughter filled the room, as I sat back wishing Marshall was out here enjoying all of this like he used to but I know it's still early days and hopefully things might get better or even a miracle might happen.

Since it's getting later, I quickly glance down at my phone making sure no one has tried to contact me but as I am I hear someone entering the front door of the studio.

We all stop our conversation and look up wondering who was coming by at this time. At first I thought it could have been one of Marshall daughters but when We start hearing high heels clicking across the floor, we all looked between each other as the first thing that comes to our minds is negative and And you can just tell we begin thinking Marshall's about to make one very big mistake with some random chick all because he's missing Sarah and has probably come up with this stupid thing in his head that sarah is already met some other guy.

But when the footsteps got closer and she finally enters the studio it only takes me a few seconds to recognize that familiar long shiny blonde hair and straight away I realize who the woman is, she's finally she's back.

" sarah" I whispered astonished to even be in the same room as her. The whole room has completely gone silent since she walked in and I can tell the guys are as shocked as I am.

" hey, how are you?" " she smiled brightly like she always does, just as us guys stared at her Completely stunned and speechless by her presence.
But the more I looked at her the more quickly I started comprehending her presence and it's like this rush of excitement came over me.

" I'm great, how are you?" I said being all cheery as I skipped over to her and just pulled her into a hug, squeezing her a bit to tightly. I'm just so happy and relieved to see her here.

" I'm good actually" she replied looking a little confused at my reaction and wondering why I'm hugging her so tightly, But you honestly don't know how good it is to see her, this literally could be the day her and Marshall finally work things out.

" you have no idea how good it is to see your face, I was afraid you weren't going to come back" I whispered more softly just so her and I could here. I could tell she was taking in everything I was saying, and she actually looked a little bit nervous to be honest.

" you know Id miss you guys like crazy " she smirked pulling back so I could see her smile, but just like Marshall I can tell this happy face is all for show and deep down she's still hurting and confused.

The guys all quickly followed my lead and greeted Sarah back with friendly hugs. I could tell she's wondering where Marshall is and maybe that's why she's acting so nervous. Maybe she thinks he's like already moved on or something which is completely false, I don't think he actually has even glanced at another girl since sarah left, but she has every right to be nervous since it's not the first time Marshall has slept with someone else after having an argument with sarah.

As the guys started making conversations with sarah asking her all about Australia and her boys she just stood there politely answering all there questions but I could see she was a bit distracted and I could tell she just wanted to go see Marshall.

" he's in his office where's he's been hiding out for the past 3 weeks" I commented softly after there was a break in the conversation. This is why she came here and from her face she's dying to see Marshall.

" thanks" she smiled before making her way towards his office. Even by the way she walked you can tell she's freaking out, because just like me I think she knows this could go either way.

Sarah p.o.v

I seemed to start relaxing as I greeted the guys and had a few general conversations. Of course Royce couldn't stop smiling when he saw me probably thinking Marshall will start going back to his usual old self, but I'm not really sure about that, that's why I become nervous again as I make my way over to his office.

Lightly I knock on the door Hoping I'm not disturbing him or about to walk in on him and some other girl like that other time we had a massive fight.

" Go away, I'm busy " I heard him mumble softly trying to be as polite as he possibly can, which wasn't really working but his anger and mood isn't going to scare me away.

Noticing the door is unlock i slowly begin to open it, hoping this won't get him even more pissed of at me and Straight away I spot him sitting in his office chair, just staring at a brick wall while nibbling on his fingers, showing me he's thinking deeply about something, but he's still making no movements at all.

" Marshall" I said softly, I couldn't help but stutter since knowing I haven't seen him in so long and how moody he already sounds.

Quickly Marshall turns round after hearing my voice and man the shock of his face was priceless.

" sarah" he whispered so I can barely hear him as he basically jumps out of his seat and keeps his eyes glued on me as he walks closer.

Softly I close the door trying really hard to keep the tears in. He looks so exhausted and I know that it's all because of me and my stupid decision to leave.

We just stared at each other both of us not knowing what to say or how to start this conversation. It's funny I've been dying to speak to him for so long and now I have the chance but no words seem to come out, I just keep getting lost within the sadness in his eyes, but it's like as soon as he notices me studying him he quickly looks away.

" when did you get back?" He asked randomly. From the tone in his voice an the way he can barely look at me I can tell he's pretty dam pissed of at me.

" a couple of hours ago. As soon as I got of the plane I just wanted to see you" I replied as he leaned on his desk just glaring in front of him. Once again I notice my necklace he's still seems to be wearing around his neck.

" that's funny, cause for the past three weeks you haven't wanted anything to do with me" he spat back looking extremely hurt by me ignoring him. I honestly didn't think he would take me leaving so badly, if so I wouldn't have gone, actually I probably would have since I was hurting just as much.

" I said I needed space Marshall." I replied getting quite angry myself. Marshall knew I needed time to think it over, I can't believe he expected me to speak to him nearly every time he called me, how is that giving me space?

" yeah but that doesn't mean you just walk away and leave me out in the dark. I had no idea if you were even coming back" he stated, very confused about what was happening. I guess he was right about me I should've had more strength to actually stay and work things out.

" you're right. I'm sorry" I apologized as tears began rubbing down my cheeks. I honestly don't know how it started with him hurting me but now I'm the one apologizing to him.

" well it's a little to late for that, you can't just come back like this out of the blue after not talking to me for three weeks and think I'm just going to drop everything and work things out" he continued on yelling,getting more frustrated. Why the hell do I always break down in front of him, I'm meant to be strong but just seeing him ruins my heart.
I guess he noticed how upset I was getting because out of nowhere he just quieten down till it was silent again.

" you promised you wouldn't leave and just walk away" he mumbled this time with pure sadness in his voice. He just stared at me showing all his hurt and heartache in his eyes, but as much I wanted to start apologizing again for this, I couldn't help but ignore the first reason I left.

" yeah well you broke your promise not to hurt me, so I guess we've both done wrong" i mumbled sadly taking a seat on his couch. At the end of the day, Marshall was the one who hurt me.

" I don't know how many fucking times I've apologized for that, everyday I called hoping you would answer" he muttered getting quite frustrated again about this whole thing. I can defiantly see the more angry side of him starting to appear.

" but that's the thing Marshall you can't just expect me to forgive you after a few apologies, your hurt me and I've lost all trust in you,That's why I needed space to figure shit out" I argued back, within seconds we have begun yelling at each other over the same thing and this continued for a while till we both saw we aren't getting anywhere just continuing going round in circles.

" look this is pointless where not getting anywhere" I said more calmly, running my hands through my hair as Marshall sat in front of me also agreeing that yelling at each other is not working.

" I don't know..... Maybe we should just keep doing our own thing for a while...... You know get through Christmas and than see what happens in the new year or something" I mumbled knowing this is the only way to stop arguing, I think this is best otherwise we could really do some damage to everything we've created.

" yeah you're right, it will give us some time to figure out what we want" he replied agreeing with me. Sadness came over me seeing how Marshall didn't bother to even fight for us. Maybe he's already moved on, I wouldn't blame him since I did walk away when I said I wouldn't, to Marshall that is a big thing.

"'Well I should head of, Didier is making dinner" I mumbled getting up and carefully wiping the tears away. I defiantly wasn't expecting this, I was expecting to argue but not to feel this sad and feel like this is the end.

" umm Dre wants to work together on Wednesday, is it okay if i come here. If not it's cool" I asked before I walked out, I don't want to make this awkward for anyone so If he doesn't want me here than that's cool.

" it's fine sarah, I don't want us to become strangers, we just need to do our own thing for a while" He answered, before I walked out. I didn't want him to see me this upset. I was really hoping to work things out with him, but I guess not. By the sounds of it Marshall's happy doing his own thing, which probably means screwing some other chick.

Luckily Royce and the guys had gone home, so I was able to leave the studio without anyone seeing me looking like a complete mess. This wasn't what I was expecting when I decided to come back, maybe Marshall and I aren't meant to be together.

Marshall p.o.v

A couple of days have gone by and once again I'm thinking about sarah. As much as I hate that we're still on a break I know this is what sarah wants and I must respect that, but that doesn't mean it's easy or I'm happy with it, I just agreed with her because I didn't want to force her to work things out with me.

I've worked with sarah once since our little argument and since she's come back to Detroit, at the start it was awkward and silent between us, but as the days went by we got more And more comfortable with each other.
I think it's because we love each other so much, she's my best friend so it's so easy just to begin talking and mucking around like nothing has happened, but the hard part comes when you go and lean to give kiss or try to be affectionate or something and you realize you can't, that's the hard part, when realization starts kicking in.

Today it's the day after sarah started working with Dre so once again him and his entourage fill up the studio. Sarah and I both try to keep things professional but it was hard to keep my distance from her, when all I want to do is sit down and talk about things. So I try keeping my distance and recording whenever is possible.

Sarah p.o.v

I've been working on some songs all day while I'm at the studio with the guys, these days I've got so much going on that I just need to express it and put it down on paper to actually get my head around things and start understanding my emotions.

So just like Marshall I now have a whole notepad of lyrics scribbled everywhere, cause even though I had a lot of lyrics come to mind none of them inspired me to write a whole song, instead they're were just bits and pieces.
However they're was one particular group of lyrics that must have stood out, because as I was working on my laptop I could see Marshall continually glancing over, at the start I thought he was looking over at me but than I see he's more Interested in my notepad until it gets to a point where he just has to slide it over and take a better look at the words.

" heyy!!!" I stated quite surprised when he slides the notepad over to him while the other guys continue to talk not having one clue what Marshall is doing.

" I'm just seeing something" he smirked not listening to me or paying attention while I'm trying to get it back.
Instead I watch him read over the sheet but he's eyes were focusing on one group of lyrics that were really bold and dark because I'd been over them so many times trying to expand on them.

" have you used these?" He asked while holding up and pointing to the bold letters which have somehow caught Marshall's attention.

" um nah why?" I asked wondering what was so great about this one little jumbled of words that had popped into my head while I was flying back over here. They couldn't event make a verse there wasn't enough words there.
It was only a couple of lines that read

This ones for you and me, now I'm living out my dreams
We're all right where we should be
With my arms out wide I open my eyes,
And now all I wanna see,
Is a sky full of lighters

That's basically all there was just a few sentences I was planning on expanding but obvisiouly Marshall liked them.

" just wondering" he mumbled softly while looking at these words, he was so intrigued by them I just don't understand why.

" do you mind?" He asked me again. Straight away I knew he wanted to use them or see if he could expand on them, so since they are pointless To me I allow him to wander of with my lyrics.

He seriously sat in his studio for the rest of the morning, I actually thought he was trying to avoid me and by the time it was lunch time I needed to go and check up on him.
He quickly answered after I knocked a couple of times, but as I went to check up on him I saw he was busy scribbling things down.

" I'm really busy at the moment sarah, we'll talk later" he just answered not even allowing me to come into the studio, instead he blocked my entrance and before I could answer he was shutting the door back on me.

I was Shocked so I just turned round and walked back towards the guys not sure why Marshall has once again changed his mood. Okay so maybe we haven't really had a normal conversation since I've been back but that still doesn't mean he has to shut me out all together.

" I wouldn't take it personally, when he's inspired he shuts everyone out" Royce commented obvisiouly seeing the hurt in my eyes as I took my seat again. I knew it was going to be weird working with Marshall again but I really thought we were making progress, obvisiouly I'm wrong.

Trying to take my mind of Marshall I quickly started focusing on my own career, ever since Australia I've really wanted to work with an unknown artist and help them deliver an album or get them signed and after looking on YouTube and speaking to a few people I think I found the perfect person. So now I'm just seeing when he's performing so hopefully I can go check him out.

" where going to go play basketball, you interested?" Dre asked seeing how I've already become Interested in my computer.

" sure" I smiled before getting up and joining the guys outside to play some basketball. It was quite funny because like always I start of really energetic and excited but after like 10 minutes I give up and just go sit on the bonnet of my car watching as the guys get in little arguments over who's winning.

" your such an Aussie" Royce joked seeing how I suck at basketball and NFL which are basically the two main American sports, back home we don't have NFL playing on our tv instead we have NRL.

" I know" I Laughed agreeing exactly with what he's saying. I can't deny the fact thy majority of American sports bore the crap out of me.

I was glancing around as Royce continued mucking round with me, but then I saw that Marshall's car was missing.

" did Marshall head home?" I asked Royce after noticing Marshall's normal Range Rover has gone from the car park.

" nah why?" He replied wondering why I thought Marshall had gone home since it was only 30 minutes ago he was shutting me out.

" it's just he's car is not here" I said while looking over again at the cars wondering if I had missed it, but I still couldn't see it

" your sitting right next to it" Royce answered making me glance to the car beside me. This was still a range rover but it Defiently was a newer style and it was a lot cleaner than Marshall's,
I guess Royce saw my confusion as I looked over this car parked next to mine.

" the first thing he did when we got back from New York was get rid of his old car." Royce said, straight away I realize what he's talking about. I can't believe Marshall got rid of his car all because I had heard about him and some girl having sex in his car.

" I guess he didn't want to make you even more uncomfortable and he wanted to forget about that night and show you it didn't mean anything" Royce continued explaining while Marshall did this, just like wearing my necklace Marshall has been trying to make right from the start and all I did was ignore, no wonder he doesn't want to be with me anymore.

My mood went down after seeing how much trouble Marshall has gone through to make it right between us. I just continued sitting on my car wondering if things will ever go back to the way they were.

Marshall p.o.v

" hey sorry about before, I was just on a roll" I said while making my way over to sarah who isn't looking to happy, instead she looks quite sound for some reason. I'm guessing the way I spoke to her before wasn't very nice and wasn't called for.

So I just watch as she comes back to earth and stops staring down at the ground to glance up towards me.

" it's okay I understand" she smiled trying to put on a happy face, but I can see how sad she actually is as without a doubt it's because of me.

Without even speaking I just move beside her and lean up against her car as she sits on the bonnet watching the guys play basketball.

We try to make small talk but our conversations always fizzled out and I don't think it was because we were bored or not interested, I just think we both so badly want to talk about us but we know we shouldn't.

" look I know it's your lunch time..... But I was wondering if you could help me with something" I asked nervously stuttering a little but not wanting her to say no.

" sure what is it" she smiled, straight away I begin to calm down. I have no idea why I am so nervous to talk to her these days, it was only a little while ago we were closer than ever, now we act like we're total strangers.

" it's just.....I still need to buy a few more gifts for the girls and since you know how to do online shopping and you know what teenage girls like, I was wondering maybe you could help me...... I would ask Tracy but she's gone away for the holidays" I explained making sure I get everything in hoping she doesn't say no. To be honest I could really spend some time with her even if it's just as friends.

" sure that sounds like fun...... Do you mean now or later?" She asked seeming quite excited and keen unlike me who's acting like a total pussy.

" now would be good.... If that's fine with you" I answered making sure she doesn't seem forced or pressured into hanging with me if she doesn't want to, I totally understand if she is still angry at me and wants nothing to do with me.

She quickly hopped of her car and began walking inside with me beside her, I couldn't help but glance at her a few times noticing how bubbly she's become since I had asked her which for some reason only made my smile appear bigger.

" are we doing it in your office?" She asked as we made our way back into the now empty studio. Even though all the guys were outside leaving this nice and quiet for us, I still wanted to do it in my office knowing it will allow me some time with her without any comments or weird stares coming from the guys.

" yeah that will be better" I answered just as she went to grab her bag before following me into my office, dragging another seat over so we can both share the computer as I close the door.

We began talking straight away as she asked me what I was planning on getting the girls, when I started I had no clue but she didn't mind helping me out since I've got no idea what teenage girls like these days and since sarah is down with all the latest trends it didn't take long before she had us shopping on all the popular websites.

" so what are you getting the boys?" I asked as we sat looking through pages and pages of accessories. I swear I haven't seen so many wallets and handbags in my life, but like always sarah knew what she was doing and I trust her when it comes to my girls.

" I'm actually getting them a kitten" she replied smiling while still looking at the screen.
I was quite surprised to hear her answer even though i already was aware her boys wanted a little kitten.

" really!! The boys must be stocked" I said already knowing the boys would be over the moon to hear they're getting a little kitten for Christmas.

" they don't know, Didier and I wAnt it to be a surprise" she said smiling towards me. I swear I could sit here listening to her all day, you have no idea how beautiful she is when she speaks especially when you listen to her talking about her boys and how proud she sounds.

" well they're going to love it" I just commented softly not knowing what else to say. For like the 100th time today we manage to get caught up staring at each other, having one of our moments where you can't hide the sexual tension between us.

My desires and feelings for her just kept rapidly surfaces as we continued shopping online, every time I got myself to calm down she would so something cute that just made them reappear.
I swear I was about to storm out in any second knowing we agreed to keep our break going until the new year, I couldn't control my hurt sitting here beside her craving just to be her boyfriend again when she still wants space.
As much as it hurts being this close to her for some reason I just couldn't get myself to walk out of this office and get some air, because no matter how hard it is I'm just happy to be this close to her again.

She was in the middle of rambling on about something as she looked very hooked into whatever shopping website she was currently on.

Knowing she was of with the fairies, I couldn't help but glance beside me quickly getting lost in Sarah's beauty. I honestly couldn't help myself, and within seconds i had once again entered my own little world while staring at her. All that's consisting on my mind is Sarah and how much I really love her.

Sarah p.o.v

This afternoon is actually a lot better than I was expecting, even though Marshall was cold towards me before he didn't waste time to come and apologize to me, which in a way got me out of my depressed mood I was in after finding out he had bought a new car all because he didn't want me to feel uncomfortable knowing he slept with another chick back when we weren't together.

Currently we are now chatting while trying to teach Marshall how to online shop, but let's just say I know he's not going to come a regular.

It's funny he wanted to buy Hailie and wallet but as I began showing him some designs and different ones from different websites you Could just see him starting to loose interest and slowly get bored, but we all know not to go shopping with boys because this is what generally happens, unless you have a best friend like Didier who for some reason loves to shop.

I was currently on this website looking for a pair of sneakers for Whitney, Marshall said she wanted a pair that would still go with dresses etc. I do have to say even though Marshall can't stay focused he's girls are very prepared, their have all written out a list for Marshall declaring what they want and as I glanced over a lot of the things they have written beside them ( ask Sarah she we'll know what they are) which is quite funny knowing their dad would have no clue what they are talking about.

I was fixed on these one pair of shows I'm thinking Whitney would like, just like before Marshall has become disinterested and is showing me he wants to move on to the next item, but from experience I know you cant rush online shopping.

As I'm slightly leaning forward resting on my elbow trying to figure out how this dam company calculates their postage, i can feel Marshall intensely staring at me with those eyes of his as he sits slouched back in his chair. I have no idea what he's thinking about but I can feel he's eyes burning a hole into my back, but I just try to keep my eyes glued to the computer so he can't tell my heart is beating super fast and I'm getting flustered.

" what are we doing?" I heard him ask randomly making me wonder what he's talking about since it's pretty clear what we are in the middle of.
Slowly I look back over my shoulder towards him.

" umm.... Aren't we buying presents for your girls?" I answered slowly sounding really confused and not sure why he'd even ask this. But it doesn't take me long to notice something is wrong, you can see the heartache in his eyes.

" I mean what are we doing" he again repeats this time straightening up in his chair. It doesn't take a genius to tell he's not referring to shopping he's referring to us as a couple.
Looking down he begins fiddling with his fingers before glancing back up at me.

" For goodness sake Sarah I love you so much and I know you love me as well" he began saying sounding a little frustrated about everything.

" I just feel this whole having a break till next year is pathetic" he continued trying really hard not to sound harsh while he doesn't agree how we are handling things. I know I love him as well, I just thought he wanted a break since he wasn't to happy to see me come back the other day, but hey he didn't have to think about it for to long before he was agreeing with me.

He began to realize how aggressive he was beginning to sound while opening up about his feelings for the first time in front of me, so he takes a deep breath while glancing away for a few seconds like he's trying to figure out other words to describe his heartache.

" look, I know I messed up and you have no idea how much I hate myself for hurting you, if I could go back I would" he continued on sounding more calmer and more in control of his emotions.

" I know I still have a lot of shit to fix up and a lot of making up to do,Which is going to take time....But is there any possible way you could consider giving me a second chance, giving us another go?" He asked nervously while staring right into my eyes, I can tell he's feeling so many different emotions and it takes a lot of courage for him to say stuff like this, that's why I'm so silent and honestly shocked for words.

" I understand things will never be the same between us and it's going to take time to get back on track...... But I'll do anything just to have you back in my arms" he continued on like he's afraid he hasn't convinced me yet. I tried but like always I couldn't help the tears beginning to fall. This is the real rare side Of marshall you see, this is the side he's not afraid to be emotional or let his feelings known.

" it might be better" I stated softly smiling at him. I couldn't believe this side of Marshall, it's the side I've been missing these last couple of weeks.

Marshall just looked at me weirdly, he wasn't expecting me to even say anything back but he didn't quiet understand what I was saying.

" you said things will never be the same between us, but you don't know if that's a good thing" I explained how giving it another shot might be the best thing we do.

" does this mean you were willing to give me a second chance?" He asked astonished I'm even replying to his pleads since I haven't for the past few weeks.

" yeah it is...... I'm sorry by the way I shouldn't have left like that and I should have answered your calls...... But I really think we should take it slow" I said knowing it's now my time to apologize.

As I was talking all I could see was Marshall's smile reappearing and him becoming extremely happy for the first time in weeks.

" I know..... I know..... But I don't care I'm just so happy we're going to work this out" he cheered now not listening to me but instead quickly wrapping his arms around me and hugging me tightly.
I could feel his excitement and how much he's been missing me, but when he held me and I smelt his cologne I couldn't help but squeeze a little tighter knowing I never want to be apart like that again.

" I've missed you" I whispered in his ear knowing I couldn't hold it back anymore, I needed him to know how much these last couple of weeks have been.

" I've missed you too" he replied giving me a little squeeze showing me he feels the same way. We didn't even feel the need to separate, we were both contempt being in each other's arms, but I knew we needed to finish what we started.

" come on we need to finish shopping otherwise you won't get these delivered in time" I smiled pulling back from Marshall and turning back round to try and finish this shopping even though Marshall doesn't want to.

" fine, but I swear if I look at another wallet I'm going to loose it" he joked allowing me to pull away but keeping his hands lingering until I turned around.

Straight away I noticed the sudden mood change in Marshall and for once I can see he's generally happy which just makes me feel a whole lot calmer and contempt.
We started shopping again, going down the girls Christmas list trying to find things they would like. As soon as Marshall and I pulled away from our hug, I felt him place his hand on my thigh and it stayed there the entire time.

It was close to 2 when we were nearly finished, we could hear the guys still outside but since we completed so much yesterday we knew it wasn't going to be a late one today.
We Are currently buying Hailie a necklace when we hear someone knocking on the door, everyone knows not to just walk in when we are on the other side.

" Yo!! Come in " Marshall happily yelled out seeming a lot more confident and happier than he was before we made up.

I just continued shopping when we noticed it was only Royce, Marshall didn't even bother taking his hand of my thigh since we both seem comfortable sitting there.

"I'm going to head of soon but you said you wanted to show me something?" He said just continuing on with what he was saying even though he defiantly has noticed how Marshall and I seem more comfortable with each other and closer than we were before.

" oh yeah, it's in the studio" Marshall said while getting up from his chair and removing his hand from my thigh.

" I'll be back soon" he whispered to me sliding his hand over my back as he walked around me. Just before he got to far I looked up and our eyes met, gently he leans down and presses his lips to mine kissing me for a few seconds as Royce stands back smirking like always.
I couldn't help but blush as I watched Marshall leave the room, wanting him to come back and kiss me some more.

Marshall p.o.v

" so does this mean you and sarah are back together?" Royce asked as soon as we left my office. I swear I could so cartwheels Im that bloody excited to be getting a second chance with sarah.

" yeah we are, but she wants to take it slow" I replied not caring that sarah doesn't want to rush Into anything and ruin everything we have. I know I still have a lot of making up to do but I don't care a long as I can call her mine I'm all good.

I quickly showed Royce what I'm working on since being inspired by Sarah's lyrics. Straight away he could see what I was trying to create and took home Sarah's lyrics to see if he could come up with his own verse.

" so are you just having an early one I asked sarah as we both walked out towards our cars. For some reason I'm nervous to be around her even when I know she's my girlfriend again.

" yeah I'll probably just watch a movie with the boys, what about you ?" She asked wondering what I'm doing. Just like her I also have the girls and it's a bit to hard to catch up with sarah until next week.

" the girls are at home, so probably just the same" I replied, I know as soon as I get home I'm telling the girls about sarah and I trying again, so maybe they will start talking to me again.

We just stood there and looked at each other, I have no idea where these nerves have come from, since we are back together I should be all over her smothering her with kisses, but instead I'm nervous to touch her just in case she doesn't want to jump straight back into our sexual relationship.

" so I'll see you next, maybe you could come over for dinner or something" I asked stuttering a little bit since i didn't want to pressure her into anything she's not ready for.

" sure that sounds good, I'm free Monday night" she smiled being her normal self. This should have been a sign that she's keen to get back into being comfortable an affectionate towards each other, but instead I still couldn't make myself show any feelings or show my desires for her.
I just stood nervously fiddling my thumbs like a loser.

" I should get going" I said breaking that awkward silence that I had caused only a few minutes ago. Come on Marshall be a man and step forward and kiss her or do anything to show how happy you are.

" yeah, but I'll call you about next week" she smiled wanting to call confirm our dinner date.

" you can call me whenever" I smiled slightly. Just staring into her eyes , it doesn't take long before getting caught up in her beauty.

Before I realize what I'm doing, my feet quickly move forward and I place my hands on her waist move closer so I can kiss her lightly.
Making sure I didn't make it to full on, I just place little pecks on her lips hoping some of these nerves and tensions will disappear.

Sarah p.o.v

We just stand their kissing for a while, wasn't as passionate and dramatic as I would've liked it to be but I think we're both still trying to find our footing again.

" oh before I forget, I think this belongs to you " Marshall randomly said making me look at him wondering what he's talking about. Slowly I watch as Marshall removes the necklace from his neck and slides the cross of the chain before grabbing my old chain from the glovebox of his new car and reattaching the chain.

" here it looks better on you anyway" he smirked carefully turning me around and placing it back on my neck, making sure to also place a few kisses on my neck.

" thanks, I've missed wearing it" I moaned softly trying really hard not to get lost in his touch. We want to take it slow and take our time, so it wouldn't be a good thing jumping back Into sex and especially not doing any in the studio car park.

" well I'll talk to you tomorrow" he said once again while he holds the door open as I get settled into the drivers seat.
I lean closer towards placing one more kiss on his lips before he closes the door and allows me to drive of and head home to my boys.

Just like they've been doing ever since we came home my boys start nagging me as soon as I walk through the front door, asking me all these questions and wondering if marshall and I are back together. But Tonight I was happy I could actually smile and confirm that we are.

So this chapter didn't turn out like I had envisioned it, I wanted to add more feeling and make it more dramatic but I guess my writing is a little off at the moment or maybe because I wrote it at like 3 am in the morning when I couldn't sleep.

Anyway I hope you enjoy

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