Act Like You Love Me (lesbian...

By Eastsidestory

30.7K 1.3K 194

If Mitch knew her life was gonna be flipped upside down that she'd loved like she did it kill her to know tha... More

Ch. 1 The Break Up
Ch.2 Going To Jail
Ch. 3 Don't Hurt Her
Ch. 4 We Talked All Night
Ch.5 Promises
CH.6 I Really Like You
Ch.7 Kiss Me
CH.9 The Date
Ch.10 Momma In The Hospital
CH. 11 No Taking It Back
Ch.12 I Am Not My Mothers Child
Ch.13 Momma Don't Go
Ch.14 I'm Falling For You
Ch.15 I Need You
Ch.16 Numb
CH. 17 Selfish
CH. 18 Promise Me
Ch.19 Never Goodbye
Love Wars

Ch.8 Momma's House

1.5K 60 19
By Eastsidestory

There is Antony, Tasha, and Mitch's mom.

After everybody ate, my almost attempt to not kill the damn waitress was trying for trying to take my girl, but we ate now it was over everybody was headed back to the store, except for Kenya who had to go back to work herself.

"Momma wanted us to come to her house after work, she said it was important that everybody come. " Antony said as we drove in his truck, I nodded my head, for some reason I didn't feel like talking all I wanted to do was talk to Kenya and possibly go to sleep if I could.

"I know." Was all I said I continued to look out the window. Jordan was sitting next to me she tapped me on my shoulder when saw I was looking at her she pointed to her phone. I got my phone out and saw that she had text me, I look back up at her giving her the 'really' look. She rolled her eyes.

"Just reply back nigga damn." She said getting impatient with me just that quick. I raised my hands in a surrendering motion. Then grabbed my phone out and read her message.


Jojo: What's the matter bf (best friend)

Me: Nothing

Jojo: Whatever Mitch I'll figure it sooner or later you might as well tell me.


Me: fuck I'll tell you later maybe.

I looked over at Jordan who was shaking her head at me, Lena who was in the front, I don't know who told her big forhead ass she could get in the front.

"What y'all back here texting about without my knowledge." She said, Jordan and me both check to see if her son was sleep. He was sleep so I smile at Lena innocently and then looked at Jordan she was silent.

"I'm going to make you some Lipton tea when we get to the store." I said nodding my head like it was not option because it wasn't one.

"Why?" Lena said looking as confused as could be. By this time we are the store and Antony had graciously gotten out the car.

"Cause it's none of yo goddamn business... That's why, " Jordan said smiling just as innocent as me, but then we both busted out laughing as she got out the car and grabbed went her son's car sit the slam the door with her foot, she mad or what.

"I think we made her mad." Jordan spoke after we stopped laughing and got out of the car.

"No you don't say please tell me more." I said sarcasm hit my voice, and Jordan pushed me so I push her back then we started a pushing match outside the store, but got interrupt when someone cleared their throat so we stopped and Jordan face dropped like she saw a ghost. I turned around an saw why there stood Ja'Zell I almost lost it, and went to go chock the bitch again, but Jordan grabbed my arm; pulled me back.

"What are you doing here Gazelle?" Jordan asked purposely messing Ja'Zell's name who look annoyed by it but she wasn't going to do or say anything to correct Jordan, I knew, Jordan knew it, hell the whole world knew. Only person who can correct her and get away with it fully was me and anybody who was close to her. But I damn sure wasn't gonna correct her.

"I came here to talk to you Mitch." Ja'Zell said looking at me, and I laugh dead in her face she just didn't understand I might get booked in jail for killing her, her presence was all ready irking me and my soul.

"Nah, you good Juicey Juice." Jordan spoke again messing I tried so hard to laugh, but couldn't help. But stopped, and playfully glared at Jordan she didn't let up, Ja'Zell on the other hand no one care she unimportant.

"Can she speak for herself?" Ja'Zell said mugging Jordan and me, but mostly Jordan who didn't one bit of a fuck she was just smirking like she knew she was hitting a nerve now we forgot the cold weather it like we were just focus on each other.

"I can speak for myself, I just don't want to talk to you, I thought I made that clear the day I came to your house and choked you for messing up something that meant something to me... If that doesn't ring a bell come here so I can remind you." I said still trying to get to her that was no doubt in my mind that I still wanted to kill her. But Jordan was still holding by my arm, I so wish she'd let go but that was probably not going to happen. Fear ran though through that bitch like ice water, she wanted to run so bad now.

"Why are you here Jamal?" Jordan asked still trying to keep me from getting to her, this was frustrating the hell out me, all I wanted to do was beat her ass that all. Ja'Zell directed her stare from us and she looked at the ground then she looked up and tears welling up in her eyes. A small of part me started to feeling bad, but that didn't mean nothing she messed up.

"I miss you."

For a minute I stopped struggling with Jordan gripping at my arm I probably had a bruise there from her gripping me like she did, I look at this person I once had little to no feelings for and laugh in her face, at this point Ja'Zell started crying I didn't care not that much anyways. I stopped laughing, and Jordan let go of me, and than that's Jordan let go of me, so I started walking to her no doubt my best friend behind me, when I got to her instead of slapping the shit out her like I really, really wanted too. Instead I wiped the tears that had fallen from her eyes she tried to kiss me but I moved my face back, and look her dead in the eyes.

"What in the fuck makes you think I miss you?" I said coldly dropping my hands from her face and glaring at her, she looked taken back and hurt but at this moment and this moment right here I felt bad, but couldn't find myself to really care let alone let her see it, "I'm happy when I'm not with you, when I was with you it felt like you were sucking the fucking life out me, it really didn't help that you bitched and moaned about everything that I did for you... So to missed you when I got somebody else that makes me happy, yeah right."

It felt good to get that off my chest I didn't think I couldn't keep my temper much long so I walked into the store Antony and Lena acted like they were work but to be quite frank I knew they were wondering what going on. I rolled my eyes and just went to the back I didn't feel like being bother now all I wanted to do was go see my mom.



"What Kenya the playa, playa got a girlfriend shut up." My friend Katrina said she was the only person I knew from Hawaii that I was actually close with on the trip, in all honesty we use to not like each other for a reason we both didn't understand, but grow fond of each other when we had to be roommates in Hawaii. I smiled big and cocky I couldnt help it, it was just who I was.

"Ok Trina let's get one thing straight, I'm not a playa I just crush a lot." I said pointing to her, she rolled her eyes, and smacked her lip.

"Oh right, and hoes are loyal," She said sarcastically.

"Shut up." I said hitting her in the she giggles but hits me back, then we had to pretend like we were working when our boss James came to our desk. He was a tall man, with muscle that were bulking out of his blue shirt, he was cute I guess.

"Y'all are working right?" He said looking at the both us, Katrina giggle an started playing in curly hair, I rolled my eyes.

"Yes dad- I mean sir, yes sir." Katrina said I was trying so hard not to laugh out loud. This girl was something else I swear.

James just chuckle obviously catching the fact that Katrina was about call him daddy. But smiles at Katrina flirtatious at her, I on the other hand want to throw up in my mouth. Finally he broke the little sexual stares that they were giving each other and just walked away.

"He is so fine girl." Katrina said still looking back, I didn't say anything just started finishing paper work that was due in couple hours.

"Too bad you got a girlfriend." I responded back with the hint of no interest in my voice, she hits me in my arm I laughed.

"Who's my girlfriend Kenny?" She asked but she started working too a little, but I push her fully out her chair before she could get to working fully. Everyone in the office started laughing even people in the Armies office started laughing too.

"Me." I said playfully smirking but go to working the sent it in. Katrina got off her ass and slapped me upside the head hard. She smirked moved her arm as I glared and rubbed the spot where she hit me.

"Oops arm spasm." She said sitting in her chair, next to me I glare at her, but I help the smile on her face.

"I really don't like you. "

"You right, you love me I know." Katrina said shaking her head like a she was a diva, then she stopped and gave me a big kiss on the cheeks. Again I push her off me and wipe my face of her kiss of me.

Before I could say anything my phone vibrated I grabbed it and unlocked it seeing I had gotten a text message.


Mitchie: I'm mad

Me: why?

I sent replied back without much thought I look up to my friend looking at me amused, like she was really thought it was impossible for me to act like I couldn't be with someone.

"What?" I said annoyed with her just looking me, she sniffed and wipe a fake tear from her face.

"It just that a months ago you we're trying to avoid dating, doing girls dirty left and right now you're with someone, it just crazy to me." Katrina whispered I rolled my eyes annoyed because now she wants to whisper. I didn't do girls dirty I just cut them off before my feeling got involved.

"Okay first off Trina I don't do girls dirty I cut them off before I catch feelings and get hurt. It not intentional it just happens," I whispered back Katrina looked like she felt bad for me, I knew why too I could see it in eyes she was about to say the name that made the way I am but I cut her off, "don't say her name please."

"Okay but isn't that the same thing as playing them?" Katrina said making seem like I did this on a daily basis which I didnt, its just hard to let people in. I took a deep breath in and rub my head where my headache was starting to form and look at her as calmly as I could.

"I don't do it intentionally it just happens it like that one thing you can't get enough of, but then something happens when you do it, and you just distance yourself from it period. My thing is relationships that's what I like to distance myself from." I said blankly looking at her at this point I really didn't want talk no more. All I wanted to do was work now I was so over this conversation.


Mitchie: Ex Ja'Zell

Me: Didn't try and hurt her did you?

"What makes her so different other that the fact that your with her?" Katrina said breaking the silent that we both created, I thought about it for a second at least then looked at her; shrugged my shoulder and smiled as I look at her.

"Well that's the thing Trina... She's different. It's scary for me to experience what I feel for her but I do and it's kinda scary."


Mitchie: I wanted too but Jordan wouldn't let me

Me:...Well at least you not in jail....


Mitchie: Right



I was happy work was over, Kenya made my day a whole lot better too bad I couldn't see her after I left my momma's house, she was leaving to going to California for some more work she probably wouldn't be back until next week which sucked for me.I wanted to take her on a date, I mean she we went out together but that was just as friends, the thing was I still wasn't sure if we were together, together.

"Mitch can I ride with you?" Jordan asked snapping me out my thoughts I just nod my head, and we walked to my car for now. We both got in and closed our doors. I started the car and back it out gently then drove off.

"You know you didn't have to come right?" I asked breaking the silence that was between us, Jordan looked at me, and shrugged like it was no big deal to her.

"You I know y'all all I got and Khadijah." Jordan whispered and then I knew why. When Jordan was 12 both her parents die in a car accident and the rest her family didn't want her, so she took care of herself when her foster parents didn't. I came into the picture at 16 and well you know the rest.

"Yeah I know. " I said stopping at a stoplight, it was silent again, the only sound heard was the radio playing music softly.

"I miss them." Jordan said softly out the blue at this point the light change green so I began driving again. I didn't say anything I knew that was probably suppose to be to herself so I let it be.

"So what was up with you in a Antony's car when we were heading back to the store?" She questioned her whole demeanor change just that quick I was use to it though I turn on my right turning signal and did just that for moment I thought about.

"Kenya I was actually thinking about what she said 'she's mine, and I'm hers' I was wondering if she meant that. Like you've know her longer than me," I said than hesitated a like it was hard for me to say it out loud, I want to know I felt Jordan's eyes on looking at the side of my head, I sighed, " Does she ever mean what she says?

"In her on ways she was, it's hard for her to open up to people, and if she said it she most likely meant it." Jordan said as I took a another turn, it kind of stung me for a bit, it really got me thinking now, did Kenya mean it? I didn't say anything else I just keep on driving

20 minutes later Jordan and I arrived at my momma house there my sister and brother was all ready here. I stop the car and we got out walking to the door, We both just walk in she was expecting so why not leave the door open? We walked into the kitchen where we know everyone was at, and they greeted by hugging us. My Momma though wasn't in here she was in the bathroom doing something.

"Where my favorite neices at?" I asked trying to see where my neices Tasha rolled her eyes and smiled at me; snatching off the hat I was wearing I glare at her at she put's it on and raise a eyebrow as if to say 'Take the hat if you want too, I dare you.' I choose to pass on that dare.

"You mean your only nieces Mitch?" Tasha said taking of my hat and handing it back to me.

"Yeah, that why they're my favorite, they the only ones thank you lord." I said raising my hand up to the sky, Antony glared at me as everyone else laughed at him.

"What you trying to say Mitch, if I had children they wouldn't be your favorite too." He said getting all sensitive all I had to stop, and put on my serious which was hard for me when Jordan and Tasha keep laughing.

"No bro.-"

"That's exactly what she saying." My Momma's voice and Jordan interrupted me from trying get out trouble with Antony, I sigh but don't deny, that exactly what I was saying no need to attempt to lie now huh? Antony pouted like the six year old he really was and everyone rolled their eyes. That ladies and gentlemen is why he doesn't have a girlfriend.

"They're over their Dad's house" Tasha said a sigh of relief left her voice, and I chuckled and nodded my head, everybody started seating down when Momma sat down in at the table food was all ready there. Fried potatoes, Roast Beef, Collar green, and everything else momma use to make when I little and we sat at the table just like this, all five of us family.Plates were all seat out and my eyes were glued to the fried potatoes if nothing else, everybody dug in when Momma said we could eat everything was on my plate... Well almost everything that I could fit was on my plate.

"I'm grabbing something to drink, anybody want me to grab them something before I sit back? More specifically Jordan." Antony said he was getting chair looking at Jordan who was smirking she was known for asking for thing last minute it annoyed everyone to no end.

"Coke would be nice." Jordan replied back then eating some of her food.

"One of those Martini drinks in a can" I said.

"Same thing as Mitchie." Tasha said.

"What Jordan having." Momma said quietly it was unusaul for he to get a coke instead of something acoholic, so everyone just stare at her all weird, she didn't say nothing else just continued eating now that I was looking at something seem off about her, she wasn't her cheery, funny, Mom I was use to she looked tired, and as if she was sick. Ant left to get our drinks and I stared at my Momma.

"Mom are you all right?" I questioned worried, Tasha looked at Momma who was still eating she didn't answer, and that's when I started to get worried, but I brushed the feeling of keep on eating.

Antony soon can back with our in hand he purposely slammed all our drinks except his and my mom's drink then he sat down.

"Bitch nigga." I mouthed to him when he look my way my mom wasn't a the time but she damn was looking at Antony so he couldn't do what he really want to do so he glared as smiled at him and ate my food.

It was silent nobody said a to each other it crazy how no one wasn't say nothing, it was just silent normally everybody was talking especially Momma she ask how our day was and all that, I was normally making jokes, and Jordan would get on everybody's nerves.

Antony would get up out he sit because I made him and I would be sitting by Momma while he stuck sitting with Jordan annoying ass. Then momma would get annoyed with us because we all start arguing over the last bread roll. That what I was use too, but this dinner it seemed different, it seem like everybody didn't want really talk more then they wanted to eat.

"How was everybody day?" I said not being able to take the awkward silence I put my fork down and looked at everyone Momma was the first to speak.

"I have something to tell y'all, and I want everybody to have open mind about this okay," She said putting down her napkin that she wipe her mouth with. Nobody said anything so she continue, she took in a slow breath, "For the past seven months I been sick."

"What do you mean you've been sick for past seven months?" Tasha said concerned everybody nodded their heads.

"Momma are you ok?" I was the second to speak, and Momma took deep breath but then she start coughing a horrible cough and that's when I got my answer she wasn't.

"Baby girl I'm fine." She reassured me smiling softly I couldn't find myself to believe her, but I smile back anyways.

"Momma Kandace are you sure?" Jordan asked the question I could she didn't believe nobody the on person who hadn't said anything was Antony he look down at his plate.

"Yes, Jojo I'm fine promise."

"No you not Ma don't lie like to them you not fine," Antony spoke shakingly looking at Momma with look so intense it made her shrink back. I didn't like the way he speak to her and neither did Tasha and Jordan.

"Ant don't say that you don't know that." Tasha said getting upset with Antony, he look at her and laugh humorlessly at her.

"But the thing is, I do know I've been knowing." Antony said smugly shocking everyone for second.

"WHAT!" Everyone said at the same time everybody started going in him.

"ENOUGH!" Mom yelled then she began going into this coughing fit everybody came to her help, after a minute she stopped. Jordan walk into the kitchen and came back with water. Momma took it gratefully and took a sip then she spoke.

"I wanted this to be peaceful, yes Antony knew only because he found out for himself, I made him promise not to tell." Momma said looking at use in a intense manner, I didn't know how I should feel whether it be angry, sad, or betrayed. Tasha on the other hand looked pissed I couldn't blame she didn't say anything just left Momma's side picked of her plate and stuff went in the kitchen and came back out with her stuff.

"I can't right now." She said when I tried to grabbed her arm, she push away from me and walk out the door slamming it.

"Momma tell me your going to be alright." I said desperate to know all I know is that at the end of any year I still have my Momma, I already lost my Grandpa, I really didn't need to lose my Momma. She look at me with sad eyes and brush some hair that had falling in my face.

"Baby girl everything gonna be alright." She said again reassuring me most but all of us.


A/n Ok I know it I'm dirty for me ending like this and forreal this time I do feel bad, but..

How do you guys feel about Mitch and Kenya's relationship?

Do you guy trust Kenya now that she said has relationship issues?

Vote, Comment,or DM me if you have question?

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