Off Limits ✔️

De PitchSlapped2208

113K 3.6K 1.5K

Beca was about to start her senior year of high school alongside her group of friends and her twin brother. W... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - Part I
Chapter 17 - Part II
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 24

2.6K 86 45
De PitchSlapped2208

"I still don't get why you've been spending the last two days at home and Tom has been in school?", Beca rolled her eyes at the sound of Stacie's voice, annoyed that she's having to explain it again.

"I told you this on Monday", she started to explain again, "I'm on suspension this week because I hit him first and he's on suspension next week. My Dad didn't want us at home together alone while he was at work"

"I guess that does make sense"

Beca smirked, pausing her playstation game now as she moved to lay on her bed, "Anything interesting happened while I've been gone?", she rested her head back against her arm, holding the phone to her ear.

"Well.. Chloe and Tom broke up", the tall brunette softly spoke and Beca had to really listen to be able to hear her over the noise of students talking around her.

This made the soccer captain shoot up from her position so she was not sitting cross legged, "Oh shit, what happened?", she fist pumped the air in celebration while faking that she didn't know.

"He admitted to sleeping with Jasmine at the homecoming after party"

Beca led back down, trying to get more information. "How has she been since he told her that?"

"Well, she actually hasn't been in school the past two days", after a short few seconds Stacie spoke up again, "maybe you should go and-"

"I'm grounded Conrad, the old man won't let me out", she rolled her eyes again, already knowing what her best friend was telling her to do.

"Is Beca Mitchell seriously scared to leave the house to go and comfort a girl?"

The brunette smirked, shaking her head, "I'll speak to you later loser", she hung up the phone, throwing it beside her as she stared up at her ceiling.

Beca checked the time on her phone, biting down on her lip as she thought about going to see the beautiful cheerleader. "Half 12 means I have about 4 hours till either Tom or Dad get home from practice and work", she thought to herself, smiling while jumping up from her bed again, this time grabbing her shoes and keys before leaving the house.


Chloe had just finished watching a film, finally getting her mind off of the recent events at school. Hearing what Tom had told Beca about staying away from her before watching them then fight was scary for the cheerleader. The way that the twins could argue like that to the point where they would hit each other made Chloe feel guilty for getting in between them.

When Tom had told her about homecoming night, Chloe thought that she would feel more upset than she actually was. I meant he had just admitted to being a cheating bastard and yet she didn't cry or get angry, not once. The only reason why the cheerleader had taken time off school was because she couldn't stand all of the stares and whispering that was happening about her.

The redhead was scrolling through Netflix again, looking for another film or series that she could start binge watching, knowing that her Dad would be forcing her to go back to the school. Just as she was about to select another film, her phone started ringing from her desk where it was plugged in, charging.

Chloe shuffled out of her comfortable position in bed and moved across her room to where her phone was vibrating against the wooden desk, seeing Beca's name flashing across the screen, she instantly smiled and picked it up without a second glance. "Hello, stranger", she turned so that she sat back against her desk.

"Well you don't sound like someone that has just had a boyfriend cheat on them", Chloe could just picture the smirk that was plastered across the brunette's face as she spoke, feeling the butterflies start in her stomach.

"Maybe because it gave me the reason to end things with your brother", she bit down on her lower lip, trying to hide her smile but also the slight guilty feeling of talking bad about Tom to his twin sister.

Beca's smirk was more obvious this time as Chloe heard her laugh before talking again, "Your dad home, Beale?"

Chloe furrowed her eyebrows, confused as to why Beca was asking her about her Dad that was currently sat downstairs watching the football highlights from Monday's game, "Uhh.. yeah, he is working the night shift so he is home today"

"Do me a favour and open your window then", the cheerleader was even more confused this time, but continued to play along as she unplugged her phone and made her way to the single window that sat close to her bed. As she got close enough to see clearly outside, her smile grew even wider when she spotted Beca Mitchell sat on the tree branch that was situated right by her window, her phone pressed against her ear as she was looking back at her, waiting for some kind of entrance into her room.

"What are you doing Mitchell?", Chloe shook her head, laughing after she had opened the window and hung up her phone.

"Can I come in?", Beca carefully pushed her phone into the back pocket of her jeans, before slowly starting to climb closer to the window where Chloe had now stepped back from. Watching the redhead nod and start to giggle Beca then crawled through the window until she was finally standing inside her bedroom.

"Are you going to tell me why you are here now?", she watched the soccer star comfortably walk over to her bed, before jumping and landing against the mattress to then move so she could see her again.

"You still owe me that study session for the exam on Monday", Beca smirked, tapping the empty space next to her.

Chloe crossed her arms this time, read to challenge the brunette. "Where are your notes and textbook then? Do you even have a pen with you?"

"Alright fine, I came because I haven't spoken to you all week", Beca groaned and rolled her eyes, tapping the bed now, "Now will you just get over here?"

Chloe bit down on her lip again, feeling the butterflies start to flutter in her stomach as she did what was asked, instantly feeling the memories of the past few days leave her mind. "Just admit it Mitchell... you've missed me"

"And what would you say if I told you that was true?", Beca moved positions so she was laying on her side, leaning up on her arm as she looked down at the redhead next to her.

The cheerleader took in the serious expression on Beca's face, trying to keep the blush from creeping up her neck. "I'd tell you the same thing", she whispered quiet enough for Beca to hear, the brunette's wide smile evidence that she did in fact hear her.

"I'm sorry for avoiding you and for what happened the other day with Tom", the sound of her now ex-boyfriend's name along with the faint bruise that was starting to disappear from Beca's cheek made Chloe remember why the two of them hadn't been in school the last few days.

"Did you know? About him and Jasmine?"

The redhead looked up at Beca, noticing the way that she was trying to avoid looking at her before taking a deep breath. "Sophie told me the other day and it's the reason we were fighting the other day because I was trying to get him to tell you", she looked back at Chloe now, the two of them locking eyes.

"Why didn't you just tell me?", she mumbled quietly, keeping her eyes locked with the soccer star and ignoring the jealous feeling inside her at the mention of Beca and Sophie being together.

Beca sighed and ran a hand through her hair, conflicting with her answer again before speaking softly. "Because I thought he should be the one to admit what he did", Chloe watched her gulp and noticed a more nervous expression now before Beca explained further. "And honestly, I thought you'd think I was just being jealous of you and Tom and wouldn't believe me if I had told you"

"So, you're admitting that you've been jealous?", Chloe smirked this time, watching the brunette roll her eyes.

"Of course I've been jealous"

Chloe tried to hide the blush even more now, bringing her bottom lip into her mouth as she tried to process all of what was happening right now. "I've been jealous too, of you and Sophie... well, of you and everyone since I met you"

"What are you going to do now?", Beca didn't hide her own smile, trying to read the cheerleader's body language to know how much she could push things.

"My Dad is making me go back to school tomorrow but to be honest I just want to start everything fresh as if the last month and a half with Tom didn't happen", Chloe sighed herself this time, looking back up at the soccer star and imitating her smile now.

"Hi, I'm Beca Mitchell", she held out her hand towards the redhead, smiling as she watched her giggle, making her feel warm inside. "I don't think we've met", Beca winked this time as Chloe slowly took her hand and shook it.

"Chloe Beale, I have a feeling we're going to be really fast friends Beca", she confidently winked back, still smiling as she watched Beca start to lean closer.

The soccer captain took her hand and slowly pushed a lock of hair behind Chloe's ear as she moved closer. Her finger lightly then moved down the redhead's cheek until it rested underneath her chin, letting her tip the girl's head up towards her more. Beca glanced up at the baby blue's eyes of the cheerleader she had been crushing on since that first day of school before moving her eyes down to Chloe's lips, not missing the small action of her tongue pushing out to wet them before disappearing again.

Confidently Beca leaned even further so their noses brushed against each other's, the feeling of their lips ghosting each other. She watched Chloe close her eyes and part her lips slight, waiting for that connection before she whispered softly, "I have enough friends, Beale"

Her lips were then pushed forward to land on Chloe's, and the feeling of the redhead kissing her back seemed to spark something inside the brunette. Their first sober kiss didn't stop either girl from showing how desperate they had been for this moment as both pulled at each other to bring them closer, making their bodies now pressed against the other.

Beca moved to lay on top of the cheerleader now, her hands moving down to grip Chloe's waist. She swiped her tongue across the girl's bottom lip and didn't hesitate to explore her mouth further when Chloe granted her acces. The sound of a soft moan coming from the beautiful redhead below her caused a pool of lust to grow bigger inside her as Beca smiled against her lips and started to roll her hips.

Chloe pulled away for a second to catch her breath, smiling as she felt Beca's lips instantly move from her mouth to place kisses across her jaw and down to her speck. "Beca", she softly sighed, closing her eyes as she ran her fingers through the brunette's hair, using her nails to create friction across the girl's scalp which was met with a satisfying moan by Beca.

"Chlo-bear?", a knock at the door and the sound of Scott Beale's voice made Chloe's hands grip tighter on Beca's biceps. She tried to push the soccer star away, worried that he would walk in and find them if she didn't answer.

"Yeah, Daddy?", Chloe finally managed to stop Beca, regretting the decision to push her away instantly as she watched the brunette roll her eyes while still hovering above her.

"Your mother will be home soon but has asked for you to start dinner for her", he spoke with authority.

Chloe sighed, watching Beca move away from her now and start to get up from the bed. "Okay, I'll come downstairs. I just got out of the shower so I need to get dressed", she called back, knowing he wouldn't walk in now if he knew she was getting changed.

Both girls waited a few seconds as they stood staring at each other, listening to the sound of Scott's footsteps moving back downstairs until he couldn't hear them anymore. "Sorry about that", Chloe nervously smirked, feeling both annoyed and embarrassed that they were interrupted.

"Nothing would have happened anyway Beale, don't worry about it", Beca started to move back towards the window, sitting down on the small ledge before looking back to see Chloe also walking towards her now.

"Oh right, okay", Chloe stopped just short of Beca, looking down at the floor as she didn't know what to say.

Beca smirked as she reached forward to grab the cheerleader's hand, instantly pulling her closer until she stood between the soccer star's legs and Beca was looking up at her. "Nothing would have happened because I would make sure there would be no way anyone or anything could distract or stop me", she winked and watched as the heat returned to Chloe's eyes, watching her bite her lip again, now learning that it meant certain thoughts were now running through the cheerleader's mind,

"O-Okay", Chloe whispered softly. She smiled again when Beca moved to lean upwards and connect their lips, slower this time but still as passionate.

"I'll see you soon", the soccer star winked before letting go of her waist and moving to climb back onto the branch and down the tree, jumping the last bit so she landed on the floor. Chloe leaned forward out of her window so she could watch the brunette jog down her driveway, towards her blue Mustang that parked a small distance down the road.


"So you've swapped"

Chloe looked up to Jessica that sat opposite her in the library during study period. "What do you mean?", she furrowed her eyebrows, confused as she watched her friend start to laugh now.

"You swapped the taller Mitchell for the smaller one", she smirked again, watching Chloe roll her eyes.

The redhead looked back down at her notes, finishing off her work as she ignored her friends starting to laugh around her. She picked up her phone, checking the time but also hoping there was a message or some kind of contact from her soccer captain. Wednesday night when she last saw Beca seemed to be a dream, not believing what was happening and so wishing that they weren't interrupted once again by her Dad.

"We aren't angry with you Chlo, must of us would have done the same thing", one of the other cheerleaders spoke up now as they all finally quietened down.

"Those Mitchell twins just seem to be irresistible", Stacie mumbled from beside Chloe, looking up now and smirking as she felt an elbow to the side by the redhead.

The bell ringing to mark the end of the day seemed to be music to Chloe's ears as she started to pack her stuff away quickly. "Ready to go?", she looked over at Stacie again, who had driven her to school this morning and smiled as the tall brunette nodded back.

Both girls made sure they had all of their stuff before saying goodbye to the cheerleaders and leaving the library. "Have you heard from Tom since everything that happened?"

Chloe shook her head as the two of them walked through the hallway to the main doors out of school. "I think we're both just trying to avoid each other, he knows that there is no way of fixing things and I-"

"And you are closer with Beca so he doesn't want to see you together", Stacie finished her sentence as they walked through the doors and down the steps.

"Yeah", the redhead sighed, holding tighter to her textbook that was against her chest. "Thanks for taking me home Stacie"

"Oh, I'm not taking you home", Stacie smirked, her eyes locked on something in the distance while the two of them walked towards the parking lot.

"Then who is?", Chloe looked confused as she followed her line of sight. She froze in place when she saw Beca sat on the hood of her Mustang, the car gleaming in the sunlight as if it had just been cleaned.

"Have fun", the tall brunette winked as she whispered down in Chloe's ear before walking off towards her own car while waving at Beca.

Strolling through the parking lot, Chloe couldn't take her eyes off of the soccer star. The way she sat so casually on the hood of her car, classic black skinny jeans and band t-shirt with her hair down and sunglasses on.

"Hey princess", Beca smiled at the cheerleader when she was close enough to hear her. The brunette moved slightly so she was stood on the floor but still leaning back on her beautiful car.

Chloe shook her head, smirking as she stood within a small distance of Beca. "So you are the reason that Stacie took me to school this morning?", she raised an eyebrow.

"I may have had something to do with it", Beca reached forward and grabbed the cheerleader by the waist, pulling her closer again so there was almost no space between them. "How was your day?", she moved her sunglasses off to rest them on top of her snapback as she looked up at the redhead.

"Who are you and what have you done with Beca Mitchell?", Chloe winked before taking the sunglasses from the brunette, putting them on herself and spinning the hat round on the soccer star's head so it sat backwards now.

"I can't even ask about your day now?", Beca looped her fingers through the belt loops of Chloe's jeans.

The cheerleader leaned forward to place a chaste kiss on the brunette's lips. "I like the slight change in personality, keep it that way", she winked again before turning away.

"Speak to him at all?", nodding her head now Chloe looked over her shoulder to see Tom stood with a few of the guys on the football team, his stare obviously locked on the two of them before looking away when he caught Chloe's eye.

"Uh.. no, have you spoken to him?", Chloe turned back to face Beca, her smile slightly falling as she started to feel guilty.

"No, we've stayed away from each other", Beca furrowed her eyebrows when she felt Chloe trying to step away. "Hey, hey, don't worry about it"

"Can we just go somewhere?", Chloe shook her head, the smile coming back to her face as she looked back down at the soccer star.

"Just tell me where you want to go princess", Beca winked.

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