Miss Scarlett & Her Baby Boy

By SkylarLee1996

44.3K 589 209

Story about a boy an girl being friends could there friendhship become more both going to the caregiver an li... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52.
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54.

Chapter 15.

624 9 0
By SkylarLee1996

Taylor was scooped up by scarlet alright my beautiful baby boy time to help mama taylor pulled back looking at his mama babbling away to himself *mhnm then what happend little one* taylor continued to babble away looking at his mama with a serious face ohh i see that sounds like a really fun game huh lauren walked over towards scarlet an taylor tickling his sides *looks like we have a chatty little boy this morning huh you going to be aunt lolos an mamas little helper today hm* placing a kiss on his head lauren made her way to grab a few boxes from the garage taylor started to get fussy he wanted down *nnn ma mama dowwnnn* scarlet smiled an looked at taylor you want down baby boy ok mama will put you down scarlet set taylor down on his feet holding his hands to keep him steady till he is stable on his feet scarlet lets go alright cutie stay were mama can see you cutie pie taylor drops to his padded bottom an crawls away to his toy box pulling out his trains an cars happily playing away babbling to himself lauren an scarlet started putting boxes together ready to get them filled as quickly as they can hoping taylor would not notice it was most of his toys that they are packing away only leaving a small toy box out for taylor to play with, lauren glanced at taylor seeing he was happy an content playing an babbling to himself chuckling to herself she continued to pack up with scarlet 4 boxes of toys later they was finally done with taylors toys writing on the boxes that it was his boxes lauren picked them up an put them to one side of the room alright scar whats next scarlet sighed already getting bored just got some bits in the lounge to put away lauren nodded sounds good i can do that why you do bits in taylors room if you would like?.

scarlet nodded alright sounds good you gonna watch taylor or you want me to take him with me lauren smiled an looked at taylor he seems content an happy enough leave him with me i got this scarlet smiled sounds good bending down an placing a soft kiss to the crown of taylors head she made her way upstairs to his room hoping to get the packing done as quick as possible deciding  it would be best to keep taylor in with her when little so he dosent freak out that his room will be empty, looking in to his room she sighed were do i start how can one little make so much mess looking at the floor seeing books an crayons everywhere scarlet decided on clothes first only leaving a few sets out for the time being they would be moving soon an taylor being the adorable little one he is prefers to be shirtless an pantsless when little trying to get pants an shirt on taylor is like fighting with a snake the boy can wiggle an move fast, few boxes later taylors room was packed all that had to be done was his crib an changing table to be dismantled an moved in to the new house mean while downstairs lauren was packing up the lounge with the help of taylor well trying to help every time lauren would pick up one of taylors dvds he would point an giggle *ineee ineee*

lauren couldnt help but laugh *yes little one yours dont worry they not going anywhere* ruffling his hair putting them in the box not really looking boy was that a mistake every time lauren would put them in taylor would take one out leaving a pile on the floor taylor seeing this as a game scarlet made her way downstairs looking in to the lounge scarlet chuckled causing lauren to turn around *whats so funny scar* giving her sister a questioning look scarlet couldnt help but smile an laugh pointing to were taylor was looking over the boxes lauren busted herself laughing ahh i see you cheeky monkey you been taking them out as i been putting them in huh taylor looked at lauren an smiled clapping his hands proud of himself scarlet smiled i think we should hold off packing anymore until this little one is down for a nap at least.

Lauren looked at taylor an smiled I think its snack time little one what you think mama lauren referred to scarlet causing her to smile that has a nice ring to it laur yeah definitely snack time lauren picked up taylor tickling his sides causing him to burst in to a fit of giggles handing him over to scarlet as they made there way in to the kitchen scarlet held Taylor close to her chest after a busy fun morning it was time for a snack then to get the little monkey for his 1hr an 30minutes nap normally taylor would only have 1hr but taylor is proving difficult to get down for a nap he fights his sleep without scarlet next to him Lauren cut up some red apples an banana putting it on his paw patrol separated plate knowing full well if taylor sees them touching he will throw a tantrum or start crying an wont eat it you see Taylor dosent like certain foods touching an well big Taylor handles it better but little Taylor oh no that's a whole new ball game here you go monkey bum placing it in front of him an scarlet taylor started to pick up an apple slice an piece of banana the hand with the banana in already mushed between his fingers mmmmm ana ana mmm.

Scarlet and Lauren both smiled an cooed over him alright bud you want some juice hm Taylor nodded mmm taaaa uice uice bouncing on scarlets lap excited for his juice putting more water in to his apple juice to water it down for him last thing they need is a hyper little one before nap time giving him his sippy cup Taylor took it happily bouncing ta ta ta ta lolo your welcome little man half way through his snack Taylor started getting restless clear sign he was getting tired scarlet wiped his hands an face turning him towards her chest knowing all to well he would be dry nursing but the skin to skin contact is what helps him settle unbuttoning her shirt she held him close guiding his head to her nipple getting him latched Taylor latched egarly his eye lids drifting open an closed all that could be heard was soft little suckles, scarlet loved the feeling of having Taylor close to her he always seemed so calm an care free when he nursed he looked smaller when in little space so innocent an sweet.

Earth to scarlet you still with us sis err yeah sorry laur I got lost in my train of thought looking at this bundle of joy in my arms Lauren smiled i can see that scar the girls text they said they will be here soon to help us finish why little man is down for a nap sounds good laur scarlet stood up with taylor an walked in to the lounge lauren following behind they sat down an put on the tv enjoying the peace an quiet until the others come back Taylor had finally given in to sleep Lauren passed Taylor's binky over to her so she could get him unlatched placing her finger around her nipple an slowly in to his mouth hoping he would latch on to her finger instead so she could move him away from her nipple slowly replacing her finger with his binky in his mouth closing her shirt back up she held him close again patting his padded bottom softly an rhythmically helping him stay asleep the girls come through the door talking loudly Lauren snapped her fingers grabbing there attention pointing down to Taylor they all smiled an cooed over how peaceful he looked tasha was the first to speak finally got him settled then.?

Scarlet nodded yeah I sure did packing was not easy for Lauren but it was for me the girls titled there head at the statement until Lauren pointed to the boxes with no DVDs in them but instead on the floor the girls chuckled gabby was the first to speak I see that coming a mile off I could of told you that one Lauren sent her a childish glare gabby put her hands up in surrender wow laur chill girl just playing sure it's you that needs a nap an not Taylor she resorted back at Lauren only causing her to flip gabby off causing scarlet to tap her at the back of her head laur play nicely, lauren rolled her eyes an started on the dvds again scarlet got up off the couch placing taylor on to his bean bag wrapping his big fluffy blanket over him an placing his train in his hand an his teddy next to him tucking him in the girls got to work packing gabby help lauren tasha started moving packed boxes to one side of the house after boxes was full why scarlet an ally made their way in to the kitchen to get that packed scarlet put on soft music in the background hoping it would keep Taylor asleep why they was busy.

Hey laur how are you holding up since this whole thing with ruby? Lauren stiffened err fine yep everything is fine looking at her nephew how she would do anything to keep him safe, gabby sighed laur I'm here for you too you know Lauren nodded I know gabs just want to know what was said between them both an I'm nervous about letting him out my sight that's all laur we are all living together Taylor will be with one of us when he is little so he will be safe nothing or no one will ever hurt him again things are in place you need to try an relax it's all going to be ok but what if he needs us at school you know as well as I do we are all working online an not going in what about Taylor he still wants to go sighing running get hands through her hair sitting down on the couch gabby rubbed her back I know laur maybe we should talk to Taylor about it when  he is big an once we spoke to scarlet Lauren nodded yeah ok i guess both girls hugged it out an got back to packing a few boxes later they was all finally done..

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