Hearts of Gray (Andy Biersack...

By moodyxblue

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Gray, a Wales native, moves to Cincinnati, Ohio-- all the way in America. When she meets Andy, her entire lif... More

Dedication <3
Chapter One: Welcome to Cincinatti
Chapter Two: Becoming an American
Chapter Three: Hello, Thurman. It's Your First Day of School!
Chapter Four: "Let Me Enjoy Tonight Before I Forget."
Chapter Five: The Beginning of the End.
Chapter Six: Reunion.
Chapter Seven: Short, but Absolutely Sweet
Chapter Eight: I Have to Say, I Cannot Complain With My Lifestyle.
Chapter Nine: Best Friends Really Do Last Forever
Chapter Ten: Apparently, Drunk Kisses Last Forever Too
Chapter Twelve: I Didn't Want To, Yet I Did. What a Mind Fuck.
Chapter Thirteen: Death to Your Little, Precious Heart
Chapter Fourteen: Let's Get Away for A While
Chapter Fifteen: Remembering Sunday
Chapter Sixteen: Two Commitments That'll Last a Lifetime
Chapter Seventeen: We Tried Our Best. Turn Out the Light.

Chapter Eleven: Love Works In Strange Ways. It's Different After Making Love.

1.6K 41 9
By moodyxblue

I wake up, nude, from white sun falling into our room. I feel two long arms around me and a chin ontop of my head. I sigh happliy and cuddle more into his bare chest.

It takes another moment before I realize this isn't Jacky's smell.

This isn't Jacky's length.

This isn't Jacky's build.

This isn't Jacky's bed.

This isn't even Jacky's state.

This isn't Jacky.

I open my eyes and look up at the lad holding me to him. My eyes get large as they take in the familiar details.

"Bloody fuck!" I shout as I scramble away, clutching onto the sheets to cover myself.

Andy wakes up from my exclamation, so he sits up. He immediately grabs his head like it hurts.

I suddenly get a raging headache as I stumble to the corner of the room, trying to get as far from him as possible.

"A-Andy?!" I ask hysterically as I try and grab at my clothes.

"Gray, don't freak out," he says slowly.

"Freak out?!" I shriek, causing a knife of searing pain to plunge into my temple. "I have ever right to bloody freak out! I'm nude! You're nude! Wh-What's going on?!"

"Stop yelling and I'll explain it to you!" he says. He doesn't shout it, but he says it loud enough that he's trying to get to a point of calmness.

I fall to my knees on the floor. "I don't get it," I say.

I hear ruffling of sheets, then I see Andy's large feet walking towards me. He has a cover around his bottom half, using it like I'm using my sheet, to cover himself. He sits cross legged across from me.

After a long pause, Andy says, "Gray, you were drunk last night. So was I. This shouldn't mean anything."

In the pause, I was given a moment to recollect my thoughts from last night. "Hush," I say absently, trying to think.

Andy keeps going, saying something about how he's sorry. I can't think with him chatting my ear off so I snap, "Shut up!"

His eyes get wide and his shoulders slump. "Sorry," he mutters.

I sigh. "I'm sorry, mate. Just let me think a moment."

"Okay," he says, grabbing my hands.

I reposition my legs so now I'm sitting cross legged myself. I stare at our hands as I recall last night's events. Drinking. Dancing. Seeing Andy being angry. Following him. Coming into his hotel room. Me admitting what really happened the evening of homecoming. Then it started trailing off as his lips made contact with mine...

"Andy, do you recall what happened last night?" I ask.

"Yes," he answers simply.

"What all do you remember?" I ask.

"Everything," he says. "Including us making love."

At the spoken sound of it, the memory floods back to my mind, causing me to wince from the sharp pain. I remember, though, the feeling I had with him. The pleasure and heat that we created. And even after that, when we were holding each other afterwards.

"I'm sorry," Andy says, sounding offended.

I frown and look up at him. "Why are you apologizing? I mean, this time."

"You winced when I reminded you we made love," he says.

I quickly shake my head. "No! That's not what made me wince! My bloody hangover is what made me wince, not the actual memory!"

"Oh," he says.

"Yeah," I say.

"Well what are we going to do, Gray?" he asks.

"I don't know," I say, exasperated. "I don't bloody know!" I shout before I start crying.

"Hey," Andy says softly as he scoots closer to me. He pulls me into his lap as I start sobbing and starts rocking me back and forth.

I cheated on Jacky! With my best friend! And I liked it! How am I supposed to explain to Jacky that I was unfaithful?

My mind switches gear.

But I enjoyed being with Andy, so why would I care about trying to get Jacky's forgiveness?

I wipe my tears as I try and make sense of things.

Andy kisses my hand and continues to rock me as I quit my crying. "Are you okay?" he asks quietly.

I sniffle and rest my temple on his shoulder. He continues to rock me still.

I wipe my eyes again and look up at him. "Andy, why did you kiss me last night?" I ask.

"Because I wanted to," he says. "You admitted the night of homecoming wasn't a dream, so I wanted to feel your lips on mine again. I wanted some form of confirmation that what you were saying wasn't bullshit. And it wasn't. The second our lips touched I wanted you like I did in that memory." He rubs my forehead with his own. "I don't know. I guess I just wanted you to be mine like I asked that night."

My eyes get wide as that memory comes back too. I'd forgotten that he wanted me to be with him that night. Well, with him in a relationship other than a sexual tension-filled night. I forgot that.

I look up at Andy. I take in every detail of the angelic face I've known so long, then, with hardly a thought, I say, "Kiss me."

His eyes get wide. "What?" he asks, unbelieving of my statement.

I can hardly believe my statement and I'm the one who said it. I lick my lips as I try and phrase my words, but then I decide on a simple restatement of, "Kiss me."

"Why?" he asks.

"Just do it," I say.

He glances over my entire face, looking for any deception, then presses his warm lips to mine. I send my left arm up and over his neck, pulling him closer. Our lips slide and press against each other, breaking every few seconds or so for short breath.

Andy surprises me by pulling away. "No, this isn't right."

"Andy, none of this is right," I say. "I don't know why, but I just... I want to be with you. I love the feeling of your arms around me. I never want to leave their embrace."

"You just miss Jacky," he mutters, glancing away.

"And by that logic, I could say you just miss Juliet." I flick his collarbone with my thumb and index finger.

"Ow," he whines. He sighs. "I don't miss Juliet, in fact quite the opposite. I'd break up with her over the phone right now if necessary, but you just miss--"

"I do not just miss Jacky," I say. I purse my lips up at him, then I full his chin down and force my lips onto his. "Andy, don't make me beg."

His eyes get wide, and at the mere mention of "beg" I feel an erection begin to grow. He looks away nervously and grumbles something under his breath, something about "I don't know."

I move so I'm now straddling his hips and my hands are on his shoulders. I can harldy believe I'm the one asking him, but after the night we shared I just know. I kiss him once, twice, three times and just stay there. Andy falls back and grabs my hips with his large hands as we keep kissing. Andy breaks away, so I move my lips to his neck and clavicle. I slide the very tip of my tongue across his clavicle.

"Gray," he moans softly.

I start sucking on his collarbone, barely edging with my two front teeth.

"Uhn, baby girl," he whimpers.

"Andy, I'm begging," I whisper against the collumn of his throat. "I want to be with you. I know you feel the same. I can feel it against me."

God, I can't believe I'm doing this! But, it is what I want!

"On one condition," Andy says, gasping.

I raise myself so I can look him in the eye. "Yes?"

"We wait to tell Jacky and Juliet. I don't want to break up with them over the phone or tell them that we cheated on them and that's why it's over."

"So basically, you want to keep us a secret?"

"Well, kind of."

I think about it. What he's saying makes sense, 'cause I don't want to break up with Jacky sounding like a heartless wench either.

I nod silently and kiss Andy again. I love the way his lips feel against mine. When I pull away I say, "Fine. But when we've broken up with them you're mine."

"Sounds good to me," Andy says before he turns us over so I'm on the floor. He starts kissing my lips roughly as he grinds his hips against my thigh. I moan and start pulling off his cover. He does the same with my sheet.

After a moment we're making love again, staring into each others eyes the entire time.


So this chapter's short, but it's meaningful! So what do you think of Gray? :o She's being mean to Jacky... But love is love! And she loves Andy! So there! Andyway, that's all, y'all! Come back soon! Bai! <3 Love y'all!

~Niki Sikk X,,,,,,x

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