Hands Stained Red

By Elle_Lynesse

1.5K 51 4

An artist, an author and a killer. Kira ran away from her trauma. Poppy ran away to find inspiration. Rya ran... More

One - Kira
Two ~ Rya
Three ~ Kira
Four ~ Rya
Five ~ Kira
Six ~ Rya
Seven ~ Kira
Eight ~ Rya
Nine ~ Kira
Ten ~ Rya
Eleven ~ Kira
Twelve ~ Rya
Thirteen ~ Kira
Fourteen ~ Rya
Fifteen ~ Kira
Sixteen ~ Rya
Eighteen ~ Rya
Nineteen ~ Kira
Twenty ~ Rya
Twenty One ~ Kira
Twenty Two ~ Rya
Twenty Three ~ Quinn
Twenty Four ~ Kaden
Twenty Five ~ Kira
Twenty Six ~ Rya
Twenty Seven ~ Kaden
Twenty Eight ~ Kira
Twenty Nine ~ Rya
Thirty ~ Kira
Thirty One ~ Quinn
Thirty Two ~ Kaden
Thirty Three ~ Rya
Thirty Four ~ Kira
Thirty Five ~ Rya
Thirty Six ~ Quinn
Thirty Seven ~ Rya
Thirty Eight ~ Kira
Thirty Nine ~ Rya
Forty ~ Quinn
Forty One ~ Kira
Forty Two ~ Rya
Forty Three ~ Bella
Forty Four ~ Rya
Forty Five ~ Kira

Seventeen ~ Kira

21 1 0
By Elle_Lynesse

I rub my forehead and try to focus on my painting but I cant concentrate after yesterday.

The blank canvas mocks me as I look around and see everyone elses splashed with colours. I lift my paintbrush and start to draw lines, not really knowing what I'm going to do with it yet. This is only an exercise anyway so it doesnt really matter how it ends up.

The stimulus was 'something that conveys strong emotion' and if anything I have too many ideas of how to take that. None of them I'm willing to present to the class.

Although, when I look at my canvas I can see him. I'd been painting a basic portrait and hoped to make the background significant or something but instead I mix a red paint and start to add personality.

I paint his sort of spiky, sort of curly auburn hair, his deep blue eyes, the blush that was very common across his cheeks and that awkward little smile he always wore.

After an hour, it's like he's sitting in front of me.

"I'm sorry Quinn," I say quietly and press my fingers into my eyes to stop the tears. When the feeling passes, I start to surround him with lots of colourful flowers: roses, lilies, sunflowers. I make it as colourful as possible because Eden is always so full of life and bright colours and he loved it that way.

I wonder what he would have done if he hadn't met Rya. Would this still have happened to him? Or would he be sitting wrapping bouquets of flowers at the shop right now?

And his poor mum. She's already lost her husband and now her only son.

I sit back, the painting isn't perfect and I rushed it in places but its definitely him.

The door swings open and I turn quickly to see Rya run in. My eyes widen in shock for two reasons:

One - How she got into the building is a mystery as literally the entire world is looking for her to lock her in jail.

Two - She's still wearing her clothes from yesterday with the bloody sleeve but her hair's wet.

"Kira!" She shouts before her eyes land on me, "We have to go, now!"

I'm left speechless. Theres a urgency to her tone but I cant imagine why. Also, why does she need me?

She rolls her eyes and pulls a gun from her waistband, "Do we have to do this at gunpoint?" A few kids scream at the sight of the weapon.

I jump out of my seat like it's on fire and rush over to her, hoping she doesnt see the canvas as she's quite clearly going through something.

She doesnt put the gun away as I reach her and she walks out of the door. I rush to catch up and see the Flynn brothers standing in the hall.

"When was the last time you saw Matt or Adrik?" She asks me quickly.

I shrug, "Last night. I havent seen them since. Why?"

Kaden shakes his head, "I dont know why we had to come here first."

Rya glares at him and grabs my arm, "I had to make sure she was safe," she growls at him and then mutters something in Russian.

Mylo sighs, "Well now we know she's safe, lets go if you want to catch him. That's been nearly half an hour since I saw them."

Rya starts running down the hall, dragging me behind her and I really hope she slows down because she's so much fitter than me and I feel like my chest is going to explode after about five minutes.

We get out of the school and Mylo runs ahead towards the woods, "Is someone going to explain what's going on to me?" I gasp, trying to get my breath back.

No one answers me and Rya starts running again, still dragging me behind her.

We finally slow as we reach a woodland path and I feel like my legs are jelly but no one else seems fazed by the fucking marathon we just sprinted.

"I think Adrik killed Quinn and Mylo saw him come into the woods with Matt not long ago," Rya says and holds me up as I pant.

"Fuck," I hiss and look into the woods, "so we're going to stop him?"

Rya nods, "Hopefully. Sorry about the gun earlier, I didnt want you getting into trouble for being with me."

So she's not completely lost her mind, that's a good sign. I straighten up and try to ignore the stitch in my side, "Why are we still standing around here then?"

Kaden and Mylo pull out guns as we slowly walk into the woods. We try to stay quiet so that Adrik wont hear us.

Adrik Guerreiro being the killer, I dont know why we didnt expect him. Maybe its genetic? It does make sense though, he did show up the day Quinn went missing.

We walk for a few minutes before theres a rustle of leaves up ahead. Rya stops and puts her hand up to stop us as she walks ahead slightly, her gun held tightly in both hands.

Her eyes widen and I take a few steps forward and hear what she hears. Low grunts and the slap of skin on skin every now and again.

"They're fighting," Rya whispers to me.

I nod, "That means he's still alive."

We looks through the trees just off the path and see the red of a jacket and then Rya hands me her gun and starts running.

I drop it straight away and chase after her. Kaden shouts behind us and then I hear them running.

Rya bursts into the clearing and screams, stumbling back and covering her eyes. I run out beside her and my jaw drops.

They weren't fighting.

I shut my eyes tight and turn around, "Go back to the path!" I shout to the brothers who are still running towards us with their guns.

"In the woods?" Rya shouts, "Really guys?"

I turn around and see Adrik sitting on the ground covering his face in embarrassment and Matt glaring at Rya and buttoning up his jeans, "Well we didnt expect the four of you to charge in. Have they got guns?"

I turn and see that Mylo and Kaden did not go back to the path. Kaden looks disappointed and Mylo looks like he's trying really hard not to laugh.

Rya shakes her head and laughs, "I need to bleach my eyeballs!"

This does it for Mylo and he starts cackling, tries to catch himself but fails, "I'm so sorry, but isnt that your ex and your brother?"

"Yes!" Rya shouts exasperated and then looks at Matt, "I thought he was hurting you."

Adrik finally looks up from his place on the ground, "Wait what? You thought I was the killer? I work in IT!"

Rya's face drops and she sits down on the grass, "But if it's not you then I dont know who it is. You were our only lead."

Kaden walks over and sits beside her as she stares at the ground despondent, "We'll work it out. Maybe we should just take a step back and think about it some more. Theres got to be something we've missed but until then, we have a perfect distraction because as much as we've both been ignoring it, we're getting married on Friday."

She groans and lies back, "Can this week get any worse."

Sirens from a police car answer that question immediately.

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