Surrounded By Werewolves...

By illuminacity

491K 16.3K 878

Angel is someone who's known of as a 'Goth' by those who hardly know her. She doesn't care and instead choose... More

Surrounded By Werewolves
.:1:. ~Angel's POV~
.:2:. ~Angel's POV~
.:3:. ~Angel's POV~
.:4:. ~Angel's POV~
.:5:. ~Angel's POV~
.:6:. ~Bret's POV~
.:7:. ~Trent's POV~
.:8:. ~Angel's POV~
.:9:. ~Trent's POV~
.:10:. ~Angel's POV~
.:11:. ~Angel's POV~
.:12:. ~Bret's POV~
.:13:. ~Angel's POV~
.:14:. ~Angel's POV~
.:15:. ~Bret's POV~
.:16:. ~Angel's POV~
.:17:. ~Bret's POV~
.:18:. ~Angel's POV~
.:19:. ~Angel's POV~
.:20:. ~Angel's POV~
.:21:. ~Bret's POV~
.:22:. ~Angel's POV~
.:23:. ~Bret's POV~
.:24:. ~Angel's POV~
.:25:. ~Bret's POV~
.:26:. ~Angel's POV~
.:27:. ~Angel's POV~
.:28:. ~Angel's POV~
.:29:. ~Bret's POV~
.:30:. ~Angel's POV~
.:31:. ~Des' POV~
.:32:. ~Angel's POV~
.:33:. ~Bret's POV~
.:34:. ~Angel's POV~
.:35:. ~Drew's POV~
.:36:. ~Angel's POV~
.:37:. ~Des' POV~
.:38:. ~Angel's POV~
.:39:. ~Des' POV~
.:40:. ~Angel's POV~
.:41:. ~Angel's POV~
.:42:. ~Angel's POV~
.:43:. ~Hunter's POV~
.:45:. ~Hunter's POV~
.:46:. ~Angel's POV~
.:47:. ~Angel's POV~
.:48:. ~Hunter's POV~
.:49:. ~Angel's POV~
.:50:. ~Angel's POV~
.:51:. ~Hunter's POV~
.:52:. ~Angel's POV~
.:53:. ~Des' POV~
.:54:. ~Angel's POV~
.:55:. ~Hunter's POV~
.:56:. ~Angel's POV~
.:57:. ~Hunter's POV~
.:58:. ~Angel's POV~
.:59:. ~Angel's POV~
.:60:. ~Des' POV~
.:61:. ~Angel's POV~
.:62:. ~Angel's POV~
.:63:. ~Des' POV~
.:64:. ~Angel's POV~

.:44:. ~Angel's POV~

5.3K 210 15
By illuminacity

I bolted up and swallowed down a scream. I growled and put my head on my knees.

"For godssake why can't I get to sleep!" I yelled but no one else was home so didn't have to worry about anyone coming up and asking what was wrong. "That's it!" I exclaimed as I got up and stormed out of my room before stopping seeing the end door. I bit my lip. No one was home. It used to be Des's father's door and we actually had no idea what was past it. Of course, Des's mother and father slept in the same bed and everything but he stayed confined behind that door and would work.

I had seen the inside of it for a split second once but that was it. I headed down towards the door and groaned when I found the door locked. I took out my switchblade and jingled the lock until it popped open. I pushed open the door and my mouth fell open at what I saw. Nothing. When I say nothing I mean nothing special, there was a desk, a chair behind it and apart from the odd things here and there that was it. Pretty boring.

I sighed because I had thought someone who would have been in the army would have things everywhere reminding themselves of the friends they'd lost or gained anywhere around the world. At least one thing related to the army. I had always wanted to be in the army but if Charlotte was planning on killing me I couldn't leave school at the end of this year like I had planned because we still had a few months left. It was currently October. To tell you the truth, it was actually Halloween and that's why Des, Drew and Amanda had gone to parties while I stayed here trying to get some sleep. I also didn't like parties... Or Halloween. I shut the door and locked it before going back to me bedroom and bed.

"How's it going?" I asked Drew as soon as I'm under the covers.

"Great! Hard keeping my hands off Des because she still doesn't want anyone to know about us..." I laughed a little. I couldn't find anything else to say as I shut the message. I bit my lip and picked my phone up.

"I still can't sleep." I sent it and froze when I saw it was sending to the wrong person and wouldn't let me cancel. "Shit! No!" I had gotten confused because Des had changed the names in my phone and instead of sending it to 'Incredibly hot boyfriend' I sent it to 'Incredibly hot bastard'. I put my head onto my knees shaking my head at the fact that she had guessed my password and changed my contacts.

Then again, having a password 'Hell' wasn't the best idea considering it was my last name and sometimes nickname. I heard a knock on my balcony doors and my head shot up before I froze, seeing who was there. Incredibly hot bastard. He smirked through the doors at me and raised an eyebrow as my eyes widened. I got up and walked to my balcony doors as I picked it open and frowned at him. "In my defence the message wasn't for you." He shrugged as he walked past me and came in.

"I'm amazed you aren't at the party."

"I'm amazed you aren't at it. It's at your house and you even threw it." I shut the balcony doors as he sat down on my bed freely.

"Got bored. Too many girls throwing themselves at me, not enough time." I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"As if you couldn't do them all now what are you doing here?!" I snapped the whole 'what are you doing here?!' and stared at him intently while his eyes roamed my body which I really didn't like. I crossed my arms and he gazed up at me smugly.

"Wondering why you weren't at the party when Des and Drew are."

"I don't like parties and I don't like Halloween."

"Wait, wait. You're kidding me right?!" I only hate Halloween because-

"No. I'm not kidding now leave." He raised his eyebrow. "Go have sex with a slut or something. I don't care just go." He stood up and walked over towards me.

"Did you used to sleep in the same bed as Bret?" That took me completely by surprise. I blinked a few times as I processed what he said.

"Maybe but what does that have to do with anything?!"

"It would explain why you can't sleep." He stepped closer so that I had to crane my neck to look up at him.

"I already knew that. Just go back to your party." I took a step back and went to open the balcony doors when he put his hand on the one I always opened.

"You obviously need sleep Angel. I'm just trying to help." My jaw dropped as I realised what he was talking about.

"Oh hell no. You're not going to be in the same room as me for much longer let alone sleeping in my bed with me!"

"Please." There was that one word that made me crumble. The one word I never, ever expected him to ever say and yet I'd heard it more than once and I'd given in more than once. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair as he went and laid down in my bed. He knew I couldn't say no when he said that. "I have a feeling you're supposed to be in the bed as well."

"I can't believe I'm doing this. I can't believe he said that one stupid word." I grumbled as I went around to my normal side of the bed. As I sat down I just felt him smirk.

"It's not like this hasn't happened before." I shot off of the bed at that completely disgusted that he had even mentioned that. "No! Wait. I'm sorry Angel. I'm sorry." I turned and looked at him before groaning and laying down as far away from him as I could get. As soon as I turned around though he pulled me back into his arms. I started trying to get out. "Hey. Hey. It's okay. It's just so you can get to sleep. Nothing more." His voice was soothing and he hugged me tighter.

I could feel the warmth coming off of him that made me so sleepy the only problem was, I remembered the party for the first time then and my eyes widened. Oh crap. Was all I thought as my eyes slowly closed and I yawned. His arms were so warm and comforting that I didn't object when his face went into the crook of my neck giving me more warmth. I shut my eyes smiling slightly.

I jumped when I heard a noise.

"Oh shit. Shit. Shit." I heard Hunter whisper into my neck and my eyes went straight to the doorway where the door was opening slowly. I saw Drew put his head in and I froze completely.

"Oh sorry Angel. I didn't know you were sleeping in your bed." He shut the door and I frowned incredulously in the direction of where Drew had just been.

"How the hell did he not see you?!" I whispered furiously and Hunter's head left my neck as he looked towards the door. I felt a sudden cool breeze hit me and I shivered from it hoping to god that he would put his head back so that the flowing warmth would come back. I shut my eyes and shivered again which was when his arms came tighter around me and I felt him stare down at me. I turned my head to see his face not too far from mine and he smirked as his eyes drifted down to my lips for about the second time today. His eyes moved up to mine and I gulped.

"Tell me when to stop." He whispered as he went to kiss me.

"Stop." I ended up saying right onto his lips.

"You don't want to?" He asked calmly and I felt terrible.

"What if Drew comes back in and sees you kissing me?"

"Do you like Drew?" I cupped my hand over my mouth as I started laughing.

"Ew. No." He slowly took my hand away and I shut my eyes.

"I thought you wanted me to stop?" He sounded surprised and I opened my eyes before shaking my head. He smiled instead of smirking as he leaned down and kissed me. Basically as soon as his lips met mine we both jumped at the sound of Drew's voice.

"What the hell!"

"You can't sleep in my room!" I sighed with relief as I heard Des yell back at him. "Fine then!" I froze but no sound of footsteps ever came.

"He said either he'll kiss up to her or he'll kiss her." Hunter whispered looking up towards my wall.

"More like kiss up." I lied but he didn't need to know that. Drew was adamant that he wouldn't find out because Drew hated him. Hunter slowly took his arms away from around me and laid down on his back next to me. He lightly pulled me half on him and I frowned at how I just done what he wanted me to so easily. What was I? A robot?! I bit my lip and shut my eyes thinking of how to get the question out. "What happens to a werewolf if they're not in a pack?" I could feel him freeze under me.

"Worried about Drew?" He asked kind of icily and I should have expected it.

"Nevermind then." I said getting off him but he roughly pulled me back onto his chest which I only just finally realised had no shirt covering it.

"Do you like Drew?"

"Like Drew? Yes. In that way? Hell no." I growled out as I fought against Hunter's hands. "Don't touch me." He wrapped his arms around me and whispered calming words into my hair. "No."

"I'm sorry Angel." I sighed as he spoke it and got out of his arms standing up. His gaze moved and I looked down before pulling the bottom of my stupid panda shorts down and lifting up the top of my singlet.

"You better leave." I snarled at him and he looked hurt which shocked me so much. How could the guy in front of me look hurt?! The guy in front of me was a player, he was a user, a werewolf and could have any girl he wanted but he was looking up at me hurt like I actually mattered and wasn't just another thing to sleep with in his eyes.

"Not until you get a good rest."


"Angel! I was jealous okay?! I was jealous that you're so close to Drew and you care about him so much and I'm just something you're using so you can get to sleep!" He whispered furiously and my jaw dropped. "I have a feeling you're holding out for someone and who might that be?" He asked standing up out of the bed and a pang of guilt hit me when I knew he was right. "I want you to say it."

"I've been holding out for Bret." I shut my eyes and heard him growl as a response which made my eyes fling open.

"How about you go to your little Alpha mate then instead of me." He turned around and my eyes widened. I watched in shock as he picked up his shirt. I quickly went up behind him as he headed for the balcony doors.

"Wait." He stopped and turned to me and the look on his face was pure rage but I continued walking up to him. I stopped in front of him and he glared down at me which made me gulp. "To hell with mates." I went on the tips of my toes and kissed him once. "I don't want anything to do with him Hunter. He hurt me." My voice was quiet and his features softened instantly wiping away all rage as he brushed hair out of my face. "You have more of a heart than I have ever imagined and I want to try with you." His face changed as I saw him fighting an inner battle with himself. "Please." I begged and I normally never did not even when being attacked and he put his hands on my hips which made me flinch. His face contorted in anger. "No. Hunter. You don't understand."

"What? You don't like me touching you?!"

"I have a cut there from my mother!" He stopped instantly.

"What?" I looked him squarely in the eyes before looking down at my side and lifting the bottom of my singlet up. Right there was a jagged line that was right on my hip bone.

"I love you touching me, I love you kissing me. I just- Have a bad past." His hand was on my face. "I shouldn't have gotten involved with another werewolf again. I'm so sorry Hunter." I took a step back but he stayed where he was. I was looking at the floor. "I think I'm going to be sick." I sniffed out before running into the bathroom and throwing up the contents of anything I'd eaten today. I felt my hair being lifted away from my face. I stopped throwing up and sat down staring at him. "My mother was a werewolf." Was all I whimpered and his face turned into a mask of shock.

He looked back at me like I had just spoken another language.

"My mother got turned after I was born." I tried to sound more collected but it still came out as a whimper. "When I was little I saw her rip a man to shreds and when she found out I had told my father she had punished me."

"With that scratch?" I nodded.

"Werewolves have always been trying to kill me because of her and I can't have you getting hurt." Tears started filling my eyes. "I don't want anyone to get hurt." I sniffed and he picked me up bridal style while I was trying not to cry.

"It's okay." I shook my head.

"Put me down." I tried to say it sternly but it came out cracking as a tear came out of my eye.

"I can look after myself Angel." I wrapped my arms around his neck and he hugged me tighter. "You need more sleep." He laid me down on the bed and I looked up at him scared. "I'm just going to sit down next to you." I nodded slowly hoping to god that I wouldn't have a nightmare.

**All Rights Reserved**

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