Harry Styles Single Father (m...

By FanficMayham

52.9K 1.2K 236

Adventures of Harry and Louis with the kids More

Harry Styles Single Father (mpreg)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
New Character
New Character
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
IMPORTANT:Author note
Chapter 21
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Author Note IMPORTANT!
Chapter 34
Hello everyone
Talking to Courtney about swim Class
Swim class
New Chapter soon
After swim class
chapter 38
Sorry guys
Mommy & me class: Music class
Chapter 40 Axel's birthday part 1
Axel's birthday part 2
Axel's Party part 3
Axel's New Leg and Baby Appointment
Gender Revealed
Author note.
Baby names and nursery
It's time!
Author note
Axel meets his siblings
Worrying about blake
A fun day at the park (not)
Seeing Blake
Talking to Lucas
Watching my back
Blake is back
I can explain
Life is strange

Chapter 8

1.2K 35 12
By FanficMayham

I can't believe it's been a month since my babies turned two. They are getting too big. Can they please stop growing. I want them to stay little forever. Luckily, I would be able to spend the day with my girls since I had off. Louis was going to join us but he said something came up. I hope he's okay. I know that sounds weird coming from me but I'm trying to give him another chance.

"Where we going daddy?" Darcy asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"It's a surprise" I said with a smile.

"fair!" Darcy yelled happily.

"Yup only the best for my princesses." I said picked both of them up with one in each arm.

"foto daddy!" Courtney said pointing at a photo-booth

"You want to go there first?" I asked my girls.

"Yeah!" They both yelled at the same time.

We went into the booth and I put the money in. The first picture was of the girls both on my lap and all of us smiling, the second one was of us each making a goofy face I was sticking my tongue out and crossing me eyes, Darcy was holding her hands out like claws and making a mean face and Courtney made a fishy face while holding her ears, the third one was of the girls standing on my lap and each of them kissing my cheeks with me smiling proudly, the fourth one was of the twins hugging and made bunny ears behind each of their heads with me smiling and the last one was of each of the girls hugging my neck while smiling and looking at the camera. I printed out four. After that we went to a water gun shooting game and the girls didn't win on their try but being the amazing father I am. I did the game twice and each won them a prize. I won Darcy a purple teddy bear and I won Courtney a minion from despicable me. We then went to eat and while we did that I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching the twins and I.

Unknown POV

So Tomlinson's children belong to another guy as well not a female. Interesting. His daughters sure are cute. It would be a shame if something were to happen to them though. You never want to mess with me Tomlinson. I will make you pay for what you owe me even if I have to do it the hard way. You may seem strong Tomlinson but can you really protect your family. The mysterious stranger thought as he watched the twin girls and the man finishing their food. This will be fun was the strangers last thought before he disappeared into the shadows.

Louis POV

"What are we going to do? They owe us!" Zayn said

"I know but in case you forgot they aren't the only ones" I said

"We need the money. They have had to many chances" liam said

"We'll get it one way or another" I said. Luke's gang owes us a lot of money more than any other gang and he was refusing to give it to us.

"If it has to come down to it we'll rumble" I said

"Fine. I always love a good rumble." Zayn said with a smirk

"I gotta go" I said and left. I then headed to the fair I knew harry and the twins would be at.

Harry's POV

I was just getting off the beauty and the beast ride when I felt arms go around my waist making me jump causing the person to chuckle

"Still as jumpy as ever" I heard Louis say and I blushed.

We then went on a little mermaid ride and a few more rides but before we left we did the photo booth with all four of us with some of the same poses and some different ones and printed out four. Once we were back at my apartment Louis helped get the girls ready for bed by dressing Darcy and I dressed Courtney. I then put her in her small princess Ariel bed and gave her both her Ariel and flounder toys to sleep with. I then kissed her forehead and put her nightlight on.

I then did the same for Darcy except I gave her both her belle and beast dolls. I then kisses her forehead. Louis then did the same. Louis had decided to stay the night so I offered him my bed but he said no unless we were sharing to which I agreed. Why does he have to be so stubborn was my last thought before I fell asleep.

Courtney POV

I was sleeping in my room with Awiel and Fwonder when I suddenly got cold. I wake up and window open. But why? It no open when daddy and papa we're here. I suddenly felt a hand go around my mouth and I bit the hand causing the mean person to cry out in pain and drop me. I ripped his shirt as he dropped me back onto my bed. Suddenly the door barge open and I see papa and daddy. They come into the room and daddy has a scared look on his face while papa just looks angry. I grabbed my blanket and Fwonder and Awiel for comfort and held them tightly.

"Whoever you are get away from my daughter!" I heard papa yell but the man just chuckled and picked me up with my toys and blanket in my hand.

"NO! Let her go!" I heard daddy yell but before he could stop the man he jumped out of the window with me. I want daddy and papa. I thought as I sniffled. What this mean man going to do with me? I hope daddy and papa find me. That was my last thought before darkness overtook me.

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Harry Styles Fanfic . Enjoy :) .