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Harry's POV

I was heading back to the hospital to see Courtney and see what was going on with her cause i was worried about her since she had been raped and they wanted to keep an eye on her to see what she will do and she has been okay through this whole ordeal, and i am just scared that she is pregnant again by him 


"Hey Courtney how ya feeling?" Harry asks her as he came into the room to see her 

"A little better" she says as she looks at him 

"That's good" Harry says as he came into the room to see if she was up for a walk around the hospital 

Harry helped her out of bed and they were going to go for a walk and they were just going to talk since the trial was coming up soon and he was going to see if she wanted Blake to be put away or something along those lines 

"I can't wait until you are home again baby girl" he says as he was talking to her as they were walking the halls before they headed outside for a walk around the hospital 

"Me either i can't stand being in the hospital for a second longer" she says as they were talking 

"You look better then when you did earlier baby girl" he says as they were getting on the elevator to head outside 

"I know i am papa" she says with a smile as she looks down at her stomach cause she just found out she is pregnant and she needs to tell him here and now and today was the perfect day to tell him about the baby 

"Sweetie is there something you aren't telling me?" he asks as he looks at her 

"I just found out some news today papa and i am sure it is going to change our lives once again" she says as she stops cause if she tells him the news there was a chance that he is going to pass out or something 

"what is it sweetie you can tell me anything" he says as he looks at her 

"Papa I am pregnant again" she says as she looks at him with tears in her eyes cause she didn't know what he was going to say 

"When did you find out?" Harry asks her

"This morning cause they did a check-up and got some blood work to see if everything was okay on the inside and they did a pregnancy test too" she says to him as she broke down and cried on Harry

"Baby it's okay I am going to support you on what decision you make with this baby and if you decide to keep the baby that is fine too" he says as he was drying her tears since she was really upset about the whole news and everything 

"Can we lock Blake up papa i don't want him to come near me ever" she says to him 

"Sure we can cause i don't want him to hurt you, Kellen, Ariella, or the baby or Axel" Harry says to her 

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