Hands Stained Red

By Elle_Lynesse

1.5K 51 4

An artist, an author and a killer. Kira ran away from her trauma. Poppy ran away to find inspiration. Rya ran... More

One - Kira
Two ~ Rya
Three ~ Kira
Four ~ Rya
Five ~ Kira
Six ~ Rya
Eight ~ Rya
Nine ~ Kira
Ten ~ Rya
Eleven ~ Kira
Twelve ~ Rya
Thirteen ~ Kira
Fourteen ~ Rya
Fifteen ~ Kira
Sixteen ~ Rya
Seventeen ~ Kira
Eighteen ~ Rya
Nineteen ~ Kira
Twenty ~ Rya
Twenty One ~ Kira
Twenty Two ~ Rya
Twenty Three ~ Quinn
Twenty Four ~ Kaden
Twenty Five ~ Kira
Twenty Six ~ Rya
Twenty Seven ~ Kaden
Twenty Eight ~ Kira
Twenty Nine ~ Rya
Thirty ~ Kira
Thirty One ~ Quinn
Thirty Two ~ Kaden
Thirty Three ~ Rya
Thirty Four ~ Kira
Thirty Five ~ Rya
Thirty Six ~ Quinn
Thirty Seven ~ Rya
Thirty Eight ~ Kira
Thirty Nine ~ Rya
Forty ~ Quinn
Forty One ~ Kira
Forty Two ~ Rya
Forty Three ~ Bella
Forty Four ~ Rya
Forty Five ~ Kira

Seven ~ Kira

30 1 0
By Elle_Lynesse

Oh my fucking god.

I am definitely still drunk.

I pull my hand away from Rya nervously, almost able to feel the rage coming off her, "Why dont we go through to my room and calm down?" I suggest.

Her hands are shaking as I take them in mine. I cant imagine what's going on inside her head right now. It's not even noon and shes just been told she has a brother and her boyfriend is a missing person.

Adrik stands up and gestures towards the door, "I've got Matt's number so I'm just going to go and I'll phone later."

Reggie jumps up after him, "I'm going to go too. Try and catch a bus or something."

The two of them scurry out leaving the two strange men, Matt and a freakishly quiet Rya left alone with me.

Suddenly she takes in a sharp breath that makes me jump and pulls away from me with a smile on her face, "Well that's a very awkward conversation I've got to have with my dad today," she laughs.

Her eyes land on the two men and she throws herself down on the bed and drapes her arm across her eyes.

"Great. Another tantrum?" One of the men says. He has a harsh scar across his face and an accent I recognise from a TV cop show.

Rya sticks the middle finger up at him but doesnt move apart from that, "Get used to it, Princess. You're stuck with this for the rest of your life."

The other man covered in piercings sticks his hand out for me to shake it, "Hi, I'm Mylo and this is my brother Kaden."

"Kira," I say shaking his hand. He has tattoos all over the back of his hands too which I admire for the second before he pulls back.

Kaden looks me up and down, "Yeah I can see why she picked you."

"Watch it," Rya says in a sharp tone.

"What? Shes pretty and with a body like that she's easy money. For the price you paid for her I'm expecting a virgin. Or at least she was. You into that? You like being their first? Were you his? What was his name again? Quinn?" Kaden keeps talking and I feel myself stepping away wrapping my arms around myself.

Rya jumps up quickly and rushes to stand in front of me, getting right in his face, "I told you to fucking watch it? Remember what I told you outside? If you think I'm bluffing Princess you've got another thing coming."

He scoffs, "You think I'm scared of you? You're a child."

I dont even see her move at first. She swings a punch over his shoulder and shatters the mirror behind him before scooping up a large piece of broken glass from the floor. She shoves him hard against the wall and holds the glass dangerously close to his crown jewels.

"Yeah, I may be a child, but I'll make sure you never have any," she says with a smile on his face. He winces as she shifts her weight slightly and she must break skin.

My heart stops as I realise I might be about to witness a live castration but she eventually steps back and drops the shard, blood dripping from her hand where she'd sliced it.

The air is thick with tension as she turns away and drags her hands through her hair, hissing in pain as she realises her hand. I don't think now is the right time either to mention the blood she just wiped into her hair.

"Well does someone want to explain to me what's going on?" Matt finally asks.

Mylo chuckles slightly as he takes in his brothers shaken expression, "Well this happy couple is getting married in two weeks and neither of them are happy about it."

"You wouldnt be either marrying a petulant teenager," Kaden snarls which is brave considering what just happened.

Mylo pats his brothers chest, "I think you should shut your mouth for the sake of your nuts."

"Wait, did you say married?" I but in.

Rya starts to laugh, "Yep, the Petrovs really pulled it out of the bag with this attempt at making my life as miserable as possible. They're marrying me off. I found out yesterday and then I got this from Quinn. It must have been from right before he went missing."

She hands me her phone and I read the message. Suddenly last night seems so much more clear. Quinn's funny mood, his need to stay home and talk to Rya. It wasnt because he was worried about her, it was because he was breaking up with her. Doing it with her in Russia as well would give her a cooling off period so he wouldnt face the brunt of it if she took it badly.

He could never have known that he picked the worst day ever to do it.

"I shouldnt have came here but I was worried that if I went home his things would still be there," She says softly.

Matt steps forward, "Theres a hotel down the road if you're still not ready to face it. Official classes dont start for over two weeks so we can keep you company."

Mylo nods in our direction, "We'll go get us a couple of rooms and leave you guys alone for a bit."

Kaden goes to argue but decides against it and follows his brother out. I take Rya's hand in mine and brush her hair away from her face where the blood is drying, "Come on, you can go for a shower and then we can have a girls day. Plus Matt if he wants."

He laughs and shakes his head, "You girls go ahead. I'm going to try and sleep off this hangover."

We wish him luck and manage to get Rya to my room without anyone seeing Koroleva with blood on her face.

"So you just nearly cut your fiance's balls off," I say to her as we get to the room.

"What?" A very shocked voice chimes in and I spin to see Poppy sitting sketching in bed, staring right at us and trying to work out what the hell is going on.

Rya sighs, "Its a long story and I've had a very long day so where's that shower you were telling me about."

I point her in the direction of the en suite and sit down on the bed next to Poppy, "When Rya's involved it's always a long story."

She nods. I expected it to feel awkward after last night but it doesnt really. Although when I look at her hands it does bring back some rather distracting memories.

"Want to talk about it?" She says as she tucks her book into the bedside table, "I dont want this to be uncomfortable for you."

I shake my head, "Its not uncomfortable. I promise I've never done anything like that in my life. I'm not that type of girl."

She shrugs, "I dont care if you are. I just hope you dont regret it."

I laugh, I definitely do not regret anything that happened last night. Well maybe the four vodka shots I did at about two in the morning.

"I told you about Natalie right? How she died last year?" She says.

I nod, "I understand if you're not ready for a relationship or whatever. I'm not looking for one either."

She laughs and shakes her head, "I just didnt want you to get freaked out when you find out from a news article."

I gesture towards the bathroom door, "I have my own baggage too as you already know. Chaos seems to follow that girl and, in turn, me."

I get up and find a first aid kit from the bottom of one of my boxes and leave it on my bed for her to get for her hand.

"She's going through a tough time at the moment. See she doesnt get along with her family and it's a constant battle between them and I think it's just peaked at its worst," I tell her, "She can be a little much if you're not used to her but she has a good heart and she's one of the most loyal people I've ever met."

Poppy puts her hand on my knee and smiles, "If shes friends with you then she must be lovely."

Lovely. Yeah, that's a word thats never been used by anyone who knows Rya to describe her.

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