Fixing a Broken Girl (One Dir...

By morganraelynl

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“Promise you’ll never leave me behind Jess?” I ask her seriously. “Taylor, I swear n... More

Chapter One-
Chapter Two-
Chapter Three-
Chapter Four-
Chapter Five-
Chapter Six-
Chapter Seven-
Chapter Eight-
Chapter Nine-
Chapter Ten-
Chapter Eleven-
Chapter Twelve-
Chapter Fourteen-
Chapter Fifthteen-
Chapter Sixteen-
Chapter Seventeen-
Chapter Eighteen-
Chapter Nineteen-
Chapter Twenty-
Chapter Twentyone-
Chapter Twentytwo-

Chapter Thirteen-

345 6 0
By morganraelynl

Chapter 13-

“Don’t,” I hear Niall’s voice speak up and I look up at him confused to see him have a hurt look on his face.

“What?” I ask him. He shakes his head.

“Don’t believe them; they think they know everything about me. They don’t know a damn thing,” Niall said getting angry.  I’m a little taken back by him being so angry about this but I guess I can understand where he is coming from; I wouldn’t want the whole world in my business.  Then again is he really telling the truth?  Should I believe him?  I mean he could so easily be lying to me.

“Taylor, please,” he pleads quietly this time and I shrug my shoulders.

“Why would they lie Niall?  Tell me what happened,” I tell him and he lets out a sigh and runs his hand through his hair.

“Ok, but not here.” He tells me and I nod slightly.  He gets up setting a ton of money on the table he puts out a hand for me to take and I accept it walking away from the table following behind him quietly.

“What are we gonna do?” I ask him and he shrugs a little before pulling out his phone and starts dialing a number, he doesn’t even spare me a glance.  I don’t like it when Niall doesn’t talk to me.  I don’t like it when people are mad at me, because then I worry about what I did wrong, but I know Niall’s only mad about the situation not me.

For some reason seeing Niall like this makes me sad.  Actually I hate it quite honestly. I don’t want him to be sad or mad, not now not ever.  And those feelings right there are the ones that scare the crap out of me.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper to Niall anyway.  He looks up from his phone looking a little taken back, then he stops what he is doing slips the phone into his pocket and pulls me tight into his chest.

“Don’t apologize, I’m the one whose sorry,” he whispers in my ear and I nod then I do something that even shocks me.  I wrap my arms around his waist and I pull him closer to me, and I snuggle into his chest.  I take a deep breath breathing in his scent.  Then I think back to earlier when I was crying out of my mind and all I needed was Niall to feel better again…

“You ready?” he whispers in my ear again and I give him a slight nod.

“How are we getting out of here?” I ask him and he points out the window to the van that’s outside.

“Management sent the bus,” he tells me and I smile up at him before looking back at the van getting an idea in my mind.

“Race you,” I tell him and he gets a devilish smile on his face.

“Winner gets?” he asks me and I shrug my shoulders thinking about it.

“Whatever they want, within reason,” I tell him and he nods at this.  Then we both get closer to the door getting in position.

“Ready?” he turns asking me with that cute smile he always has.

“Go!” I yell running out the door I start sprinting to the van, but it’s harder than you think considering all the people that are surrounding the place, and that the van is slowly moving so it doesn’t get surrounded by a ton of people as well.  I look behind me real quick to see Niall having as much trouble as I am making it through all of these people.

I let out a small laugh before turning around and sprinting again, but then some guy grabs my arm and turns me toward him.

“Miss what is your name?” he asks me and I’d break free of his grip if it wasn’t so tight, it kind of hurt.  I almost reply but then I recognize the camera and notebook he is holding in his hand and I keep my mouth shut.  If I talk then he might twist my words or assume the wrong things so I just pull my arm out of his grip and start running towards the car again.

But it’s too late… Niall has already beaten me there.  I let out a sigh then get into the back seat with Niall.

“If I was a bad sport I would point out that technically I should have won, but some guy held me back,” I tell him and he lets out a laugh.

“Well good thing you’re a good sport then,” he winks at me.  I can’t help but blush at that.  He just continues to smile at me, but then looks at me seriously again.

“Are you ok?” he asks me looking down at my arm, I look at it and notice a bruise where the man’s hand had been.

“Yeah, he just had a tight grip,” I explain and Niall’s face doesn’t calm down but he nods slightly then looking back out his window.

“Next time that happens get me right away,” he tells me, and I nod slightly giving him a small smirk.

“Well we were racing, so it was a little tough to get you at that moment,” I told him and he just continues to look at me.

“I don’t care what I’m doing, just get me next time, ok?” he asks me and I nod.

“So when are we going to talk about it?” I ask switching subjects back to what the guy said at Nando’s, about him and Demi Lovato.

“Soon, just be patient,” he tells me with the same usual smile.  I groan but then nod my head in agreement.

Soon the van pulls up to my apartment building and Niall and I walk out of the van and into the building.  We walk into the elevator pressing the floor and going up to mine and Jessica’s flat.

“Do you guys ever plan on going home?” I ask him and he shrugs.

“We want to spend as much time with you as we can before we have to leave,” Niall says with a slight blush evident on his cheeks.

“You mean so Louis can spend time with Jessica,” I correct him, but he shakes his head.

“No, we all want to see you too, even Louis does,” Niall tells me and I shrug.

“You think he actually likes me as a person or do you think that he’s just acting for Jessica’s sake?” I ask Niall.  He turns towards me as we walk towards the door to my flat, Niall shrugs.

“I guess the only one who knows is Louis,” he tells me and I feel a little hurt that there is even a slim possibility that Louis doesn’t actually like me.

“How will I ever know if he’s telling me the truth then?” I ask Niall.  I guess any normal person would know the answer to all these questions, but I just don’t.  I don’t interact with other people for a reason, I don’t want to be hurt so my people and social skills could probably use some work.

“I guess you’ll just have to trust him,” Niall tells me making it sound simple as can be.  I look at him confused to why he would say that to me, he knows how I am with trust.

“You know how I feel about that,” I tell him and he stops now noticing we are at the door to the flat.

“How Taylor, please tell me how you feel about that, because I’m confused where we stand,” Niall whisper pleads with me and I look up at his sad eyes.

“Well you’ll know when you tell me a little about your past.  I give you all this information on me Niall, I let you in places that I don’t let anyone but my sister, and it scares me that you have that much control over me.  It scares me that you are slowly bringing down all of my walls, yet yours seem to still be up.  I tell you everything about me, but you aren’t willing to share the same.  That hurts,” I tell him truthfully looking up into his eyes I recognize the hurt in his eyes I have experienced most of my life.

I open the door and take my shoes off walking away from Niall, and trying to forget the hurt in Niall’s eyes and the hurt that slowly is starting to gain in my chest the further I walk away from Niall.

“Hey,” I wave to all of the guys and my sister in the living room.  They all stare at me making sure I’m ok before waving back.

“Where’s Niall?” Liam asks me and I look back towards the door and point in that direction.

“He’s back there, but he should be coming soon,” I tell Liam and he nods.

“Did you have fun?” Jessica asks me with a hopeful smile.  Not wanting to upset her, I nod.

“Yeah it was totally fun,” I said the lie coming easy.  It’s not a total lie, I did have some fun with Niall I mean it wasn’t all that bad.

“Good, I’m glad you had fun,” she tells me looking incredibly happy.

“Yeah I am too,” Louis smiles at me and I smile back as well, the conversation that Niall and I had in the hall way now coming back to me.

“Taylor,” an Irish accent speaks my name and I turn around shocked to hear him talking to me.

“Can we talk now?” he asks me and I just stare at him still waiting for him to talk.

“Just you and I,” he explains and I take a breath before nodding.  I walk in front of him and lead him into my room.  I sit down on the bed and he follows slowly behind.  Niall takes a deep breath closing his eyes then he starts talking.

“When two famous people date, people start to get an interest in both of the two people.  Everyone knows that much, they know that the ratings for both of them will go up and that it causes a sudden interest in all sorts of people, but what some people don’t realize not all famous people are truly in love.  A lot of relationships are set up by mangers.

So when I was first getting out and into the music thing with the boys, I had mentioned that I found Demi Lovato attractive.  So every time I was asked my celebrity crush I gave them the answer they wanted to hear, I told them Demi Lovato constantly.

This caught the attention of both of our managers and soon it was arranged for us to Skype and text and call.  It was clear as day to us that we had some sort of connection.” He starts his story but at that part I feel my heart start to hurt, is he really about to tell me the moment he feel in love with the famous Demi Lovato?

“The connection wasn’t what you think though, we were just meant to be friends and we both knew it.  Still our managers were content on making us work so every award show we were arranged to sit next to each other and talk and spend time together any possible minute.

The paps noticed this and made sure to make note of every time we were seen together, they made this big deal out of us being friends, twisting our words and stories to make it out to be like we were in love, which I promise you we very much aren’t,” he tells me taking my hand in his.

“I swear there is nothing between Demi Lovato and I,” he tells me and I smile a little at that, I know I shouldn’t care, but hearing him say those words made me feel so much better.  Selfish I know.

“Now, Taylor please tell me where I stand, it feels like I get one step closer to you then we take two steps back, and I don’t want it to be like that,” he tells me and I take a deep breath closing my eyes.

“You mean so much to me; you’re my first real friend I’ve had since elementary school.  Everything feels safe around you and you take away all my worries away,” I admit and Niall smiles at all of this.

“But then I get terrified.  You’re in a band Niall, you’ll be leaving me soon, and you know how I feel about leaving.  I know you don’t have a choice, but everyone leaves me.  Then I’m also scared because you’re slowly making me trust you, and I’m worried something will ruin that, I mean Jessica is the only one I’ve ever trusted, besides Caden, and you know how that turned out,” I finish and Niall nods sadly.

“I understand,” he tells me and then comes closer to me.

“But I also want you to know, I want you to trust me.  There is nothing that I want more for me to be the one you put all your trust in, and when that day comes, I promise I won’t disappoint you, I will live up to that privilege,” he whispers to me, and I feel my breath catch in my throat at his closeness.  He has such a flawless face; I could stare at it for the rest of my life.

“Ok,” I breathe out, blush now reaching my cheeks.  Niall lets out a small chuckle, his breath fanning my cheeks.

“You are so adorable,” he smiles at me causing me to blush more.

“I-“ I begin to talk but then the door barges open with a smiling Zayn, but then he sees the position we’re in and looks confused.

“What’s going on?” Zayn asks us and Niall immediately backs up.

“We’re just talking,” Niall tells him truthfully.

“Right,” Zayn nods not looking convinced.

“Well I came in to tell you that management called, we leave on tour tomorrow!  They booked us for a few shows early so they wanted us to leave as soon as possible so Liam told them we could leave tomorrow!” Zayn smiles and Niall cracks a smile as well.

I don’t blame them, this is their dream this is what they’ve always wanted and this is what they deserve.  I shouldn’t feel so upset right now, but I do.

“You want to come out to the living room with the rest of us or…” he leaves off.

“We’ll be out in a second,” Niall tells him and he nods walking out of the room shutting the door behind him.  Niall turns towards me and I don’t know exactly what to do.

I want to be happy for him more than anything, but I don’t want to smile, I can’t smile, I’m upset he’s leaving me, right when I’m just starting to figure out where Niall and I stand.

“Taylor,” Niall starts, but I cut him off right away, standing up and walking towards the door.

“Let’s join everyone else,” I tell him walking out the door.  He doesn’t argue he slowly follows behind me.  When we get out into the living room everyone is talking with smiles and laughing.  Why does today have to be so hard for me?  First Caden now this, can’t things go right for me?

“Hey baby girl,” Jessica smiles at me as I walk in the room.  I don’t smile or anything I just walk over and take the spot next to her cuddling into her side.  Sometimes all I need is her comfort to feel better.  She immediately gets the message and puts her arm around me.

“Do you think this tour will be as long as the last one?” Harry asks with a smile on his face.  He looks around at everyone then his eyes rest on me and he frowns a bit.

‘You ok?’ he mouths to me and I just shrug.

“I don’t know, I hope,” Liam smiles back answering Harry's previous question about the tour.

“I hope we get to go back to Italy, I loved it there,” Zayn chimes in and the boys nod in agreement.  Everyone except Niall and Louis are talking about the tour.  I look over to Louis and find him not smiling.

“What’s the matter Lou?” I ask him and he looks up at me giving me a small smile.

“What are you talking about?” he asks me like I can’t tell he’s upset.

“You know what,” I smile a little and he shrugs then looks at the ground then back up at me.

“Probably the same reason you’re upset,” he tells me and I just stare at him.  He doesn’t know why I’m upset, does he?  I haven’t said anything.  That doesn’t really make since ether he shouldn’t be sad that they’re leaving, he loves his job.

“I doubt it,” I tell him and he smirks.

“Well believe it,” he tells me then reaches over and grabs my sister’s hand.

“I have someone to miss just like you do,” he tells me and I blush.  He doesn’t know what he’s talking about, he doesn’t know who I do or don’t care about.

“Whatever,” I say blush still evident on my cheeks.  He is right though, I’m going to miss Niall, and all of them honestly, I have gotten to know them pretty well since I met them.  They are really amazing guys.

“I’m going to miss you all,” I tell him truthfully, but he just laughs.

“Some more than others,” he tells me with a smile and Harry laughs.

“Like me, you’ll miss me more than these losers,” Harry says with a full blown smile evident.  I chance a glance in Niall’s direction to see him staring at the ground with a sad expression.  As always I hate seeing him like that and I frown even more.  I turn back to the boys and see them all staring between Niall and I.  Before anyone can say anything about it Jessica breaks the silence.

“I don’t want any of you boys to leave me,” Jessica tells them all frowning and I nod in agreement.  Louis looks up at his girlfriend with a hopeful expression.

“Then we won’t,” Louis states and all the boys look confused.

“What?” they all ask in unison.  Louis rolls him eyes.

“We won’t leave you,” Louis tells Jessica but she still looks confused along with the rest of us.

“Come on tour with us Jessica!” Louis yells out smiling.  Jessica looks taken back and can’t even speak.  I feel sick to my stomach at his words.  He’s taking my Jessica away, the one person who promised to never leave me, and he is asking her to do just that.

“No,” Jessica states simply, she looks completely pissed.  We all stare at her confused.

“Why not?” Louis asks looking crushed.

“How could you ask me that?” Jessica yells at him and he looks even more confused.  A single tear falls from Jessica’s eye.

“Why would you even think I would say yes?  You know the promise I made to Taylor, you know that she comes first always.  Do you think I would make that big of a choice in a split second without putting her into consideration?  Actually how could you not put her into consideration is what I want to know!” Jessica yells tears falling down her cheeks even more now.  She doesn’t even look that sad, she just looks extremely pissed off.  At the sound of her words my heart fills with warmth.  There’s my Jessica, she’s the one I know that would never leave me behind.  Louis looks completely shocked at her words.  Along with the rest of the boys who are staring at Jessica like she just told them she has three heads.

“Jess, baby.  You got me all wrong,” Louis tells her grabbing her hands once again.

“I want Taylor to come with us,” Louis tells her.  Did he really just say that?


Here's the chapter, I hope you like it!  Tell me what you think please!  Thanks guys!

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