Chapter Ten-

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Chapter 10-

“Zayn!” I yell chasing after him.

“Give it back!” I yell again.  He turns to me smirking waving my cell phone around teasing me.  I of course fall for the teasing and start chasing him again.

“Harry!  Help!” I yell at him pointing to Zayn.  He looks up from his spot on the couch and smirks, and then he points to himself.

“You want me to help?” he asks.  I nod my head fast, and he smiles getting up from the couch and comes over to me.

“What are you doing?” I ask him once he gets close to me.

“I’m helping,” he tells me wrapping his arms around me so I can no longer run after Zayn.

“Zayn,” he finishes and I turn to glare in his direction.

“Liam?” I ask him, but he just laughs lying back down on his spot on the floor.  He hasn’t been talking to any of us lately.  I hope everything is all right with him.

“Niall?” I ask him pouting.  Zayn starts laughing then looks at my face and runs in front of Niall so he can’t see my face.

“Don’t fall for the face!” Zayn yells in front of Niall.  I hear Niall laugh a little then he replies.

“Of course I wouldn’t fall for that,” Niall scuffs and I frown to myself.  I thought my pout face was pretty convincing.  It always works on Jessica.

“Here let me see her phone real quick,” he asks Zayn holding his hand out.  Zayn nods putting the phone in Niall’s hand.

“Thanks mate,” Niall smiles, and then walks past Zayn, and walks over to Harry and me.

“I got this,” he tells Harry grabbing my arm and then Harry slowly lets go.  Niall then laughs handing me the phone.

“Niall!” Zayn yells out and I laugh along with Niall.

“Thank you,” I tell Niall hugging him to me.  He accepts the embrace I shiver at his touch and try to play it off like it was nothing, but when I back up Niall’s face tells me he knows otherwise.

“Niall why did you do that!  You’re no fun!” Harry complains.  Niall just smiles at them and sits down back on the couch.

“You try saying no to her pout face!” Niall yells out throwing his arms up in the air, and Zayn lets out a groan.  I knew my pout face was convincing!

“I knew it!  You said you didn’t give into that!” Zayn yells out at him pointing a finger in his face.  Liam and Niall laugh a little.  That’s the first sign of a smile I’ve seen in awhile from Liam.

“I lied,” Niall shrugs his shoulders smiling, Zayn groans again then tackles Niall on the couch they start wrestling and I can’t tell if they are actually hurting each other or not.

“Harry!” I yell to him and he turns to me raising an eyebrow.

“What?” he asks me.

“What do you think!?  Help!” I yell to him pointing at the boys, he just laughs at me and I frown.

“Why are you laughing at me?” I ask him quietly.  He immediately stops laughing at the sound of my voice and talks calmly to me.

“I didn’t mean too, I’m sorry.  It’s just that they are fine, they do this all the time,” Harry says reassuring me.  I frown at him.

“I still don’t like it,” I tell him and he nods walking over to the two boys and grabbing Niall off of Zayn.

“Stop, we have a lady here, act like gentlemen,” Harry tells them and then the three double over in laughter.  I roll my eyes at them; yeah they’ll be gentlemen, maybe in another life.

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