Chapter Eighteen-

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Chapter 18-

“Can I have a kiss?” I smile looking over at Niall.  To say I’m more confident around him would be an understatement.  I feel more comfortable with him then I have with anyone in my life, which honestly scares the heck out of me.  Niall turns to me moving a little closer with a smile on his face.

“I don’t know can you?” he teases with a smile brightly on his face.

“I do believe I can,” I smile moving closer as well.

“Well, maybe,” he says leaning in the rest of the way giving me a kiss.  I smile loving the feeling of him being with me.

“You are so cute,” he smiles once he back up.  I blush and hide my face in his chest which causes him to laugh a little more.  We stay in that comfortable position for awhile smiling and talking with one another.

“Hey Niall guess what we just heard,” Harry suddenly asks coming into the room.  We both look over at him smiles still bright on our faces.

“What’s that?” Niall asks and Harry’s dimpled grin grows.

“I said guess,” Harry tells him and I roll my eyes.

“Really?” I ask getting annoyed and impatient.

“Yes really now guess,” Harry tells Niall.

“We’re getting ice cream?” Niall guesses happily and I laugh at that.

“No,” Harry rolls his eyes.

“We’re going to Nando’s?” Niall asks.

“No,” Harry replies once again.

“We’re getting pizza?” Niall guesses one last time and I laugh grabbing my stomach.

“Is food all you think about?” Harry asks Niall and he shrugs smiling.

“Well, since you suck at guessing I’ll just tell you.  Demi Lovato is on her way to our bus and will be performing on tonight’s show!” Harry smiles and Niall smiles as well while I stare over at the two feeling a pang of jealousy go through my stomach. 

“That’s cool, when is she getting here?” Niall asks Harry.

Just then we hear the door open and in comes a beautiful smiling Demi Lovato.  She looks around the room then locks eyes with Niall smiling and running over to hug him.

“Hey!” she yells happily hugging him.  Niall lifts his arms and slowly puts them around Demi lightly.  I look away trying to keep myself distracted with something else.  As I do that I catch Jessica’s eyes as she looks at me worriedly.  I give her a reassuring smile and turn back to Niall.

“It’s been a while!” Demi smiles once she backs away from the embrace.

“Yeah, how have you been?” Niall asks her and she smiles.

“Better now that I get to see you,” she smiles and I stare at her in disbelief my mouth open slightly.  Did she really just say that to my boyfriend in front of me?  Jessica clears her throat glaring in Demi’s direction.  Demi turns toward my sister looking confused.

“Who is this?” She asks Niall and Niall looks up at my sister then over to me as if just realizing that we were there.  Niall leans over and grabs my hand.

I have to admit it kinda hurts to see him forget that I’m even in the room.  I act as if nothing is different and squeeze his hand lightly even though I’m upset.

“That is Jessica, Louis’ girlfriend, and this,” Niall starts turning to me giving me a sweet smile, “is her sister Taylor my girlfriend,” Niall explains with a smile brightly on his face which reassures me that everything is ok between us.

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