Story Of My Life(Sequel Is Up...

By shr_kdp

10.1K 689 144

A Not so Typical teen love story where she loves him he doesn't , but then he falls for her and they live hap... More

How it started
First Day
'Let Me'..!!
Will You Go ..?
Screw It!
She said it!
Authors Note
Believe Me
Authors Note
A couple couple..
That Bitch!
What Went Down
Model Behaviour
The End?
Sequels up!!!

The Date..

239 21 5
By shr_kdp

Yellos... I'm back and as promised I'm updating today!

This is the first time I have written such a romantic chapter so please do tell me how you feel about it!!

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Chapter 13


It was six on the dot when the bell rang and I heard Damien talking to Amy. My parents were in their room when I got out and checked myself one last time in the mirror before going down with my brown sling bag.

'Be Confident and Be Yourself' I kept saying those words in my head while walking towards the door.

I reached the bottom of the steps and walked towards the door and said,



Ok ok you can do it... It's Eva, you know her it's just Eva,

What am I saying? This is EVA!

I'm freaking out while standing in front of her door, I'm actually on time and I'm pretty sure Eva is going to say something about it.

Anyway I ring Eva's doorbell and stand waiting for her, still a little nervous.

The door opens to Amy and I look at her a little confused as to why she would be here.

"Hey Player! Howz it goin" Amy said in her usual mocking tone to me.

"Hey sweetie pie its going perfect now that your crazy ass has made an appearance" I spoke to her just the way she did.

I don't know why we were always mean towards each other. It's always been this way, we have this kind of a love-hate relationship but no love and more like I can't stand you but have to cause we have a common friend-Hate relationship. But still there are moments when we may actually be nice to each other, Very rare but they do happen.

"You nervous?" Amy asked a little less sarcastically.

"Kind of... but I'll be fine. So where is she...?" I asked her and then heard footsteps coming down the stairs, there she was and time stopped.

"Hi..." she said looking so beautiful, cute and sexy all at the same time.


"Hi" he said and I stopped walking and just looked at him.

He was wearing a white shirt with his sleeves rolled up till his elbows, his top few buttons undone and dark blue jeans.

OH! MY! GOD! He looked so hot and sexy, I'm pretty sure I was drooling and swooning at the same time. I looked at his face and saw him looking at me the exact same way. Only his look had a lot more adoration and also a look I never thought I would see on his face for me,


We both stared into each other's eyes and it was like there was only us two and nobody or anything else around us.

We were surrounded by this electric charge and if neither of us snapped out of it in the next ten seconds, I'm pretty sure I was going to jump him.

"Oh god! Get a room you two" said Amy teasingly.

I have never been more grateful that Amy was there, at that very moment to get us back to our senses.

Damien and I looked away a little bashfully and then he said,

"You look great"

"Not bad yourself...and you are actually on time" I said to Damien while looking at my watch.

Damien had a little smirk on his handsome face, I was going to ask him about it when he said,

"Yeah well I had to be ... do you know how much time it takes to look this amazing" he said pointing to himself head to toe.

"Yeah yeah" I said trying to change the subject.

"So shall we?" Damien asked with his hand out, a little more serious but still having that playfulness in his eyes.

I was suddenly nervous and looked at Amy, she just gave me a quick thumbs up. I looked back at Damien and placed my hand in his and said,

"Yes...we shall"

We both headed out to his car which was parked right in front of my house, I turned around to tell Amy to leave,

"Don't worry about me and have fun, I'm going out as well" she said giving me a small wink and shut the door.

"So where are we going?" I asked Damien as soon as he started driving.

"We are going to have some dinner first and then the rest is a surprise" he said smugly.

"Oh come on at least give me a hint or something" I said a little anxious. I didn't really like surprises that much.

"Hey this is your very first date and I'm trying to be a gentleman so shut up and be a lady" he said arrogantly.

"Oh really, well as you say kind sir" I said in a very sweet tone.

We both started laughing, it was comfortable with him. I didn't feel nervous anymore, I was just having a nice time with my Best Friend Damien.

Once we reached the restaurant, he parked and opened the door for me as soon as he got out. It was really sweet and so unlike him, I guess he really was trying to be gentleman tonight.

We entered the gourmet restaurant and were seated in a very cosy looking booth. The waitress was a really sweet lady who looked like she was about thirty something, she took our order and left. It was really a change from all the other times when we went to eat together, the waitress would definitely flirt with him and he would flirt back. But I guess that lady was immune to him, really Shocking.



We both said at the same time and chuckled, broke the ice I guess.

We talked about anything and everything, it was so easy to talk to him. We had our food and were eating dessert when I felt his hand clasping mine.

I stopped eating and looked down at our hands on the table. His hand was so big and warm, I felt all tingly and nervous at the same time. I intertwined our hands together and started eating my dessert again. I looked up into his eyes and we both didn't want to say anything to ruin it.

We had our dessert and Damien paid for our meal like the gentleman he is tonight and went out of the restaurant.

"We aren't going back in the car?" I asked Damien when he started walking along the street in the opposite direction of his car.

"Nope" he answered vaguely

I started walking beside him and he held my hand in his and pulled me closer, that shut me up and we just walked in silence.

We came to a park and Damien walked us to bench and we sat down.

I was getting a little anxious as to what he was going to do now, so I was staring at anything but him.

"Eva" Damien called me and I looked at him.

He had a very intense look on his face that kind of made me nervous. I guess he saw I was getting nervous cause then he just relaxed a little with a small smile on his face and said,

"You look really beautiful tonight" he said so sincerely that I couldn't help but look away.

"Thanks..." I said shyly

I saw a small box placed right next to my hand on the bench. It was just a simple white box nothing special, with a blue ribbon on it. I took it and looked at Damien confused,

"Open it" he said

I opened it saw a really beautiful necklace, it had a silver chain and a small silver snowflake pendent with little diamond-like stones at the ends of the snowflake.

"It's beautiful Damien, I really like it" I said gratefully.

"Thank god! I had no idea what to get you and I know what you're going to say, but as a 'Gentleman' I'm allowed to give you a gift and you have to accept it Lady or not" he said babbling and looking so adorable and sexy at the same time.

"Ok...well as a gentleman will you please help me wear it" I asked him sweetly.


I gave him the necklace and turned around, he pushed my hair to one side and clasped it around my neck.

I was admiring the snowflake when I felt a warm kiss on the back of my neck.

My breathing turned shallow I couldn't move I was nervous, happy, anxious all at the same time. He turned me around and I still couldn't look up, he gave me the gentlest kiss on my forehead.

He lingered there for what felt like forever but it may have been only a couple seconds.

"Eva... I love you" he said to me and made me look into his eyes.

I was so overwhelmed with love that my eyes watered, I looked into his eyes and said,

"I love you too"

He looked deep into my eyes and then my lips as if asking for silent permission, I gave him a small nod and then he started getting closer . We were barely an inch away from each other's lips, I closed my eyes waiting for him, and it felt like everything was frozen in place as if time had stopped and all I could hear was my ragged breathing and the accelerated beating of my heart. I was about to open my eyes when I felt his lips on mine.

They were so soft, warm, smooth and gentle I felt like I was floating.

He kissed me for what felt like hours, but was barely five seconds. He pulled away slightly and leaned his head against mine.

"Wow" I said slightly breathless.

"Wow" he said breathless as well.

"Is it always like that?" I asked him, eyes still closed.

"No... it gets better" he said seriously. I opened my eyes and stared right back at him. We were just looking into each other's eyes, saying nothing and everything at the same time.


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