Intangibly Yours | Chaelisa

By StanThinMints

28.8K 2.2K 3.3K

She knew it was a bad idea. Roseanne had always been one to become attached too quickly. Too easily. And loo... More

01 | don't be late
02 | covered in silver
04 | morning meetings
05 | as days go
06 | in muted turquoise
07 | a hero's home
08 | for the month
09 | a little hope
10 | what you feel
11 | one of seven
12 | a turning point
13 | troubled calls
14 | the halloween spirit
15 | blinking lights
16 | questions answered
17 | conversations
18 | ghosts and ghouls
19 | tether
20 | shadows
21 | rain
22 | unsolved

03 | keeping the normalcy

1.8K 146 240
By StanThinMints

Roseanne had debated running after Jennie that day. Following her, most likely back to her dorm, and being in her presence while reality set in for the second time.

But she didn't.

She thought Jennie should have her space, much like how she had hers the day that she had died. So, Roseanne went home and awaited her parents return. Which had taken three days. And on that faithful third day, it wasn't even her parents coming home.

The people who actually lived with her? Well they were no where to be seen. But her older sister, who had moved out of the house a couple of years prior... she came home, alone.

Alice had went throughout the entire house quietly. Checking the windows and doors as she went, before she began gathering clothes for whom Rosie assumed was their parents. Ali had then went into Roseanne's own room, and looked around at the polaroids and decorations she had strung up throughout it.

Tears immediately began brimming her sister's eyes as she took in each detail delicately. Those eyes then landed on a tank full of water that sat upon her dresser. Alice had smiled faintly while walking up to the aquarium, and fed her seemingly lonely pet fish for her.

Roseanne had began to cry too, while watching the loving exchange between her fish and Ali. Hearing a soft 'hi' come from Alice as she looked to the not so little orange fish. It only made her want to cry more. And it especially made her want to hold Alice. But her older sister put the lid back on the fish tank, and left without saying another word.

Leaving her alone in the world once again.

Roseanne hadn't remained cooped up inside the house for the entirety of those three days though. As she would leave the house everyday and head to her second period class. In hopes of seeing someone she'd been worrying about attending her classes at the University.

But Jennie was never there.

After those three days, it was the weekend. And she spent the most of those next two days walking around the streets of Melbourne. Even though traversing the city was something she had done practically everyday before she passed, Roseanne couldn't help herself.

She loved exploring. Finding new places and meeting new people. Even though she was dead, she didn't want her life to change. She wanted to enjoy it, just like how she had enjoyed it when living.

Now there was just no restrictions on the places she could visit. One pro I guess, to being dead. Along with never running late. Yet, she knew for a fact that she was only going out as a distraction to the fact that she was actually deceased.

And that knowledge... that she could never have a family of her own... or find true love. She'd cry every night thinking about it... laying on the floor of the house and wishing she could just sleep the nightmare off and forget it ever happened upon waking up.

But she never woke up. Because it was real. And she knew that.

As she finally let her thoughts drift, the sun began to creep in from the partially opened curtains of the living room. Bringing her out from her thoughts and inviting Roseanne to get up from her laid position on the floor. She did so slowly and walked over to the window.

Looking through the curtains and blinds the best she could, before realizing she could simply look through the wall instead. And then there she was, looking through the wall at the rising sun and smiling at the pinkish orange hue it created on the clouds.

That strange tingly feeling began spreading throughout her neck where it was being split by the wall. Rosie leaned her head back and reached up to her neck, feeling the textureless skin and lack of temp from it.

That sensation must be related to having objects flowing through you? Right? Maybe it was relating to whatever ghostly ectoplasm she had? Since she had to have something that was keeping her here... In spirit form at least.

She shrugged and went back out into the living room. Looking around at the space that had remained untouched for the past five and a half days she's been dead. Not really knowing what she was still doing here, aside from missing everyone and everything she used to do.

Maybe she was waiting for her parents to return... but what would she do when they actually would? She's dead... and seeing them sad would only make her more upset about leaving them? Right?

"I'm fucked." She sighed before shaking her head. "Wow Rosie... look at you! Only getting fucked AFTER you died."

She laughed while sitting down on the couch. That resulting in falling through the cushions and peering out with her head just above them. Roseanne laughed at herself yet again. "You think you'd be used to that by now..." She sighed and looked to the clock on the wall. Watching as the hands ticked by.

Maybe Jennie would be in class today?

The thought willed her to get up and start heading towards the college, even if the odds were against her. It was still quite early in the morning, so she took her time while walking, being sure to enjoy it. Roseanne coming to a stop in the courtyard grass and laying there, watching the sky, until the time had come for her second period to start.

She got up and followed students through the halls. Entering the classroom and making her way to the back where her seat was. Wishing she could actually sit in it, but since she couldn't, she simply stood beside it and waited for passing time to end.

Jennie still hadn't entered, and the bell was about to ring, until the very last second, when the dark haired brunette appeared. Roseanne's eyes softened immediately upon seeing Jennie moving towards her. The woman's head was hanging low, eyes never leaving the floor as she took up her seat and stared at the tabletop.

Roseanne felt responsible for this. Even if she didn't mean to die, and still didn't know how she did quite frankly. Nevertheless, she felt horrible making Jennie live in this depressing state. "I'm sorry Jen." She spoke to her. "I'm right here... I'm with you."

Jennie glanced over to the empty seat beside her. Pulling up her hoody to shield her skin more from the room's cooled a/c. Even if the weather outside was climbing higher in temp, her body's dropped drastically after phoning Roseanne's older sister later that... horrific day.

She blinked, eyes threatening to unleash more tears. Not wanting to be here, yet not being able to afford loosing anymore days of class, she just sat there. Empty. Her teachers had been kind enough to accommodate, but then again, Roseanne and her were never exclusive.

Only, about to be.

"Fuck..." Jennie muttered under her breath. Dropping her head down into her arms and laying across the desk. Listening to her teacher's words as she sniffed, and tried her best to think about Rosie and hopefully the peaceful state she was in.

Not knowing the woman was standing beside her. Frowning after being able to see the sadness and pain reflecting brightly from Jennie's red eyes in the brief moment they were displayed.

Roseanne sighed and sat on the classroom floor beside a sniffing Jennie. Breathing in deeply, even though the air couldn't be felt. Her lungs filling with nothing as she listened to their teacher talk, and watched Jennie as she girl laid still across her desk.


It has been eleven days since she had died. And two notable things had happened within the time span between her death, and now. One, was that her family had finally returned home.

After the first day of sitting beside Jennie in class, Roseanne had went back home, before exploring some more in the evening. The next day though, she had repeated the same routine, yet when she thought she'd be arriving to an empty home, she arrived only to find her parent's cars parked in the driveway. Alice's right behind their's.

After that, she was met face to face with the harsh reality that she'd never be able to talk with them again. Never be able to be comforted by her mom, scolded by her dad, or vise versa. Never be able to confide in her older sister again.

And the family being home was a heartbreaking sight to see. Because they never spoke, and stopped eating dinner at the table together like they'd always do. They would all just hide away in their rooms, away from one another, until they had to go to work.

Even Alice, who technically lived with roommates away from them, was hiding in her old bedroom throughout the days.

Roseanne had witness each of her family members crying themselves to sleep enough times to never want to see anyone, and she means literally anyone, ever cry again. But it was the night Alice had went on her phone, clicked on her voicemails, and played her very own, when she couldn't take it anymore.

Hearing the upbeat and overly excited message she had left her older sister just moments before her death, broke her to the point where she ran out of her family home heartbroken and crying. To such a point, she hasn't been back to see them again since.

A lot of her fear of returning home coming from the fact she didn't know how to heal from this? Feel better about dying, or about dying while being on a call with your sister. God, she was on a call with her sister.

Roseanne couldn't stop thinking about how Alice must be dealing with everything. They were so close, to the point where Ali was the first person she had ever admitted her liking of girls to. She just couldn't take seeing her depressed and heart broken face anymore. Not on top of her parent's.

So instead of moping around at home and watching her family fade away, she's focused a lot on Jennie. Waiting outside of her dorm room and walking her to and from classes the entirety of the week Jen had been back in class.

Not wanting to risk Jennie befalling the same fate as her. Not like she could really do anything to stop something from happening. Since she's a ghost. But at least being with Jennie helped to keep her peace of mind. So Roseanne couldn't just wait for her to arrive to class on her own, and had to accompany the brunette to and from it herself.

Which leads her to the second most notable thing that has happened during the eleven days that's passed since her death. Jennie was randomly called to the university's counselor's office. Which happened approximately... seven minutes ago.

Roseanne looked back to Jennie from the clock on the wall and studied the way her face remained slightly confused, eyebrows furrowed, as she read the note for the umpteenth time.

Jennie shifted in her seat, tapping the note against her desk while nervously fiddling with her fingers. All it said was that her presence was requested in the counselor's office. So why was she so nervous to head there and see?

Maybe it's because she was scared. She didn't want to hear anymore news about what had happened that day. Jennie wanted to be spared the grisly details, because she knew what the outcome had been. She had visited that outcome already with Alice... and it broke her even more.

But she had to go, didn't she? Had to go see why she was needed, even if it meant more heartbreak. Jennie sighed and reached for her bag. Sliding her book in it before getting out her seat and heading towards the door.

Roseanne being quick to get up from the ground and follow the shorter girl out and down the hall, like she always would around campus. And it was sometimes sad to, because even though Jennie had never really been the social butterfly type, unlike herself. Jen would usually still talk to people every now and then.

But after her death... Jennie stopped talking.

It was now a rare occurrence to hear her soft, delicate voice. When it wasn't being used to only answer a professor's question or two. Something she missed a lot more than she'd like to admit. But hopefully whatever she was tailing Jennie to the counselor's office for, it involved Jen having to speak.

She thinks it'd be good for Jennie to have some normalcy again. So when they came to a stop in front of the counselor's door and Jen knocked hesitantly on it, she stood a mere step behind her, and hoped to hear her honeyed words. Remaining close to her as the door opened and their counselor greeted, she listened closely.

"Oh, hello Jennie dear. Thank you for coming." The blonde woman smiled. "Come on in." Jennie bowed her head slightly and entered the room. Roseanne walking in behind them both. "You can have a seat there if you'd like." Their counselor gestured to a chair in front of her desk as she took up residence behind it. "So tell me Jennie, how have you been?"

Jennie sat down in the seat, placing her bag on her lap as she quietly replied. "Okay... I guess." When in reality, she wanted to question the woman for even asking that. Wanting to answer with a scoff and a 'what do you think?', but she's too kind for that.

Meanwhile Roseanne smiled subconsciously at Jennie's voice as she stood beside her. Even though the answer wasn't to her liking, her voice sure was.

"I know this past week has been hard on you. And I just want to say that I'm here for you. And all of our prayers are out to Roseanne and her family. We know you two were close." Their counselor replied calmly. Not missing the way Jennie's eyes had given way when she first questioned her.

"Yeah..." Jen looked to her hands and picked at her bag. Wishing she could leave, if all the woman was going to do is remind her of the person she lo- liked... the person she liked...

A lot.

"Listen Jennie, I didn't ask you here so I could pester you with questions, but I do want to see if you need anything?" The platinum blonde woman persisted. "I know you took some days off after the news to heal bu-"

"I'm fine."

Her eyes widened a bit at Jennie's quick and interrupting response. Their counselor nodding her head while folding her hand on top of the other.

"I see... just let me know if anything changes alright?"

"Okay." Jennie glanced back up to her, knowing she snapped. "I'm sorry..."

"It's quite alright." Their counselor smiled calmly. "Well, the real reason why I asked you here was to see if you'd be willing to take part in helping out one of our soon to be foreign exchange students?"

She's positive Jennie was wearing the exact same confused expression that she was while looking at their counselor. Who was chuckling in response to it.

"I'm sorry. I know that seems a tad random."

"Yeah." Jennie sat straighter, eyebrows furrowing. "So..."

"So she's an exchange student from South Korea. Hence why I thought of you." Their counselor informed, before her resting smile faded slightly. "But, if I'm being honest, the person I initially thought of taking part in helping was Roseanne..."

The woman sighed. "Even though the both of you are great choices, considering you're both Korean and can speak the language. Roseanne just... had a way with people. She was outgoing, funny, and knew the area well considering she's from here. Even though you were raised in South Korea, like our newest exchange student is, I was just hoping to have someone a little more knowledgeable on the area here. And someone who could help bring out our newest student's character. Because I know she'll be nervous."

Jennie sighed and nodded her head softly. "You're right... Roseanne would have been perfect."

"But I think you could be too." Their counselor smiled again. Showing some optimism. "I know it's hard right now, and you might not be able to bring her character out as easily as Roseanne could have. But maybe meeting someone new would be good for you? Especially during this time..."

She looked to Jennie and studied the questionable look in her eyes. Waiting for the beautiful woman's response to the opportunity.

"Would I... have to do anything else?" Jen wondered. Not wanting to get too over her head for her current mental health.

"Well, aside from being nice to her and showing her the surrounding area, classes included, I'd love it if you'd assist her with any translating. From my knowledge, she understands English quite well. She's just... a little shy on the speaking it part." Their counselor scratched her head. "I'm personally not sure if she can read it well or not so maybe that too? But I'm positive she'll be kind enough to let you know about that one."


"Okay?" Their counselor repeated. Getting a bit excited at the idea of Jennie agreeing, and hoping it would help both their new student, and the saddened girl before her.

Jennie shrugged softly, clenching her bag. "Okay. I'll help her."

"You will? Oh thank you Jennie!" Their counselor stood and reached out a hand. Shaking Jennie's. "And hey, we'll award you an extra credit at the end of the semester for assisting the exchange program. Can be applied wherever you like."

Jennie's eyebrows raised, liking the sound of an extra credit. Roseanne was also smiling, because Jen was doing a really nice thing, even with the heartbreak her death had caused.

"Okay! This is great. She starts on Monday, and yes, I know that's starting a few weeks late in the semester. She honestly would have began on time but she had apparent trouble with the airline or something? Anyways, she's already began taking these courses in South Korea, so I'm assuming it remains relatively the same and she wont need much time to get accustomed. I'll have you meet her here? In the morning? Let's say an hour before the first run of classes?"

"Okay." Jennie replied whilst swinging her bag over her shoulder. "Do I... get to know her name?"

"Oh shoot. I keep forgetting it." Their counselor spoke while rummaging through files on her desk. "One second... ah! Here she is."

She glanced down to Jennie, before back up to their counselor, amused.

The woman putting the folder down and smiling happily. "Her name is Jisoo Kim."


After Jennie's meeting with the counselor, Roseanne had walked her back to the dorm and debated on following Jen inside the room.

There was still a certain level of privacy she wanted to keep, for Jennie's sake, but she had hung out plenty of times in the very same dorm room with Jen. And honestly, she just wanted to make sure she was doing okay.

So she had taken a few moments, before walking slowly through the door, and watched as Jennie immediately sat her bag down and entered the bathroom to wash up. Before returning and curling up in the bed under the covers, and taking a rather long nap.

And since she didn't want to go home quite yet, she found herself watching over Jennie during that weekend. Those two days after the meeting, she had watched Jennie eat little to no food and do little to no homework. Greatly opposing the amount of Netflix and sleeping Jen had done.

She had tried escaping the depressing states she had put people in by following Jennie where she went and not returning home. But instead, she was left watching another person fade away because of her.

So, she needed another escape. And seeing that Jennie was fast asleep, she found herself leaving a bit earlier than usual to her typical nightly routine. Which was walking the many streets of Melbourne. Being happily accompanied by just the moonlight and street lamps. Ignoring the small amount of people she passed on the fairly quiet roads and sidewalks.

There was something new to discover and explore around every corner here. And it seemed that way even more in death, because she never grew tired or hungry. Or was ever told 'you can't be here'. She had all the time in the world to explore.

Roseanne might just end up becoming one of those spirits that people mistakenly capture while touristing. What if she becomes famous? The Melbourne Spirit of the Streets. She can smell a blockbuster hit in the works.

"Do you think people can see me through their camera lenses? Like those ghost shows that use that special equipment?" She questioned. "I wonder if someone's seen me walking out here? You know? I walk around the city every single night, most of the day sometimes too... I bet someone has!" Roseanne exclaimed. "And I don't need food or water unlike yourself. That's cool right?"

The duck she was talking to stared blankly off into space before an insect caught it's attention. The male duck lifted its bill high, trying to catch it.

"Ah, Bill! That's a good name for you." She smiled. "Where's your girlfriend at Bill? I saw you two together yesterday?"

Suddenly, a dull brown duck came swimming across the waterway and Bill quickly halted his insect catching antics. Slipping into the water and swimming over to her.

"Awe, there's Patricia. You guys have fun. Don't be too rowdy Bill." She scolded the duck as he swam away. Roseanne stood from her place beside the waters edge and walked up the short hill to the sidewalk above.

Walking across the small bridge and to the plaza that sat on the other side. It was getting late, and by the look of the sky it was probably around nine at night. Shops were beginning to close their doors as she stood beside several people that exited one, with pristine food in their hands.

"Awe that looks delicious." She spoke to them while goggling at their food. "If you can't finish it, can I have the rest? Lord I miss eating food..." The couple giggled together before walking down the street, leaning upon one another as the street lamps lit their way. The adorable sight made her unbeating heart ache. But it was mainly aching because she really did want to taste their food.

The sound of keys jiggling caught her attention. Roseanne turning to face the woman who was locking the now closed shop door.

"Sorry ma'am." She quickly pardoned herself. "But could I go into your shop? I just want to look around. I won't take anything, I swear!"

The woman completely ignored her and began walking towards the parking lot on the other side of the complex.

"Is that a yes?!" She called. But when the woman failed to answer her, she shrugged. Taking it as a 'yes' and walking steadily through the shop's door. "Oh my god..." Roseanne smiled helplessly at all the delicious looking deserts stacked up along the walls. "I want you. I want you. I want you." She counted while looking from desert to desert.

"Oh my lord aren't you the best choccy biccy I've ever seen." She drooled over the next one. Noticing how it was the same one the people she saw exiting the shop earlier had. "Come to mummy."

She looked at her hued hand and squinted her eyes while moving to try and retrieve the tasty treat from a stack of wrapped ones it rested in. Licking her lips in determination, putting a finger on the wrapper... until it phased through.

"God dammit." She huffed. Leaning back from the case and pouting. "You stupid ghost." Roseanne turned on her heels and walked out of the shop with a scowl. Kicking her feet against the ground and watching as no pebbles moved from it. "Being dead sucks."

Unknown to Roseanne, the remark made the woman seated on the bench before her look up. Catching sight of the dyed blonde in a sweater and ripped jeans approaching.

Roseanne sighed and walked over to the occupied bench. Looking to the empty spot on it, beside a woman with short hair. Debating on if she should try to sit down, but remembering what had just happened in the shop. Shaking her head and beginning to sit on the ground beside it instead.

"I agree that being dead sucks but you don't have to sit on the ground." A voice chuckled aloud.

Roseanne's head whipping back to the bench as she straightened her posture and looked to the shorter haired woman in surprise. Wondering if being dead was making her go crazy, and she was just hearing things...

"Yes, I'm talking to you."

She gasped as the young woman turned in her seat, putting an arm on the back of the bench and looking to her from over her shoulder.

"You... you can see me?"

"See you?" The woman repeated. Chuckling a bit to herself for being an ass. "Of course not."

Roseanne sensed the sarcasm, but was too excited to finally be talking with someone for the first time in nearly two weeks to retort. She smiled a bit and walked over to the girl, studying her. "I can't believe it... someone can actually see me! I was starting to wonder if anyone... could..."

Her words died out as she continued studying the girl. Being closer allowing Roseanne to see the details, and the unmistakable silver hue that was lightly outlined against her skin and clothes.

"You're... dead?"

"Yes. And you seem to be too." The woman, maybe around her age, smiled. Inviting her to sit on the bench with a gesture of her eyes.

"Oh, um... I can't." She frowned.

"Ah, you're pretty new to being deceased huh?"

"It's been thirteen days and counting."

"Man, I don't remember what it's like knowing exactly how long you've been dead for..." The girl gave her a small half smile. "Don't get used to it, time will start to fade like everything else does."

"No kidding." She agreed. "I keep using that term with my family and friends. Fading."

"I'll assume they're not taking the death well?"

"No." Roseanne frowned, thinking back to her Parents. To Alice and Jennie. Everyone, who never appeared to be happy anymore.

"And you? I'm the first person you've talked with right? It must be hard..." The mystery woman continued. Trying to keep her in the conversation rather than space out.

"The hardest part was accepting I died." She spoke earnestly. "Especially because I don't know how I did."

"Jeez, that does suck. Like, no idea at all?"

"Nope." She shrugged. "I was walking down the street and then the next second, I was getting up from the ground a ghost."

The woman pondered her for a moment, before scratching her neck. Feeling bad for the newly found ghost. "I'm sorry, but if it makes you feel any better, you're not alone."

The girl stretched out her hand and smiled. "I'm Yeri."

"Roseanne." She replied, while hesitantly bringing her hand down towards hers. Gasping when their two hands made textureless contact.

Yeri chuckled lightly and shook her hand. "We're both ghosts Roseanne. If we walk within the same realm, or plane, we can touch one another without needing to use any energy."

Roseanne released Yeri's hand and bit her lip. "So... we're in a different realm?"

Yeri nodded. "Remember that saying? 'Land of the living'? Well this is the land of the dead. We're on earth, but it's a different level of it. A plane that only spirits can exist in, or people with deep spiritual connections can see."

"Ahhh... so does this have to do with why I can't touch things? Like my ass to the seat?" She pointed to the bench and Yeri laughed humorously.

"Haha yes! We have to use a little energy to touch objects in the land of the living." Yeri knocked her hand on the bench and it echoed through the quiet city streets. Birds nearby flying away due to the sound of dead hand meeting tainted metal.

Roseanne awed at the fact that the young woman, or young ghost, just did something that the living could have heard. "Woah..."

"It's all about learning to manipulate the world around you." Yeri smiled. "But at some point, you'll figure everything out, and how to do it all without even needing to think twice about it."

"I hope I can figure it all out soon." She sighed. "I miss sitting down on anything other than the ground."

"Well... how about I teach you? A friendly little gesture to welcome you to a new life of ghostlyhood?"

Roseanne chuckled, nodding excitedly. "I'd really appreciate that. Thank you Yeri."

"It's not a problem Roseanne." Yeri grinned before beginning her well versed explanation of ghost physics. Roseanne sitting on the ground, criss cross in front of her, and listening attentively to the words being spoken.

Supposedly, everything in the universe, either in the land of the living or the spirit world, has an energy all it's own. If an object or human is moving, kinetic energy is being exerted. Which is a lot stronger than the stored energy someone or something would have if remaining still.

Yeri states that the energy everything has is what ghosts use to do things. Like sitting on benches, knocking on trees, or even causing street lights to blink. The way it's used is almost like a form of manipulation. Instead of trying to simply sit down on the bench, she needed to calm the always moving energy down from around it.

Keeping it still so she could use it.

Roseanne didn't understand this at first, but then Yeri began mentioning the tingly sensations that built up when sticking an extremity through an object. Explaining that those sensations she felt weren't just a sign of doing something otherworldly, but was the actual energy being passed through herself.

So when she'd stick her hand through a wall, she was feeling that energy building around her in foreign curiosity. Because energy was always moving, in and around the items or persons it was belonging to.

Yeri said that energy will always be drawn to something peculiar, so she needed to tell it what to do if not just phase through it. Like a wall. Instead of allowing the sensation to build, she needed to show it where to go. The easiest way to do so resembled tensing muscles or floating on your back in a pool.

Tensing a muscle was targeting a specific area in the body. Targeting, was a way to get energy to go to a certain place. If Roseanne wanted to knock her hand on a door three times in the dead of night to scare someone into thinking a demon was trying to enter, all she had to do was target her hand.

Tense it. Make her hand different than the rest of her. Draw the energy to it, and use it, to bring herself back into the real world. Even if it was just for a little bit. Or, when doing things like sitting on a bench or laying in a bed, Roseanne would need to disperse her body mass.

Because even though she was weightless in death, mass was still within her existence in the universe. The fact that she still was existing, even in the spirit world, meant that she had a mass. So, dispersing your weight, floating on your back in a pool, could be the same technic used to allow oneself, even in death, to interact with the objects in the land of the living. If not the living themselves.

And all it took was that, along with the help of a little 'tensing'. As funny as it sounds.

Now after her crash course on energy and what that meant for ghosts, Yeri had shown her how to sit on the bench with the couple of techniques she had mentioned.

Of course there were more than two ways to manipulate energy, yet those were the easiest ways that worked best for Yeri and anyone else the friendly spirit had tried to assist. So in turn, Roseanne tried her best to do what Yeri did by the ways that were explained to her.

And even though it took several times, she was finally able to sit on the bench just as the dark black sky faded into a blue. And it was an amazing feeling. Being able to sit on something other than the ground again made her feel a little bit more... alive.

And even though she wished she could feel the coolness of the metal beneath her, she was just happy to be on something, and not phasing through. What was even cooler was that she didn't really have to focus on maintaining the energy she was using to remain on the bench.

Because as Yeri had said, the energy is drawn to something peculiar, so once it's surrounding it, it most likely won't move.

"Just remember that somethings have a lot of energy, but others have less. If you're trying to do something, and there's not enough energy to do it, you'll pull energy from yourself." Yeri commented as they looked to each other, side by side.

"My own?" She questioned.

"Mhm, you still have your own energy. You still exist, it's just a different type of existing. If you use too much of your own energy though, you'll need to recharge."

"Does that mean sleeping?" She chuckled.

Yeri smiled and shook her head. "No, it just means you won't be able to do much ghostly things until you've gained that energy back. By either taking that energy from the living, or waiting for the witching hour."

"Taking it from the living? That sounds a bit ominous."

"It kind of is?" Yeri pouted. "Well it's nothing horrible. You see, you can't take energy from items that aren't alive, it's attached to them even if unmoving. But humans? Creatures? They can gain it. From eating or running, hugging or fucking."

Roseanne chuckled at that last one.

"They can loose it that way too. Like, if someone sleeps a lot, they are?..."

"Low on energy." She smiled. "I get it. If someone's really excited, they are gaining energy from the... like... universe?" Yeri nodded. "Okay and then if I happen to use their energy, they would grow tired? Sluggish?"

"Exactly." Yeri hummed, thinking Roseanne was a smart one. "So nothing horrible, you just change their mood. Change the atmosphere of their day in a sense."

Roseanne leaned her head back on the bench and smiled when she felt the pressure of it holding her up. Wondering just how many times a ghost had been stealing her energy and making her lazier than she already was.

At least now, Yeri helped give her some much needed hope. Hope... that she could feel a little alive, once more. "Thank you again Yeri." She spoke earnestly. Lifting her head back up and looking down to the shorter girl. "I've been so confused, so our conversation really has helped me."

Yeri smiled and gave her a soft pat on her leg. "It's really no problem Roseanne. I like sitting here because it's a great place to meet the unliving, and give them a hand. I love helping the newbies."

"Well, this newbie greatly appreciates it." She winked. "You can also call me Rosie, if you'd like. It's what most people call me."

"Okay then, Rosie." Yeri grinned, appreciating the warm welcoming of new friendship. "And you can call me Grand Master, if you'd like."

Roseanne laughed. "Okay, Grand Master."

"Wait no, it was a joke." Yeri quickly waved her arms. "That makes me sound like the leader of a bdsm cult."

"And what's wrong with that? It sounds hot? No?"

Yeri's eyes widened, before the girl laughed and shook her head. "Nothing I guess? But damn, I didn't expect you to joke like that. I thought you were all sweet and innocent?"

"But I am sweet..." She pouted.

"Awe, I'm sorry baby. I take it back." Yeri frowned and pat her head with an exaggerated baby voice. The both of them laughed and Yeri released a long breath. "Ahhhh, you know? I can smell a blossoming friendship in the air. I'm excited."

"Really? Even when we can't smell?"

Yeri chuckled. "Yeah, even when we can't smell."

Roseanne smiled and relaxed more as they watched the stars twinkle above them.

"You're korean right?" Yeri questioned. Breaking the silence.

"Yeah I am." She replied, still eyeing the sky. "You too? By the looks of it?"

"Yeah." Yeri nodded as they looked back down to each other. "Australia has a lot of Koreans. More than I thought there'd be."

"So you're not from here?"

"Nope. I'm from South Korea, but I was attending Uni in New Zealand. I'm in Melbourne because some of my friends wanted to go on a trip and well, I happened to be murdered here while on it."

"Murdered?!" Roseanne questioned with wide eyes. "You... you were murdered?" She whispered, almost afraid someone would overhear. Like the killer was nearby, watching them...

"Yeah, but at least they chose to kill me while I was wearing something nice..." Yeri shrugged her shoulders. Like it was no big deal to be killed in such an evil way, as she's had years to get over it.

"I'm so sorry Yeri."

"Hey, It's okay. We're both dead here anyways." The girl smiled half heartedly. "And again, at least I'm dressed in something nice and not my bdsm fit."

Roseanne chuckled and nodded her head agreeingly. "Your outfit is really cute."

"I know right?"

Rosie held her smile and took in the look of the red skirt and black shirt that read 'j'adore gods' on it's front. The girl's hair chopped just above her shoulders with dirty blonde hair dye adorning it. A black belt fitted tightly against her with several pairs of bling coupled along with it. Nothing close to what Roseanne had died wearing.

"Now I know I'm beautiful, but you've been checking me out for quite some time." Yeri's voice rose Roseanne from her observations.

But to Yeri's surprise, Rosie only smirked. "Yeah, sorry girl. Haven't... yeah know... in awhile..."

"Oh lord." Yeri laughed. "Gay ass."


A moment passed of Yeri falling into a guilty shock. Quickly looking at Roseanne and putting a hand up, covering her mouth. "Oh, oh my god. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it."

"Hey hey." Roseanne smiled at the apologetic Yeri. "It's okay. You were only joking, I was too. I get it."

Yeri quickly relaxed and it made Roseanne smile. Happy to dismiss it easily with her new friend. "Well, I was joking about the checking you out part. Not the being gay and haven't had sex in awhile part, unfortunately."

"Oh girl, don't worry." Yeri chuckled. "And I'd actually be pretty happy hearing that a woman who liked girls thought I was good looking. It's a great compliment- wait, you do actually like girls, right?"

"Yes." Roseanne laughed a bit under her breath. "And you are good looking mate." She grinned, before lifting her chin up and returning to observing the sky.

Leaving Yeri to study the woman's strong jaw and flawless side profile. Feeling a sting of envy before she smiled at the thought, and joined Roseanne in comfortable silence. Staring up at the sky and taking in it's beauty.

"Thanks Rosie."

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